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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Nabashi: *smiles* Then its settled...*picks up the ring* *starts twidling with it* Hikaru: Nabashi...give it to..Her..Nabashi... Nabashi: *snaps back suprised* *looks at the ring in disgust and gives it to her* I have shamed myself....*walks off*
  2. Nabashi: *slams his fist on the table* She is the best candidate! *points his hand at her* SHE has the best of both races! The nobility of elves and the spirit of a human! I don't care what you say she is the best choice!
  3. Nabashi: *stands up* No...she may do...she is a half breed yes...but she is strong..mind and heart...
  4. OOC: QUESTION!! *raises hand* WHo is the ring bearer???
  5. Nabashi: The enemy is still new and we don't know what he is capable of! We must be cautiuse! ANd for the ring...*looks around* Who shall be the ring bearer? You will know that all of us *sweeps hand pointing to everyone* will be tempted...and we may fail the test...It will be your job to keep that ring no matter what!
  6. Hey can I join??? If so... Name: Nabashi Age: 13 Race: Elf Weapons: Bow and two daggers Bio: Asuka's brother and son of Legolas (sorry he just kicks!) Has skills with the bow as great as Legolas...yet his sister has never failed to beat him in archery. Appearance: Long white hair, blue eyes, Mythril armor under his green tunic..white trousers....small ankel high white boots..
  7. ....Well yeah I suppose you are right...hm...Its just it seems like lately a TON of threads have been closing...all tho that may be a good thing...*shrugs* Well I guess you are right James...You win again...Heh...
  8. James, just a thought...Not attacking you or anything...so please don't get mad...Well 1) Something such as Otaku Social can be considered an RPG if played right...If someonee posted..."I am hungry" thats not an RPG, but if say someone said" George: *walks into a bar* Hey bartender gimme a martini! *grabs the martini and walks to Susie* Hey Susie how ya doing...wanna dance?" That would be considered RPG...2) We don't really have an idle chat in G/D it seems that alot of them are deleted saying they are not coherent....Well where do we talk about our normal lives if they are not bad situations?? I don't know..just a thought...I mean no disrespect... Granted all those threads were taking up space..And thats why I think Otaku Social is such a great idea...We have our own tiny little world..I mean there is even a map...If you think about it, it is just like an RPG... And since it is a sticky...we won't have people keep making them...Like "Dating Game CONT." Or something..because the first one was deleted...
  9. AA just a piece of friendly advice...Get your act together...I did the same thing last year...blew it off...Thought 7th grade didn't matter...Biggest mistake in my life so far...8th grade is hell! I have the crappy habbits of not studing and not doing homework...and instead of pulling all A's and Maybe 1 B I am pulling 2 B's 2 C's an F and a D.....Get your act together now...It will make it go easier...I am pulling out of it now...But its hard as hell...Save your time...and do it now! Schools doing better...I am pulling outta my grades and starting to look like my ole self again.....I love meeting all my friends and school is fun too me now....
  10. Nabashi: *looks up from tending the wounds* So...Amber....you wanna ride along with us...Or are you gonna stay with these suprise helps? ......Amber I need to talk to you......*they both walk off* Look...you need to be careful...I think you are the one my people have prohecized...You know most of the story,..I have told it many times...But there is one part I purposely leave out...But I must tell you...If you are the one...You, by yourself, will have to kill him...without anyones help....Yes you can ride with us...But when its time....You will have to leave...and be by yourself.....Or thats what they profecized....*sighs* *thinks* Hands her his ring...When that day comes...I shall come too...I don't care what they say...You ain't dying while I am alive...*nods* *walks off*
  11. Well the ***** cussed me out! She tried to make me run the mile for the 3rd time! Bah! Noone else had too....and I have asthma! *grumbles off about now being able to use his new DVD player cuz of the ******
  12. WOIE!!:eek: :eek: :eek: I want to do that!! I love stars! THat sounds soooo cool! Hm...The Bryan star...No maybe...The Amber star...Hm...The Amby star...;) Much better!
  13. I had my P.E teacher show up too my door two days ago...cuz on the last day...I cussed her out...Calling her a fat *** whale who should go **** her car, and the reason she never had a husband was she was a mother ****ing hoe! ....I was mad...And so she showed up at my door...she was mad...*shudders* School is going to be hell now...
