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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson]I can believe that because sometimes I'll wake up and then go back to sleep and have the LONGEST dream and wake up and it's only been like 10 or 15 minutes. But 3 seconds can't be for ALL dreams...maybe just some. You can really PROVE how long a dream is, since you're not inside the person's head...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I think it may have something to do with the REM cycle of sleeping (Rapid eye movement) Maybe it pulsates for three seconds then stops...then pulsates...then stops...then...you get the idea...anyway thats just a guess and your guess is as good as mine... I think thats really weird...cuz I always seem to have 1 llooonnnnggg dream that last me all night I will wake up in the middle of the night and the dream continues when I go to sleep...is that normal? Lol maybe its just like a slide projector *shrugs*
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B] .... ........ ............ This is a message directly from Flash. Flash, and i, would like it if you would stop posting such insolent messages, such as, and i quote "Hm...either he is stupid...or....HE IS CHARGING UP HIS HUGE AS GUN!". That has to be one of the stupidest story lines have seen in all my time RPGing. Now... you may notice that in this RPG there are stats. SO, People cannot just go and cheezewizz. There is some type of power indication, and limitation. Now, people who ignore this, like Outlaw, just look stupid when they say things like "Outlaw switches on the overdrive and flies after the other suits, catching up with them alarmingly fast" When in fact, our speed is '200' when yours is only '150' (As chosen by you) So to make this a fair Rpg you must at least take [i]some[/i] notice of the stats. Flash, and i, would like it if you took some notice of who is superior, like BlackWing, and who is inferior, like Bryan, Outlaw, Flash, warlock and me. At this point in time, that's what going on. That's who is the most powerful. You guys Outlaw & Bryan, should make up your own plot if your not being included in someone else?s. Not go and mess up their plot like with the whole Blackwing thing. Sorry to sound really mean, but you guys should go and train, or battle each other, or do whatever. Just do something to get some power, then you may be a little match for BlackWing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: BlackWing, is still in the atmosphere, and everything is like it was before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *On the battle field* [i]Neo rounds the corner in Nexus and begins to head for the mobile dolls. He sees Hyperion directly in front of him, doing the same, He looks to his left and sees Cossack advancing fast, weapons at the ready.[/i] (Radio) Flash: Ok fella's Lets do this... Neo: Amen Warlock: Let's rumble [i] Flash shoots into the air and flies up high right in front of the mobile dolls, while Hyperion & Nexus both attack from the sides. Nexus Lands and blasts along the ground towards a group of 6 mobile dolls, he draws his beam swords and charges forward, slicing one of them in half. He turns and faces the other which all at once open rocket packs and take aim. Neo Blasts forward and takes a swipe, but it's to late, he is hit by five rockets and propelled backwards and into the mountain, making a huge indent in it.[/i] Neo: Whoa, they [i]are[/i] strong! [i]Neo jumps up and flies at the mobile dolls, again. He shoots of his right arm and takes out one of them, then he flips backwards on top of one, and impales it through the head with his beam sword. He turns towards the remaining three, and blasts them into oblivion with his chest gattiling guns[i/] Neo: Well, time go and see the rest of them..... [/B][/QUOTE] One of two things....A) The message was sent to ALL pilots to intercept this course....And You Warlock and Flash have taken it all upon yourselves to be the heroes.......B) I don't really care I need to quit this RPG sorry (I know you 3 are probably happy) I don't have the time...*hence my ****** post* So I really don't wanna mess this up anymore...so erm..have fun..
  3. BryanL*gulps* Great we are killing the most powerfull beings on this god forsaken planet...*grins* My type of party!! *gets in his fighting stance* Lets go!! *charge at Ya and right at last second side steps and kicks him in the back of the head* Ok..powerfull Yes....fast...no...
  4. Thimoc or SSJ Goten....lol....man I just read that again...fell over laughing...heh...too funny...*whipes tears* Too funny.... So I wasn't wronge it is All You Base Are Belong to Us, I watched a Gundam music video with that and I was like what the heck...(sorry alittle off topic)
  5. People say I am like Duo...so there ya go...and I always asociate myself with death...for reasons only one person on here knows and it will stay that way sorry.... Oh and Nerdsy I remember that so there!
  6. Bryan: *watches as the three gundams approach there enemies* Gawd...everyone has to forget the small dude!! *sees that they started the battle...*looks over and sees the Blackwing just sitting there....* Hm...either he is stupid...or....HE IS CHARGING UP HIS HUGE AS GUN!! *shoots one rocket from his pack knocking blackwing just enough that he misses the group completely* Whew... Blackwing: [I]slowly turns around and stares dead at Aeglos and Bryan[/I] Bryan: *gulps* I'm screwed...*turns on his Jaguar system* Well lets get ready to rumble Aeglos!! *charges at Blackwing*
  7. Bryan: So let me get this straight...you are saying that Ya whatever is immune to angels, which means only us mortals can kill him/she...whatever that stupid thing is *points to Ya* Just great...oh and Satan has found the weapon that is stronger than God? Why am I not suprised!! *grabs his sword* We got a rough road ahead of us thats for sure...*looks at Ya once mroe* Leave now...or die...thats all I gotta say..
  8. Bryan: Brother Third Ring leader??? Satan a GIRL?? What the heck am I missing here....Besides the fact that this guy just about killed me...*looks around confused* Ok...explain everything NOW!
  9. Bryan: *gulps* First ring...helll....oh ****.....*concentrats on a rock* *his eyes glow red* *the rock flys at his attacker giving Bryan just enough time to get away and get into his fighting stance next to Orin* *turns to Orin* Now who in the hell is Yajamara or whatever!
