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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[COLOR=indigo]Well this is my friends and my decks.....There are two of em...I have the "Gold" deck and he has the "Blue" deck....The "blue" deck is better [b]"GOLD"[/b] [i]Regular Monsters[/i] x1 Summoned Skull x1 Millennium Shield x1 Sonic Duck [i]Effect Monsters[/i] x3 Troop Dragon x2 Gaurdian Grarl x2 Dancing Fairy x2 Man-Eater Bug x2 Zolga x2 Penguin Soldier x1 Different Demension Dragon x1 Cliff the Trap Remover x1 Cat's Ear Tribe [i]Traps[/i] x3 Sakuretsu Armor x2 Gravity Bind x2 Dust Tornado x2 Ojama Trio x1 Magic Jammer x1 Seven Tools of the Bandit [i]Magic[/i] x3 Dragged Down into the Grave x2 Fissure x2 Gravity Axe - Grarl x1 Monster Reborn x1 Dark Hole x1 Card Destruction x1 Change of Heart Ok and now... [b]"BLUE"[/b] [i]Normal Monsters[/i] x2 Gagagigo x2 Summoned Skull x1 Luster Dragon x1 Gemini Elf [i]Effect Monsters[/i] x2 Magician of Faith x1 Fiber Jar x1 Cyber Jar x1 Jinzo x1 Yata-Garasu x1 Exiled Force x1 Sasuke Samurai x1 Witch of the Black Forest x1 D.D Warrior Lady [i]Traps[/i] x2 Drop Off x1 Negate Attack x1 Imperial Order x1 Torrential Tribute x1 Magic Cylinder x1 Interdimensional Matter Transporter [i]Magic[/i] x3 Book of Moon x2 Mystical Space Typhoon x1 Nobleman of Crossout x1 Permature Burial x1 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Change of Heart x1 Graceful Charity x1 Raigeki x1 Heavy Storm x1 Delinquent Duo x1 Mage Power x1 Monster Reborn x1 Dark Hole x1 Pot of Greed.... And we're done! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Well....yeah I live in Kansas... Overland Park, Kansas. Its actually a pretty big suburb, about 30 minutes out of Kansas City, Kansas. I live like 10 minutes off the State Line so its all good ^^. Temperature here varies. A couple days ago it was spiking a high at maybe 10 degrees then all the sudden we had 58 degree weather (which is what we're enjoying now). So yeah its very odd here.... [/COLOR]
Aieeeeeee! Estrogene levels...Choaking..Mee!
Sui Generis replied to Aries_t3h_ph34r's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=indigo]Make the best out of it.... If you are living with five girls there is bound to be atleast one interesting story between the five of them. Try and make friends with 'em...talk to 'em. Ya know find out stuff about them. Thats the fun thing to do!! And if you want to get out of the house, but you don't like the sun there is this brilliant thing called shaaddee ;)...I know you really can't do it right now because its winter, but hey during the summer grab a book and go take a walk to your favorite tree (if you don't have one, get one) and read under it. Its actaully an awesome thing to do. So yeah just make the best of it, school is as bad if you think about it. Instead of 5 girls 24/7 you have roughly a thousand girls 8/5! Lets do the math....Thats 5 girls * 24 hours * 7 days which equals 840 on the estrogene level. Where as at school you have lets see 1000 girls * 8 hours * 5 days which equals 40,000 on the estrogene level. So be happy :p.... Wow I'm an odd person.[/COLOR] -
RPG Gundam Wing: Legends Revived [R for gore, language, and inuendos]
Sui Generis replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[color=indigo]"As I was saying Fuir, if we implament the mobile suits from the Germany base and send them to the base in Australia the production time should be halved easily." [i]The young officer looked nervously at the Fuir as he said this. He knew well what would happen if the Fuir didn't like the idea, or if the idea didn't work. He adjusted his weight and put his hands behind his back. This action symbolized obedience to Fuir Une and also gave an easy way to hide the shaking in his hands Fuir Une studied the map on the table. The young officer was a bright one to think of such a thing. He traced his fingers thinking about the advantages and the disadvantages of such a manuever. The officer stood quietly respecting the Fuir's silence and also scared that if he made a sound Une would be angered. He blinked slowly and re-adjusted the cuffs behind his back.[/i] "Sit down and relax..." [i]The officer muscles tensed at the sudden sound then immediatly relaxed. Fuir Une had invited him to sit down, this was considered rare when dealing with Une. The officer obeyed happily and sat in a leather chair about three feet from the map that Une was studying.[/i] "FUIR UNE!!! FUIR UNE!!!" [i]Fuir Une's muscles tensed as a young soldier came running into the room. He clenched his fists and turned to the soldier glaring at him.[/i] "WHAT?!" [i]The young soldier seemed at loss of words for a moment, no doubt the glare on Une's face did that trick. He stammered quickly trying to sound proffesional.[/i] "The...german base....the german base was destroyed sir.." [i]Fuir Une's eyes widened for a second.[/i] "WHAT? How? Do you people learn nothing? How can an entire base be destroyed?!" [i]Une's eyes burned with hatred suddenly and yet again the young soldier took a cautiouse step back.