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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan:[I]smiles as Amber walks out..[/I] Oh crap thats right...We gotta go to the main hall...So much for a nap...Man muggle parents sure make it hard to get back in this whole schedule!! [I]grabs his cape and takes off[/I] K good this is my normal one...Man last year too funny...[I]checks watch[/I] Oh great...gonna be late...[I]runs as fast as he can and skids into the main hall as the door is magically shutting[/I] Dumbledoor: Ah...Bryan so glad you could make it! [I]smiles[/I] Byran: [I]pants[/I] Sorry...[I]sits down next to Ryan at the Ravenclaw table[/I]
  2. I'm from crappy ol' boring Kansas....home of the....Kansas City Chiefs *cough cough* Royals *Cough COUGH* and alot of wheat....erm...I love my state....NOT!
  3. Bryan:[I]checks the controlling systems....[/I] Hm...Hey Travis come over 'ere!! Travis: [I]walks over to where Bryan is[/I] Bryan: Ok I have an idea...it might delay us at the most maybe say...10 minutes but...if I switch these two Controlling Systems...mine and the Schisms this puppy will be as agile as a Rapier won't be able to get touched!! So what you think?
  4. This thread will be closed soon so don't bother checking it....Or atleast I think it will...Anywayz Check your PM's I sent you a PM telling you how to get one!
  5. Erm..sorry I can't help ya...thats from PS2 right? Oh well...this should be moved...
  6. Spring Storms Friends (Travis rules!) Books Animals Working on cars Cooking :naughty: Amber Listening to my music in my dark room
  7. I have two of "Those" days in a row...its been really crappy this week lol....but yeah I just have those once in a while and everytime I do no matter where I am you will here me singing one song....."Its jsut one of those days...when you don't wanna wake up, everything is ****ed everybody sucks, and you really don't know why but you wanna justify ripping someone's head off..."
  8. Bryan:[I]slowly lays the guy on Diamond's check-up table.....[/I] I sure hope he is gonna be ok...[I]walks over to Diamond and in-forms him on whats going on..[/I] So yeah you better hurry up and check him..he doesn't look to good...[I]nods and talks to Diamond for a little bit more....after finishing talkint to Diamond he walks back to the bay just in time to here Siren curse and scream that she needs a weilding gun...grins...walks to his house and comes back...taps her shoulder [/I] Here ya go [I]hands her the weilding gun[/I] Anything else ya need?
  9. Bryan: [I]pulls his head out of the coolant system[/I] Well lets see the coolant system blew...Nothing big...but erm..you can go ahead and fix it....God I'm to used to fixing this stuff...heh...Hm..where the heck is Diamond...[I]looks at the guy moaning on the floor[/I] [I]Picks him up and carries him to the Med Center[/I]
  10. Bryan:[I]yawns[/I] Man that train takes alot out of ya...Hey Ryan I am gonna head up ta bed see ya tomorrow! [I]walks up to the room and gets his same bed in the same corner[/I] [I]grins[/I] Same ol' bed every year...[I]lays down on his bed and yawns...just when he is about to sleep he hears a knock in the wall[/I] [I]Amber comes through the Passage[/I] Amber! God! Again! Sheesh...you gotta scare me like that every year!! [I]gets up and hugs her[/I] Glad ta see ya this year! Whats up!
  11. Bryan: Well you think Big D gonna hold him this year? Well looks like I'll have to cause more trouble this year...[I]laughs[/I] Naw I actually plan on being a normal student this year....amazing eh? [I]smirks[/I]
  12. [I]claps[/I] Good show Nerdsey good show! I like it...not a big fan of Pokemon but well written@
  13. Bryan: [I]Grins and watches as the 1st years get shuttled off...[/I] Heh always made it so scary they did....[I]walks up the stairs and enters the grand hall...looks around amazed at the decorations and lights[/I] Never cease to amaze me Dumbledoor and Ryan...[I]sees Ryan[/I] Hey man whats up! Long time no see![I]sees Dumbledoor[/i] Oh...sorry...Hi Dumbledoor another action packed year coming up I suppose? [I]winks at RYan[/I]
  14. Sorry I took so long....Couldn't get on this weekend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bryan: [I]Lulled by the slow rocking of the train Bryan sits by himself looking at the familiar faces and laughs as he sees the frightened 1st years. Thinks about a time where he was in that same position...chuckles....looks around...grins[/I] Looks like its time again...Hogwarts here I come...
