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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [b]Lalaith[/b]: [i] Lalaith stares at her blankely. Him being a friend, let alone a counsel of a city blew his mind. He did not understand how such things could happen. Then slowly he shook his head[/i] I will gladly advise you as a friend, and be there when you need me, but I can't be a true counsel for a city or kingdom. [i]Shakes his head again[/i] [b]Lauren[/b]: Your shyness and utter dis-regard for yourself amazes me sometimes... [b]Lalaith[/b]: [i]Stares at her for a second trying to think of what to say[/i] I...[i]Notices that only those three have risen to take on the quest so far....Seeing the oppertunity he changes the topic willingly, trying to be able to keep the past his still[/i] Whats the matter with you people! Sauron is threatening this world yet again! You know three people can't take on the dark forces, let alone three elves, but united we all can!! Now get up! [b]Dwarf[/b]: Look you elf..un-like your friend here, Lauren Greenleaf, or whatever, we dwarfs have brains!! We think things through!! [b]Lalaith[/b]: [i]Steps up drawing his sword and holds it at the dwarfs neck[/i] You sir will shut your mouth or lose your head!
  2. [b]Lalaith[/b]: [i] Looks at her considering to say something else, then decides against it[/i] Because your people will need you! I don't have any relatives, you have a kingdom....and [i]Begins to say something else then stops and changes in mid sentene[/i] I trust you and I will not let someone I trust die! [i]Turns away[/i]
  3. [b]Lalaith[/b]: [i] As Elladan talks Lalaith studies the people scattered around the patio. Keeping silent only talking to Lauren and Samantha. Leans over to Lauren for a second[/i] Now what do you have to say! I shall be your gaurd yes or no?! [b]Elladan[/b]: Now who will go? [i]Lalaith, Lauren, and Samantha stand up immediatly looking at the others eagerly, shaking their heads at the ones that already have cowered away.[/i] [b]Lalaith[/b]: Ok Lauren answere me!
  4. Lalaith: [i] Looks at Samantha for a second[/i] I have heard that Sauron is going for Rivendale first this time.... Samantha: What do you mean? Rivendale is protected isn't it!! Lalaith: Not anymore...the barrier has weakened...[i]Points to crows over head[/i]
  5. Lalaith: [i]As the two girls chat he stares at the new comer nervously sizing her up[/i] Lauren: [i] Looks over seeing Lalaith being his usual shy self[/i]Lalaith come on! You must get out of this shy thing you have develop not everyone is bad! Lalaith: [i] Sitting there he turns his head not saying a word[/i]
  6. [b]Lalaith Ril[/b]:[i]Walks over and sits down on a chair next to Lauren waiting for the others to join them. He figits nervously.[/i] [b]Lauren[/b]: Lalaith, truly you must calm down.... [b]Lalaith[/b]: I'm sorry, I have just been thinking, you realize this isn't one of our childhood games. Some of us, if not all of us, will not come back! [i]Stares at the wall for a minute, then turns back around[/i] I'm going to be your bodygaurd! Your people will need you! You will not be touched while I am alive!
  7. Its pretty much like what Heaven Cloud is saying. The US is such a freakign contriversial country becuase we are doing what all these countries want but can't do. God we do stuff for Canada which makes the UK mad so we do something for the UK which ticks off a bucnh of terriost who come over here and blow thousands of innocent peole up, and you blame it all on us. ANd the ONE time in about 1 hundred years the US does something for themselves everyone country says its wrong. The US HAS stuck its nose in places it doesn't belong, but realistically what country hasn't?! (Not tryign to brag or anything) But I just think that USA seems to be strong economical and militarial power that its easier to blame us than say...Australia or Kenya who are much smaller. As of PResident Bush. I think he has done a great job. No he is not the greatest President on the face of the Earth but he has done a nice job not doing what the Americans wanted immediatly afterwards! If we got what we wanted that day all of the middle eastern countries would probbly have been knocked off teh map by nukes...He did a good job of controlling his own country, and telling these terriost organizations that we arn't gonna sit down and take a bombing on our own soil lightly. But this is all my opinion...I see both sides of this and I see where you all are comign from, but I support the US and Bush.... Food for Thought: Many people like me have stuck up for Bush from the beggininning, now some people are thinking many Americans are becoming Nationalists, such as the Germans were in WW2, I don't think any of us can truly comment on this who are Americans, because we don't know the whole truth, all we know is what they want us to....
  8. [i]Arriving in Rivendale for the first time in his life, Lalaith gazes around in amazement of the buety of the city. Everything from the freshness of the grass, to the buildings, and the animals. Turning around soaking all of this in he is un-aware of his surroundings and soon bumps into a young women elf.[i/] [b]Lalaith Ril[/b]: Lauren how are ya!? Jeez I just get here and I already have to go to a council, why does a guy gotta do to so a pretty town now adays, without having death sentence summoned on him!? [i] Laughs a bit[/i] Its great to see you again!
  9. Yeah I heard both of them too so I can't confirm much sorry!
  10. Well nvm someone already did it...thanks Vampire Hunter D.....so when we gonna start?
  11. Sigh if I must I must....ok ok ok....I'll change myself.....no fair... Um...could someone help me out here...I dun really know much about Hobbits so help!