[/i] "Sir, I was there. It was the Gundams...the suprised us. I ran off to report what had happened..." "Where you commanded to do so by an officer?" "No..." [i]Une studied the soldier for another second then spat in disgust.[/i] "Coward.." [i]Fuir Une un-holstered his pistol and shot the soldier through the heart. He turned and looked at the sitting officer and smiled. The officer tensed up considerably when the soldier entered and was still tense. The officer continually looked at the dead soldier and Fuir Une who was calmly putting his pistol back. Fuir Une studied the officer again then nodded.[/i] "As you can see, the news puts your plan out of commission. However, I admire the instinct that you displayed. It showed balls to come up and suggest this. Whats your name?" [i]The officer began to stand up to attention but Une raised his hand and signaled for the officer to sit back down.[/i] "Officer Mahaney sir. Jake Mahaney." [i]Fuir Une studied the man again. He seemed to be about 21 and of an athletic build.[/i] "Very well Jake. Come with me. Lets go assess the damage the Germany base really took.."[/color] -
[COLOR=indigo]I guess I have to go with the majority as of yet. I'm torn. I mean you know its been my home since the end of version 1 and I've always aspired that this board would grow to (well what it is now) and I would be apart of it. Its great that OtakuBoards has become a name in the anime and message board community. Its awesome to be able to say, "Yeah I've been apart of this place since the end of version 1." Also in an odd sort of way I've matured with OB. I think thats primarily the case with just about every member here, but nevertheless I have matured with OB improving my posts each version. However I do miss the cloesness. Yes I mean this message board is still a family, just now its an extended family. Its insane. I was gone for around a two month period when I lost the interenet and I come back and I saw hundreds of newbies posting that I've never seen before. I mean sure the "oldies" were there but the whole family structure had completely changed. So its been odd to get used to the new people becoming such a huge part of the family but it has been turned out to be the best. Summarization time!! What I've been babbling about is, I love the fact that OB has grown and I love the way it is today. Although, I do miss the way it was, I miss some of the members, and I miss the tight community/family feeling there was. I know there still is that feeling, just not as intense.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]No doubt with the spectacles of movies such as Peter Pan, the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Master and Commander, and the Last Samurai there have been some movies that ultimately deserve the same glory but have yet to be given it. I'd have to say House of Sand and Fog would be one of those films. Virtually un-known right now it has to be one of the most beautiful and emotional movies I have seen in quite some time. Now just to start off I'd like to say two things. First off, this isn't an uplifting movie, don't go to it expecting to feel good about yourself afterwards. Second off, this isn't an action movie really. You can't go in it expecting things to blow up and guns to be flaring. The small violence that is in this movie plays such a profound impact and realization in this movie that it would be an un-justice to even think about labeling this action. OK so another thing. If you are an action movie kinda guy you won't like this movie. Right off the bat, I'm going to tell you that. So really don't waste your time on this movie if you crave something more of Die Hard. This movie is rather long movie with the plot being the center-fold of this movie. The characterization and filming style in this movie is awesome. Thats what made the movie for me. Well I didn't see this thread anywhere and I figured that this movie deserves a spot right next to Lord of the Rings. Has anyone else here seen this movie or even heard about it? If so what are your thoughts on it?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Honestly I think almost everyone (if not everyone) past the age of 14 has had some sort of mental breakdown. Sure some people have had worse cases of it than others but I think everyone HAS expierenced it. I know that I expierenced it, did two days ago, but thats another story. I don't know you won't find as many guys admitting it in real life as you will girls simply because we still have that guys have to be masculine stereotype going on. Masculine meaning cold, heartless, strong, and emotionless. But yes to answer your question, yes I've had a mental break down.[/COLOR]
[color=indigo] Yeah I listen to JRock/J Pop. I listen to Ayumi Hamasaki, Amuro Namie, Porno Graffitti, Utada Hikari...Gackt.... I love Gackt...thanks to TN... *smirks* But yeah I love JROCK J Pop so rock on!! *smiles* [/color]
Writing Please help me critique this...