  15. Ok I guess this goes in here so yeah. I wanted to know if any of ya know if this is true, one of my fellow anime friends at school says that Cartoon Network, Bravo, Action Channel (and one other) are gonna team up to make an "Anime Channel" I wanted to know if this was true or not...supposedly it is supposed to show EVERY anime out in America
  16. [I]After coming out of the physical exam shaking..repeating "God I hate that" he sees Abob running off[/I] What the hell? WHere you going so fast... Abob: Ship pipe burst...[I]pants and runs off[/I] Bryan: Oh jeez just what we need....its going to take a lot more to get outta here now...[I]runs to the platform sees one man on his back moaning and covered in white...[/I] **** a coolant pipe...[I]runs up to Travis[/I] Did you call Diamond? Travis: [I]nods[/I] Bryan: I take it the engineers are on their ways....but till then I'll take a look at it...[I]opens the hach to the coolant system[/I] Damn...[I]exams it[/I] Now I won't make any judgements yet, till the engineers come...but just my opinion...the damn thing was bugged....
  17. Hey sorry I haven't posted been gone had to do some junk:rolleyes: __________________________________________________ Bryan: [I]rolls up in his rapier next to the schism[/I] Sorry I'm late had to make some last minute adjust, this baby should be ready to rumble! [I]grins[/I] Travis: Thats great, but Diamond has sent for check-ups for everyone...so off you go Bryan: Damn...I hate check-ups...[I]plops out of the plane and heads for Diamond[/I]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B]Okay so I was thinking, people say aliens don't exist right? Right. Why? 'Cuz there's no oxygen/water on other planets. Ok... but, what if... Aliens don't NEED water and oxygen? Okay so you might be thinking [i]He must be grade 1 or something :rolleyes:...[/i] I am NOT in grade 1...I'm saying:What if the aliens have a totally different evolution pattern in which they evolved to a state in wich they don't need water/oxygen? Ok I admit its pretty far out, but... who knows? :naughty: :laugh: So what do you think about my far out theory??? [/B][/QUOTE] AcutallY its not that far out...I think the same way...They go no this place can't support life...well how do we know!? It can't support Earth's life no...but that doesn't mean some other thing Evolved into it!
  19. It depends right thing or what I would do... Right thing no...right thing would for you to call the cops ASAP and get his *** in jail What I would do...Hell yes...Noone is gonna force anything on my girlfriend ESCPECIALLY while I am around!! Thats just wrong...
  20. Bryan: [I]Comes out of his garage covered in greese and wearing ragged clothes[/I] Finally!! [I]grins[/I] I better head out to the used parts...[I]walks to the used parts in his torn clothes and a wrench still in his hand...sees Travis[/I] Hey!
  21. Bryan:[I]scans the bunch of people and sees that all three engineers are asleep[/I] Well I guess I won't get much help right now....Heh...[I]lays a holographic image on the table of his Rapier[/I] If you get any ideas tell me...I'll be in my garage oh and...[I]hands travis all the statistics[/I] Theres the statistics...Call me when you guys are ready...I'll be working on my Rapier and mayby check the maps a couple more times....till then...See ya around....[I]Walks out of the room yawning[/I]
  22. I doubt we be getting any hufflepuffs...lol....Yeah let Matt organize Quidditch again!! And if you do matt I'll take either Seeker Or Beater!! *Grins* Erm..Angelus mind if I just call ya Ich??? That name is too confusing for my tiny brain ^^
  23. Bryan:[I]Eyes the late rouser coming in[/I] So..whos the other kid? No matter...[I]twirls his pen in his fingers[/I] So you wanna gimme some suggestions on my rapier??
  24. Yeah thanks!! That helps out a lot!! Yeah I have been trying on making them match alittle more if ya know what I mean...anywayz thanks for clearing that all up!!
  25. Non-Anime....hm....Simpsons or...King of the hill ^_^
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