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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [COLOR=indigo][b]Name[/b]: Allan Schezar [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] Check attachment (the one on the right) [b]Biography:[/b] When Hitomi became lost in the woods of Asturia, she was saved by a knight by Allen Schezar. Allen brought her to a nearby fort, where he commanded a large group of soldiers from Asturia. Hitomi falls in love with Allen because he looks exactly like Amano, whom she liked on earth. Allen wanted Van and Hitomi to stay with him at the fort where it was safe, and beat Van in his own Guymelef, Schezarade. However, Zaibach attacks and Allen retreats the fort with the others. Allen leads an attack on a Zaibach Floating Fortress to save Van, then heads to the capital of Asturia, but is thrown in the prison because he assists Van and Escaflowne. Millerna breaks Allen out and he heads to Freid, but is mortally wounded on the way when he saves Van. Luckily, Millerna shows up just at the right time to save him. Allen is sickly for a while, but eventually recovers. Soon after, Millerna discovers that Allen had had a love affair with her sister years before, and produced a son, Prince Chid. Allen assists in protecting Freid then escapes with the others. He gives Dryden his father's diary, which leads them to the Mystic Valley. There Allen finds out the truth about what happened to his father. Allen is captured in Zaibach along with Van and Hitomi but is able to escape. He returns to Asturia, where he falls in love with Hitomi due to Zaibach's altering of fate. Later, Allen proposes to Hitomi but she is sent back to earth. Allen is shocked to see his sister Serena return, but she vanishes as soon as she appeared. In the final episode, Allen, whom had found out the truth about his sister battles Van to protect her. He loses the fight, but since he is reunited with his sister and the war has ended, he doesn't mind. Allen is reunited with his sister and apparantly lives out the rest of his life in happiness. Allen is the leader of the Abaharaki, the rebels fighting against the Black Dragon army.His father dissappeared when he was a teenager, leaving his mother and sister. His sister vanished soon after and his mother died. Allen became a swordsman but was very dishonorable until he was taught by Vargas how to be a respectable knight. He became famed in Asturia and fell in love with Princess Marlene. They had an affair and produced a child, Prince Chid. [b]Personality[/b]: Allen is a very couragous man, always willing to go into battle and risk his life. He is very righteous as well and honor is very important to him. Allen is always willing to protect those he loves. However, he gets upset, like when hearing about his father. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=indigo]Don't worry atleast to me what you said makes sense. But being myself I'd have to beg to differ. I don't really think that WuFei really was trying to get back at Treize. I mean first off we know that the kid respected Treize a great deal (Hense the reason he cried), and the only reason I think he'd even want to get back at Treize was Treize allowing WuFei to beat him on such a simple move. Personally I think the whole WuFei issue was to show the insecurity of the boys, and WuFei in general. What was Wufei brought up around? War, disciple, self-defense. He was brought up among strict guide lines and even when his master died those guide lines did not change. There was a definite evil and good, in his mind atleast. But when there is no definite evil, and there is no definite good what is a warrior with morals to do? True the action to defect to Mariemea's (sp) side was pretty much a complete paradox to WuFei's morals, but so was pacifism. I mean if you look at him peace was never a part of his life. He knew no peace, he was simply another weapon. While he did have friends his friends were seemingly fighting to put an end to WuFei's existance (or atleast the only one he himself knew about). Thats why I think he joined with Mariemea. Her ideals...ambitions, gave him a place in the world. It gave him a purpose and something to fight for. I mean we all know teenagers insecurities on "where do I belong," "whats the point of my life", so on and so forth. I mean I am a teenager so I can back this up, and I think thats what the key was there with WuFei. He felt that with peace he had no purpose. Naturally in the end he found out differently, but hey whats a story without some conflict? Anyways not really sure if that made entirely too much sense at all, and sorry if it didn't, but thats my thoughts![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=indigo]I'm a fan of all those, of course I started out with Gundam Wing but I will admit there are many better series out there. I think, if this makes any sense, the reason Gundam Wing was so popular was it was the most Americanized. *shrugs* Plus the animation was more up to date. Many kids I know that watch anime don't like something unless the art is "cool". They