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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[COLOR=indigo]This show is a disgrace to anime let alone the title of Gundam. Blech I don't know how many shots they had to pour down their throats before they accepted the idea, but jesus christ it had to have been alot. I don't even know why Cartoon network is wasting their time with it. *throws up* Hideouse [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][i]Kris watched as a platter of assorted Chinese and japanese delicacies was placed in front of him. The platters ranged from Sushi to Cashew Chicken. He smiled gratefully under his veil. He wasn't a rich person a rarely could afford the delicacy of his own taste. Kris then sat and waited for someone else to begin eating. To him it was rude for himself to start eating before the others, he never minded if some one else did. In fact he was grateful when someone else started to eat before him. He wasn't sure why, although he concluded it was one of those insecurity things. He smiled and slowly picked up a piece of beef with his chop sticks after seeing Zharra happily begin nibbling on her food. Many of the members piped in to ask questions to the leader of this masqerade. Danielle Hunter. Kris thought quietly about the whole situation. He couldn't help but remain skeptical. Why would someone choose such a rag tag team of people. He shrugged and continued eating. Then a though came to him. A pointless thought in his mind, but never the less it came up. Why? He began questioning everything about this journey even down to the seating arrangement. He chuckled slightly at his on skeptatism and continued eating listenign to the conversation around him. Neverthe less through out the whole dinner the question stayed in the back of his mind. Why. He would have to know the answer by the end of the day.....[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][i]Kris smirked under his veil quietly and continued to look around the limo. His eyes caressing every object with their sincere glare. He continued listening to the conversation going on between the rest of the "passengers." He chuckled under his breath at the thought. They as well as I as passngers on a mysteriouse adventure to find everything out. He studied the one known as Michael. He thought for a moment then sighed.[/i] "I agree with you, Michael. We should eat together. After all we will be together for quite some time. The best thing would be to learn each others thoughts. Thats the only way to succeed." [i]After speakng he shifted un-comfortably and turned to look out the window. What sparked him to say that he didn't know. He never talked to people like that. He sighed and shrugged. The other people in the limo weren't there in his mind. They really weren't that important to him. Their lack of consistancy bothered him. He continued thinking and let the "demon-girl" continue talking.[/i] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo] [i]Kris sat up and set his mind. It sounded fishy, very fishy but something pulled at him to go with the e-mail. His strength and his weakness he lived on his emotions and the tug that is with in. He smiled and walked out of his door. He stood in the street and sniffed the air. Stale. Again. He sighed and shook his head, he longed for the fresh air of the wild once again. He gripped the cloth and slowly covered his face. Concealement was his best defense lately. He nodded again attempting to reassure himself and started walking in the right direction, or atleast what he thought was. He continued on for five minutes when he saw a limo. Immediatly he knew this was his destination. There were others there as well. He studied them shortly before he walked out into the open. He slowly made his way to the limo not making eye contact with any of them and keeping aware of everything around him. Something else was out there he just wasn't sure what it was. He shrugged and open up his defenses slightly easing into the situation. He stopped and leaned against the limo and continued judging the others.[/COLOR][/i]
[COLOR=indigo]Aw don't let the...[i]PATRIOTS[/i] ruin your Sunday! You expteded more of them? They're really projected to be a push over team this year, not too suprising either. But hey there were some high lights of today. Like the Chiefs winning! Yay!! *parties* But of course the shocker today was the defeat of Miami by the Texans, but hey thats just what I think is amazing. Have fun, don't worry the Pats can't do as bad as the lions have been doing past couple years![/COLOR]
Name: Kris Vanderlet Age: 26 Sex: Male Race: 50% Japanese 50% American Religion: None Bio: Religion has no meaning to me. Religion has one purpose in this world for old men to fight and debate. For countless people to serve and die under a name. For people to follow blindly. I pity all who devote their life to one such practice. Limiting oneself is the biggest crime in my eyes. I have studied religions through out my years of life and found each and everyone to be alike and flawed. Humans are flawed as are religions what makes one better than the other? Why waste your time on something flawed? So many questions have floated through my minds and I am determined to find the answers to all, not just one. Although I must admit religions are limited and force you to bind yourself and change yourself I have found one use for them. Answers. All of them flow together....all of them answer each other. He originates from America but has traveled around many places to find answers. He loves learning about others cultures and ways of life. He desires to expand his horizons as much as he can possibly do in his short human life, and believes there are hidden secrets that have been burried in the past by the ancient ones before him. Description: Check Attachment Misc: He is considered quiet and loyal. Often slow to fight but when enganged in combat he is considered a deadly opponent. He has a very stoic look to himself and is often considered pessimistic. He never makes quick assumptions and studies every possible exit out of a situation. He will fight for you if he thinks you are threatened with or without your request.
how many here do some kind of archery?
