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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Um..you could do something on kenetic energy or...centrifical and (the other one forget name lol) forces...
5 days....I don't know why I did it...I guess I was bored lol...I am dumb that way...
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was laughing so hard I fell out of my chair literally..god that was funny!:laugh: :laugh:
Nabashi: *wakes up in a cell* Where the hell am I...*rubs the back of his head* Ugh.... Orc Gaurd: *openns the door* Nabashi: *still on the ground shields his eyes from the light* Huh. Orc Gaurd: Come on the general wants to see you.. Nabashi:......*spits at him* Orc Gaurd: *kicks him in the side* I said come on! Nabashi: Ooomff....*stands up slowly* *fallows the gaurd* *arrives at the "general's tent"* What thats not a general thats a wraith!! Orc Gaurd: SILENCE! That isn't him! *back hands him* Nabashi:Ugh...Where am I anywayz... Orc Gaurd: You are at the fort...you are a very foolish elf indeed... Nabashi: Yeah yeah yeah...now where is this GENERAL Ogier: *walks out* I am the general...now...I belive you are riding with the others fighting this futile battle.... Nabashi: Wow..arn't you a smart little one.. Ogier: *smacks him* You shall learn to hold your tongue! I have seen you in combat...and you would be a worthy soldier...Now I want to test you....*gives him a bow* *they both walk outside* See that target at the tree...I'll give you two trys..hit it and live.... Nabashi: Yeah Yeah yeah...*sees Amber* *shoots it right next to her* Ogier: That was pathetic!! *punches him in the stomach* now hit the target! Nabashi: Oooff...*shoots and arrow and hits dead center* There are you happy...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]I think it is wrong to clone. If we can clone then we will have the power of God. The power to take likfe and to give life. I don't think that any person should have that kind of power. [/B][/QUOTE] Well that is if you believe in a god...many people out there including myself are athiest, and some scientest are too. So the thought off a god saying..."OH well I don't want you doing this." Doesn't even enter their minds, so that won't stop 'em. You gotta have rock hard evidence on what is wrong about it. Something you can prove...taste...feel...touch...here...Not something you believe.... I myself am against it tho. Its not fair to the "clony" lets say, the person that gets clone...will live his/her life in the shadow of the "real" person. And if they use it just for the organs, they give something life for just a few preciouse moments, and then just rip it away as they please...That I believe is murder. So I stand against cloning.
Sword definatly, not just for it, but for the times of chivalry and nobility that were at hand with the sword...
1) Someone who will stand by your no matter what... 2) Travis, Johnathan Lerner, and Jess Klein: Thank you, you three...I was about to commit suicide tonight...you saved my life...I will never forget you! 3) Jackie Robinson: Just for what he stood for!
RPG Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Evil (play)
Sui Generis replied to Gavin's topic in Theater
Nabashi: *returns down the hill* *whipes his hands* That was fun...well don't we have great timing? *laughs* *looks at Siren* What was the whole red eye been to long thing? -
RPG Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Evil (play)
Sui Generis replied to Gavin's topic in Theater
NabashI: *mounts his horse* You ready Siren? Siren: *nods* Nabashi: *picks her up and sets her on the horse too* Ok off we go...*they ride off* *draws his bow* Hm..don't like this smell...Orcs...are near...*they arrive at the battle* *He unleashes a fuiry of arrows* *jumps off the horse and begins battling* -
Wow it worked...I got 513
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Well, I've never been one for crude humor, so basically that rules out most of the comedians that are big today. However, I've seen Sinbad, and he's [i]very[/i] funny w/out being dirty, I like him. [/B][/QUOTE] I second that..not much into crude humor either...and man Sinbad can be funny!! "A duece and a quater" You had to of seen that one!! Oh that one was good..
I say go army...It will teach you disaplin and whip your butt into shape....also if you stay in long enough you can retire early..and live off the government :D....Also hell it looks good on your resume...8 years in Army...that would impress 'em..
The Majestic....No offense to anyone who likes that...but god damn that movie was slow....the only good part was the end..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B][COLOR=chocolate]I guess most people are too old for playhtings, but even though I'm 13, my fave plaything is a sweet little rabbit toy that my mother got me when she was pregnant with me, named Betsy. Don't ask. What are yours?!?(Oooh, my GBA, PS2, *I'm a spoilt brat* Computer and collection of marbles) they're interesting if you have imagination. O.o'[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Um....music...I love music...that counts right? I can just sit in my room and listen to music for hours on end...Also my anime models...I like to build 'em...then set 'em up in battles...its so fun! Lol..I also collect anime action figures...and of course I have Legolas!
Wow those are some kick a** drawings! Man I wish I could draw like that!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinigami [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=crimson][FONT=courier new] [B]I like your thinking![/B] [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] :devil: :flaming: :laugh: who exactly NEEDS Relena anyway?!?!?!?:therock: [/B][/QUOTE] I knwo this is kinda off subject...but...I disagree with you...I know I share the same annoyance as you with Releena, but without her GW would have had no plot whatso ever...Without her...Heero would still have no feelings what so ever and continue being heartless killing more people. And her standing up for peace created the contriversy and chaos we like to call Gundam Wing..
