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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Nabashi: -flips off of Jelas- -Jelas runs off- -thinks- [I]I knew she would come back...why doesn't Zack believe me...everytime the prophecies are true...This isn't good....[/I] -turns around and sees Emcew out numbered- -runs and tackles two orgiers- -stabs them both in the neck- -Emcew and Nabashi fight back to back-
  2. Bryan: Oh come on Amber! The festival has started! Get your butt out there and enjoy it! -pushes Amber out the kitchen-
  3. Nasbashi: -blocks an attack- I knew they knew where we were...but how did they -perries then strikes- move so fast with all this things!? -jumps back, then lunges at a goblin and kills it...-
  4. Nabashi: -bows his head- You are right...-sighs- You are right.... -whipes his eyes- -the rest of the journey goes along in silence-
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]Zack:...I won't risk it Nabashi...I learned a long time ago to not trust prophacy's...for their was also a prophacy amongest your people if I remember..."and two young men shall find the disk of beast and rise the people from darkness"...and though this came true...it came at a hefty price... [/B][/QUOTE] Nabashi: Oh so you are saying....the costs during battle for you are more important than the costs for the rest of us? How do you think I felt I lost my sister...You need to stop sulking life goes....-realizes what he said- -shuts up-
  6. Nabashi: -rides up next to Zack- Zack...I am saying this to you as a friend...not as a soldier....You need to give people a chance...Noone and I mean noone can give up everything in two seconds...I understand how you feel, but not everyone will be a tratior...you never know...She may be the chosen one my people have prohazized "She who denies them will come forth and save them".....It just seems to coincidental to me...
  7. Bryan: Ok Treme take a seat! -pulls out a chair- Treme: Ok...-sits down- Bryan: -walks into the kitchen- -looks at Siren- You look buetiful! Now go knock his socks off!!! Siren: -sits next to treme- Bryan: -whispers into treme's ear- Have fun! -walks away-
  8. Amber: I am not going back there! Zack doesn't care for anyone else but himself! And this stupid war! Nabashi: -shakes his head- You don't understand...-sighs- Very well if that is your answer then I will respect it...just know that you are always welcomed....-mounts on Jelas and rides back to camp- -arrives to camp depressed and without hope-
  9. VEGGIE TALES!! VEGGIE TALES!! THEY RULE BABY!! YAY!!! I AM LARRY BOY!!! Lol...I haven't seen any in about a year...but still....-goes off singing the Veggie Tales song- VEggie tales Veggie Tales Veggie Tales Veg gie Tales...Broccoli...Celary...Gotta be...VEGGIE TALES!!
  10. Bryan: OH come on Treme you honostly think I would try and pull something past you?? -starts cracking up- You will see my friend...you will see....If I am correct you may just....love.....this suprise...-grins- -walks ahead of Treme-
  11. Nabashi: -arrives where the battle was- -jumps off of Jelasevive- -starts looking around- ...Good her tracks are still fresh....-stares down the way her tracks were heading- Hey Jelas lets go..-while running hops on Jelas and they start off again- Hm....I know Zack will be mad...but I just can't watch an innocent person die..for no reason...Oh god...what am I going to say to Zack when I get back....this isn't going to be pretty....-searches for hours before finding Amber sleeping- -rides up- -slowly gets off of Jelas- Hey Amber....Amber...-shakes Amber- Amber: -rolls over instinctly and holds her dagger at Nabashi's throat- Nabashi: Amber..its me Nabashi...I came to see how you were...and if you wanted to come back...I don't care what Zack says....-Thinks- [I]Oh god...whats going to happen when we/I arrive....oh boy...this will be fun....I really need to stop dis-obeying Zack...espically now...I think I know why he is mad tho....That one girl....that rider...Oh what was her name....Everyone thought she was lost...only me and Zack truly knew she wasn't....She was never found or heard of after Zack's escape....I think...I think he may have put her out of her misery...sighs....Poor Zack...I understand now...and he loved her too...-shakes his head-[/I] Amber: Uh...Nabashi?? NABASHI!!! Nabashi: Huh what?? Oh sorry -snaps out of his thinking- As I was saying...do you want to come back...I am willing to deal with Zack...if you want to come back...I'll understand if you don't.....
  12. OOC: And I got shot in the hand by Amber!! Lol!! __________________________________________________ Nabashi:-buries his sword- You shall infest noone any more! -pulls out his fathers sword- Ah much better....-sits staring into the fire- Hm....-out of no where yells- I DON'T CARE! Everyone: -looks at him- Nabashi: -hops on Jelas and turns around- Diamoon, tell Zack if he gets back that I am going against his orders! -rides off- Man I just gotta find Amber...
