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Everything posted by Sui Generis
I would transform into a Dragon...but if it has to be real I would transfrom my self into a puma :-D
Nabashi: *stares at his gash* *looks up eyes red* You just called me a halfbreed? *growls* No one calls me a half breed! *throws his dagger aside* *charges at her and punches her in the face the sweeps her legs from under her* *kicks her in the side before she hits the groudn* *steps back a couple feet* *starts panting looks at his wound* Its growing black...*shakes his head* No matter I will still kill you!! *charges back at her* *punches her in the stomach then roundhouse kicks her* And thats for thorn!! I swear I will kill you!
Bryan: *helps her up* Well just the same...I'll stay by you...you arn't in a condition to fight...but I don't suppose I can change your *stabs a creature* mind can I? *stabs another one* Is it just me or are these annoying little pest getting *perries a blow and kills another one* Easier?
Nabashi: *smiles and nods* *draws his dagger* Where is she...come on...*looks around and sees her flying straight toward them* God she doesn't quit! *braces himself for impact* LETS GO CALLA!! ME AND YOU!!!
Bryan: *scans the battlefield and sees the demon andvancing on Siren* Oh hell nah! We ain't losing her twice! *fights his way to Siren* *Steps infront of the Demon and Siren* *the demon hesitates for a second* Oh what is the demon too scared! Come on **** face lets go! *charges at the demon* *they begin to battle exchanging perries and blows*
Nabashi: *gets up wiping his cheek* I am gonna kill her one day...I swear....*looks over at Amber* So will you accept my allegiance?
Anime And you thought I was crazy before!
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in Otaku Central
Lol...I think its both...yeah I have no life...Gundam is my life...lol./..I think I watched the same two tapes about 3 times each today...heehee...Um..Yeah...those were just ones off the top of my head...plus a couple I found on the net...Oi...I DO need a life...:rolleyes: -
OH I get it. Yeah but cable can be clogged up if more users get on it. DSL is an independent modem so it goes the same fast butt speed no matter what! :D 60 gig a sec!!!!:eek: Is anyone up for a robbery tonight? :naughty:
Necromancer:Marth Weapon:Wand Spell: Raise Skeloton
I believe then it would be 56k modem! :D Anyway...I have DSL although we are going to change to RoadRunner ASAP! Our modem is dying and it cost almost 300 to replpace it in Kansas. So it would be cheaper to get Road Runner, although Road Runner is abit slower..oh well...I never knew there was anything higher than cable. Go figure. What is higher than cable?
Hm..I know I have posted before but I just finished watching it and thought of something. Technically no he did not kill HER..he killed marimea. Marimea represented Dekan and his ideals. All she was to him was a puppet. Heero said I have killed Marimea, cuz he knew she was going to change...she was no longer Marimea who takes over the world. And you could signify it even further when Daken said "No matter we can just make a replacement Marimea after all I created her" He is basically saying that No he did not create the girl herself, but he created what she was. How she acted. She is like Heero Yuy. In the sense that she had all common sense ripped from her. Just as Heero Yuy died in GW. Marimea died in EW. I guess its just a symbolical thing. Well if I missed any evidence go ahead and pitch in!:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Hi everyone, I was bored and decided to make a quiz so you guys could see which well known otaku board member you are most like. [URL=http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php3?client=otakus]Here[/URL] is the link to the site, I hope everyone has fun with it. I know I had fun making it.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] AH!!! They said I was like thimoc!! AH!!! # 1 Sepiroth " Cool" # 2 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 3 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 4 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 5 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 6 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 7 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 8 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 9 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 10 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 11 Forte "..." # 12 Cera "The Cynic" # 13 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 14 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sniff sniff* I am not on the quiz..I have been here for about 2 years now...*sniff sniff* I feel so un-loved...:bawl: :bawl:
Yes thats right Duo GOd of Death has done it again! It has taken hours of grueling work going accross the internet looking for yours trulys favorite quotes! Well guess what I did it! It only to me aproximitly 2 hours 4 minutes and 43 seconds! Deep BREATH!!! ENJOY! Tell me what you think of em? Du's favorite Duo Quotes Self Descriptions: "I'm Duo, Duo Maxwell. I might run and hide but I never tell a lie. That's me in a nutshell." "The Great Destroyer is back again!" "Watch out ya'll, The Great Destroyer and The Plauge are here!" "You'll be destroyed. Anyone who sees me's got a date with his maker." Fighting: "Don't wanna copy Heero, but join me on my journey into hell!(slams fist into self-detenation button)...Not my lucky day. Can't even self-detonate." "So you made it without getting shot to pieces." "No one in their right mind would try and fly through this." (as he is doing so) Deathscythe: "Hey Wufei, my Deathscythe's pretty cool don't you think? I'll demolish OZ in no time at all." "Hey listen Deathscythe, don't give up too easily. You're gonna be ok, alright?" About or to Heero: "It's pretty obvious to anyone you're the bad guy here." "Why did I even bother rescuing this guy in the first place? He's anti-social, thinks he's Evil Kenivil, and hardly speaks." "Well excuse me for being a mere mortal!" "What's that guy trying to prove?" "I gotta say, you're quite the guy Heero. Way to go." "You wouldn't be as suspicious if you acted natural instead of being so secretive." (about Relena)"Well she's not the average chick. Wanting to see the guy who's going to destroy her." "What a suprise. Hey Heero You really are super human aren't you?" "You're really gonna shoot me aren't you!?!" "Why is it always the quiet guys who do the flashiest displays." "But don't you think you could be a little kinder to me once in awhile?" "Don't over do it. Like he's gonna listen. Of course he's gonna over do it." Others: "I wonder how long I'll be able to see the moon like this." (about Wufei)"Amazing, he's totally stopped breathing. He's in a state suspended animation. The guy really is unbelivable. Right to the and he refuses to give up." And of course on of my favorites: "Ugh..I can't take much more of this. He just takes a broken bone and puts it back in place. That totally grossed my out just thinkin about it."