  14. Um..good luck beating this....My great grandfather got me...Barney...this year...*shudders* I think he was high....*shudders* I mean...a barney video *shudders* *falls down to his knees and crys*
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]First off, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa and happy watever in the month of December. I'm making short this time since I'm running out of good questions. As usual, post reasons if you want to. 1. Do lead a happy life?? [color=red] Yes most of the time I lead a very enjoyable life![/color] 2. What is the most disgraceful you have ever done?? [color=red] Disgraceful....hm...thats a toughy....Talking back to the mayor on one of his plans...not knowing it was him...oh boy that went over well :rollseyes" [/color] 3. Are you willing to die for a family member?? [color=red] Some yes...most no...Most hate me...and I hate them...lol....But yes my close family most definatly! [/color] I know it's short this time. But what can I say, I already asked the good ones. [/B][/QUOTE]
  16. Hm...Well I am glad to see there will be less spam...I will admit that I probably have been one of the sources of that spam...But I will stop...Just glad to see it will be clean again...GJ!!
  17. Hm....normally I confide in my music...I will just crank my music...and let it take over me... But if it gets too strong I normally confide in my best friend Neta....we normally tell eachother everything eventually....So I basically let it build up then spill it...
  18. I say yes, I think that major events are predetermined and that they will happen no matter what... I say no, I think small events...that do not effect the world...are not predetermined. Such as my life...I can do ALMOST anything but I can not change the world unless I was "destined" to... So like coolkam I say yes and no...
  19. Duo's Drinking High (At the Winner Mansion) Heero~::yawns and pokes Duo in the back:: Wake up, we've got to get ready. Duo~:pens one eye:: For what? Heero~For a training exercise. Duo~::grumbles and rolls over:: 5 more minutes, Heero. Heero~::rolls eyes and puts his cold hands on Duo's bare back:: Duo~::snaps eyes open and leaps straight up into the air:: YIPES! Heero~::throws Duo his shirt:: Now go into the bathroom and get dressed. (In The Kitchen) Quatre~::waves at a scuffling Duo:: Good morning, sunshine! Duo~::gives Quatre an evil glare and sits down at the table:: Heero~::walks in behind Duo:: How did you sleep, Trowa? Trowa~Other than Quatre kicking me in the back every half hour, it was pleasant. Quatre~::turns red:: Wufei~ Are you all ready? Trowa, Wufei, Heero, Quatre~::nod except Duo, who has fallen asleep in his scrambled eggs:: Quatre~Duo? Duo~::jerks up suddenly:: But I like to play horsey, Heero. Trowa, Wufei, Quatre, Heero~ ::stare at Duo in silence:: Heero~::cheeks turn crimson:: Wufei~ I am going to pretend I didn't hear that. Trowa~::handing Duo a full cup of cafinated coffee:: Here, drink this, it'll make you feel more awake. Duo~::takes the cup gingerly in his hands and slowly sips:: This is good. What is it? Trowa~::rolls eyes:: Coffee, Duo. Coffee. Duo~:: is starting to wake up:: Coffee, huh? I like it! ::chugs the rest of the cup:: Quatre~::whispers to Wufei:: Should we have done that? I mean, Duo on a sugar high is bad enough, but Duo on caffeine? Wufei~::shrugs:: Whatever we can do to wake him up. Heero~::looks at clock:: It's time to go. (At the Training Station) Duo~::runs around the hanger:: Coffee! Does any one have any coffee?!?! Wufei~::sweatdrop:: I knew this wasn't a good idea. Trowa~ I hope he can still pilot his Gundam. Wufei~ Yeah. Training Instructor~Good morning, Gundam Pilots. Duo~::rushing up to the Training Instructor with eyes wide open and clinging to his pants:: Do you have any coffee?!?! Do ya?!? Training Instructor~::looks down, confused:: Um, yes, son. In the corner over there. Duo~::rushes off to find the coffee:: Training Instructor~:oints to Duo:: Will he be alright? Heero~No worries. Duo~::rushes back with a big mug:: Hey you guys! Did you know that they make Raspberry flavored coffee?!?!? Trowa~Yes, Duo. Now put the mug down and listen to the nice man. Duo~::shakes and sips coffee quietly and listens to the Instructor:: Training Instructor~Today you are doing a training exercise in space. No more in this hanger. We have set up a few obstacles and Mobile Suits in space that you have to destroy. When you are finished, report back here. Ready? Trowa, Wufei, Heero, Quatre~:: nod understandingly:: Duo~:: nods ferociously:: Training Instructor~Ok, you may enter your Gundams and wait for my signal. Duo~::bolts towards Deathscythe and leaps inside:: Oh wow! Look at all the nifty