Sui Generis replied to Ashley_the_blr's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=indigo]I like duo like rhyme schemes in poetry alot but I respect other styles of poetry. Every person has a slightly different style of writing; be it random or disciplined. Every style holds its own greatness and its own downfalls so in my opinion no one style can be applauded more than another. So in other words, you're not a bad writer. I like your poem its cool. Although I really don't agree with what sixthcrucifix said but hey thats just another style *shrugs* So yes good poem! [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=indigo]I love Enya. I first heard her in sixth grade and ever since have fallen in love with her music. Its really relaxing and I love her voice. I'm not sure what other "bands" like her there are, I don't know much about that style of music, all I know is that I love Enya. Good luck on the search![/COLOR]
RPG Gundam Wing: Legends Revived [R for gore, language, and inuendos]
Sui Generis replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[COLOR=indigo][i]Une watched as the four Gundams united. That left one that wasn't there, un-doubtably in the convoy that he had destroyed. He smirked and turned on the com link.[/i] "Lutinent!" [i]One of the pilots accompanying Une stapped to attention as the solid voice of Fuir Une came resounding through the com.[/i] "Yes Sir?" [i]Fuir Une growled for a second noticing the visible snap to attention. This would'nt have upset Une save the fact that they were facing a battle situation and he wasn't even close to prepared nor was he even paying attention.[/i] "Get your ass farther away, last thing we need is one blast destroyin us all!! Haven't you learned anything you idiot!! Now pay attention!!" [i]Fuir Une closed the com link as soon as the last syllable left his mouth and shook his head. "Idiot..." he let the word run out of his mouth slowly. He shook his head and turned his attention to the four gundams. As he focused on them one of them, seeming to be Heavy Arms, raised its gattling gun and let out a barrage of missles. Immediatly the Lutinent he had just spoken with was torn to pieces.[/i] "Serves you right idiot....." [i]Une shook his head and rolled to the right to avoid any stray bullets that might come his way. The other MS that was accompanying him had boosted forward to the Gundams in a suicidal charge. Une stared at his screen in dis-belief as he saw the MS get split in half by the blades of Sand Rock. He slapped his head against his forehead. What the hell were these kids learning in the military academy!? He was going to have a long talk with them. He shook his head again and set his attention yet again the Gundams. One versus four. He smirked. Great odds. He sighed and aimed his beam rifle. Still flying towards the Gundams he let off a shot in between Deathscythe and Wing to see how'd they react. Both stepped aside easily and turned their attentions towards him. Une immediatly threw his boosters into reverse and drew his shield out in front of him as he saw Heavy Arms launch another barrage of bullets and shot four missles to accompany his bullets. Each bullet hit the shield falling down harmlessly or flew by the Scorpio. As the missles neared Une threw himself into a barrel roll to the right letting the missles fly by him harmlessly hitting a building easily kill a couple hundred people. Une laughed and shook his head. This could turn out to be amusing. He didn't care how many civilians died, hell the more the merrier! Une took aim again this time at Sand Rock and fired. Sand Rock moved to the side just in time for the shot to miss. Now all four Gundams were heading towards Une ready to fight their own style. He turned on the com and connected to the Gundams grinning. Each Gundam's view screen was suddenly filled by the face of an arrogant man smirking at these [b]Children[/b][/i] "What a sloppy bunch, I'd expect more from Gundam pilots."[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=indigo]I'm not trying to be impatient nor am I trying to be rude, I'm simply just expressing my own opinion as you, yourself did. So sorry if I was rude or if flamed you in the least bit, it was not intended. Anyways, well whatever the case I hope whatever you do works out for you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Why get back at them? What has vengence trully accomplished? Nothing besides more pain and suffering (on larger scales) and irritation and grudges (on lower scales) So he has bad patience and what are you going to do? Have bad patience yourself? Are you not being a hypocrit by saying that he has bad patience, but acting the same right back to him. So then you, yourself, are no better than the honking man that annoys you so. