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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan:[I]Scans the rag tag team of people[/I] [I]smiles slightly[/I] [I]looks over to travis[/I] Well from what I heard they don't really need ya... Travis: [I]eyes him carefully[/I] What do you mean? Bryan: Well from what I understand is they are gettting you guys outta the way...apparently you have something they want....[I]looks down at Travis wrist computer[/I] Most likely some data...didn't get all of it cuz they got suspicouse and sent out guards so I had to split...but yeah...I would say no comply..And from my maps I am pretty sure we can have no trouble with the Hunters...Pirates are another world however...smarter than the guild thats for sure...
  2. Bryan: [I]looks at Travis silence[/I] Hm....I see....[I]nods[/I] Your very cautiouse arn't you.....making sure I am friend or foe before you help me...very wise...[I]grins[/I] Well if this helps at all....[I]pulls out a bag of credits and gives them to Travis[/I] Should be enough for all ya need...
  3. Personally in my opinion if a lady is cruel enough to take youi way from your mother, and not ask you how you feel about it the person is messed up. If I were you I would say she needs theropy, and Depression is just a stage I mean god you go in it and outta it..theropy isn't needed...SO yeah I would say No I don't agree with her....
  4. Bryan: [I]stares at travis[/I] [I]Thinks...And for a second I thought this guy would be a welcome change to my already boring life...[/I] So..you want the money now? Travis: How do you have all this money anyway?? Bryan: Oh different things...anything from escoriting jets to killing pirates....[I]On their way to breakfast they pass Bryan's place[/I] Hey, hold up...need your thoughts on something...[I]opens up the garage reveiling his Rapier[/I] Now..I have been working on it...I just can't seem to get it as agile as the new custom ones...whats your suggestions...
  5. Bryan: [I]Wakes up to the steady beap of the comm system. Yawns[/I] Sarah: Glad to see your awake.... Bryan: [I]Yawns[/I] Hardy hardy har...whats up? Sarah: Boss wants ya'all to report ASAP... Bryan: Ya ya..I'll be there in a couple hourse... Sarah: NOW!! Bryan: Damn..ok ok ok....[I]Rubs the back of his head as he turns the comm off[/I] Sheesh...whats a guy gotta do to get some sleep around here...[I]the comm beap again[/I] What now?? [I]Turns the comm on[/I] Sarah: Get your *** into gear now!! Bryan: OK OK OK!!! Sheesh...[I]Yawns and gets dressed[/I] Guess I'll finally see this natorius Travis they were talking about....[I]yawns and steps outta the door and starts off[/I]
  6. In 20-30 years this will be obsolite....we will probably have like a holgram interenet where we can actually see eachother or something like that...BUT if this place is still around you are sure to found that lovable junkey named DuoGod of Death right around the corner!! ^_^
  7. *claps* Nice job Yulie! See I told you they weren't bad!! Even Kitty agrees with me!! So be happy! They are great!
  8. *remembers the play pracice make-up* Ok...thats not funny! Anyway thanks Yulie! I know your new here...but before everyone kills you don't double post...if you gonna post twice edit your first one and put it in there....^_^
  9. Well I am still in Middle School so no Prom here....I can't wait to get into high school for all that fun stuff...lol...*waits for everyone to laugh* But yeah the one time our school had a dance it was pretty much a dud I was the only guy dancing with another girl...and hardly anyone danced...they all played basketball:rolleyes:
  10. Lol thanks...I knew it looked wrong...well now you can see where my weekness in English is...lol :)...But anyway its killing me someone tell me what the Iambic Peremeter is!
  11. Thanks for the compliment....Iambic Peremeter??? Anyway here is my 5th poem hot off the press..... ALONE I lay alone cold at night Wondering why I have to feel this pain With these questions I lose the fight My existence here is clear, My lifes in veign. I lay here and cry Shivering in the snowfall All I can do is ask why Ready to let out that last call Everyone just walks by me Walking on me, not giving a thought Everyone's eyes are closed, they will not see They just leave me here to rot I reach out ot touch them They ignore that I'm alive I'm on life's edge, the very rim They rush by busy as a bee hive They ignore me, I'm a pest FIghting the urge to end it now I wonder why I can't be like the rest Its time to end it, but how? I grab my only posessiong I walk to the woods ready to die Its time to end my torment and opression Now I will finally be able to fly With the knife raised I stare into the darkness The knife comes down opening the door My last memory was my mothers last kiss Before she fell down her blood staining the floor Now I can see her I know not where I go But we weill be happy like we once were The pain leaving me I see the doe It nudges me to follow There it steps away and disappears with its fawn Nothing is there everything is hallow There she is! I see my mom then the next second...shes gone.... I'm still all alone.....
