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Everything posted by Sui Generis
I had one last year.....if you hate em so much why don't you get yoru act together?
Did Americans Really Handle it Well??
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]I think the fact is, the bombing of innocent civilians is wrong -- if it's on purpose. In a wartime situation, it is hard to avoid innocent death, but by the same token..I believe that the end can justify the means. If the military tries to avoid casualties of civilians, yet they are either able to liberate a nation (Afghanistan) or oust a violent dictator (Iraq), then it can only be seen as a good thing. Having said that...with regard to Iraq, I think it is a well-known fact that the Iraqi people are sick and tired of living under UN sanctions. But those sanctions were brought about by Saddam Hussein, because he kicked out weapons inspectors. Iraq has continually threatened its neighbours (remember, it tried to invade Kuwait in the early 1990's) and thus, I think that removing Saddam's regime would be of huge benefit to Iraq and the middle east as a whole. The countries surrounding Iraq would feel more at peace and Iraq itself could have sanctions lifted and would once again be able to prosper and become a fully free and democratic nation. I hope that this happens in the future. Even though I agree with the war on terrorism..and even though I agree with removing Saddam Hussein from power and making sure that countries such as Iran and North Korea are contained and unable to threaten anyone...I am not blind to the fact that the United States often acts for its own interests and is often hypocritical in what it says and what it does. But in the grand scheme of things, I think it is important not to lose sight of the fact that this war on terrorism could be a huge catalyst. It could allow us to FINALLY get rid of the world's dictatorships...and to finally install democracy around the world. People will die, certainly. And loss of life is always tragic. But if you aren't targetting civilians deliberately...if you are targetting miltary and Government structures, you are on a higher moral ground than those who bombed the WTC. They deliberately wanted to kill as many innocent people as possible. That isn't payback to the American military or Government...it's just cold-blooded murder. If they'd wanted to pay back the American Government, they would surely have hit military bases or something like that. That is why a distinction has to be made about what their true intention was.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] They did hit something pretty close to a military base...the Pentagon...thats where everything Military comes and goes...So yes they got back at our government,economy, military, and the innocent. Thank god they didn't hit the white house. But personally I thought if they wanted to do severe damage why not take out Lady Glory? Heh..Its good that they didn't! But yes I agree with James on this....although I was on the opposing side in this argument...I think James has made several worthy comments and I agree with them. If we do take out the World's Dictatorship this world will probably not be considered active in war....we might get a few dormat years! They only thing I am afraid of on this whole war issue is, what if the Middle East bans together...then we have World War3 and god knows the weapons we have now, we will literally annilate eachother and every living thing!! "I do not know what we will fight with in WW3, but I do know that we will fight with sticks and stones in WW4..." The smartest man alive....Albert Einstein -
Anime My opinion on the Bandai gundam games
Sui Generis replied to _Shiro Amada_'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]I am truly cross by the horrible Gundam games that are being made by Bandai (Such as Journey to Jaburo, Zeonic Front, etc.). These games lack detail, animation, and frame rate. After a few minutes of playing these horrible excuses for Gundam games I realized that the games are in need of a new developer, because if these games don't get better they shouldn't be made at all. What are your ideas on this, do you believe that Bandai is doing a good job and think that the games are good only because they ar Gundam or do you truly belive they are miserable pieces of crap? [/B][/QUOTE] Well I will agree with you that they do probably need a new producer. But I am one of those that plays them even if they are bad ;).....But yeah I expect witha different producer those games would be MUCH better.... -
Bryan: [I]walks back to Ryan holding some rope[/I] All I could find...any luck with you???
Did Americans Really Handle it Well??
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
I see perfectly where you come form James...and I understand what you are saying... But I mean we are bombing Afghan only...I mean we know there are Taliban supporters all over the world...and yet we bomb an already struggling community and just make it a desolate waste land..I mean sure we plan to help them...but we can't give them back their land...just like they can't give us back the World Trade Center...or the COUNTLESS lives lost in the attacks.... I am too stuck on this issue.....it depends...But I mean these people already have to live in fear...yet we come in bombing mountain in HOPE that there are Taliban people there?! I understand in certain spots it is confirmed that their are Taliban soldiers...I guess I just wish there was a non-violent way to finish this whole damn thing...I don't know about you but I just finished watching "9-11" on CBS...and what the guy said was true to the last second..."It's the gateway to hell"...We had a discussion on this topic not 4 days ago in class....and I asked the simplist question of all...yet the whole world can't answere it....When will this hell end? -
Did Americans Really Handle it Well??
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
I agree with Gohans Girl's post...I mean yes I am American..yes I lost somebody in the whole deal BUT its not gonna make it any better by doing the same thing to other people!! I mean its like us saying "Yeah its ok to kill, if someone killed first"...Its pathetic...we sit on our butts in America and blame all these innocent people...when the only people to blame were the hi-jackers....I think its stupid that we need to fidn someone living to blame...yes I think Osama should go to hell...but I don't think we should torture him....I mean think about how many countries think we are idiots right now! We look stupid to the world all we are doing is striking out hoping we will kill someone....Whats up with that....why is that ok...but murder isn't? -
Did Americans Really Handle it Well??