don't like old anime because theyt hink the art sucks. So they really odn't give it a chance. So that may be a reason why so many more people liked GW towards the rest. I really have no clue *shrugs* another reason could be that simply it caught the publics eye first. It was thrown up on toonami/cartoon network so there were more people to see that one then Stardust Memory or any of the others. *shrugs* Its a true mystery maybe just like the characters more? I'm with you though.....I'd really like to know the definite reason(s)[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=indigo]As transtic said schools have the right to do what ever they want, if they believe it will increase the "educational level." If its true that there are a bunch of kids getting on anime sites instead of writing up their mid-term papers or something to that affect then I think the words should be banned. I really don't see why they wouldn't be allowed to. Thats like saying the army has control of guns, but can't outlaw certain ones and such. Its pretty much un-reasonable. We'd have some medical man running around with a bazooka while the true bazooka carrier would be stuck with a surgical knife. Its a drastic example but it proves a point. If its stopping you from learning which is what school is for then i think they should ban it. Besides you can get on it at home, jobs arn't going to be so happy just to let you plop on the computer in the middle of the day to check out otakuboards.com because you want to. Its the real world, welcome to it!! :D[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=indigo]First off never use numbers....use letters. Write them out...I know you can spell four. Its not that hard. Common knowledge fact about literature. Second really don't post something this short and expect much of replies simply because theres nothing here. Why not just wait till you have the energy to post the whole thing? This just makes you look bad no offense. Thirdly I'm entitled to hate the story already just because I've heard this idea so many times.... Fourthly its scepter not cepter....try and get your grammer down a bit stronger! Nice try though....[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian turned around and walked back towards Brant's room. He paused half way there and turned back around. Zarian smirked Brant and Satell could use some time by themselves. He sighed and turned back and walked out of the hospital. Walked out into the blankness of the night and the wallowing mouth of self-pity. He sighed again and shook his head. He smelled the air then shrugged, conceding victory. So far Mars had taken him. Consumed him and molded him into what he is now. Zarian walked out away from the city for a bit letting his thoughts envelop him. He never truly saw anything as he passed finally he found himself laying down in a mound of grass next to a patch of trees. It looked aroudn and noted he was on top of a hilll. He nodded and smiled. Silently he pulled out his note pad and pen. He smiled as a tiny light came off from the paper. It was a present Alexandra had given him some time ago. It wasn't by no means an expensive present, nor that important at the time. Zarian was young when he got it, he really didn't understand the importance of such a gift. He had over the years. He loved the gift, it allowed him to write whenever. It allowed him to express his feelings whenever, and it had shown that Alexandra believed that he could do it. He smiled and entered his own world, seemingly blank of emotion his pen began sliding over the paper smoothly as Zarian allowed his emotions to flow through his hand. He continued on for many hours writing about everything, even Satell and Brant. He smiled as his pen finally slowed to a hault. He felt refreshed and took a deep breath in. It was a nice night out. He shrugged and looked around. Zarian slowly closed his book and walked over to the trees slowly. He slipped in between some of the trees and laid down. After what seemed like seconds Zarian went back off into his world again letting his emotions now guide his very being. Zarian smiled as sleep over came him.[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian eyed the human....if you could call it that. Zarian looked outside and saw more creatures coming he sighed. This was going to be one hell of a day. He aimed his rifle and picked off a few of the monsters. He cursed seeing others coming where the others had fallen. He aimed and let off another two rounds before turning back towards the man. Brant slowly walked towards the monster as it walked towards the group. One arm hanging limply at his side Brant seemed harmless, he was...almost. He charged at the [b]thing[/b] full steam. Suddenly a bullet whizzed by his head. Then another. Zarian quickly pulled the trigger letting more go. Brant studdered for a second as he saw the beast get pushed back a few feet. Another bullet entered the beasts body splashing blood everywhere. The beast seemed to laugh. Ignoring the pain it pushed against the barrage of bullets and started towards the group again. Zarian smirked as he saw both Brant and the man stunned momentarilly. After letting of a last round he ran up next to Brant and drew his scimitar. He smirked. This was gonna be messy.