gadgets! Heero~::enters Zero:: Duo, if you need any help? Duo~::interrupts:: No help is needed!! Nope nope nope!! Trowa~::enters Heavyarms:: Are you sure, Duo? Duo~Yes, Duo is fine! Wufei~::inside Nitaku:: ::to Quatre in Sandrock:: When he speaks in third person, I get scared. Quarte~Yes, I'll have to agree with you on that one. Training Instructor~Pilots ready? GO! Duo~::shouts `Hurah!' and goes through the roof of the hanger and up towards space:: Heero~:: pilots Zero through the hole in the ceiling, followed by Nataku, Sandrock, and Heavyarms:: Sorry about the hole! Quatre~::giggles:: (In Space) Wufei~:: looks around:: Well, we made it without any harm. Duo~::flies erratically around in space:: Hey guys, watch what I can do!!! ::does a barrel roll:: Wufei~Riiiiiight. Heero~::looks around:: Where are those Mobil Suits? Trowa~::looks around and spots about 50 Taurus' coming towards them:: There! Heero~If we each take 10, we should be over fairly quickly. Duo~::zooms towards a Taurus and grabs its hands and starts to dance with it:: Let's play dance! Wufei~::chops off a Taurus' legs and arms with the beam trident:: Would someone take care of Duo please? Heero~::sclices up 2 Taurus':: Duo! Stop that! You're supposed to be destroying it, not dancing with it! Duo~::hugging it:: Don't touch him! We're in love!!!!! ::laughs hysterically:: Trowa~::taking out about a dozen Taurus':: Should I be concerned? Wufei~::chopping the head off of a Taurus with the beam trident:: We should be anyways even when he isn't on a coffee high. Quatre~::cuts up 4 Taurus':: Nah, he's harmless. Duo~::whilst laughing insanely, he goes on a rampage, cutting anything in his path with his scythe:: YEEAAHHH!!! I FIGHT IN THE NAME OF RASPBERRY COFFEE!!!!!!!! Wufei~::moves in front of Deathscythe to try to stop him:: Duo! Calm down! Ten each! You've done at least twenty fi? Duo~::sclices Nataku across the chest:: HOW DARE YOU STAND IN THE WAY OF FREEDOM AND RASPBERRY FLAVORED COFFEE!!! Heero, Trowa, and Quatre~::stop fighting and look in awe at what just happened Wufei~::looks down astonished at Nataku's chest:: What?did?.you?.just do? Duo~I defended COFFEE! Wufei~::Nataku's eye's glow a bright green:: Heero~Wufei, NO! Wufei~::charges at Deathscythe:: NO ONE HIT'S ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! AHHH!!!! Duo~::charges at Nataku:: I MUST DEFEND MY GLORIOUS COFFEE!! AHHH!! Duo and Wufei~::start to duke it out fighting as best they can for their cause:: Trowa, Heero, Quatre~::sweatdrop:: Wufei~WEAKLING Duo~ Heero~::shouting:: WUFEI! DUO! STOP AT ONCE!! Wufei~NEVER! Duo~NEVER! Heero~Than you leave me no choice. ::raises the twin buster rifle and fires one powerful shot at both Gundams knocking them apart and leaving the Gundams both badly damaged:: Quatre~Duo! Wufei! Are you alright? Wufei~::stunned:: Y-y-yes. Duo~::stunned, but OK:: I'm fine, I think. ::looks around:: Trowa~We're done here, lets go back. (At The Training Station) Training Instructor~::looks at Nataku and Deathscythe and shakes head:: (At The Winner Mansion) Heero~::sits on his bed:: Well that was interesting. Trowa~::falls onto the bed, stretched out:: You can say that again! Quatre~::leaps onto the bed and gives Trowa a hug around the chest:: You did a good job today, Trowa, even if we did have a bit of trouble. Trowa~::looks at Quatre:: Do you really think so? Quatre~::smiles and nods:: Heero~::looks around:: Hey, has anyone seen my mug? Wufei~Can't say I have. Duo~::walks into the doorway holding Heero's mug filled with cafinated raspberry coffee:: Does anybody want some? Wufei~::whips out sword and charges at Duo:: Why you little..!!!!! Duo~::bolts out of the doorway and runs frantically away from Wufei, cradling his precious coffee:: NO! NOT THE COFFEE!!! Trowa, Heero, Quatre~::sweatdrop:: ~END~ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Bryan: *makes sure the slab doesn't fall while Kool hammers it* So..hm...what are your plans for Christmas...?? Kool: Christmas?? Bryan: Don't tell me.... Kool: What Christmas?? Bryan::eek: How can you not know the best holiday ever invented!! *sits down and explains what happened and explains what Christmas is like*
  21. Bryan: Heh...-starts hammering away again-This is..fu....*snores*
  22. Bryan: -starts wokring on the wall- -yawns- Oh man...I am sooo tired..-smacks himself- I am not going to go to sleep untill this stupid....stupid....stupid....-smacks himself- wall is done...-puts another section up-
  23. Wow I feel special...I expected everyone to say EWW...YOU ARE SUCH AN UGLY ***!!! Heehee...Yeah I wanna move!! Please!!
  24. Is that it...or is there a whole book about that? It looks really interesting...
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