Sui Generis replied to moon-scar demon's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=indigo]I have and do mess around with archery occasionally. I'm pretty good at it ecspecially for the amount of expierence I have at it, but I'm not seriouse in it or anything I just do it with a friend and his dad mainly. [/COLOR] -
Silver strands of hair Caressing her tender skin Defining beauty The beat continues As the drums of war proclaim The blood spilt of innocence Gah just for you phantom I suck at these I don't know why you insist on me doing them.....blech....
[COLOR=indigo]Hate to be the pessimistic doubter but hey I play so well at that role. What Mist says is partially true in my opinion I mean most of the time I see that stuff laugh and then wait for the show, its not like mind controlling me to do what they want....although that'd be sweet. Hey, watch it. I'm a young heart, 15 years of age, and I still post good quality. So there! Not all of us can't string words into a sentence. (Such a difficult task it is *rolls eyes*) No but my heartfelt congrats go out to all the staff of theotaku.com you guys have done a great job on this site and you know what your work is paying off! You guys rock!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]The glittering snow Becomes red from our own Treachery inside First attempt at a Haiku please forgive.... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]The sad thing is both are arguing the sides of their chosen faith/belief using purely their belief. One can not argue that God does not exist because of science, just the same the other can not argue that science is wrong because there is a God. Many people seperate the two and mark their battlefields. Its almost scary in my opinion how heated these types of things can be, but in my own personal expierence I've found that God and Science can go hand in hand. I often hear people say that the most beautiful couples are the ones least expected. So far in life I think that has held true. For example. Life and death. Without each other neither would be complete, thus the two most opposite things known to man actually need each other to survive, and make this world a beauty to live in. I believe that God and Science coincide together. Whether this God we are talking about is the Christian God, Mytholigical Gods/Goddesses, Witch's Goddess, or any other faith really doesn't matter. Of course this is just my mindless bantering, but I do not think one can truly survive with out the other. Both ideas are as similar as they are different, much like the Life and Death relationship. But yeah personally I do not know what I believe in at the moment, many things contribute into what I will or will not believe in. As for some of your posts on here however its been pretty pathetic. No offense Celia but for you something may be VERY clear but for others its a dot along the horizon, whether or not they choose to believe in something you think is so obviouse or not does not make the flawed, it makes them human. It makes them different. It makes the world beautiful. So as far as I am concerned I want the Christians to still fight for what they believe in, the scientist to continuely try and disprove faith and for the rest of us to follow their lead. Thats what makes life beautiful and thats why they need each other! Edit: As for the capitilization of god/God it depends on your faith. The topic is merely is there a god/God. Not necessarily a Christian GOD but just a god. So if I am correct (most likely not though) the spelling was used correctly... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]At my old school we did. Well ok last year I went to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Catholic schoo) we had to wear khaki pants with a white polo shirt. It wasn't bad at all actually. It made the place seem really clean. I actually liked the uniforms, I mean its odd I was one of those teenagers from public schools that would swear up and down that they did nothing for you, but it was actually cool having uniforms. I woulda stayed there except it was mucho dinero. But yeah in my opinion uniforms *thumbs up*[/COLOR]
OOC: No offense Wind Master but that is partially your fault. To post in an RPG your require more description, more depth, and more feelings in your posts. Also it was supposed to take awhile to get to the church not the first post. BUt for your first RPG you did ok, keep working at it. [COLOR=indigo][i]Chris stopped as what was happening finally registered into his mind. He ran through the events that had just un-folded quickly enough. He had a horde of zombies behind them then they stopped, he turned around to say something fighting them. It was certainly undead and affected by the virus yet...it was attacking the zombies. Chris was thankful for the service and he didn't care what she was as long as she was against the zombies. Suddenly two other forms entered the picture, the two dogs that were already after the girl. Chris took out his knife and ran beside Kilie to intercept the dogs' course. One of the dogs jumped into the air and without hesitation Chris brought his knife in at an arc letting the blade pass through the dogs neck. Chris quickly used his shoulder and hit the now decapitated creature to