[/i] "Welcome to Law Enforcement eh?" [i]Zarian smirked and winked at his friend. He gripped his sword hilt and stood firmly. He wasn't going to let his friend die without him dying first.[/i] "One hell of a day...." [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=indigo][i] Zarian gazed upon the mansion in disbelief. It was huge, gorgeouse. Its smell was old, something that seemed un-usual in this new world. His horse took a couple steps back. He felt as on edge as the horse. The mansion was eerie to say the least. Something else nagged at Zarian. This reminded him too much of his home. A beautiful waste of resources, waste of time, and waste of breath. Someone spent so much money on it so that it oculd lay and decay. Why do something like that? Why put your money in objects that do not matter, that do not stay with you forever, that do not reside in your heart? Zarian couldn't understand it. He sighed. He was as much at fault as anyone else. He tried to buy Alexandra, tried to show her that he had the money to show his love. He learned later that money showed nothing when it came to emotions. [/i] "...If only I wasn't so stupid...."[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian waved at Satell and winked. She stood there with her hands on her hips and shook her head. Zarian let out a small chuckle, happily taking in a refreshing breath of air. It was a crisp morning, the air was pure. Completely fresh, it seemed as there was no such thing as pollution in this new world. It was so much different from Earth. You couldn't take a breath in that god forsaken world without destroying your lungs. He smiled as the wind tossed his hair around. His hair flickered out of his face peacefully fully tangable yet almost like a ghost. He leaned down and gave his horse and soft pat on its side. The horses muscles flexed. Expanding and contracting as the beautiful animal made its way to its destination. The horse seemed content even though it didn't even know where it was going. Simply content to be living, letting the spirit of nature guide its way.[/i] "....we could learn from you....." [i]He patted the horse again and leaned back letting his stirrups holding up soley. He sighed knowing that the peace and tranquility that he felt would be terminated, it always was. The peace humans desired, was the peace that they destroyed. He shook his head for a moment. He didn't understood humans. Zarian shrugged. It must be the writer in him, thinking of everything in ways such as that. Whether it was a good thing or bad he didn't know nor did he really care, it was him and thats all that mattered.[/i] "Have a fun night?" [i]Zarian smirked and looked towards his friend[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian looked at her for a second. He smirked slightly thinking about the days far gone. You still have the poems I wrote you. Zarian laughed at the thought. I may still be a writer but I've lost all talent for poetry ever sense I stopped writing them to you. He shook his head. This world is so strange, so similar to Earth yet still so different. [/i] "Hey barkeep! I'd like some ameretto with an orange twist." [i]Zarian nodded his head in thanks to the bar tender as the keep gave him his drink. He sipped on it slowly for a moment. Alexandra looked at him confused then smirked.[/i] "I thought you didn't come keen to drinking.." [i]Zarian smiled and took another sip of his alcohol. He looked over at Alexandra and smiled. He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket. [/i] "Its a letter from when we were young. You wrote it to me, it inspired me to be what I am today. Maybe you'll get something out of it now....and on the back is my number just in case you have a change of heart." [i]Zarian gulped the rest of his drink down and stood up.[/i] "Remember things change. If you have a change of heart you know who to call." [i]Zarian walked out of the bar with out looking back. He sighed when he exited knowing fully how stupid he must've sounded. He shrugged and walked to the hotel. It was a nice hotel, not to fancy. It seemed almost like home to the now almost drunk Zarian. He walked up to the attendant and began to speak.[/i] "Zarian Delves. Room 213. Here you go. Don't worry payments already been arranged." [i]The attendant handed him his room key before Zarian could even finish his first word. Without blinking Zarian took the key and shrugged. He lumbered up to the fourth floor to obliviouse to use the elevator. When he reached his room he fumbled with the key for a moment then opened the door. He clumsely closed the door and flopped onto the bed. He knew he wouldn't get any sleep tonight, he had a lot of writing to do.