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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Nabashi: No...and I suppose you do...and I suppose it would cost us something for you to tell us... Amber: Well arn't you a quick one... Nabashi: Hardy har....what do you need?
  2. Nabashi: *shakes his head* *mutters* Demons..bah...once you think you know them they will change... Amber: What was that?? Nabashi: *turns around* Amber: You really have to learn to watch your back...*smirks*
  3. Nabashi: *stops* *turns around* And just what are you suggesting....I am not going to attack someone who has saving my best friend, and saved my life on more that one occasion...*turns back around and continues to walk*
  4. Nabashi: There are alot of demons out lately I wanna see where they are coming from...first lets get out of this light...*goes over to the shadows* Thorn do you remember anything...You told me before Calla attacked you that you thought you found out where they were coming from..
  5. Nabashi: *laughs in the shadows* Its a trick us vampires learn...make em think we are running...catch em off gaurd....and off goes their head...its quiet fun...*comes out of the shadows grinning* Oh and you are welcome..OH and Thorn you can come out...I taught you everything you know about tracking someone....I know you....*grins*
  6. Nabashi: *sweeps one of the demons legs* *takes his sword out of the demons back and cuts its head off* *twirls and cuts the other demons head off* *gets his two swords* *runs off back into the shadows*
  7. Nabashi: *pulls out his other sword* Time to go demon hunting!! *crouches in the shadows as he sees a demon* *trys to see who it is* Amber....*sees two demons sneaking up behind her* *runs and stabs the two demons in the back* Demons: *Howl in pain* *throws him off*
  8. Nabashi: *draws his sword and starts walking out the door* Thorn: What are you doing? Nabashi: Going for a walk *throws on a cloak and leaves*
  9. Nabashi: NOw sleep! *leans against the wall* *mutters* Calla...wherever you are....Let it be known you failed!
  10. Nabashi: *bows his head* Thank you Amber...*looks at his friend* You ok Thorn...*nods* rest now..
  11. Nabashi: *mutters as she flies by* *yells at her* You shall die by my sword I swear!! *goes back to his house* *kneels at his bed* *stares at his friends body* Why...why did she have to pick you...she knew it was you....I will get revenge I swear!! *whipes away a tear and slams his fist on the ground* I will kill her!
  12. Nabashi: Well I was here for two reasons...you eliminatted one of them...I swear one day....you and all your demons shall die! Vampires will be respected again!! The world will be right! Untill then! I bid you hell!! *walk away*
  13. 98% Insanity Corrupt Honostly!! LMAO!!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]It didn't even startle me...and that's strange...because i am probably one of the most high-strung people you will ever...uh..."meet."[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Ya same here Cera..
  15. Nabashi: *arrives at his friend* I'm too late....damn you Calla...*looks down at his friends corpse* I'm...I'm sorry....*picks the vampire's body up* I knew him going in disguise was a horrible idea..why didn't he listen to me...*walks down to his city* *walks to his home* *sets the body on his bed* May..you rest in peace...I shall not be resting for quiet some time! *turns around and goes back to the alley* Where are all the vampires tonight...all demons..I don't like this...
  16. Nabashi: *runs and catches up with the flying demon* *sees her next target* No.....*runs faster*
  17. Bryan: *smiles* AH...Ken has awaken...the war is young yet! *plunges back into the army* *starts killing demons and humans alike*
  18. Nabashi: *glares at Amber* *sees movement and hears a scream* What is with you and all your demons out tonight! I look forward to seeing you again! *runs off* Now where could they be...*looks at the mans lifeless corpse* Killing for no reason....its horrible...*sees the tail of a demon in the air* Of course...Calla....all the great ones are out tonight...*starts chasing after the demon*
  19. Nabashi: *stumbles backward suprised* *runs after her then stops* What stopped you from choosing sides...you know very well that the demons have everyone else outnumbered 10-1 why not join them? But if it really counts...I have been watching you...and you would make a powerfull ally...you can take my soul...if it would mean that everything would be set back like the old days...
  20. Nabashi: Yeah and look at you! You yourself are a demon! Creation of Satan himself too!! Doesn't mean we are evil! Us vampires have faught to survive from the very beggining! Only taking what was neccessary letting the humans populate and take over! We thought it would work out...we hoped it would. It didn't..because of your kind...You taught them hate! Before your kind came from hell we were fine! The humans and vampires ran a circle...just like the lion and zebra! We had respect for eachother! NOW BECAUSE OF YOU WE ARE PORTRAYED AS EVIL BEAST! Now I wil ask you one more time! What are you doing here!
  21. Nabashi:*twirls around astonished* Thats what I wanna know! What deal are you cooking up with ryu for!! Why have you been spying on us? Don't think you could hide it...I knew! Now what are you doing?
  22. Nabashi: *looks at her walk away* Thats what I am here for...to prove you wrong.....*looks back at the slayer* Well I guess she waas right in your case...but I will prove that we can live in harmony!! *runs off after Amber* She isn't gettin away this time!
  23. Oh well in that case...beat him to a living pulp!! Either that or do what I would do...be GHANDI!! And win her over showing that you are mature enough not to fight!
  24. Well ya I can see what you are saying, BUT I think they are a good idea. I mean considering MOST members on OtakuBoards are mature enough and we don't discriminate against a newbie. And the ranks keep people posting (besides quality threads) its something to get to...a goal....If you reach say Otaku or EXTREME OTAKU...by being a non-spamming good member it means alot...I mean I just made it....Yeah I am happy I don't feel like I have power over the junior members or members. Its a goal I have always had..and I reached it...now I wanna hit Extreme Otaku. There is really nothing bad with ranks. Its just the members, yes some places the members are bad enough that the ranks are a horrible idea, but here at otaku boards we actually have mature people that do not discriminate on such a petty thing.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]My "friend" has broken one of them. The one that says you shouldn't like the same person that your friend likes. And even more so if he's one of your good friends. I am so pissed right about now... [/B][/QUOTE] Well it depends...if he is sincerely in love it is not his fault...The mind does not choose to love...the heart does! Now if the guy just likes her...then he is a jackass and you should get that girl and kick his ***
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