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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Wowsers!! :eek: :eek: Someone replied...no matter that! Someone agrees with me!! *falls down anime style* Awesome! Yeah...but didn't she give those ideals up in Endless Waltz...
  2. Nabashi: *stops fighting and stares at Amber* *thinks And I thought I changed quickly* wait...oh crap where is my dagger...*grabs at his sheath* **** no wander! No matter! *dodges an demon jumps on the demons shoulders snaps the demons neck with his legs...flips off* Hey Amber...sorry to show up...don't run.,..I won't...turn again....*trips another demon*
  3. Nabashi: *sits next to the fire thinking* I know this place...from some where...*thinks for a second* My cousins! Of course they live down in the mountains...I wonder how they are faring...I am sure they will kick orcs ***....*looks around the campfire* *notices everyone is glumy* Oh come on people! Put some cheer on those faces! Just think our leaders will be coming back soon! Come on! *sighs* *walks into the forest* *sits in a tree* *stares at the stars* *slowly falls asleep*
  4. Nabashi: *gets up slowly looking at their battle* Damnit...I am too weak....*looks away* *slams his fist on the ground* If I would have just turned!! *flashes back to Amber's face again* I woulda been a monster....*sighs* Amber may still need help...*drops down* *starts fighting the demons*
  5. [I]Nabashi and Calla begin to fight...it is obviouse from the start that Calla will win the battle but Nabashi fights with everything never the less[/I] Nabashi: *flies to the edge of the building* *gets up slowly* *rubs his cheeK* If I transform..I can be stronger...*remembers Amber's fear* no.... Calla: What are you blabering about? Nabashi: *looks at her* *runs back up to her* *kness her in the stomach then elbows her back* *jumps and rounhouse kicks her* *starts panting*
  6. Calla: *lands on the ceiling* *Rips it open* Ha...Amber this is your last day! Nabashi: CALLLAAA!! *runs up and tackles her while she was still staring in the hole* You are not touching her! Calla: Well if it isn't the pest known as Nabashi...I will get rid of you once and for all tonight!! *sweeps the legs from under him* *stomps on his chest when he is on the ground* And unlike you I am not afraid to hit someone when they are down* Nabashi: *coughs up blood* *smirks* Well if you want to play hard ball! *grabs her foot and flips her* *axe kicks her forcing her harder into the ground*
  7. Nabashi: *hears the scream* Amber...*starts running towards the way he heard it* No....if she is screaming now...Calla will be coming soon....She doesn't want me to find her...so I won't I will just fight Calla...I am not letting Amber die...*climbs up the ladder* *sees Calla flying*
  8. Nabashi: *runs past the warehouse not seeing her land* AMBER!!! *goes out of sight still yelling for her*
  9. Nabashi: *looks at her run off* *trys to run after her* Fenor: *stops him* No..she must go alone... Nabashi: WHAT!! Calla will surely attack her now! *pushes Fenor and starts running after her...looking up occasionally to see where she is*
  10. Nabashi: *stands up* Which way Amber? *sees a figure* *unsheathes his dagger again* Hey you there come out and fight!! Fenor: I am not sure you would want that now would you Nabashi... Nabashi: *relaxes* Sorry...didn't think it was you...got kinda concerned with the whole explosion on top of the building...and gore flying everywhere...lol
  11. Um..this is a wild guess..but...A) Maybe they think there is too much spam and want to cleaN it up before allowing any more people to join....or B) they are working on the site...and don't want any worriers or distraction while they are working...again these are just guesses...
  12. Nabashi: *whips his head* Fenor stay here! *runs and climbs done the side of the building* *chases after Amber and tackles her* *hisses* What are you doing... Amber: *cringes* Nabashi: *eyes go wide* *they turn back green* *sits down next to Amber*.....Whats going on?? I can't control it anymore....*looks back at Amber* I WILL follow you no matter what!
  13. Nabashi: *stands there for a second trying to get used to the smell* Man...I miss my swords now!! *unsheaths his dagger and charges into the battle* *Runs and does and diving kick into one of the demons* *while they both are falling he stabs the knife into the demon and rips it down his chest* *turns around* Amber: *sees Nabashi* He's changed again... Nabashi: *eyes flicker blood red and fangs grown to a length of 4 inches* *looks around at all the demons* *smirks* Party Time!! *Runs back in and starts fighitng...biting any demon un aware that he is there*
  14. Bryan: *looks at Siren* You need help?? Siren: No I am fine...*trys to walk and falls* Bryan: Thats what I thought...*helps her to the hospital* Now listen to the nurse!! Nurse: Oh my god! Bryan sit down now!! Bryan: What?? Nurse: Look at that huge gash in your arm!!! Bryan: Oh...that....thats nothing..ya..um...bye!! *runs out*
  15. Nabashi: *looks at fenor* You realize that you arn't the only thats fighting her....*watches Amber stomp off* *muffles a laugh* I am sorry Amber, but you know we are telling the truth...you know very well that you are probably one of if not the strongest demon out there...I can despose of normal demons...I could not wish to dispose of either of you 3 without dieing myself....