:rolleyes: Oi...I am the solo Releena fan! Sniff sniff....anywho what I would change was....TREIZ NOT DIE!! That episode was so sad! He should have lived! Dangit Treiz was so cool to...*walks off mubmlign*
What is the reason for your hate or liking of Releena? I have been thinking and it seems that she is one of those split characteres. You can either love and respect her or hate her. Personaly I think she is a great character and respect her much! She represents the human spirit. Persistance. Plus without her we would never have a plot to GW!!! And that would be bad! Cuz that would make poor Sephy hate it more! ;) But also she is never scared. I mean I can't count how many times Heero or someone else has held a gun to her face and she did not give in. She is stronger than most think. Anywho...thats my gundum thought of the day...I'll go crawl back in my hole now...
Hey I'll just say one more thing....any duo/wufei friend is my pal! ;) Cuz they just kick ***!!
Hm...I'll just make it short and sweet...I could go on for hours about this...I think that all humans are here for one purpose. To protect all other animals. If you think about it humans are the only animals who can actually protect other species of animals. So yeah I think we are here sort of like "PROTETORS" (Yes there is a commercial that says that, but I thought this before that so:p :rolleyes: ) Oh and Dues...I also think about if the universe really does exist, and stuff like that..:drunk: I think of some really crazy stuff sometimes...:drunk:
Nabashi: *runs up and catches up to Amber and Fenor* Amber...I'm sorry...thats not what I ment...I don't think of you two as demons...I think of you two as friends....and it is my fault you two are rogues....So I want to help you! I would be honored if I could fight by your side...oh and *hands her her dagger back* Heres your dagger...
Nabashi: *walks away from the building* *walks down a shawdoes alleyway and goes back to his house* *slams his door behind him* I said I wouldn't turn..I promised myself...I help out for 130 years! What made me do it? What made me lust! *shakes his head* I am as bad as a demon now...
Nabashi: *continues to fight* *kills about 5 more demons* *head snaps back* *eyes go to normal color* *starts shaking* What...what did I do....*walks out stepping over all the demons he had killed* What happened...*shakes his head in disgust..*
Nabashi: *looks at the group of demons with the two dead demons fallen down* Oh what you to scared?? *smirks* *dives into the group and prosides to cut all of their heads off* *eyes flash red* *Starts biting them* The blood! *smirks*
Nabashi: *keeps fighitng* Well while you arn't fighting could I atleast have your dagger? Amber: If you insist *drops it right in a demons head* Nabashi: Thanks...I think...*continues fighting with two daggers* *stabs two demons at once then throws them into a group* Lets go!
I have never actually played the game, but I collect pieces and paint. Suprisingly I am good at painting. I suck at every other art besides Drama...but boy can I paint! I have tons of em lining my walls. Yeah I love it..even tho I don't play it...lol :D
# 1 Duo Maxwell # 2 Heero Yuy # 3 Chang Wufei # 4 Trowa Barton # 5 Lady Une # 6 Quatre Winner # 7 Catherine Bloom # 8 Zechs Marquise/Milliardo Peacecraft # 9 Treize # 10 Dorothy # 11 Relena Peacecraft I KNEW IT!! I am like DUO!! Yay!! Wow...I am like Heeroo....scarry....:eek: Thats why I have always respected him! of course! lol ;) Everyoone: :rolleyes:
Hey weclome to the boards! Thank god another wufei/duo fan!! Rock on! Well you could always try...[url]www.otaku.com[/url] the father of [url]www.otakuboards.com[/url] :D...I don't really know very many of em...I just surf the web...don't 'member very many sites...Um...Have fun with GW!! It rules!