RPG Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Evil (play)
Sui Generis replied to Gavin's topic in Theater
Nabashi: *yawns* Elrond: Seriously Nabashi I think you need some rest... Nabashi: No I am fine..I haven't slept in 2 days I can make one more... Elrond: IF you say so... Nabashi: Well how much longer till she is better...?? Elrond: *examines her condition* I'd say she could ride out by night fall.... NabashI: Great! Elrond: *walks out* Nabashi: *pokes siren* Siren: Huh what?? Nabashi: How you feeling...did you hear that you will be able to ride out tonight! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]male: TN: 10 1/3 safer: 9 5/6 anti: 5 1/5 piromunkie: 4 james: 3 5/6 SuperSayian4444: 2 1/5 SS Trunks: 1 2/3 Warlock: 1 5/6 duogodofdeath: 1 1/3 SSJ2Gohu: 1 voodoo: 1 akito: 1 outlawdragon: 1 Final_Flash: 5/6 kuja: 1/2 NorykoAngelcry: 1/2 jcgoudy: 1/2 justin: 1/2 defcon5: 1/2 altron gundam: 1/2 Rico Tranzrig: 1/3 MajinVegeta: 1/5 Death Knight: 1/5 Vegitto 04: 1/5 [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Ya they are posted!! Wow!! I am 9th best male...I am shocked...thanks to all who voted!! *starts crying* I'd like to thank all the little people... Man: Oh boy another annoying oldie No I mean LITTLE people of he world...*section of migetss in the back yell and bang on their chairs*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Why is life so complicated and guys so JERKISH? I just want to know what you think. I've had the worst luck with guys lately. And the guys that I like never like me back...they always like my friends who are a million times better than me...Maybe I should give up. I think humans should be like plants. We should just reproduce asexually by spores or just pollinate. Why be attracted to one another? We could just spew pollen and make babies that way. It'd be a whole lot easier. Oh maybe after high school life picks up. Maybe when I get out of this hell hole I'll meet someone worthwhile. So what do you guys think?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey don't get too down...Heck you should feel glad...Atleast half of the guys I know of..Don't go for who they really like...They just go for the easiest one...if you know what I mean...So I would take it as a compliment! That you are strong! :D
Bryan: *a bullet skims his shoulder* *looks stunned* This is not good...Our men are getting careless! *sees one of his own men get shot* This is not good at all..Hey wait...Kool keep your men on high alert! When you hear the horn make sure everyone ducks! *makes his way to Treme* Hey Treme...Your men are getting careless...But I got an idea....When I blow the horn we will have our men drop down and let the gunners go wild... Treme: Sounds like a plan...go blow.... Bryan: *runs up to a hill* *blows the horn as loud as he can* *everyone drops down* Ok gunners let 'em rip!
Nabashi: I see he cleared the fort...I can take the ridge and be able to catch up to him...\ Jelasevive: Yes but it is heavly gaurded and would be extremely difficult....I myself can't get through there.... Nabashi: *jumps off of Jelas* *nods* Go hide...If anything happens go get Amber..*starts walking off* Jelasevive: Becareful my friend.. Nabashi: *walks along the edge of the ridge...* Oh there he is...*sees Travis up ahead a couple miles* NOw if I can just run for abou.... Orc: *jumps from above and smashes a club over Nabashi's head* Nabashi: Ugh....*falls limp and is knocked out* Jelasevive: NO! *Runs off towards Amber*
I have tons..this is in no specific order 1)Matrix 2) Lord of the Rings 3)Gladiator 4)The Green Mile.. 5)Patriot 6) Any good classic..Ex. White Christmas..Holiday Inn...You know with the legions "Franky", Gene Kelly, all the great ones!
Wow you guys look great together! I can see it now! You have your little webvideo and put it on otaku and we all watch as you have the wedding...*sniff sniff* And everyone would laugh as I cry...lol....Well anywayz...You guys do look great together! What a cute couple..*sigh* Lol... 16:eek: ...look more like 20...WEll..I guess I can see it *shrugs*
Bryan: *hears the sound of a battle* That is not just our army...*smiles* He's back!*jumps outta the bed and throws his armor on* *straps his sword on, pats it* *starts walking out* Nurse: Sir...you are not ready...You are still not stable... Bryan: I don't care...This may very well be the last battle...and I must see...Amber...And Treme again...I must! *storms out* *sees the battle field* *draws his sword* *smiles* *runs into the chaos and starts fighting*
Nabashi: *sees Amber* Hey Amber...where is Zack... Amber: I don't know...he went to fast.... Nabashi: Oh ****....Promise me that you will stay herre! Amber: *nods* Nabashi: *starts riding of towards the pass* My old friend I let you get captured once...its not going to happen again...*jelas boost going faster* *sees the dead orc* We are on the right path...Hurry up...I fear we may be to late...