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
I don't know...from the post I have seen in here I am not so sure if the bombing was unjustified...I mean we are being so hateful against these people and all of the "taliban" I mean from the way the Taliban is ruling how do you know that more than half of these people are being forced to fight? We judge to quickly...God help us all... -
Did Americans Really Handle it Well??
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
I know how you people feel about it all....but hell...Not ALL arabs did this...and give them the benifit of the doubt...god my friends were laughing to on that day...these people don't know why they are laughing!! Excuse them!! I mean put it this way...people handle things differently..I myself am not afraid of crying and I do so when I feel that bad...others go to anger when something devastating happens...others go into suclusions...some like my best friend has to find something funny about it...Doing this is just being Racist!! I mean if two white people were laughing nothing woulda happened...but when two Arabs laugh...Oh you guys better watch out those two are terriost!! [QUOTE]I give a crap. If someone laughs at the 9-11 they should be shot. I mean who laughs at Americans being killed exept non-americans and if you do laugh your not American at all. When people stick together bad things seem to go away. So I give a crap, especially when someone laughs or talks trash about my country.......The U.S.A[/QUOTE] But you see right there you are no worse than they are....Are you saying we Americans are always right? I respect your Patriotism for I am heavily behind my country but I think we are far behind Nationalism anymore its more like Jingosim...And besides is being non-American bad? I mean you talk to non-Americans on this board every day? Do you truly despise someone for being a "non-American"?? -
I received this in my e-mail...Yes I respect being Patriotic and all that but I think this crossed the lines...I mean I understand how its horrible that two people could laugh about a situation as tragic as 9-11.....but isn't this considered racism...or to some sort of degree...I don't know...when I read this I was disgusted for some reason...Even tho I cried for the whole day on 9-11 How Budweiser handles those who laughed at those who died on 11 Sept 2001: Thought you'd like to know what happened in a town north of Bakersfield, California. After you finish reading this, please forward this story on to others so that our nation and around the world will know about those who laughed when they found out about the tragic events in New York, PA and the Pentagon. September 11th, a Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a convenience store in a town called McFarland. He knew of the tragedy that had occurred in New York. He entered the business to find two Arabs whooping and hollering and really cheering it up. It was obvious they were elated with what had happened earlier. The Budweiser employee went to his truck & called his boss and told him of the very upsetting event. He didn't feel he could be in that store with those horrible people. His boss told him, "Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and item our beverage company sells there? We'll never deliver to them again." The Bud employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his beverage company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face. He told them never to bother and call for a delivery again. Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice for that community. Just letting you all know how Kern County handles this situation! Well, I need to add to this. My father in Nevada sent this to me. Fact is, I live not too far from McFarland here in Central California, and I heard about this at work the day after it happened. Seems a lot of people from work frequented the store in question. But it doesn't end there. As Paul Harvey might say, here's the rest of the story... Seems the Budweiser driver had friends...in particular, the Pepsi route driver. The Bud driver called his Pepsi friend from his cell phone while he was still at the store and told him what happened. Seems the Pepsi driver called his boss and received the identical orders the Bud driver did. So Pepsi went in and took out everything in the store under their corporate brand. And if you know Pepsico (Pepsi, Frito Lay, etc.), that's damn near EVERYTHING. Last I heard, that store has no product, no customers (word spreads fast in these small towns, y'know) and no hope. And I say good riddance to bad rubbish. I hope they enjoyed their cheers . . . it's the last they'll be doing in THIS country. Pass this along. America needs to know that we're all working together. True Story by Harry Arbios
Bryan:[I]shakes his head while Liam screams[/I] Anyway...I'll tell you one thing Amber...you Slytherine's are something else...[I]chuckles[/I] [I].....checks the time[/I] Uh oh...you better get going Dumbledoor is passing out schedules in 5 minutes!! Bye...[I]kisses her on the cheek and walks back up to the bedroom[/I]
Hey I'll take a stab at it Gavin...
This is Ma pic (i really want Delian to see this!)