the left where it would be out of the way. The second dog growled for a moment then ran in attack from the ground. Chris dropped down and did a sweep kick, knocking the dog off balance, then stabbed it in its side with the knife repeatadly. Finally the dogs body fell limp and he turned to face the zombies that stayed back respectively for the creature at his side. Chris took the break in the action to figure out what was going on. He studied the scene for a moment and understood. The zombies didn't want such an eluring piece of meat get a way yet they themselves didn't want to fall prey. The creature standing next to him ate the zombies, or atleast was their natural enemy. Zombies weren't exactly the smartest things (seeing as how half their brains were rotted away anyways) and if they backed up from a foe then the foe had to be mighty, Chris knew that.[/i] Shall we? [i]Chris smiled at the creature as he jestured towards the zombies. At first she did not fully realize what this strange man was talking about but suddenly understood his meaning. A smile crossed her lips and she nodded. Chris clutched his knife tightly swearing that the knife would be all he needed till he met up with the others. The zombies sat there obliviose to what was going on and what was about to happen, all they wanted was food. The two grinned then Chris let out a yell and they both charged in at the zombies with the fury of the demons themselves on their heals. The two, working together, made short work of the zombie horde and Chris smiled as the creature tore the last one in half. Sure her fighting style was a bit gruesome yet no matter what she always seemed to maintain a grace when ripping zombies limb from limb. Chris chuckled slightly with that thought in mind. The creature bent down and grabbed a part of a zombie savoring the taste and devouring the thing. Chris let the creature finish its feast before he said anything.[/i] Hello, my name is Chris. Thanks for the help![/COLOR]
ON TOPIC: As I've said many times to many other people, I'm not one for free verse poetry most of the time so thats an automatic -10...:p.........Nah but its good. I mean you're only 13 don't get down because you arn't writing perfect poetry....You have plenty room to grow as a writer as does everyone else here including myself. (Been so long since I've been here) OFF TOPIC: He has a right to put his feelings into his posts. If you don't wanna deal with them then don't talk to him, don't bother him, just ignore him for all I care. Don't make a big deal about it. If the moderators see a problem with it then THEY'LL address the issue. If it indeed is an issue. Frankly I think its retarded that you are bashing this kid because he trusts a place enough to reveal his feelings.
[COLOR=indigo]A) If its any consolation I don' thate you, I was actually quite like you when I first started going here. Well I was. :p Whether or not someone hates you you really shouldn't worry about in my opinion. I mean you are trying to follow the rules (and although when you first came here you had some spammy posts and such: you've changed). In my opinion just keep being who you are, I know some people on here that are hated (not by me) and I'm sure they couldn't give a flying ****. I could name them but ya know for my own health I won't, but just don't worry about it! You're a cool person work on your posts a bit and you'll find yourself to be a quite well respected member if you continue on.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Wouldn't the "knife on the end" be called a bayonet? Or is that only an American term....*scratches his head* Anyways I've seen it once, it was rather interesting, I personally love anything that does with military. Everything is so clean, crisp, respectful, and to the point. No jumping around avoiding the question. Anyways cute dog! ^.^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Chris ducked into another alley way. Somehow he had avoided the mass of zombies that utterly enveloped the rest of the crew. He had no idea where they were but he had one thought...survive. He would be no good to them if he was dead on the street somewhere. He checked his pistol and slowly ran his hand over his knife's handel to boost his confidence. He continued walking through the alley. Broken glass and trash covered the street. Death seemed to be walking beside him in the alley way. The smell was sickening, dried blood. An all to familiar smell that he could never seem to get used to. Chris jerked his head to the side as he heard a silent shuffle. He scanned the alley way looking for anything moving. A moan came from inside a building, followed by a very hollow thud. They were trying to get out. Chris whipped his knife out. He knew the knife was the weakest thing to fight a zombie with aside from his bare hands but it was his prime defense, use the gun for bigger foes. Another moan came from the end of the alley way. Soon four zombies were shuffling towards Chris. Chris looked around frantically knowing that going back would lead him to a horde of zombies, and he didn't want to go into any buildings just yet. He sighed and gripped his knife. He would attack them using his momentum as an advantage. Chris ran as hard as he could towards the zombies, who didn't