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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B][I]Æon runs across the plains with Zack on his back...he suddenlly slides to a halt[/I] Æon:Zack there is fighting going on up ahead...I can smeel the blood Zack:the fastest way is through that battle...we have done this before...lets do it again... [I]Zack pulls the mask over his face, it has war paint painted on it and look similar to an mask you would find in a museum..., Æon rushes foward into the fighting humans, Zack has his spear out to the side but is still crotching to the side, they rush right down the middle of the battlefield most the humans moving out of the way, one gets up a bit of courage and moves to attack Zack, Zack's spear's the man and without Æon even faltering, Zack shakes the man off his spear, the point still in one piece...they make it to the other side of the battlefield with little other incident...they cross the plains and reach an old stone site...in the middle is Emcew and his Gryphon[/I] Zack:.... Emcew:Hey Zack...you felt it to? Zack:I did...I am here to defend my forest and to join my fellow riders in battle... Emcew:as am I...well then now that you are hear...me and you the former leaders...we should raise the call... Zack:we should... [I]Zack jumps off Æon and pulls off his mask[/I] Zack:glad to see you still live...I have no love for most humans...but you are an old friend... Emcew: so you still prefere your forest to the human civilization? Zack:I do...and are you still a chapion for Armond? Emcew:Yes I am...you know you would be recieved as a hero their... Zack:I am fine in my forest...all I want is to be left alone... Emcew:I hear their is a goblin in the forest you live in... Zack:their is...it's me... Emcew:ussual...well don't do to much harm and I won't be dispatched to deal with you... Zack:you couldn't anyway...not in my own territory... Emcew:true...well lets raise the call then shall we?... Zack:yes... [I]Zack and Emcew walk out into the middle of the Circle and speak in one voice[/I] Emcew/Zack:We the leader of the riders of Gaia call upon our fellow breathern to honor the pact we made so many years ago, to defend our land from approaching evil... Zack:I Zack, ex first knight of Alterone, guardian of the gaian woods, co-leader of the Riders of Gaia command you to return to defend the land from this evil Emcew:I Emcew, Champion of Alterone, co-Leader of the Riders of Gaia comand you to return to defend the people from this evil [I]Zack and Emcew stand across from each other each extending a hand. An orb appears between them. It disappates and a flame begins, they both step of the disk in the groud and it turns into a flaming beacon.[/I] Emcew:...Zack...why did you leave the knights? Zack:...you know why...I choose to defend the land over the people...the forest was my home and they wanted to remove it...and I choose to defend it...as a knight I couldn't have done this... [I]Zack leans against the wall[/I] Zack:don't worry I know both are equally important Encew...I will lead the riders honorably...remember we first stumbled across this place...back during the dark days... Emcew:yeah...I was hoping we would never have to call upon the pact again Zack:I also...now we have to wait... [I]Zack pulls the mask off of his head and puts it in his pack[/I] Zack:for now I shall no longer be the Goblin Zack...I shall be Rider of Gaia Zack...so I won't need that for a while...I hope we won't have to seek out our weapons again.... Emcew:yes...but from what NeoGeo says we might.... [I]Zack keeps a hard face and leans against a wall ruin[/I] Zack:so we wait... [/B][/QUOTE] Nabashi: -head jerks up- Hey did you hear that too?? Jelasevive: Jids Loes Heui Beo tyrnsm bickyp (Same as Anti lol..Only My race and Eodol's can understand eachother...besides a few (the riders) (Yes I was afraid this would happen...Well lets go my friend!) Nabashi: -nods- -jumps on Jelasevive, and grabs his bow while running- Hm...-scans the area- Looks like there was a battle here...Stupid humans...Don't they know peace?? -sees two camps- Oh crap...Jelasevive blend now! -they both blend- -arrive next to Zack- Jelasevive un-blend- -hops off and salutes Zack- I am ready!
Bryan: -looks up suprised- Uh...sure....Hm..How bout this.....I hold the slabs together then you hammer them together! -the pieces float into one solid section of wall- Ok going ahead at it!
Bryan- SIren!! Your back!! Awesome!! -they talk for a while- -looks around- -sighs- Well I better go back to work...-waves as he walks to the unfinished wall-
Bryan: There we are finished...-whipes hands- Hm...I'll go discuss it with Treme..! -walks to Treme- Hey we are done! What should we do now?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]I am ready [/B][/QUOTE] Same here! Lets get this party started!....well ya what is the story anywayz...
Bryan: -whipes his forehead- Well I can't believe it...worked all the way through the night...-looks down at Kool sleeping- -laughs- Well I guess she didn't make it....-chuckles- -scans the area- Well thats not bad at all!! Hm...better report the progress to Treme....-goes to see Treme-
Bryan: -nods- Kool come with me! -they start building- Now this goes here...and thsi here...make sure you have enough space here....and don't foget we have to expand here.... OOC: Gotta go!
Bryan: Hm...how about...Hope's Gaurds...I don't know....You could always ask Ken to train her...I am sure he would...But right now we need to expand the city, before they get grumpy about the conditions!!
Bryan: -nods- Well we have one more problem...We need to train these people in a short time....My only suggestion is you train Amber, and once she gets as strong as you or atleast strong...she trains everyone else....ANd I will work on the building...thats were my..."abilities" will become usefull...
Bryan: :eek: Me second in command....:eek: But what about what just happened...would if I do that again....Hm.....well I will accept your offer anywayz! Wow...I never thought I would be second in command of mankind....have you ever thought about that Treme....You are what all mad men wanted...the ruler of man....Hm...you definatly deserve it...
Bryan: Ya know...we could have a memorial honoring her and everyone who died....LIke decorate the tree...and it would be our first Holiday...We could call it Siren Day or something like that...and so it doesn't just honor her......but everyone who gave/will give their lives for this place...