Sui Generis replied to Sida255's topic in General Discussion
[I]thinks I have a girlfriend I have a girlfriend I have a girlfriend!!![/I] Nice pic!!! Tis very cool!! [I]walks off chanting I have a girlfriend to himself...[/I] -
Bryan: So how WAS your summer Ryan?? I mean learnign all this new stuff musta been hard but HAD to have been fun!! I'm afraid that I'm abit rusty...not allowing to do ANY magic or learning anything at my house is a drag!! [I]just then bumps into a 1st year Slytherine[/I] 1st Year Kid: Hey watch were you are going punk!!! Amber: [I]laughs[/I] They are fiesty this year you two better watch out! Bryan: [I]shakes his head and walks around the kid...[/I] Ah..this year is gonna be better than the last I can tell!! [I]grins and enters the common room[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B] But the problem with that is...I liked the sex!! :bawl: No not again! Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Panny...Panny...Panny..... A) Having sex with your own sex doesn't make you good or bad...I mean one slip isn't something I can judge you by...and besides why the hell would sex preference matter to friends? I mean (not trying to point you out TN or anythign but yeah sorry :)) god I admire TN I always have even when I knew he was gay...it didn't bug me...I don't see what the point is...he likes guys big whoop....No biggy here....Not saying youu do but if you like girls...BIG FREAKIGN WHOOP!! I gauruntee any FRIENDS will understand this and it will be the same! I don't think its a big deal!! B) You shouldn't beat your self down for enjoying it...The simple fact is humans like pleasure...and you know as well as anyone that ANY sex is pleasurable to some degree! (well anyone who has has sex...not the point tho)Its just like someone smoking...most find it pleasurable but noone says "You're going to HELL for that!" I mean its gonna be ok...you like it or not...Don't matter! Plain and simple is anyone would like it...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]....well i am a little to young to drive yet but i want a elkameeno..one of those old cars that look like a smushed truck....lol....or i would like a very fast car..don't really care what it is just as long as it gos fast....lol... [/B][/QUOTE] My friend offerend me an elkameeno this year and RIGHT when I got enough money he sold it to someone else...*inserts alot of swearing* Heh...but yeah I want an Italdesign Schigera..of course that'll never happen
Bryan:[I]nods[/I] Well the rest looks fine...didn't see one thing....[I]brushes off his hands....[/I] Well I'll go get in my suit...[I]runs off and changes to his suit and comes back[/I] [I].....grins[/I] Time to have some fun!! [I]hops into his Rapier..[/I] [B]Over Comm[/B] I'm ready!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]I'm really having problems for the past three weeks and right now I think I'm going to do something drastic. Here's the story: I spent the night over my friend, Revi's, house and we kinda got drunk and ended up sleeping with each other. The next day, I realized what I did and was very ashamed. I didn't talk to her and still haven't. After that, I repented every day and prayed every night. I couldn't tell my mother...she would go off the deep end and curse at me about Christianity and their laws. So I'm kinda worried that God might have damned me or something. And the kids in school. The kids in school like to make fun of me and tease me. Monday of last week, we had a food fight. But instead of throwing food at other persons, they threw it at me. I was so mortified. Tuesday, some girls tripped me down the stairs. Wednesday, they cut a lot of my hair while I was studying in class. Thursday and Friday I cut school to avoid tormentation. I feel like dying!! I cried every day of the week for three weeks straight. I don't know what to do!! Can you tell me? [/B][/QUOTE] Hey you know what!! Hang in there I am having something to that extent happen to me...just not with the sleepign with someone yet...thing....But yes I did skip school yesterday to aviod everything...but I'll tell you one thing if you kill yoruself....they'll just remember you as a wuss...if you prove that you are strong enough to endever this you will become stronger yourself...and will gain some respect....Also God will not have damned you...for if you repented and sincerely ment it its kewl..."Do not hate the Sinner hate the sin"...If your mom is a heavy Christian she would have read that many a time...So just go to her and tell her what happened and tell her that you are ashamed and scared and sorry....What I would say is to pray to god to help those kdis...and otherwise snub 'em...Don't pay attention to them...and if worst comes to worse call me and get me a ticket and I will be there in two days to kick their sorry asses...:)
You people are lucky!! We arn;t allowed to have anime in our school! They think its bad or something like that! I mean god I got caught with a gundam Action figures (friends b-day) and I got in trouble for it and had a week of detention...its really gay...oh and the person who tried to get one running...well me and another person were screamed at when we gave the idea and almost got suspended...o.O
RPG Tenchi's Universe:Sasami Style!(Sign up and play!)
Sui Generis replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Heh I feel so special!! All the girls love me!! Thanks you thank you thank you!!! Heehee....yeah but anywayz don't worry about your post...now if more peeps woudl join..... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] actually that's a misconception. it's "the [I]love[/I] of money is the root of all evil." but there aren't too many things you can't get w/ the right amount of money. that's why i'm going to be very, very wealthy. [/B][/QUOTE] Just to kinda add on to that its not necessarily the love in it as it is the greed of human beings...but of course the greed is caused by love say ya...you're right...I'll just shut up now...
Heh cool story...if you want to change the story just put in [s i z e= 1] TEXT [/s i z e] of course with out the spaces
No I don't think so...Money can't buy True Love....Money Can't Buy Natural Buety...Money can't buy TRUE happiness....money can't buy a brother or sister (natural) money can't buy emotions...
RPG Tenchi's Universe:Sasami Style!(Sign up and play!)
Sui Generis replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
I'll hit it up and be Tenchi! -
Bryan:[I]leans back in his chair grins amusidly[/I] Gotta love the sorting hat....I can remember when I first was up there....man I nearly peeed my pance! Bryan/Ryan: [I]laugh[/I] Bryan: [I]sits up to attention as everything settles down and the 1st years are about to be called up[/I]
Bryan: Thats Laim for you always making an entrance...[I]turns and looks at Professor Dumbledoor staring right at Liam....turns to LIam and cracks up seeing Liam's face completly white...[/I]