even pause to consider their rushing opponent. The only thought that entered their mind was...blood. Chris lept into the air raising his foot in front of him and landed a kick in a zombies chest toppling the zombie over. Chris landed on the zombie and quickly spun and kicked another zombie. There was no way he was going to attempt to kill these guys, that would take to long. Simple knock them down and run. Not the most courageouse thing he had to admit but he'd live, for now. The third zombie lunged at Chris only to find its arm sitting on its companion. Chris noticed the hesitation in the zombie and took off running straight from where the zombies came, praying there wouldn't be any more waiting for him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Bryan: Strong Alexander: Defender of Men Kellogg: Don't know.... Dyer (My mom's maiden name/ my main heritage) Well what it looks like...a dyer! ^.^ Although don't underestimate my clan, very interesting stories. *grins* Lalaith Ril: Laughter's Flame in elven... Lalaith: Laughter Ril: Flame.... So roughly together you get Laughter's Flame!! I know stupid but hey oh well![/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]It would be wise to listen to Raiha....she speaks the truth.....*winces and looks at the two ski poles stuck in him* Nah but were I go there is like huge tension everyone snowboarder hates the skiers and visa versa. Only at the slops of course. I mean if a skier is skiing and a boarder comes by the skier will try and trip the boarder, its REALLY stupid. I just kinda stay out of it, I'm in one of the few groups there that chills with either. Oh yeah I'm a boarder and I love it! So fun, never tried skiing though so can't say if I like it or hate it![/COLOR]
I think the reason alot of people don't like to block others is ...."Don't burn a bridge just because you can't see where it ends.." *shrugS* Stupid but has its points I guess...*shrugs and sweatdrops* In my highschool thats what life is all about, half the kids never know whether they wanna be nice or total assholes. THey just go back and forth....back and forth....back and forth....
[i]Noyade turned his thrusters on and began off with the group then suddenly he stopped. Something told him to say....his gundam told him to stay. Quickly Noyade realized what he was fighitng with, a stealth Gundam. Equipped with a sniper rifle, a perfect way to pick off atleast one mobile suit before the other 3 got there making the battle in their favor. He kicked his thrusters in revers and flew back several hundred yards. He then methodically pulled out his sniper rifle and aimed at the farthest one. If the mobile suits ment to flee they certainly would not flee towards a dead mobile suit. If he took out the farthest one back they would attempt to flee in any other direction, as Noyade watched his comrade he realized, they would flee right into the hands of a waiting Gundam. Noyade watched the scene un-fold through his scope making sure the timing was perfect. Some how each of the Gundams had worked together to set up a perfect plan that would utilize each Gundam's specialties. He wondered if this was mere coincidence or the other pilots too felt the tugging of their instincts to go in the directions they did. Soon the time had come and Noyade aimed at the farthest mobile suit. The mobile suit obviously to the sniper aimed at the civilian ship and shot, for the last time. As his round left his gun another round entered the head of the mobile suit, setting off a chain re-action and soon the mobile suit was nothing more than space debris. The other mobile suits panicked slightly as Noyade had expected each flying into different directions, each flying into another Gundam. Noyade smiled and pulled out his scythe and charged into the awaiting battle.[/i]
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Sui Generis replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[i]Karanzyr walked in front Rhain ignoring the escort, well the offer for an escort. Something inside him tugged at his heart making him more enraged. The familiar emotion was sparked by something. Something Karanzyr couldn't put his finger on. This as well made the drow warrior increasingly worse. As he walked he squeezed his hands into tight fists ignoring the blood that ran from his palms. A young white elf wondered the halls absent mindedly. He smiled knowing that his master was safe and happy. His smile quickly faded as he saw a drow, obivously warrior, turned the corner to the hall that the young white elf was in. Something about the drow made the young elf un-easy. The elf took a step back from the drow as if the anger inside the drow was flowing into the halls itself attempting to consume everything with its powerful grips. Karanzyr consumed in his rage did not even notice the elf that had been strolling merrily through the halls of the great mansion. He continued walking letting his thoughts fly freely through his head, for the first time he could remember. However dangerouse it was to allow his true emotions and thoughts free he didn't care. Rage, confusion, jealouse, and pain, all these emotions surged through the drow showing outwardly in his contorted face and body language. Karanzyr slammed into something. For a moment Karazyr