[/i] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=indigo]It would be interesting if they did indeed have more Gundam movies, but I highly doubt this. The ending for GW/Endless Waltz in my opinion was good. It left you hanging, yes, but what anime out there let alone what story explains EVERY detail and EVERY aspect of the story. Its pretty much physically impossible. If they had movies I'm afraid that they would be over played and would attempt to explain too much, thus making the series seem rather drab. The great thing about GW was the ironic twists and mysteriouse actions by each character. Simply explaining everything that ever happened in my opinion could ruin the series.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian took two steps then stopped again. He turned and looked at the mysteriouse girl once more. He cocked his head to the side and opened his mouth slightly. For some reason the words would not penetrate through his own thought process. He couldn't make a sound. He stood there confused a couple more moments then nodded realizing that she wished to be alone. He hung his head and walked a couple more steps and turned around again.[/i] "You know....you don't have to be alone....." [i]At the sound of his voice her muscles visibly tensed and he now saw that she was grasping her sword hilt once more. He understood the gesture. She in no way meant to respond. He sighed and nodded one last time and turned. Zarian walked, not looking back. He knew for some reason she would not attack him and he smiled slowly. There was something mysteiouse about that girl, something that would change this world. His feet continued to move almost as if having their own mind. While Zarian's was off somewhere else thinking of the events of the day. He tucked the photograph back into his trench coat and continued walking. He had to find Alexandra....he had to know why she was here, and...what side she was on. His knuckles whitened as his hands clenched into a fist. Nothing would stop him, not even the mysteriouse girl behind him. He smiled knowing this. Zarian walked. Walked on the surface of Mars, a stark reminder of the innocence of Earth. He walked among the hated, and hatred itself, and he continued to walk for he saught the only hope he had of surviving this world.[/i] ".....Alexandra...."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian walked calmy and let the wind toy with his trench coat. Zarian felt at peace for some reason even despite the fact that just three hours before he had come onto this world to see a man's body mutilated. He sighed at the fact that humans could be so viciouse but knew it was inevidably in his line of..."Duty." He smirked. Duty...was that what this was to him. A duty, a chore. Something that he was forced to do, something that was thrown at him with all knowing preconceptions that he, Zarian, would do it. Duty was the wrong world for the task at hand. It was an adventure, an adventure beyound adventures. It was good vs. evil, and it was his luck that he could participate in it. He continued walking letting that innocently ignorant statement soak into his conciouse. Zarian brushed his hair out of his face while the wind flipped it around. Even his hair seemed to be hanging in between the balance of responsability and eagerness. He shook the thought out of his mind, this was no duty. The wind around him changed furiously and now pushed on in front of him, as if pushing him towards his goal. He walked letting the wind take him. Letting the free spirit of this world guide him. Soon he saw a lone girl standing out side the town. He tilted his head curiously and continued to walk towards her.[/i] "Perhaps she knows something about Alexandra..." [i]He smiled as the women noticed his presence. He kept his arms dangling freely trying to show that he wasn't going to attempt anything rash. As he got closer he stopped letting her eyes run over him, letting her size him up, and letting her make her own decision. After a few moments Zarian spoke again, careful to keep his voice soft and acceptable. [/i] "Hey! My name is Zarian Delves. My friends call me Knives! I was hoping you could help me....." [i]Zarian paused for a moment hoping to let the stranger absorb what he said and accept it as peaceful[/i] "I'm looking for a girl by the name of Alexandra. She just arrived here....I was hoping perhaps you have seen her." [i]With that he took a couple steps towards the girl, and held out his hand. In his had there was a photograph. Zarian smiled.[/i] "Thats her..."[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=indigo][i] Zarian dragged the man towards the single cell in the office. He smirked and threw the dangling body into the cell letting it bounce and roll until it hit the wall. Noting that no criminal would just have one gun Zarian walked in the cell himself and searched the man. After a few short moments there was a mound of about seven guns on the outside of the cell. Zarian walked out of the cell cooly and closed it. He smiled and leened against the other side.