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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Anger... Depression... I don't know anymore...
Sui Generis replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Well, about an hour ago I found out that my Worthless Excuse for a Man Stepfather has been cheating on my Mother. And I feel like murdering him. Ever since I met him, we've hated each other to the point of almost being at each others throats. I've always despised him, constantly saying to my Mother what a complete and utter loser he is... But she always defended him, saying that he really wasn't such a bad guy... About a year ago, although they remained married, he moved out,. He had to. It was impossible for us to live under the same roof... When he did come over, to visit my Mother and my baby Brother, there was always a feeling of hatred looming over us. Just tonight, he admitted to my Mother that he had been sleeping with someone else. She already had an idea that something was going on, but she wasn't sure until now... They were at his house, and she just walked out. Being the ****wit that he is, he began to try and Justify his actions. What a ****ing Joke. This isn't fair... My Mother was already cheated on, by my pathetic excuse for a Father... 3 long years, he cheated on her... And now, it's happened again... But why? My Mother is the sweetest person I know. She's Kind hearted, generous, loving... She doesn't deserve this. When I first heard about it, I felt depressed... Then, I immediatley felt anger... Now I want to Murder that bastard... I hated him before, and now... He's lower than dirt... Although in saying this, i should probably feel the same way about my Father... But, seeing as he is my Dad and all... I suppose I still feel some small kind of Paternal love.. So I'm crankin' up my Stereo to Max. tonight. Lots of Speed Metal and Punk Rock for me. And if he steps foot in this house again... Let's just say... They better call the police to come and restrain me... [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel...The only thing different is my stepfather hasn't moved out or cheated on her yet.....But we can't stand eachother...he is getting meaner and meaner too me....I don't know what to do...Hm...Loud music your way out of it too...Well I don't know what to tell you...try and help your mom and find her a good man...and maybe drug your stepfather! If I help will you kill mine??? Lol ;) anyway...Um..just try and bare...maybe Your mother and "STEP FATHER" need to go to counsiling maybe that will help... -
The hump war...-strats laughing hysterically- Those were the days...Hm...I have been her for about 1 year and 9 months...wow I feel old...lol...There have been alot of changes...however they seem to be for the better...Notice we don't have any more of these "wars" or mass spammers...:D
:D You are very buetiful young lady....Nice pic...as Piromunkie said "alittle to [SIZE=1]revealing[/SIZE] for me :blush: hehe"
You didn't know?? Does Cartoon Network not show the ending to Endless Waltz, cuz at the end it shows Lt. Noin (? NOT USRE WHO) and marimea (in a wheel chair) gazing at the sun...
Heh...Well I personally think any anime beats Batman...but thats my opinion....And I was getting mad when they replaced it first time...but now I don't have much of a voice....lost cable..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]You look... Russian... 0-0;; Which by all means is a good thing... You are cute :) [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry TN hate to burst your bubble no Russian here :-P...Heehee....well thanks!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]well i think hes cute:p a lil blondie :D heehee [/B][/QUOTE] Yay!! Someone didn't say I looked stoned!!! *dances*
Bryan: -laughs- -whipes face- Well that was good!! -pats his stomach- -stretches- Well I am off to work on that darn wall!! -laughs- -walks off-
It was taken at my school...I was laughing so much.,...It was quite funny! Um...I hop eshe wasn't!!!! Don't worry I wasn't :smoke: the :angel: ! heehee...just acting...
Nabashi: -looks around for Jelas- -sees Jelas figthing off three trolls- -runs towards side stepping around trolls, punching goblins, and jumping over dead carcasses- -dives and stabs one troll in the back with his dagger- -jumps off the trool switches his sword into his other hand in mid air, swings and cuts another trolls head off- -flips and picks up his dagger- -sees the troll cornering Jelas- -runs and slides under the troll, pops up and stabs it right in the heart- -pulls the knife out of the troll as it falls- -smirks- -pats jelas's head- -parries a blow and stabs a goblin- -notices a troll is chasing amber- -takes aim- -throws the dagger- -hits the troll right in the side of the head- -the troll crumples immediatly- -sweeps the legs out of a goblin and thrust his sword in its heart- This sword shall pierce fear in all your hearts! No matter how small they shall be!!! -cuts a orgiers head off-
If it even is a REAL site...its cause he has the common or period after com....