Bryan: -shakes his head- Thats the last thing I need is to dwell on the subject any more...-sighs- Besides atleast we know she is up there -points upwards-.................. So were are we going to put the new houses??
Bryan: -snaps a mercenaries neck- -reappears- -cracks his knucles- This is a sinch! -dicapitates a mercinary running by him- FOOL!! HAHA -goes back into the scenery cutting anyone who gets near him- Ah...I love this!
Bryan: -knocks on his door- -comes in- -sighs- Look Treme...I'm sorry...You did the right thing...I was just being immature....I admire your courage to go on....Thats why your the leader.... -sighs- I'm sorry...it was your lost too...-shakes his head- Not just mine.... -walks out and picks up his sword-
Bryan: -throws his sword down- You don't understand!! -walks off with sword still in the ground-
Name: Bryan Age: 13 Weapons: Doubled bladed sword (like Darth Mauls if you don't know what I am talking about...) Skill(s): Can blend into anything he touches Team: Young warriors Gohan: -as he is about to kill someone the guy falls down before-The hell? ?????: Hahaa!! Gohan: Who are you and where are you? ?????: Hey! -appears next to gohan, with his sword still in the mercneht- Heard there was a party! Oh my name is Bryan
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B][I]Treme noded to Bryan as he watches Orion walk away[/I] Treme:...Bryan....take your men and pull back...I am going to get Siren's troops and pull back...our new paladin is in that group... Bryan:our what? Treme:we have a new paladin...the girl Amber...now move your men while I get the rest...remember my retreate signal...fire it as I run....the others will move their men to the hospital and mess hall...you go too... [I]Treme jumps off the wall and dashes for the other side of the village slicing through the occaisonal mutant that he run into...as he reaches the other hole he sees Siren's men fighting disorganized[/I] Treme:Come to me!!! [I]Treme fires his pistol clearing a path to him....the groups begins to rally around Treme...Treme coordinates their shots to get the other people their once everyone is accounted for he begins to pull them back[/I] Treme:Amber what happened? Amber: [/I]Shot shot[/I] She went out and fought something...it looked like a knight... Treme:....Death Knight.... [I]Sigh[/I] [I]The group of twelve men arrive to the mess hall and begin to be covered by men on the roof and in the building[/I] [I]Treme splits his men in half putting some on the roof and putting others in the building, Treme and Amber walk into the supply room where the other commanders wait[/I] Bryan:where's Siren...? Treme:...Death Knight got to her...before I got there... Kool:whats this about a new paladin? Treme:....Amber.... Amber:I am what!?!? Treme: you will learn...right now we got more important things...where is Akira?... Kool:on the roof directing the men up their... Treme:right....seems you guys did good on evening out our men...what reports...how many loss? Kool:1 Bryan:0 Kool:Akira lost 2.... Treme:Siren lost 0...before the night is over we might lose more...well enough chit chat...Kool take the Mess hall group, Bryan the Hotpital group....fire only when you can hit, and shot to kill in one shot....tommorow...we need to start training a defence force... Amber:is their anything I can do?.... Treme:...look after the wounded...I am gong on the roof to see Akira... [I]Treme clibs out a window and climbs onto the roof[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] Bryan: What?! -charges out of the hospital- -doors close and lock w/o anyone touching them- -everyone stares at him- -charges to Treme-:cussing: Are you saying that we are just going to let it go!? She died!!! One of our founders died!! And all you do is walk away!? Look I don't know what happened out there...I sure as hell know that someone could have helped her! What about her regimend?? Where were they?! Damnit! -storms off-
Bryan: -nods- -begins fighting the mutants- -looks back at his group- -shakes head- -yells at treme- [I]Treme!! There is no way these people are gonna last!!! -lifts some mutants from the mob advancing on the people- They arn't prepared![/I]
Name: Nabashi Animal:Eodal (made up) Animal Type:Nature Animal's Name: Jelasevive (Natures Whisper) Description: Nabashi-An elf like creature with blue eyes (that turn black) Has small magic capability, but is great with a bow....and an excellent hunter. Jelasevive: A odd looking creature that can walk and fly...Every Dalak (Elf like creature) gets one as a child and they both grow up together. These creatures are known for never even breaking a twig when stalking someone, they teaach the Dalak's everything they know about hunting. It is a dark brown, with green eyes. I made a whole story and everything before and it was like this :D Lol funny!! These are all things from my story..!!
Um....whats this rpg about?
Bryan: -grunts- -eyes some of them suspiciously- [I]Oh come on Bryan.....They are humans...they are your race....The are you neighbors...Your villagers...relax![/I] Man: :alcohol: Hey want a drink? :alcohol: Bryan: -looks around nervously- Um...no thanks....-walks to his house quickly- -starts thinking as the music disappears- [I]Why do I not trust them...what have they done to me...nothing....[/I] -arrives at his house...puts blankets on the roof, and lays down-
Bryan: -smirks- Well if you insist...heh.....I think I will sleep on my roof tonight...Heh....I feel all natury tonight...-laughs-.....
Bryan: You want me to go?? -sighs- Well yeah I suppose I should...I am apart of the village....and they are too...-sits down and builds a fire- I still prefer it out here tho...
Bryan: -grins- Nah....its ok.....I will stay out here anywayz....No offense....I just don't trust those...people...-sighs- I guess I am just as bad as then...-shrugs- So....whats up??
Bryan: -looks up- -sighs- I wish more were like you...I am still confused though....Not quiet mutant...not quiet human...Stupid *** people...Nuking....The world is ****ed...I just hope....That this city will help...Oh well....I'm getting alittle tired...Amber you can take my house....-walks over next to the wall...and lays down-