[/i] "Not bad for the first day....You know I coulda sworn criminals were supposed to be smarter than this." [i]He chuckled and shook his head. It didn't matter to him, he stopped a murder. Satell's plan was perfect..ecspecially for Brant and her. He grimaced slightly at the thought of every day possibly being that torturouse. He sighed and shook his head. It didn't matter, he would have to sacrifice he knew this, and he had a job to complete. He relaxed his muscles and slid down the wall slowly untill his body met the floor softly. Zarian's body stayed motionless as he went over the events of the day. Meeting the two companions and.....that other girl. He realized that he saw another girl that cuaght his eye but his conciouse was too busy being ignorantly excited to notice the girl. He let his mind reply the scene many times. Letting his eyes go over the girls smooth legls and up her stomach. He smirked slightly as all this seemed familiar for some reasons. Then his mind revealed the face to him. His muscles tensed as he immediatly recognized who the girl was.[/i] "Alexandra......" [i]He stood up and walked out back into the front office. He shook his head as he saw Satell's body pressed up against Brants. He walked passed them un notice and placed a note on the table.[/i] "Hey- I have some unfinished business to atend to, I should be back before the night is over. Have fun with out me. Brant you're having a hell of a day.. Sincerely, Zarian" [i]After puting the note onto the table he quietly slipped out of the office and into the wild world beyound. he started walking to the first place he remembered seeing her, he started walking towards the tavern praying that if she was not there, then some information would be at hand.[/i] "Damn, this is going to be one hell of an adventure..."[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian tried to ignore the naked body that was before him. Her breasts remained firm reminding the two companions of the youth that was left in the women. Her legs smooth running silently up to her pelvish tantalizing their viewer. Zarian couldn't believe what was beheld in front of him. The essance of beauty. He cooly reminded himself of what was at hand. The trap.... He looked over to Brant who had already begun to take off his clothes. Zarian studied Brant as well noticing the sleek yet firm set of his body. Finally Brant as well was completely stripped. Each body seemed to high light the either as if in some strang twist of fate they belonged to each other. The natural pull each body had on each other was amazing. Zarian turned his eyes away knowing that he had to concentrate on the task at hand. He slowly took in a deep breath and walked cooly to the shadows of the corner. He crouched down with his pistol ready. He looked down at the strewn clothes. Brant might need a pistol he crept and slid Brant's pistol under the desk so it would be easy to grab simply by rolling off it. Zarian looked at the two again and shook his head. The beauty beheld by both bodies excited even Zarian's innocent mind.[/COLOR] [/i]
  16. [COLOR=indigo] [i]Zarian studied both of his new companions slowly. With more than passing interest he noticed the one called Satell. Her muscled relaxed and tensed seeming as if dancing to their own song. Zarian watched as her body moved in total coordination with itself each movement complimenting the last and giving birth to the next. However beuatiful Satell was what captured Zarian's attention was her eyes. They burned with an intense fire making even Zarian's optimistic attitude waver slightly. It seemed her eyes alone could tame this wild world. Zarian then looked at his other companion. Brant. A fluid form enhanced by the tone of his own muscles. His muscles responding to each other. His hair tickling the back of his neck flowing freely as if it contained its own life. His blue eyes were equally amazing. Cool and icy. The icy gleam of Brants eyes sent chills up Zarian's spine. Yet even through the icy gleam there was a youthful fire, a determination showing that he wasn't to be stopped. He smiled again thoughtfully happily content with what had befallen upon him. He studied the two again as they walked knowing that each would some how find a way onto the paper that would transform this untamed land into reality. He would tell Erath how it was, he would show the beauty, the tears, the determination, and the adventures that this new outpost held with in its tiny doors. His companions held all these passions as well, they were the essance of this strang area. He brushed his hair out of his face and continued to walk.