  10. Bryan:*studders for a second* He gave up on us...*sits there for a second and looks around the group* *yells* Orion your wrong! He won't give up on us and you know it! This isn't God's work! Look at the ground! God's tears bring flowers and blossoms not decay and rot! *points at a flower that dissolves once the drop hits it* This is Satan! God will not forsaken his sheep! And you know that better than I do! I don't know what is going through your head but...*falls steel against his neck* *stops* The heck..*trys to look around but his attacker won't let him* ??:Try to move and you die! >
  11. Bryan: *thinks for a second and looks up* *sighs* *steps between Orin and Medra* The only way for him to learn is through compassion not hate....if we are to kill him it shall be on a life threatening circumstance, we WILL not strike him down right here, its too early for that...he stands on the line, strike him down and Satan has won, wait and see and I believe he will come through....*turns to Orin* Its your choice....walk now or join us..*looks at him intently* SO what'll be...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]I think it 'twas. erm... 3 is very wrong, i know. Here's 5: [/B][/QUOTE] This one is mine!! ALLLL Mine!!! I would wear that!!! THey don't have a coffee one??? *pouts* But this ones good enough!!!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Has anyone ever sat somewhere, like a hill or something, and watched the sunset? Just sit there, and watch the sunset appear, and then go dark... Anyone? I did a few days ago, with my... someone special... :D Great feeling... [/B][/QUOTE] I love doing that..just sitting on a secluded hill, noone knows your there and just watch the firery sky burn out...It awesome and I do it at my grandparents house everyday I am there....(1 week in a year:rolleyes: ) Its even better when you have someone special to you there....its magically when someone is with you...and romantic.....*sighs*
  14. Bryan: *looks at Orin for a second then gulps* I can see it in you... Orin: What? Bryan: You have more love then hate in you, I can see that, you just let the darkness blind you...if you were evil...You would have killed Siren and me when you had the chance, but you didn't.....Satan's loosing his grip on you and he knows it....Why don't you join us? You would be a powerfull ally you are strong and you know the enemy.... Siren: What the this thing in here?? Bryan: *turns to Siren* Siren, Travis founded this place for anyone..not just humans, you should know that as well as I, you know we are different from the rest....*turns back to Orin* *puts out his hand* So how bout it?
  15. It HAS been VERY slow lately I don't know why...oh well I am not going anywhere soon I'll tell ya that...
  16. Interesting...way to develop this thing JustiN!! Erm..heaven's cloud you are kinda just going on, on your own...lol...oh well its truning out great still!
  17. Member Name: DuoGod of Death Original Member Name: Duo God of Death (How different) Member Since: March 2000 Current Status: Otaku Favorite Forums: Games, GD, Poetry Favorite RPG: Um...Apocolypse 2 Favorite Threads: ANy thread that is thought provoking and I can argue in ^_^ Favorite Smilies::cross: :rolleyes: Most Memoral Moment: The hump wars Quoteble Quote: "Courage is only the will to live in a tight situation" Me Words of Wisdom: Hold fast and live your own life Wish to be remembered for: Trying to make everyone's day just alittle bit brighter (and yelling at spammers) Desired Epitaph: Noone could live with him or with out him...he will be missed *shrugs* My Will: My Poetry to Britty MY Coffee To Travis My pic to all adoring fans *someone coughs* Or not My Computer to Samantha My Soul to amber...
  18. Very romantic and depressing at the same time o.O Or is it just me...oh well...good job!
  19. *predicts that this post will get closed soon because of how many there has been* Duo Shingami58 at your service...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I hate to burst your bubble, but everybody forms a initial impression due to appearence, even the most open-minded of people. Conforming to a trend is not always a bad thing, as long as the person has a valid reason for doing it. For example, it seems that your friends are trying to fit a certian image. Prehaps it is because they want to fit in with a group or prehaps it is because they enjoy aspects of the trend. You shouldn't be angry with them for doing it, they are the same people that they were the other day, they are just expressing themselves differently. You may not like their trends or even understand them, but that shouldn't change your frendship with them.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm would never be mad at them for changing and putting up a new "style" of clothes, but I am mad at them for hating me just cause I didn't go along with them....I am mad at them because they say if I don't dress this way then I am; stupid, idiotic, gay, (no offense of coure TN)a *****, a ****er, a bastard you name it they called it...I just think its really incredable STUPID!!!!!
  21. Bryan: *stands up* I suddenly feel loved...*looks around the table* I don't know about you guys but its time to party!!! Others:*grin and nod* Bryan:*opens the dorr and rushes to his gundam* All weapons ready, ready when you are!!
  22. Bryan:*gets up* THats one thing we mortals have that you don't!! COMPASSION!!! *charges at him again*
  23. Sui Generis


    Bryan: *watches Liam get chase by the car* Thats gonna hurt...Gawd I love having a nice sis..isn't that right Britty!! Britty? *looks around* Where did she go... Britty: Oh brother! Bryan: *turns around* Huh?? Britty: *ties him up and throws him in the closet* Bryan: Ok I take it back..*starts screaming* HELP!!!
  24. What the heck is up with people now adays? Why the hell do we have to fit this perfect image of someone who doesn't give a crap about you, and if you don't fit that image everyone hates you for some damn reason that makes no sense? What the hell is up with people today and judging someone upon appearance? It pisses me off! I am tired of it! I have officially every friend except two at my school for not fitting that image then telling them how truly STUPID this whole thing is? Do you guys have to put up with this at your school...or is my school just screwed up? Sorry for this rant I just wanted to see if I am truely alone in this struggle or are there other strong people who resist this annoying habbit of humans?
  25. Carren Heart is allowed to stay in...we continued onto his post so therfor he is apart of this RPG and he is very important at this point...so sorry to spoil your fun.. Erm......ok I guess I was out voted...forget this post them..
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