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]So their rudeness annoys you, yet you propose to be rude back to them... I'm sorry atleast to me that makes no sense what so ever. If you think they are ******** for doing such why should you sink down to their level and become an asshole as well. Sure you might be happy because you "got back" at him, but what does that make you look like to everyone else...an asshole. Thats why you have so many road rage issues now a'days we have people who think that you just HAVE to get back at someone when they do anything wrong towards you which is utterly idiotic. Let things slide...oh well they honked at you? Oh dear god, are you ok!? Did it hurt?! Did the noise of the honk steal away your sanity?! *rolls his eyes* It didn't hurt you, you're fine he's fine you're both on your way...leave it at that![/COLOR]
Sign Up Gundam Wing: Legends Revived [R for gore, language, and inuendos]
Sui Generis replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[b]ENTER PHYSCOTIC BAD GUY STAGE LEFT[/B] [COLOR=indigo][b]Name-[/b] Zachary Une [b]Age-[/b] 26 [b]Appearance-[/b] [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=1] Zachary (Fuir) Une[/URL] [b]Personality-[/b] Fuir Une (as he is known by is subordinates) accepts one thing, and one thing alone, and that is complete and utter success. He will not tolerate failure nor let you live after you have achieved such a dis-honorable status. Know by his peers for his determination and perserveerance Fuir Une is not one to take lightly. When he tells you to do something he means for it to be done. Despite all of this seriousness when he is not working on global domination or exacting revenge on the hated Quatre association Fuir Une can and is a rather modest and quiet man. He believes in honor and lives by the code. There are few things that can calm down Fuir Une, yet the fine arts such as classical music seem to sooth even his savage heart. With the sharpness of a sword Une only seeks one thing, revenge. He wishes to avenge his mother and her one time lover. Despite his upbringing during the time of peace he has become and excellent fighter, pilot, as well as military tactician. [b]Biography-[/b] Raised by the fair Lady Une, Zachary learned the feeling of hate and revenege at an early age. As soon as he was able to comprehend the worlds that were said Lady Une poisoned his mind putting the story into a "true" perspective. Fuir Une never knew what the Gundams were truly all about, all he knew was that those bastards had killed his mothers love. Those bastards had stolen away his mothers life and essentially ruined her future. When he was twelve Lady Une began to teach him the art of war planting the seeds into his mind that would later on corrupt him enough to destroy the peace that he had once admired. Through the propoganda that he had begun to believe Fuir Une soon became a corrupted empty shell that knew only two feelings. Revenge and hate. He became a robot bent on one thing, to avenge his dear mother. To avenge the death of an innocent man and the crumbling of an innocent womens life. Une's attack on the colonies left him frustrated and had ensured the deaths of any who had possibly failed in the mission. He would not tolerate so many errors on such an important task and would make it entirely clear to his orginization. He would not accept less than what he desired.... [b]Gundam-[/b][IMG]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/bfop/oz-16msx-d.jpg[/img] [img]//www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/bfop/oz-16msx-d-ma.jpg[/img] ^----Mecha Armor Mode [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/bfop/lineart/oz-16msx-d-asplanetdefenser.jpg[/img] ^----Shield [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/bfop/lineart/oz-16msx-d-beambayonet.jpg[/img] ^----Beam Rifle and Beam Saber combo [b]Gundam Specs-[/b] Unit type: transformable mobile suit Head height: 23.5 meters Base weight: 17.8 tons Armor: gundanium alloy Armament (mobile suit mode): beam bayonet (beam rifle/beam saber) x 1, A.S. planet defenser x 1, 10-tube chest micro-missile launcher x 1, 10-tube shoulder micro-missile launcher x 2 Armament (mobile armor mode): beam bayonet x 2, heat rod x 1 Hope thats good.... [/color] -
RPG Escaflowne [13+ for mild cursing, blood, and sexual inuendos.]