Silent Night.........
Duo- He reminds me of me sometimes...plus I love his gundam Releena- I know I know everyone hates her...and her ideals...I like her just for the fact that she is stronger than most mentally and is persistant...I mean if a gundam lunge his shield at you...would you just sit there...or do what I would do....Run and pee my pants? Miliardo/Zechs- I love all contriversial char's besides Trowa Heero- I like how they develop him...He is almost like a computer learning to become human... Wufei- I like his ideals....
I know lol...that was the point!:p
I personally think...he KNEW that the gun was empty, but shooting it at Marimea put her at ease...she believe that she would die so she did not think about her bullet wound any more..I also think that Marimea and Heero had an understanding of one another...If you think about it they both seem similar...Think of Heero as in GW and then think of Marimea....And you will similarities in attitudes... Who knows he might have just wanted to show Releena that he wouldn't kill anyone else...
Deathsythe or Nataku.......I love Deathsythe....And Natku just is awesome...lol
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]I reckon that transformers sucks, and any way the whole wing, 00 and epyon transforming does make me think that transformers could of got the idea from Gundam, how ever Gundam is WAY different to transformers. Trowa066 is right the people are only looking at the fact that there are big robots amd three of them happen to transform so what there all mecha suits like the Eva's in neon genesis or even the hardsuits from bubblegum crisis alot of anime have mecha suits and in some way are similar. I mean my friends and I reckon that Nedesico is a take off of Neon genesis/Gundam only because of the suits pretty useless I think:alcohol: :raspberry [/B][/QUOTE] I in no way think that those are related...or even think they both should be mentioned in the same sentence! Anyway....Um...I don't think Transformers got it from Gundam...Considering if I am correct (probably not) GW came out in the 90's so if they inspired eachother it would be the other way around...
^scary but....scary^ :p
Heh...well here goes nothing...You will all get a chance to see me...Yes thats right...DuoGod of Death's picture...for a small fee of $1000000000000 :D....Nah...well tell me what you think about it...it isn't that great...>This was 'bout 1 week ago...My friend just gave me 'em...and I thought that you peeps would need a good laugh! I am the one in the middle...I was about to crack up....Its really bad...So...Don't....I mean...GO AHEAD AND LAUGH!!
Name: 4th of July Reason: I get an excuse to play with fire! I mean come on! That rules!! -lights a match, and looks around insanely-
^Kewl but phsyco^
Hey great pics! Don't hide...BE PROUD!! Speaking of which....how do I post pics..??
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Videl~ [/i] [B] I've heard of Robert Jordan. I started reading the Wheel of time series and got to book five but got bored coz nothing was happening - he's on nine now!! The books were good but there is only so much of the same thing I can take. My best mate, however has read all of them and loved them, I guess I just love books that keep you on the edge of your seat. As a fellow fantasy fan I would recommend Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth series that starts with Wizards First Rule. It's the best fantasy series I've read and thats high prise from me as I've read practically all of the modern ones. But I would say stick with it, most people I know who've read it have loved it. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, thanks! Well I went on further in the book...and am liking it...Finally is some action...I like the detail he puts in the book...I have yet another question....Is the whole series about Lan, Moraine, Perrin, Thom, Rand, Matt, and the two girls? Or do they change characters with books?? Cera, I agree with you! The Red Pony was stupid!! Whats the point of writing about a pony that dies?? That was a sad book!
Bryan: Oh over by the water pool...I was walkign around yesterday and I saw him...poor thing...He was a mess...
Nabashi: -twirls- -dodging another attack- -looks aroudn as they all stop attacking- What the heck? -pushes a goblin- -all it does is stumble backwards- -it stares bleakly- The heck is going on? There were no prophecies of this...they just....stopped....