  12. Oh ok!! Well if one doesn't come out in a day or so just tell me, I could change if I had too! Don't want to but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trowa066 [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]To me Trieze is one of the best characters is the whole GW series. He handles every thing (but Lady Une) with a calm understanding and dictorial view.[/COLOR] :cool: [COLOR=darkred]Then he gets killed off.[/COLOR] :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: [COLOR=darkblue]But all and all he was the greatest character, to me.[/COLOR] :) :) [/B][/QUOTE] He wasn't my favorite (as you can tell) but I respected him more than anyone else....he is in second place BARELY behind Duo! I think he was a great character and should not have died!! Wufei should have! Or better yet none of em!! Lol...I just think he should not have died! He was an awesome character!! And I swear he wanted to die tho!
  14. I sing in the shower all the time....songs from MSI or just some song on th radio.....Or I sing something from an anime series...Mainly Gundam of course...I only sing in the shower....hum every where else tho....but only sing in the shower....might kill someone otherwise...
  15. Hm...this looks awesome!! When we going to start?
  16. Hey tis very kewl!! According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth, Bryan was a Stunning Beorning Elven Name Possibilities for Bryan The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Dimnar Another masculine version is: Dimnarion Hobbit lad name for Bryan Anson from Greenfields Dwarven Name for Bryan Vîm Silentguard This name is for both genders. Orkish Name for Bryan Ishluk the Atrocious This name is for both genders.
  17. I have never been there, but I have seen MANY pictures of it. I know that I don't have the full affect of the museum unless I am there, but from what I saw in the pictures, it has to have been very emotional. It is really sad to think that so many people had stories such as that, young couples just getting married, kids playing out on the street, and even mothers giving birth being shot for being Jewish...its very humbling to be a human and know that we did this. Its very sad to. My heart goes out to anyone who was apart of that horrid point in man kind...and pity them as well.
  18. Name:Lalaith Ril Age:14 human years Weapons:Bow and arrows, and one sword. The sword is silver with a black handal with a flame and a ring on it, representing a relative to an elf who ever faught Sauron. Bio: Even having his name meaning Laughter's flame...Lalaith has been alwas known for how shy and reserved he is. Trusting rarely anyone and making few friends since his fathers death at the hands of Sauron. Hearing about the chance for revenge Lalaith jumps at the opportunity to revenge his father, and to get a glimse at the one princess he has admired for years. Appearacne: Long silky blond-white hair...he wears a black tunic and black leggins ever since his fathers death....wearing black boots too... Race:Elven
  19. Not a bad article....couple gramatical errors, but hey its all good right! Well you seem to be on a good start!! Keep up the good work!! ONly suggestions...if you shall become a journalist get mroe facts....
  20. You all impress me again...awesome!! OH and love the new style ;)!
  21. Considering I live in Kansas do you think I'm really gonna see a celebrity?! Well I saw Derrick Thomas before he died (Any decent american football fan should know who he is...;played eagle for the Chiefs...and my idol) anyways...I was at Borders looking at a Football book, and the next thing I know Derrick Thomas big 58 walks right next to me, and starts reading the same book. It was my first year playing football and we talked and stuff....he signed that book (yes I definatly bought it) We actually kept in touch via e-mail for two months...then he died tho :bawl: :bawl: Scary thing is people say I look like Eminem every once in a while....Not sure if thats good or bad...:therock: ....you decide....
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ganon997 [/i] [B]...about these boards. They are powered by Vbulletin. Every forum I have been on that was powered by VB had problems and had to be shut down. They eventually came back up, but with different, more stable boards. Look, I am warning you, people with over a thousand posts are not going to be happy when these forums go down. It has happened to every VB powered board I have been on...just a warning.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yes otaku has had its share of problems, but not as many as you would think. Adam keeps this place pretty stable, so don't worry too much ;) Plus about the posts, sure we'll get up-set at first, but I mean what does the number matter? Its just fun to post! It will just give us more oppertunities to post! :)! I don't see it happenening soon! Oooohhh something in May..can't wait!
  23. Bryan: [I]bangs his head on the door[/I] Damnit damnit damnit!! Ryan: Will you stop thats giving me a headache!! Bryan: [I]bangs his head one more time[/I] I'm getting hungry.... Ryan: No kidding! Bryan: AMMMMBBBBBEEEEEERRR@!!!! TUUUUURRRRSSIIIIIII!!!! SOOOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOONNNNNNEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]All my life I've had recurring nightmares about Velociraptors killing me.. but I have this awesome power that I LOVE TO DEATH... I can control my dreams.. literally.. I can stop my dream wherever I want and force myself to wake up.. gods its so cool.. saved me from so many nightmares.. mm mm mm.. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey thats awesome!! I always have those stupid dreams where I have dinosaurs ripping me to shreds lol...but its really cool cuz in one of them...In my dream I thought it would be cool to have a auto-infinite ammo-rocket launcher...and guess what just happened to show up!! Yeah I can sorta control my dreams...I can never make them go longer....but I can sometimes stop them...its really weird...if I don't like the dream I stop it...but half the time I don't....all dreams are interesting to me even the nightmares!
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