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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]*ahem* as you all probably know by now, I'm getting married this tuesday, nervousness is high to say the least, whats even more worrying is the evil grins my friends are giving, when asked about it, they just said I will find out on stag night, which is on sunday, I have a reeeeally bad feeling about this.... anyway, although nervous, I am happy, which is something I haven't been for quite a while, I must say, anyway I probably won't be around for a while, probably for a week after the marriage, but don't worry, I will be back, I'm not leaving the boards or anything.... wish me luck, I think I'll need it, I just hope I don't do anything like trip over as I walk down the aisle or anything :nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] Aw...our Seph is growing up and getting married! *whipes a tear* Lol Hey best of luck man! The boards are with ya! Hm...this Sunday...*Cough bachalor party Cough* Excuse me sorry...I have no clue :angel:
  2. Nabashi: Where is she going now...*follows Amber* *sees the human* Oh boy this could get ugly...*creeps behind her* Hello...a human...*smiles* I hope you will please forgive my friend her...she seams to be un-knowing about the world...*offers his hand* I am Nabashi!
  3. Duo and Wufei.....we knew duo tho! He just kicks ***....and he is the most like me!! Scary isn't it!
  4. OKASHI ASUKA!! VERY FUNNY!!! HEEEHEE!!! Thats great!! Way to go asuka!!
  5. Um..don't laugh....what prohibition..or whatever....I know I know...its sad...but hey I am just another dumb little kid :D
  6. Name: Nabashi Age: 13 (130 Vamp years) Race: Vampire Bio: He is still a young vampire but he himself was an assasin for the vampires. He would kill demons but make it look as though it was the humans fault. He himself has never trusted the Demons, and have though of them lower than humans. For some reason he respects humans, and has occasionaly befriended them. He wants to become ruler of the vampires and world to set it right. To put humans and vampires on the same level. Not to eat humans just let them donate blood. He doesn't think the violence between humans and vampires is need. Description: SHort for a vampire...has blonde hair...white face...green eyes...and long fangs Weapons: Hands/Teeth/Sword
  7. Nabashi: *mutters a prophecy and curses* We need to be toghether...we can't take turns going back and forth...*looks around* Where is Jelas....JELAS!! JELAS!!! Jelas: *nudges him* Nabashi: *smiles* Good....what should we do....we gotta wait the other 3...*sighs* *takes out his bow and arrow* Man I
  8. Um..you start a HUGE fire..and you get charged for arsen...
  9. Star Wars #1 mint condition...first series...:D
  10. Um...people you just mentioned stuff from GW!! LMAO!!:laugh: Ya I haven't seen much of 8mst but yeah I like Zeon.,...And I also like the Zaku...what they just look cool...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Oh no, Dave Thomas has just died today:(. Such a tragedy:(. He won't be in any more Wendy's commercials now... Rest in Peace, -Adam [/B][/QUOTE] This is the saddest news I have had in a while....He ruled to...R.I.P...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chris.C [/i] [B]"A guy walks into a bar and falls down" I really hate that joke.My friend told me. [/B][/QUOTE] Acutally you know whats funny..."then in crowd" loves that joke...they crack up everytiem they see a bar...its really stupid...:rolleyes: how come most popular people are dumb?
  13. Mine is pretty self explanatory but for everyone who doesn't watch Gundam Wing....Duo (one of my fav characters...and one of the main characters) Nickname is God of Death...I could tell you why and everything....but I wont'....:D
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]Every Second day I try my best to go training in the park, preferably with a friend of mine who is only slightly better than me at martial arts. Since he has stopped training and only building up his muscles, I have surpassed him. This angers my friend greatly to the point of constantly punching, kicking me etc. It's really starting to get on my nerves because he thinks he can push me around but he's been a friend of mine for a long time. I've already asked him to quit trying to push me around but he won't listen. What should I do??[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] Just my thought..... If a friend can get angered and jealouse over such a feeble thing he should no longer be considered a friend...He should be happy for you...oh and kick his ***...I HAD that trouble too...