  16. Nabashi: NO...it doesn't it just said that basically the fate of the world hell and heaven...lay in our hands...although I won't lie...if you go back disclaim your throne and give it to Calla...well she will probably make you two her right hand people...and well every one else will die and you guys will have a happy life....if you fight and we fail...well lets just say it won't be pretty....its up too you...If you choose to goo back to Hell and pledge your allegiance to Calla...I understand...Otherwise we have no time to waste...
  17. Oh yeah Shinji does come back he just doesn't post in GD very much...I see him the most in Gundam....
  18. Nabashi: *sits there amazed for a second* Boy am I gonna have one HELL of a story to tell my grandkids...if I live...Oh Yeah I helped the two heirs of hell beat demons...Oi...:rolleyes: Well lets see....*snaps up* Wait didn't Calla same something...what was it....She had to go tell her daddy or something like that....That means...*looks at Ken and Amber* HOLY ****! Calla is also Satan's daughter...and that means you three are related...of course thats why she is after you two....She wants to become ruler...Then...It is one of you two that will take the throne...Cuz why would she bother killing you if she was to take the throne....*paces around the roof*This all seems familiar....*thinks for a second* the....prophecy! Of course how dumb am I!! The ruler of hell shall be betrayed by his own blood. You two are that....So that means..Thorn and I...are sworn to protect you two.... Fenor: What? Nabashi: When vampires are 10 in human years...they have to swear on an oath that if they ever come across the legends...they shall protect them...Thorn and I took it on the exact same day....that next day...Demons destroyed our village....me and Thorn have been living by ourselfs for 3 (Human years) By ouselves. It makes sense now...Satan wanted to kill us then so we coulnd't protect you now....thats why Calla has always focused on me and Thorn....*sits down stunned* God my head hurts....
  19. I can only answere the second one but.... Yes a 15 year old kid did crash into a building in Hourton Texas? I don't remember where...Supossedly he left a note in his house praising what Osama Bin Laden did, and other stuff....I think he was the only one to die tho...I don't know..The story died really quickly for some reason...
  20. So.....COOL!!! FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN (The simple pleasures in life) *plays on it for another 2 hours*
  21. Nabashi: *sits up* Ok so let me get this straight you were abanoed by a demon raised by humans, then taken back by the demon world and taught by Satan. Now if I am correct Satan doesn't teach just anyone. So you have to have been important to him some how....now if you are so important and you are protecting Amber, then what is she? The daughter of Satan or something? God what is going on! *starts pacing up and down* I have two demons both important helping me out, I don't know why, or where they are from. I have Thorn....THorn....fenor give me that potion you gave me NOW! Fenor: *hands him the potion confused* Nabashi: *runs down to Thorn* *looks at her wound* *the blackness has spread down* *looks at Fenor* How far along can this potion help?? No matter....*spreads the potion upon the wound* *it heals to some extent but isn't perfect* *looks at Thorn concerndly* *walks over to Fenor* She'll be fine right.... Fenor: I have no gaurantees but yes I think so...it will continue to heal the wound...even yours isn't completly healed....its evil is still seething through your vains. However it can no longer hurt you physically if the potion does not act quickly enough you will turn into Calla's puppet. So will your friend...Thorn...Luckily for Thorn hers wasn't as sever...she got more poison than of the evil. Nabashi: *nods* Boy this day just keeps getting better and better....*shakes his head* Ok..I need to get some answers...You have to tell me who you and Amber REALLY are....You two can't be normal demons. Santan wouldn't bother tutoring you himself unless you were important. And if I am corrrect no important demon saves another demon unless that demon has significance. So that has to mean either both of you are royalty or Amber is....Whats going on.....
  22. Nabashi: *looks at his wound* *stares astonished* *gets up* *looks at Amber* ........... *walks back to Fenor* Hey man you ok? WHat do you mean brother? Did your dad...marry a human? Or something like that? Thats if you want to talk..*stares at the stars too*
  23. Nabashi: *wakes up moaning* Is there a cure..to this poisin...*moans some more* Cuz either kill me now and save the pain or tell me there is a cure...*moans some more*
  24. Nabashi: *lifts up his head* *whispers* Damn you Calla...*sees Amber's dagger close to him* *picks it up* *throws it at one of the demons* Send that message to Calla when you go to hell! *winces* *blacks out*
  25. Nabashi: *grabs his dagger and walks up to Calla* *stares at her for a second* *thrust the dagger up* Good bye Calla see you in hell! *hessitates for a second* *slams the dagger right next to her face* *walks back* Its dishonorable to attack a foe on the ground...I want to die honored...*looks at his wound* *winces* *collapses*
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