  12. Baseball....This is gonna sound really...odd....but I love the feel of it all...the dirt and stuff....I'm hopeless..
  13. Name: Bryan Age: 13 Height: 5'3 Call Sign:Maverick (*grins* Top GUn) Expertise: Piloting, and repair Position: Rapeir Pilot, or gunner Equipment: Pistol Civilian Clothes: A black cover shirt over a white sleeveless shirt, jeens, old tennis shoes, and a holster Hunters Uniform:It is Solid Black, With a light Grey Star on his right shoulder, On his neck are the double circle showing his rank as a Liutent. Composed of a Shirt and Pants, Along with a pair of Boots. on his Left shoulder is a small gray ship . Pilot Outfit:A black and dark green outfit. His helmet bears his call sign "Maverick" on the top, it is jet black except the letters are in a brick red. On his left shoulder is his sign for his ship. On his right is the sun. In his helmet he has a little radio to listen to music when he flys. Ships Appearance: Owning his own ship he painted it himself. It is jet black with fire decals. Under each wing is "Mess with the best burn like the rest" Appearance: He is short for most his age. He is a pilots build. His eyes are a deep blue, and he has blonde hair. He always wears a hat of some kinds whether it be a baseball cap or his pilot helmet.
  14. Bryan: *draws his sword and starts fighting the army of demons* *slices a demon in half* *turns around to ya* *his eyes glowing red* What you can't fight a mortal by yourself is that what you are saying?! *looks over at Siren* Get ready!! *the 3rd ring demons lift up into the air*
  15. I agree with Travis on what he is saying. I mean them saying we are not allowed to say "N" is just another form of discrimination. Them playing all the cards of victim is another form of discrimintation. So in a way they are now discriminating the whites, just on a much less physical and much more emotional. I mean at my school a black kids best friend (white) would always call the kid a Nigga...but the black kid called it back..it was fine with them...BUT another black kid heard it, and first kicked the white guys butt...then took him to the principle the white kid was expelled. The next day the principle walks by two black kids and right while he does this they great eachother with "Whats up my nigga" and he doesn't give a second thought to it. I mean I understand that ****** used to be a symbol of hate, but that was the past. Whites are also called stuff but I mean its not that big of deal and we don't go out and shoot someone for it. I mean heck we even have our own form of ******...wigger...A hblack man can just waltz up and call us a wigger and its nothign..Its really stupid to have one race controlling what we can and can't say. And the mother anology by James, I also agree with Travis. Noone is allowed to talk about your family in a dirogatory way, this includes all races not just one or two different races. Saying that a certain race can't say it is just denying us the the first ammendment... freedom of speech(depends on how you translate the ammendment of course). I mean sure the blacks went to hell andw back in the first 150 some odd years, but we arn't in the past anymore...we need to stop dwelling on the past and put our eyes on the future. I mean if a word has that much power for over 200 years don't you think its going to have that power for atleast another 200 years. I mean whites are almost becoming a minority in this country compared to the blacks. If we live in the past its gonna be ugly in the future. I mean do you what say your son's daughter to be living as a slave to the blacks? To anyone for that matter? IF we LIVE in the past, the past is gonna regenrerate itself. I think first and foremst either allow ALL races to say the dang word or rip the word out of the English language. We pride our selves on "political correctness" how correct is it for one body to be able to say one thing and the other body not to? Not very correct is it?!