did not recognize what or whom he had hit but soon realized it was an elf slightly smaller than him, and even in the infrared spectrum the elf appeared white. Slightly un-common but not a suprising thing for a drow to see, Karanzyr recognized it instantly for a white elf. Known for theirs talents at pleasing any and every fantasy you could imagine. He stared at the elf for a moment wondering how many times the elf had seen the room of the Shagress, something Karanzyr had never been permitted to do. He clenched his hands tighter and walked past the elf without offerng an apology nor a second glance. Karanzyr felt something cool running over his fingers and gathering up on his knuckles. He then heard the soft plop the liquid made when it hit the stone floor. For the first time that day he had realized he was bleeding. He let his hands drop limply out of their fists and studied his hands. They were bright with the heat of fresh blood covering them. He smiled more amused than anything else. His face twisted again and a roll of desperation rolled over the drow. He winced as the word hit him once again. Thats all he was...a tool. A tool for the arena, a tool for his deity, a tool for the Shagress, and a tool for other's amusement. Was he left to living like this? Was that all he was ment for? A gladiator....a "Bedroom partner".... a tool. The third choice rang out from his lips. The word bounced around on the stone walls relentlessly attacking the drow. Each time the wound grew deeper and more painful. This thought had never protruded his mind before, had never entered the drow's simple life. He had accepted his fate as his fate, he was born to do what he was trained to do, nothing more. He had not once thought of himself, why would such thoughts come about now? He attempted to shrug them off yet the picture of the white elf entered his mind again. So happy, so eager to please, and yet still free. He closed his eyes and shook his head. His thoughts mocked him, his emotions prodded him like a dagger re-opening old wounds that had long been forgotten. He looked up again to see he was at the entrance of his "living quaters." The female drow had long since departed to her own mansion to rest. Karanzyr was thank ful for that, for if she had even sensed his emotions she surely would have whipped him with out hesitation. Such thoughts were considered blasfemouse in drow society. That in itself didn't make sense however. If drow soceity was entirely based on deceit, lust, and power then how could his thoughts go against these beliefs. He slammed his fist against the stone wall feeling his knuckle shudder slightly and give way. The knuckle then cracked down the middle and became to parts ending with a sudden "snap." Karanzyr paid no head to his broken bone and continued to punch the wall. By the time he was done the wall as well as his hand was covered in blood. He could no longer decipher his ebony skin from the blood that had stained his hand. He watched his hand as it trembled slightly. So many deaths had been brought prematurely because of that hand, what would another hurt. He looked at his sword longely but knew he would not, that would be letting the Shagress win, something he did not plan on letting happen. He leaned against the blood on the wall and slowly slid down till he felt the cool rock under neath him. He must've looked pathetic at that moment, but he didn't care. He sat there blankly not thinking for several hours before he admitted his fatigue and leaned his head against the wall. In the same, fetal, position the mighty Karanzyr the un-defeated stayed the rest of the night. Not sleeping nor awake.[/i] -
[COLOR=indigo][i]Pats Flamme on the back[/i] It'll be ok, we'll get through this! Now a'days the world is so populated that no country can expand with out war. Humans are an ambitiouse race and a power hungry race. Each of us live to either our or other people's plasure/pride/honor. That is what pushes us to go on. To be happy, to reproduce and to make a name for ourselves. Most of these things are impossible to some extent without confrontation. Whether it be war or just a simple fight it would still defy the idealistic belief of Pacifism. Soo....as I said before...it'd be nice, but it ain't gonna happen. Unless something like the matrix comes out and no one knows its out. So then we'd all be mindless drones having no desires nor pains. o.O[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][i]Noyade smiled at his companions as his screen filled with their images. His face then set into a grim chissled appearance.[/i] I am not the leader nor am I trying to be, but.....No one is left behind, and I mean NO ONE! We are our best when we are together. I don't know about you guys, but I will go back for any of you no matter how dangerouse the situation is. [i]Noyade smiled and blushed slightly. He was always shy about stating his mind, and didn't know why he had said that. He was pleased that he had said it. He wasn't about to lose one of them. To him they were his family. A new cloack to cover him from his past. He looked at each of them eagerly waiting for their responses.[/i] [b]OOC:[/b] Shorty because I'm at work sorry. A 15 year old at work, its a crime a tell ya!! Not what you expected eh?! :p [/COLOR]