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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Bryan: [I]looks kinda confused[/I] Ok...so let me get this straight.....the animals are in on it too?! Oh boy....my head hurts all ready./...[I]sighs[/I] I'm gonna go sleep on it....[I]walks to his bed and lays down and drifts to sleep slowly[/I]
ERm...well I always say be enthusiastic!! I mean that goes with out saying...but yeah!! Do your best...put 120% in it and you'll be fine!! Enthusiasm goes along way in any sport!! Good luck!
Yeah...and I also like the fact...that unless its already proven...most theorys can be true....ya know....I could think up something and hey its possible!! I mean anything is possible with space! I could say that white holes are the backs of black holes...and its possible....its really cool! I love that! And its SOOO big! I mean it deals with numbers we can't even comprehend!! Heck..we can only see so far back...only about 15 billion years if I am correct...thats as far as light can travel in that amount of time...but think of whats out there that we can't see....it just racks the brain!
Bryan: [I]jumps slightly[/I] Jeez I really need to be more attentive...[I]sigh[/I] Lucky noones after us...or else we'd be in trouble if everyone is as smart as I am...Man.. I just don't get it....they had to have done something to big D...but what...and why...[I]sighs again[/I] So Tursi what did you and Hagrid talk about!?
Yes I love it all! I don't have a telescope...but I'll sit ontop of my roof at night and stare at the stars for hours....its cool evan in the middle of a busy city....at night I can be in my own world with the stars!! its really cool cuz like you said they really do make you think...heh....you'll conjure all sorts of freaky theorys about space and time...:whoops: but I could read and read and read and never get bored!! Thats what I love about space...there is always something new to find...and even us amatuers can get on in the fun...we don't have to be proffesionals to see the same thing!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]heh i'd post my quiz but no one will know what i'm going on about in the test because its to do with a lot of stuff me and some friends talk about... wait i will post it [URL]http://friendtest.com/viewquiz.php?account=Mo-Chan[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE] Muhahaha I have the highest score!!:naughty: I got a 69:whoops:
Well if that is possible...which it probably isn't right now...then it would be pretty much like the Matrix don't you think?? But with all this A.I coming out on comps and crap I wouldn't be suprised if it happened...I mean if that really happened...parents wouldn't have to worry about children viewing objectable sites...heck it would be very itneresting!
I'm new to this whole entire thought train here so if I am completly wrong sorry...here's my really short theory... Time Travel is possible and even slowling time down is...according to the 4th demension time it self..(don't want to explain it...gives me a headache everytime I do) I think all we need to do is learn how to slow down the affect lines/rays whatever you wanna call them...and slowing them down would mean you would slightly be going into the past and slowing down time.... And of course if you could slow something down...eventually you can slow it down enough that it goes backwards (Or so my teacher says) So once we learned how to control the speed of the 4th demension I think we will be able to travel through time...untill then...you better think REAL hard on your decisions ;) Ow...my brain hurts...
Bryan: [I]sighs[/I] So no one has a cloak...well thats just dandy isn't it! Oi....[I]sighs again[/I] Oh well..I'm gonna go think...[I]walks over to the fire and sits in a chair and stares at the fire[/I] ...Where is Tursi anywayz..she is taking forever!
Erm...wow....you all know me...well atleast 3 people do -_-"...the 3 that took it got 70 or above...Nice job Cloud...Ken...and Nerdsy!
