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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Sui Generis


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] *appears out of nowhere* BRYAN?!?!? MY BROTHER?!??!? O.O;;;; *twitches*... bwah.... Oh, dear God, no... >.< *cough*... Well... Better make the best of this... *walks up to Bryan* Hello, [i]brother[/i]... can I borrow 5 bucks? ^^ :D [/B][/QUOTE] Omg....already...sheesh...*coughs up 5 bucks* Hey SIS can I have 10 bucks? :-p
  2. Nabashi and AEON arrive at the battle Nabashi: *surveys whats going on* I got an idea....*runs to Kenneth* *whispers something in his ear* Ok so when he is confused bind him!!! *murmers something under his breath* *he stabs the dragon the runs around in circles around the dragon* *he runs faster than most can see* *the dragon trys to attack him*
  3. Nabashi: *keeps running* *looks back* *runs right into Aeon* AEON AEON!!! *looks at Viper and Chole ready to fight* Erm...sorry.... Viper: Who the hell are you holding.. Nabashi: Huh? Oh!! This is Amber or something like that...but Aeon that old wizard!! Big Dragon!! Fighting!! Viper: And by the looks of your arm you tried to fight... Nabashi: Thats not the point!! He needs your help! He won't live!! He's gonna die!!
  4. Nabashi: But no one man can beat a dragon and you know that!!! Kenneth: *pushes Nabashi one last time* JUST GO!!! Nabashi: *looks at him one last time* *runs* There has to be someone who can help that old man....Aeon!! I have to find him....*starts running in the direction he came*
  5. Nabashi: Sorry...whoever you are....*knocks her out* *runs and sets her just out of Kenneth's vision* *hides* *comes back and as the dragon and kenneth fights Nabashi throws on of his daggers at the dragons eye*
  6. Nabashi: Its heading straight for the old man and the cat.....I must beat it!! *starts running faster* *looks side to side* *everything is a blur* *watches as he easily passes the dragon* This is not possible....how can I run so quickly...no matter *keeps pushing faster and faster* *arrrives at where the two stand* *collapses* *gets up* The....dragon....coming this way....big....black....doesn't look happy....ruN!!! *looks over at Amber* *jaw drops* I thought...she was a cat....*whistles* Anyway lets get the hell out of here!!!
  7. If you could choose a job you have always wanted or a job that pays $150,000 a year which would you choose? If you could choose one person from the boards and have them as a sibling who would it be?? (Thanks DBZ Chika) If you would choose one person to be a father and one to be a mother to you from the boards who would they be? If you were bounded to stay in ONE section of otaku what would it be? (EXAMPLE: General Discussion) If you had to choose a mansion in the middle of the city, or a shack in the middle of the forest which would you chooose? If you were dying what would be your last words? If you had to choose one person to kill you who would it be? If you had to choose from a Ferari for 2 years or a hondai for the rest of your life which would you choose? These cars would be free...
  8. Sui Generis


    Looks like the first pairing has worked perfectly!! They are acted perfectly like twins!! lOl
  9. Nabashi: *looks over his shoulder and sees the dragon just fly right by* What the...he should have seen me...wait a minute...that old wizard...he must know something about this...maybe the dragon will take me back to the.....*turns around and starts running after the dragon keeping low making sure not to be seen*
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]IF! You had the choice of answering 'if questions' or not, would you? no im jk... 1)My favorite book, Fish Whistle, I can't live without it 2)Buggies are nutricious 3)Scott's 4)No, I'd laugh my arse off and then kick his 5)Scott, the love of my life, he means more to me than anyone or anything on this Earth 6)Laugh, physically impossible 7)Laugh, physically impossible 8)In my sleep 9)Myself in a heartbeat 10)Lovers, Scott okay, my turn... If you could alter only one thing about society, what would it be? [color=red] GREED If you could become the smartest person alive, would you? No, what would there be to do...I woulnd't have to learn...it would be boring If you had the chance to commit any crime and get away with it, what would it be? none wouldn't be able to live with the guilt If you had the choice to cheat and pass or not cheat and fail, what would you do? Fail...did it this week If you could ban anyone person from theses boards, who would it be? Um...ermm....I would have to say....erm....a spammer!! lol [/color] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]
  11. Lol its for a contest and yes I am a guy...and yes I have a g/f....Lol Anywayz I would say a witch...just cause her magic would help her beat the vamp...and if she was dying she could do some healing ****...lol :)
  12. YAYA I get to live...lol....anywayz enough spam....I edited my post so check up on it....Some more questions...
  13. Ok I need help....In FFIX I am doing the Chocographs...and I have found almost all of them...but one is giving me a hard time...I have been searching for 3 days and I can't find it.....Could you guys tell me where the OCEAN chocograph is located...or near what continent...
  14. Not me? Lol....don't I feel loved....oh well...I'll edit this post when my brain starts to work again..... If a complete stranger came up to you and said that he was your sibling what would you do? If that stranger was proven to be your sibling what would you do? If you could chooose one way to die what would it be? If you had to choose you or your lover to die who shall it be? If a persona asked whats more important Friends or lovers what would you say?
  15. Sui Generis


    The scary thing is we are alike in many ways....scary isn't it
  16. If.... If you were only allowed one possesion what would it be and why??? If the law said that you had to eat bugs to be able to drive would you? If you could only choose one, whos life would you save? If a man had a knife to you and said "strip" would you? If the love of your life came up to you and said they would go out with you, under one condition you get rid of your best friend who would you pick? Thats all I can think of right now...I will think of some more later....(So I was bored sue me)
  17. You....just.....called....me....a....girl.....*dies* Anyway....*continues to dance*
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]Hmmmm,ok I think i should explain that I mean elemental as in elves,dwarfs,gremlins blah,blah(Fairy tale creatures),Super human as in vampire,witches,blah,blah.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]vampire[/COLOR][COLOR=crimson] So,what would you choose to be?[/COLOR] :demon: :[ MUWAHAHAHA! [/B][/QUOTE] I would so be an elf!! Not like the ones that help Santa either!!! Those were migets who were brainwashed!! I would be one of the cool elves like Legolas!
  19. Sui Generis


    Well since we can't be lovers....Amber's out....Um...I chooose *in big ehoey voice* BRITTY!
  20. Yeah we be the retarded Duo!!! *retarded music plays* *striks a pose* ;)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by black_vegeta [/i] [B]Hey guys, I was just wondering, I know their are some type of mechs out there (government project, prototypes, etc), but do you guys think that it possible for a real "gundam" (or gundam type machine), to be manufactued... I think it is... And I definitely think we will see some gundam or mech type machine that resembles a gundam in the next 10 - 20 years. What do you guys think? Reply with links, news, info... Anything about real mechs, etc.... [/B][/QUOTE] The prospect of us making Gundums is possible....But when we make them...it will be more than 10-20 years....To be able to make metal that strong and flexible...We don't have the cababilty yet..
  22. Heh...thats awesome! Its like we have our own little city now! If you think about it thats alot of poeple....with no lives...;) Lol...:whoops:
  23. I'll do it for 1 week if you will make me a good Duo God of Death banner...:smirk:
  24. Nabashi: *starts hiking threw the woods* Note to self....don't go following strang dragon hearts after dark...*laughs to himself* Company wasn't bad...I haven't talked to someone in such a long time either...*sighs* Now where the hell am I.....*keeps walking* *sees a dragon fly over him* Ohh....PERFECT!!! Just great! Damnit...figures...*starts running in a crouch* If he sees me I am toast!
  25. It was from one of my points...at the VERY beggining...but oh well...
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