[/i] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=indigo][i]Zarian smirked as he walked across the foreign world. It was beautiful like he thought, covered with tales untold. Untill now, Zarian smiled and he knew that HE would be the one to tell this tales. He continued walking taking in everything, even the smell of the place. This would for sure be a nice adventure that he could tell everyone. He ducked against a hill as he saw two men and a girl. The girl stood with her foot on the largest man's chest seemingly poised to attack. Zarian rubbed his sniper rifle softly. The cool metal resting against his back seemed to relax him. He stood up slowly as he saw the situation relaxing. He stood up and brushed himself off walking towards the group. He recognized the girl to be of law enforcement. He figured as well that atleast one of the men was of law enforcement too. He smiled and walked up towards them. As he arrived he smiled and waved. [/i] "Hey- my name is Zarian, I don't suppose any of you would know were the head of law enforcement is located in this town." [i]He smiled agian showing his ignorance to the violent world that was soon to envelop him[/i][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=indigo][b]Name:[/b] Zarian Delves [i]Aka:[/i] Knives [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Description[/b]: [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=43]Clickey Clickey![/URL] [b]Personality[/b]: Quiet and observant. He's not afraid to express his ideas nor to give suggetions. He is the leader type, not in leading, but as example. He prefers to remain quiet and help whenever he can. He backs off willingly when he believes that someone can do a better job than himself. He smiles almost innocently when danger comes but is truly a force to be reconed with. He is known for his markmenship and ability to solve problems. He is resourceful. However confident he is, he struggles with the thought that others can do a better job. His weakness is his own servitude to the promises he gave his father. [b]Bio[/b]: Zarian was raised just as any other kid. Enjoyed school because of the people, not the knowledge. He struggled slightly in highschool and constantly fought with his teachers until his Senior year. During his senior year he ran across an English teacher that inevidably changed his life. He instilled a love for English and justice into Zarian. He was granted a scholarship in college for his writing abilities and slowly became interested in law enforcement. He dreams of being a writer and hopes that going to Mars will not only pay his bills but also give him inspiration. He chose to go to Mars not only for those reasons but he wanted a more uncivil society. The restraints of society held him down and from what he thought kept the ugly duckling from becoming the swan. [b]Weapons[/b]: X-92 Energy Sniper Rifle, Basic energy pistol, and an antique scimitar he carriers around as a reminder of his hertiage more than anything else. [b]Alliance[/b]: Law Enforcement [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=indigo]I know this isn't exactly the topic at hand but.. Peace can never come from peace in my opinion. Peace is just another state of being. Opposites attract. Violence leads to peace as much as peace leads to violence. Everything ends upon itself. The only way a greedy person is destroyed is by greed itself. If a country is violent massacring people by the millions then simply sitting down and saying "This is wrong" isn't going to get you anywhere, except for 6 feet under. If a kid does something wrong you punish them right? Well if you don't they'll continue doing it assuming its fine. If you simply just say "Bad Joe Joe" then they won't stop. You have to give them a reason to stop, be it spanking or grounding. Simply saying something is wrong isn't going to do anything until you show why not. Thats the same way with peace. You can't just declare that you want peace in the world one find summer day. You have to work for it and strive for it, and if you're facing a dictatorship they obviously won't want to give up their throne so they arn't exactly just going to let you patrol the streets singing about peace. The hippies tried that already, didn't really work out all that well. --------------------------------------- Anti-war/Bush protestors are getting on my nerves. Everyone hates the man yet he's doing his best job plus look what he had to work with. Bill Clinton was not an active foreign president. All he did was try and make everyone hunky dorey ok, which we all know is impossible. In order ot make one person happy you have to burn another so needless to say our relations were shambles. Now after good ol' Clinton leaves the reputation of the USA stays. So Bush comes in on horrible terms with many countries in the world and trys to put the USA in the direction it was founded on. The USA stands for many things, freedom is probably the first thing that comes to mind. If we simply say we support it thats going to do nothing at all except make us appear as hypocrits. All Bush is doing is standing up for the rights our ancestors died to gain. If you or anyone else wants to take that for granted and say the countless millions lives lost for our rights means nothing then in my opinion get the hell outta here. I know it comes off sounding mean and prolly pisses off quite a number of people but oh well its how I feel. So many Americans have died to upstand what we have now, but then we have peace lovers who think that any type of fighting is evil, that it accomplishes nothing and that all we're doing is war mongering. Standing up for what you believe in is one of the most preciouse things humans are capable of doing, and one of the most