  13. Bryan: Heh...-walks off towards Treme- Hey man whats up? Its almost time for the festival....-looks at Treme for a second- Alrigh whats wrong?!
  14. Nabashi: Yeah, I still worry about Zack everynight tho..He...he just seems colder these past days...I don't know why....oh well...all will come the way it comes...Kool come here! Kool: Why?? Nabashi: Come here! -kool walks over to him- THis will sting a bit, but it will help your woundsd, they will heal by tomorrow morning...-applys a gree ointment on Kool's wounds- -repeats with everyone that has wounds- -lastly does his hand-
  15. Has anyone ever heard of the author Robert Jordan? Or has any of you ever read his series "The Wheel of Time", I am on the first book "The Eye of the World" I am loving it so far, but I wanted some feed back on other people...I don't wanna keep reading this book if its just going to be a disappointment...
  16. Nabashi: -stares at his hand blankly- Thank you...-pulls out his dagger- Duck....-stabs a Troll running towards Amber- -winces- That hurt...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]um....sry ta burst yer bubble but there isn't such thing as "goth" people THINK they are goths when all they do is dress up as "wannabe punks" or just a bunch of people in black with spikes and chains but go look up the origin of goths and where it originated cause it definately isn't a style:p its was a sort of religion and belief in "goth" a satanic figure... sry i just absolutely hate it when people call themselves goths.....no offence to u....:blah: PS: i would call the battle PUNKS vrs. Preps (not goths vrs. preps):rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Um...Amber I disagree...I myself am not either...but a "goth" is no where near a wanna bee....they are the ones with originality...while preps are modeling themselves on what is "IN" at that current second, "Goths" dress how they want too...and what feals comfortable to them...Also I think some people just look better in black, and maybe they know it! I don't think its wrong for a Goth and Prep to go out...its just kinda odd...
  18. Nabashi: [I]Regains his senses just in time to roll away before a troll smashes him. Flings his sword around and brings it down on the troll, cutting straight through one of the trolls legs. Without a second of hesitation turns back to the battle field and charges in. Starts dodging attacks and attacking. He is getting wounded but not noticing it at all...keeps attacking the trolls...blood is dripping furiously....[/I] Zack: [I]Hears the sound of a voice in his head.....[/I] [I]" Zack help me!" "The sword...its gotten more powerful as well" "I can't control myself...its too powerful!" "Help me! I won't be able to stop once it completly consumes me!!"[/I]
  19. -The dog jumps on Amber- Bryan: Look the dog... -dog sniffs her boobs- Bryan: THe dog likes you...-whacks the dog- -mutters- STUPID DOG! ...So anyways what...Charlie can test the food but I can;t...I am hurt...:bawl:
  20. Nabashi: -riding on Jelasevive he cuts all the trolls- Man these trolls are sloww!! -turns around to see how Zack is fairing, turns back around and gets hit by a troll- -flys into a tree-
  21. Bryan: -watches as amber chases the dog- -sweatdrop- Here Charlie!! -the dog comes to him- Um...Amber...stop!! Amber: -stops- -painting frantically- Bryan: I see...you met my new dog....
  22. Nabashi: -holds on the reins as Jelas rears- -looks worried- Whats wrong? Jelasevive: I am afraid..something has happened to Amber... Nabashi: I see...-rides towards Zack- -the two talk for a second- Zack: Diamoon stay here with the others you are in charge of them...go back to the camp! Me and Nabashi have something to do.... [I]-They both ride of towards Amber and the trolls-[/I] Nabashi: -unsheathes his sword while riding- -feels the energy come from it- I am stronger this time I will resist...I shall not become evil! -rides off-
  23. Bryan: -mubmles- what was it what was it what was it...-bumps into siren- THAT WAS IT!! Siren thank god you ran into me!! Siren: -sweatdrop- Bryan: Guess what you get the privilige of going out with the leader! Siren: What? Bryan: Look...I know you haven't agreed, neither has he, but you know as well as me that you two like eachother...and he needs a break something to take his mind off of these tought times..and you may be that break...and don't say you don't like him.. Siren: But I don't... Bryan..:shifty: DON'T :angry2: :angry2: LIE!!!! Siren: Ok OK..you are right...I will do it... Bryan: THANK YOU!! -runs off-
  24. Bryan: -walks out and goes to the kitchen- Hm...whats smells so good? Amber: I can cook can you believe it!!??? Bryan: Of course I can -taste some of the food- Its great! Amber: Thanks! Bryan: No prob Amby! -winks and walks out- Hm...what do I need to do...I know I forgot something.....
  25. Bryan: -eyes Treme- -gets back up- Treme I got a great idea....we could have a little suprise....A fight.....between me and you....-explains the whole plot to him- -laughs at the end- Don't you think that would just top the night!:all:
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