Sui Generis replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[COLOR=indigo][i]Allen ran in front of Hitomi making sure everything was clear. Every few seconds he would check back and make sure Hitomi was right behind him, where she was safe. He turned a corner and continued running. Suddenly he heard the voices of two men shout. He didn't hear what they said but he understood their inent he stopped and whirled back. They were already closing in behind Hitomi.[/i] "Hitomi!! KEEP RUNNING!" [i]Hitomi looked at Allen as she passed him but nodded. Allen clenched his fists and ran at the two men. As the first one closed in on him he swung his fist into the man's gut cuasing him to stumble backwards. As the other one stumbled Allen greeted the other man with a kick to the chest. Allen growled at the two men.[/i] "Dogs....you will not touch her!" [i]As he said this the ground beneath his feet rumbled slightly. Allen gave a curiouse look to the ground the suddenly realized what this meant. He looked up and cursed his luck as a guymelef entered the street. He clenched his fist and stared at it. He could not leave, he would not leave. If he must die here he would do so honorably protecting Hitomi!!![/i] [/COLOR] -
RPG Escaflowne [13+ for mild cursing, blood, and sexual inuendos.]
Sui Generis replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[COLOR=indigo][i]Allen petted his hair...well what was left of it as they walked towards the department store. He let his eyes wonder around making sure to let them touch every inch with their curiouse alure. Everything seemed so strange to him. So violent, so hostile, so different. Different from what he was used to, different from what he knew, and different from what his mind considered possible. He accepted this differences with neutrality however. He had to be here, there was a reason he was sent here, and he would fulfill it. Even if it met cutting more of his hair off and getting rid of his clothes. Hitomi led the two into the department store. To the left of the door there was a girl manican dressed up in a mini-skirt and halter top. Allen blushed slightly.[/i] "Shouldn't she be more covered?" [i]Hitmoi giggled slightly.[/i] "Nope now a'days thats just normal to see around here, don't worry you'll get used it." [i]Allen looked at the manican again and shuddered. Whether or not he got used to it or not wasn't the quesiton. It was the matter that he DIDN'T want to get used to such an embaressing and un-honorable thing.[/i][/COLOR] -
RPG Escaflowne [13+ for mild cursing, blood, and sexual inuendos.]
Sui Generis replied to Domon's topic in Theater
I took the liberty to change Allen slightly, sorry if you don't like it just PM me and I'll change it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [COLOR=indigo][i]Allen stood there for a moment gawking at the weird structures that they now faced. Allen followed closely behind Hitomi when suddenly an odd mettalic object went whisking by them. Allen gasped and let his muscles tense up. Hitomi saw this reaction and let out a giggle.[/i] "Its only a car, don't worry." [i]Hitomi shook her hair and laughed quietly to herself. Allen stood there for a second thinking about this new contraption.[/i] "Caaaarrr..." [i]He let the word roll off his tongue slowly; carefully imitating every sound Hitomi had made saying this word. He smiled after he pronounced it to his satisfaction and continued walking. There was a cool brisk that flipped his hair into his face. He pushed it aside and smiled then stopped suddenly. Van and Hitomi noticed this then looked back.[/i] "What now Allen?" [i]Hitomi looked at him quizically[/i] "I....have....to...cut....my...hair?" [i]Allen stammered across the sentence as though it was a sentence to death. For some reason it had just hit him, that Hitomi wanted to cut off his preciouse hair. He gawked at her.[/i] "But...but...not the hair...pleeasseee...."[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mysticheero [/i] [B]i understand that but if ye listen to the conversation between Heero and WuFei when they are fighting in the earth's orbit then ye hear Heero telling WuFei that Treize is dead and that that fight is over already....:naughty: :mrt: you're right though about WuFei having a place it just happens to give him the chance at rubbing it in Treize's grave.... anywho...:laugh: :D bye bye [/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://croik.com/essays/gundamwing/Wufei.tears.jpeg[/img]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AutoKill [/i] [B]The best decks are combo decks. If you cant kill in 6-8 rounds then your not going to win a tournament. I have a soilder white deck based on speed and damage with about 2 tricky combos. And i still cant get 1st in tournaments. :( [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]Actually thats not entirely true. My deck never beats anyone in the first 6-8 turns yet its still un-defeated. Its a procrastinating deck with combos galore. Thats all I use, is combos off cards. All my cards run