difficult. Many people simply can't or don't want to do that. Why criticize someone who has the balls, the will, and the ideals to do so? [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=indigo]I've had dreams OB for heh a long time now. Its not necessarily that I am obsessed with the place or anything, after all it is just a bunch of scripted HTML and other sorts of internet codes put together to make a gathering place for all sorts of people around the world. Its just the thing is I've grown up with OtakuBoards. When I came here I was one of those little kids who loved cartoons and could only construct two coherent sentences together, if I was lucky. However OB showed me a variety of icons, models you could say of what I wanted to be like. I focused my efforts on maturing to the likes of Transtic, Shy, Adam, James and others that have left this place. I don't know ya'all are family to me and naturally something I hold so dear I will dream about. ------Yeah ok that may have sounded stupid, but hey its true. Gotta love sentimental stuff like that ^.^-------- Anyways, yeah I've had several dreams about OB; ecspecially lately. I haven't had the net for about 3 weeks so I've been really missing OB and all ya great people here. So yeah I've been thinking about the place alot and the people. I had a dream last night that somehow OB had a convention in America for all OBers. So yeah somehow I talk my mom into letting me go and I go there and everyone is there. Each wearing a shirt of their avatar and banner with their name on it. So naturally I wind up coming late and everyone else is talking and such. So yeah thats basically what happened got to see all my friends and such talked to new OBers and stuff like that. I actually enjoy my dreams of OB, because they always let me wake up in a good mood. Wow that was a long answer to a simple question...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=indigo]I played play and will play. ^.^ Its a fun game sure it gets old after a while, so you drop it for a couple months then pick it back up. Well atleast thats what I do. Anyways I've made a couple good decks and have made it to states a couple of times, never first though. *shrugs* Right now I'm running an artifact/black/white dual land deck its pretty cool. I've been playing off and on since around 5th grade so about 5 years now.[/COLOR]
  22. [i]Kris looked at the others for a moment waiting for one of them to make the first answer. He sighed after a moments pause then nodded his head. He tightened the vail around his face as a reassurance.[/i] "I am fine that she comes, in fact I'd rather like it that she did." [i]Kris thought back to that morning when the little girl had caught him with out his veil on and he shifted un-comfortably in his seat. Something about her knowing what he really looked like put him at unease. He didn't like the fact that she knew more about him than he knew of her, but her coming along seemed natural and for some reason just right.[/i] "Although..." [i]Kris looked straight at Danielle[/i] "Tell her that if she EVER touches my veil I will personally have to show her the gates of hell..." [i]Kris grinned coyly under his veil and winked at Danielle. He sat down and went back into his own world studying the whole enviroment.[/i]
  23. [COLOR=indigo]I'd love to be a judge, I guess I have a reputable name here. I've been here for about 2 and ahalf to 3 yeras now. So yeah if I qualify in your eyes I'd love to be a judge[/COLOR]
  24. I don't know when I first watched it i thought it was un-believably pathetic, but I mean now as Domon said it wasn't too bad. I mean compared to the beginning its much better....*shrugs* I could continue to watch it
  25. [COLOR=indigo][i]Kris watched with his ever judging eyes as Kiara bowed her head and prayed silently. He shook his head silently and looked back at Zharra. After a second they caught each other's eyes and Kris simply nodded. Smirking under his veil he continued watching the group, it would be an entertaining adventure that much was for sure. He sipped on some green tea quietly at his end of the table between Danielle and Micheal. Everyone seemed to be caught up in conversation. He listned and took in everything he heard. So far he knew enough about each one to guess a basic character on what they truly were like, and each seemed fine to him. Kiara was the only one that slightly bugged him, he knew it was nothing personal but the sight of such royalty often angered him. The thought of royalty was insane to him and the thought that one human is better than another sickened him. He knew that Kiara, herself, ment no harm but never the less Kris would mantain to be the most quiet around her. He looked over and saw Micheal make another face at demon. Kris let out his first sounds sicne leaving the limo, a small chuckle. He continud watching the group and slowly opened up to them as he relaxed his shoulders and leaned back more in his chair. He took another sip of his tea and closed his eyes thoughtfully[/COLOR]
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