  16. I agree the confederate flag is not racist...People expecially southeners are very proud of their history and the flag is part of their history..The Civil War was NOT about slavery for almst a year or two...Abe just thought it would be a good way to get more supporters....The flag is just southern heritage not racism
  17. Yes I agree with you justin ecspecially about the titled couldn't think of anything...
  18. Name: Bryan Age: 14 Year: 4th Room: Raven Claw
  19. Sui Generis

    Lotr pics

    That thing looks awesome!! Will it only be out on X-Box or would it be out on Playstation 2 or gamecube...but Ya I agree either gonna be the game of the year or crap...
  20. Please don't close this immediatly, this is not ment to be descrimitory! I just want to know what your opinions are.... I will show you both sides of the issue then I will tell you my position I am currently watching Boston Public and the episode is over this....I wanna know your opinion....It seems that people mainly whites, are forbidden to say "******" because it is a racial slur and is degrading to the black society, however two black people who are friends can go around and call eachother "Niggers" all day long without causing a second thought. Blacks: At the time this word was orriginated it WAS ment as degrading and it was a way of telling slaves apart. Marking them with the name ment hate. People (particulary whites) would call them niggers and then beat them and think of them lower than dirt. Two blacks can call eachother niggers for the simple fact that they know what happened most if not all had their families go through it, and they can call eachother niggers out of respect. Whites: Denying whites from saying "******" is just another form of discrimintation. Many whites believe that the blacks have used this word more as a card to play for their success than anything else. If a white person dares to say "******" to a black person he will most likely be beaten up EVEN if the person is his best friend. Blacks automatically assume that it is ment in a dirogatory way, and not as a friend. Its true that some still used it dirogatory but living in the past is wrong, whites are called many things (ex: white trash, gringo, wigger..) whites are called it without a thought. But if a black is called a ****** its a whole different story. Sure they were abused back then but no human race should be handicaped. If someone like Chris Rock would walk around the stage and talk about blacks and Niggers the audience would laugh. But say if Robin Willaims did the samething, there is a possibility that he would be shot or even attacked. Some people: Certain people believe that this word has too much power. How could one single word in the English language have SO much control over people. The word ****** is associated with so much hate that the meaning is truly lost. They believe that if one race can say a word another should be able too. They believe that this word should be translated into a different meaning, not the driving hatred it is associated with. People now adays don't care how you say it, coaches, bosses and other employees have been fired EVEN when the kid/person said they were allowed to call them that BUT they were still fired. People automatically assume that it is ment in dirogatory.... I believe that the word has too much power.....simple as that... Whats your opinion.... (My hands hurt now) Edit: I did not realize that the word N I G G E R would be bleaped...so that is what it is....everyone censor is N I G G E R....I just want to know what you think..I REPEAT THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A RACIAL BATTLE JUST STATE YOUR OPINION!
  21. Bryan: *looks over at Siren in suprise* *grins* Thanks! *dodges an attack and trips the demon* *looks around* Uh...oh....*gulps* [I]An army of 3rd ring demons pop up[/I]
  22. A friend is a friend period. You never know how strong the relationship will become...I say she should apoligize just for the fact, that you don't know if that girl will be the only girl to help her with her boy troubles or what not...And she may be the only true friend...Trust me I had that expierence, my friend that I thought little of has come through and become my only suport at my school....
  23. NO offense to you or your friend but the whole fight sounds childish...but anywayz...Yes you do need to apologize to her.,...stupid things like these should not interfere with your friendship, and if I was to give a guess you like her as a friend, but you act like you hate her becuase you are rebelling against your mother....Just say sorry you two will get over it and be good friends again.. She may not deserve an apology but it will end it faster and she will respect you more...(And personally I think throwing your controler is very immature) BUT I am not here to pass judgement...just say sorry even if you don't mean it. She will be happy get over it and next thing you know, you will take Lee, King, Law, or whoever and whoop her butt on Tekken ;)
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] I agree completely. All the girls at my school present themselves like little sluts. And the all the guys go crazy. I would like just one guy who didn't go in for that. It's so disgusting. The world IS screwed over......:demon: [/B][/QUOTE] Yes it is very disgusting...I really hate how the girls at my school dress and crap...it turns me off more than anything..... I had this person keep calling me acting like they were an old granny and talking to where you coudln't understand them...it was very odd...cuz one time it sounded like two people were having sex...it was fake of course but scary still lol.....(Then I got Caller ID and of course got back) heehee....
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