Hm...I actually had "the talk" when I was in 1st grade o.O! My mother I guess thought I was mature enough, considering I never believe in cooties and all that crap *shrugs*. But I think it is good for the kid to learn about sex early...For some reason it seems to take some of the mistery out of sex...so you don't really wanna have sex as much...You know its for love...and not something to be just thrown around...I think the parents should set the kid down at about 1st or 2nd grade....and maybe remind them in 5th or 6th once their hormones kick in and to make sure they didn't forget...it is kinda awkard I will admit...but you feel better afterwards!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]I think the Virgo II Mobile Dolls......... I just like 'em for some reason. Gelgoog wasn't that bad I suppose........ [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah same here...The Virgo's just looked cool I guess...and they had some speed to them...*shrugs* Just like em
Well I am not sure if this should go in my poetry section...or in a whole different thread considering it is a story... This is a cross of alot of Poe's writing styles so if you are a POE reader I am sure you will find alot of connections!!...Its kinda graphic, well my teacher said so...she wouldn't enter it into a contest cuz it was to graphic...*shrugs* tell me what you think! And last but not least!! ENJOY! Note: I do not have a title for this...so erm...any ideas would help!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why people say I am mad, I do not know. If anything I am lucky. I have been bestowed the gift of acute senses and the ability to enjoy life, and in this case take it. While others suffer the same boring fate, I will live forever in the simplicity of happiness. Now I shall tell my story in such a dignified manor that you shall see that I am not mad. It happened one year ago to this day. I did not hate the old couple themselves, but I loathed their feebleness, and neglect of me. Yet worst of all I loathed that cat! The plan came to me as I lie in bed deep in thought of my wasted life. That day I had gone to the couple's house, just to see what happiness had been granted on them today. What I found out annoyed me, annoyed me more than the fly annoys the cow. It seemed that the next week they were scheduled to go on another vacation, only the sixth one this year. Even though I take care of them EVERYDAY, yet again they neglected me from their journey, without an once of sorrow or thought. Instead they were going to bring their son, and leave me with their hideous creature, Mr.Fluff. That cat, that hideous demoralizing, cat was the very thing I despised more than anything else in this world. That cat influenced me more than anything to kill the couple. True I tried before at my hand at killing the cat, but always it came back. Like the relentless night settleing over the sun. So that night I thought if I got rid of the couple, I would finally be rid of the monster. It took me many more nights to figure out how to get in most stealthily. You see, in a back room on the ground level, there is a window that if you tap in the right spot will come out, and so that is where I concluded I would come in. For five nights I would tap that window, take it out, and put in back in just so I was sure that my deed would be flawless. On the sixth night, I was prepared to kill the couple. The night was the eeriest night I have ever experienced. The sky was jet black, except for the slit of a moon, that gave off just enough like to see ten paces in front of myself...and the silence! There was no noise except for the pounding of blood in my ears, and my heart, which I was sure, would give me away. I walked across the yard with the most extreme care, avoiding every strip of light there was. WHen I finally got to the window, it took me two hours to open it. Finally as I stepped into the room the first thing I saw was that cat! That horrible creature was just starring, as if mocking me. I honostly don't rememver the events that un-folded for the next hour, but what I do remember is that I locked that cat in the grandfather clock. That bloody mess of a cat. I remember starring at the cat, and enjoying every second of watching all the blood ooze out of his chest as he slowly died. Oh so slowly. After I was convinced the cat was dead, I started for the stairs; I crept up thos stairs quietly. WHen I reached the couple's room I peered in. What I saw enraged me to the point of chaos. That cat, that hellish cat was at the foot of their bed. I jumped in the room with a scream of rage, that went straight to the pits of hell. Before the couple could react, I grabbed the old man's can, and with all my might delivered a crushing blow to the man's skull. The old man fell dead immediatly. Unfortunatly the can had broken. The old lady only had time to scream, but once, before I pounced on her, and buried the broken cane in her chest. Without a single grunt she too fell dead. It was the cat's turn. I buried the other half of the cane in the cat's stomach. I was still so enraged that I stuck the cane with the cat still on it in the ground and lit that damned cat alight. I watched untill the last embers died out, with the last stars in the morning light. Tge another question arouse, where was I going to hide the bodies. After some diliberation I concluded to bury them in the woods near their back yard. When I finished burying them, and cleaning the blood of the clock, and floor. Two police men came, reporting they had hear a scream. I showed them the whole estate. after they surveyed it many times, they concluded that it was nothing. Just as they were leacing that cat, that cursed cat, walked in. I screamed a scream that could have only came from the dephts of hell. The policemen thinking me mad just took me to an asylum. Now every night that cat from HELL, comes into my room, and mocks me. To this day noone has found the couple. But now I suffer a fate worse than that of death. I have to endure enternity of damnation with this cat. Even now it paces my room mocking me. I pray to the heavenly god, that he would take my life...and rid me of this demon. ~END~
Bryan: [I]checks his watch impatiently[/I] I repeat this is Maverick reporting...can we take off yet?? Come on!! [I]sits restlessly in the cockpit[/I] Travis: Not very patient now are we... Bryan: Of course not!! How else do you think I got the name Maverick!