togethers its quite fun! But for most part I'll agree with you![/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Falcons? Hm...first off. Vick's back. He was back this week. Didn't play the whole game, but he's back. Second off...the FALCONS? You really think a 2-10 team is gonna go? Tampa Bay. I don't know whats their deal this yera. They went form a Super Bowl team to a 5-7 team. Super Bowl to completely out of the play off picture, unless of course Hell Freezes over. If you honestly think that Culpepper and Moss have carried the team, please check again. If you pay attention to the Vikings defense they have 23 interceptions. The most in the NFL. SO I mean I really can't see how Moss and Culpepper are doing everything, but hey maybe thats just me. Jags a much better team? What in the world? First off they arn't even in the same league as Tampa Bay second....3-9...they arn't even IN the playoff picture.... Oh and by the way the Eagles are doing good. They're 9-3 and on top of their conference! GO CHIEFS! (Just thought I'd give ya'all some stats ;))[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Personally I don't think Green Bay is gonna go all the way. Sure they have arguably one of the best quarter backs, but that can't carry them. I live in KC so naturally I'm a Chiefs fan, but I honestly don't know if they are gonna go all the way. They'll get damn close if they don't I'll give you that. I'm looking at the Titans and Chiefs in the AFC chamionship. I think that game will probably be the best game of the season. *shrugs* So for the AFC either Titans or Chiefs. NFC: I really don't know...the NFC is soo screwy this year, but I'm prolly going to have to say...Phillidelphia. They've always been a good team even when they sucked. Even when they were horrible they still beat the best of teams, I wouldn't count them out. Besides McNab sucked for most of this year and they're still 8-3.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I'm no where near a midi expert or anything, but I've had your song playing for the past hour so heh ^^ Personally I love it, it sorta reminds me of like Zelda for some reason. *shrugs* *thumbs up*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I like that deck...made one similar to that a while ago....worked really well together. I have one now that no one can stand because they really don't understand how it can be as good as it is. *shrugs* Un-defeated still for 4 months. Although right now its kinda jumbled because my mom through it in with all my other cards so I've had to re-build it again. Well here it is as of now. White/Black/Artifact [b]Basic Lands:[/b] x2 Plains x3 Swamps [b]Non-basic lands[/b] [i]White Producers:[/i] x3 Elfhame Palace x1 Abandoned Outpost[ [i]Black Producers[/i] x1 Polluted Mire x1 Peat bog x1 Salt Marsh [i]White or Black[/i] x1 Salt Flats x1 Caves of Koilos [i]Colorless[/i] x1 Ice Floe x2 Urza's Power Plant x2 Urza's Tower x2 Urza's Mine [b]Multi-colored[/b] x1 Soul Link [b]Black[/b] [i] Creatures/Walls[/i] x2 Avatar of Woe x1 Cemetary Gate x1 Sengir Vampire [i]Enchantments[/i] x1 caustic tar x1 Tainted AEther x2 Cursed land [i]Sorcery/Instant[/i] x2 Dark Ritual x2 Terror x1 Plague Wind [b]White[/b] [i]Creatures/Walls[/i] x2 Angel of Mercy x2 Teroh's Faithful x1 Wall of Glare x1 Staunch Defenders x1 Radiant dragoons x1 Silent Attendant [i]Spells/Instnts[/i] x1 Enligtened Tutor x1 Healing salve x1 Gerrard's Wisdom x1 Soothing Balm [b]Aritifact[/b] [i]Creatures/Walls[/i] x2 Adarkar Sentinel x1 Mobile Fort x1 Wall of Spears [i]Mana Producers/Creatures[/i] x4 Manakin x2 Thran Dynamo x1 Marble Diamond x1 Bloodstone Cameo [i]Other[/i] x2 Urza's Blueprint x2 Rod of Ruin x1 Telim'Tor's Darrts x1 Glasses of Urza x1 Ensnaring Bridge x1 Feldon's Cane x1 The Rack x1 Dark Sphere Pretty much easy to get a hold of cards....what do you think? Honesty is the key here...can't get better other wise [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I not only think I've improved as writer when it comes to stories but also as an artist. I mean we I first started writing about a year and a half ago everything had to be about the same subject, thats all I cared for nothing else was worth writing. Then I wrote, and wrote and wrote and slowly realized something. Writing isn't a tool to enhance one small portion of life and bring it out so that every sense can be portrayed. Writing is a tool to enhance every day, every detail. Sure it can be death, but it can also be that tree outside your window. I think through writing I've "broaden my horizons" (for lack of originality). Its let me see things in not only my own personal point of view but also a possible point of view from another. Each tiny thing in life now holds such a dear foot hold in my life. So in less words basically what I'm saying is writing has not only imporved my vocabulary, writing style, structure but it has in some way improved the mental aspect of my life. If that makes any sense, some of you I'm sure think I'm a sap; but atleast I'm a happy sap![/COLOR]