  15. Nabashi: *walks to the other side of the fire* I'd rather not say...
  16. Nabashi: *looks back* Zack......*shakes his head* its his choice..the others need us.....*says something in his toungue* Amber: What was that you just said? Nabashi: WHen off it battle our people pray for protection for one another...thats what I did....*they arrive at camp panting*
  17. Nabashi: Now we go back to camp! Now where is Jelas...wait..what ever happened to Zack?
  18. Nabashi:*looks at the orc* Oh hell you did not! *whispers something in his tongue* *the orc starts to spin around and lets go of Amber* *grabs her hand* Now lets get out of this hell hole! *the orc burst while the run*
  19. Nickname: BBGUN...Lovely Darling Evil Brother Age 13 Allowance (or income from job) 13 Favorite Smilie (from the boards) :modrod: Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger ^_^ ..no comment Time of Birth 8 am Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? (a simple yes or no will suffice) YES Favorite Cartoon Cartoon Bat man Favorite Japanese Anime Gundam Favorite Font Georgia What kind of pet do you have, if any? Dog (If you said no to last question,disregard this one) What is it's name? Sheki Favorite "Grown-Up" American Cacrtoon? (I.E. Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.) King of the Hill How many wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, and what did Peter Piper do with his pickled peppers after he picked them, in your opinion? 0
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B]well i know every one dreams at night but its a matter of remembering what you dreamt. i know its hard but if you can maybe you can remember what you have dreamed during the night or something you may have dreamed nights before. i was just wondering this because i have been having a recurring dream. its one where im walking in a clearing and i have on my back a quiver and bow. i walk for a long time until i reach a cliff and i jump off. i fall a short distance or so it seems and i land in a stream. i look up from the steam to the cliff from which i just leapt and it is a long drop. at the end of the stream is a dark cave that i start running towards. and behind me i hear thundering footsteps. so i reach for my bow and as im running i fire arrow after arrow but i never see what is chasing me. i just get into the cave and look back to see nothing. i go deeper into the cave and i wake up afterwards then i have my normal dreams, my good dreams and my freaky dreams and then i have those dreams that i would like to keep to myslef right now. i was wondering if anyone else had recurring dreams like mine. well not like mine but a dream that you have on a regular basis. hopefull Im not alone. [/B][/QUOTE] No way! I have had that same dream for about 2 weeks n ow...thats like really scary..
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Well I just had this idea. It isn't very devoloped but I though I should still post it. The summary starts out as all of this kids ( more like teanagers) arrive at the camp. We'll be there for 3 weeks. You can play games and use that camp however you want. I will post a map later. But till then just sign up. If you want you can be part of the staff. What you need. There are 4 Cabins. I'm am not sure what to call them yet. You can suggest the names for them. I said it once but I will posta quick map later. Name: Kizu Horen Age: 13 Sex: Male Cabin: Height: 5'8 Weight: 130 Description: He wears faded jeans and T-Shirst most of the time. He often sticks to himself, and is very quiet. [/B][/QUOTE] Name: Bryan Age:13 Sex: Male Cabin: Pheonix Height: 5'2 Weight: 115 Description: Wears a black hoody all the time...He is reserved but can get VERY hyper...
  22. Nabashi:" *trips the Orc Gaurd* Orc Gaurd: WHy you ungreatfull little! *looks up* I'll get you next! *starts beating Nabashi with a wooden bat* Nabashi: *winces* RUN! OOC: Go get the stupid kniights like you are supposed to!
  23. Orc Gaurd: *comes in* Well it seems like one of your friends has come and try to save you! And she has a ring... Nabashi: Amber....no....... Orc Gaurd: Don't worry that little punk is fast...what is this ring..what does it do.... Nabashi: You just don't learn do you...*spits in his face* Orc Gaurd: Why you ungreatful little punk! *starts beating Nabashi up*
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