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Transtic Nerve I made a test thingy thing tooooooo! [url]http://x-ryu.friendtest.com[/url] Whoever gets 100 gets to take my spot as Super Mod! Good luck... cause... you'll need it.... The first person who has the highest score tomorrow wins a prize... so hurry and take da test! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got a 72 outta 100...Wow...better than I thought I would get!! Yes! Here is mine[URL=http://friendtest.com/viewquiz.php?account=maverick]MY QUIZY THINGY!![/URL] Oh and whoever gets the first 100 gets an...erm...secrete PRIZE!!
I have never read the books...was actually about to get one :whoops: but yeah I have seen the movie...and parts of the series...even tho I am in the US...so yeah don't remember when and what station tho...*shrugs* Oh well
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B][color=green]Well, anyone ever sit down and watch this show? I know it's not exactly meant to be for people my age, but I just happened to see it when mum was watching T.V. .....she wouldn't let me change the channel! :flaming: .....ok, ummm.... anywayz, it's pretty funny to watch. I think it's a bit.... crazy... (that the right word?) to be fighting about them things in front of an audience.... :drunk:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Personally no offense but that show is stupid....I mean people ask "Who would watch that show" I ask "Who in the hell would be a guest on that show"....That has to be the most degrading thing....Its really stupid....It gives me nightmares too....lol j/k...but still its scary sometimes.. Yes Jerry must die!! He is on my hit list...right under Barney....
Crazy...you just scare me....I think he is passes obsessive... Aw...Cute cat Babygirl!! I don't like many cats but those tend to be nice to me so I like them alot!! :) Yep most cats think I am a scratching post...but the few that are nice to me..make me like the WHOLE cat kingdom.... I have 1 dog...a cocker spanielle...he's 5 years old....brown with a little white strip on his muzzle...really cute!! But I have no pics of him sorry! I was SUPPOSED to get a snake for my b-day but nooooo I didn't get one...*walks off mumbling*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B][size=1] lmao! the dodo birds...haha he fell into the lava thing....haha "THE LAST MELON!" and the kongfu dodos:laugh: they were funny...they all fell off the cliff...stupid birds [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh man those guys were hilariouse!! Bird 1: You see this...this is a geyser if you fall in it... Bird 2: Intruder!! Intruder!! *falls into lava pitt* Birds: Yech Bird 1: will hurt....
Sorry its been ages since I posted...been gone just got back!! _____---_-------_-----------____________----------__________--_- Bryan: Tursi never seems to do stuff with a group does she...[I]grins[/I] So...[I]looks at everyone confused[/I] What are we gonna do...I don't suppose any one of you two have an invisible cloak...mines gone...remember last year Ryan...[I]grins slightly[/I]
teenagers and skateboards:Akira's rant
Sui Generis replied to 9mm Avenger's topic in General Discussion
Yeah I hate other skateboarders/people watching calling me a poser...I mean sure I am not the greatest...but hell I just started skateboarding 3 months ago. But I love it and I am sticking with it...I can currently only do a kickflip, and ollie, and a FS Boardslide (well ok I only did it twice on luck but still let me have my glory!). And then I have those people who have skated all their lives come up to me and say if I can't do a heelflipDarkside or whatever that I can't skate at the park. Yet they can't:rolleyes: . But yeah the whole "posers" deal is incredably stupid! And people don't understand that it is harder than it looks! Yes the media has hacked the teenager generation. It's ridiculus, sure some teens do commit crimes, but who do they learn from?! Everything is our faults! Excuse us...we are learning...God they went through the same thing they should know how it is and stop giving us a freaking hard time about it! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Just a note for Gundam fans of OtakuBoards -- if you visit our Jobs@Otaku forum you will see a job opening for a Gundam Moderator. All members may apply. Note to Mod/SM: This thread may be removed when a moderator is appointed.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey thanks James, I think its really cool that you are giving us the oppertunity!! Well good luck to you all!! I applied!! :whoops: Again thanks James! And I agree with what Zero-Sama said about what you are doing!
That last one is awesome yulie!! I really like it!! Those speical moments!! Heh ;)!! But keep writing!
Did Americans Really Handle it Well??
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
Yes but think of what she represents...She represents America...Everything about America...taking down liberty would be like taking down America...yes it would anger other coutnries...but I don't think they really thought they could beat the US...the have fought valiantly but the numbers don't add up...we are too numurouse.. -
Actually I had that happen to me once...It was with my now best friend...I was siting after my play alone...and she just walked up and started talking to me...ever since then I have tried my best to do the same for others...brightened my day enough that I thought I should share it...