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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan:-looks up- -hesitently says- Hi.........-looks back down-
  2. Bryan: -looks up- But what happens if they revolt...There are more people.....Siren and I would be dead...I don't trust them....
  3. Bryan: -laughs- So how ya been? Treme: Oh great...This is a great day!! [I]The two talk for hours....discussing everything that happened lately[/I] Bryan: Well I am gonna work on some more houses! Treme: Sounds like a great Idea!! Bryan: -slabs start to fly to him- Little Child: AH!! Mommy look at that....that....thing..... Bryan: -slabs fall- -sits there for a second- Little Child 2: What is it? Is it another mutant....?? Bryan: -walks off towards the water hole- -thinks- Maybe...those children are right...Maybe I am no better than my fathers killer....and all those people they died...from mutants....Was that me? I don't know............
  4. Bryan: -shakes his head- Oh well....Hm...-finishes his 3rd house- So how are you doing over there Kool?? -lifts a slab into place..-
  5. Bryan: -wipes his forehead- -looks up worridly- Its been one day....where is he....I don't like this......
  6. Bryan:-points over to a section by the mess hall- Kool, start buidling over there! Kool: -nods and runs off- Bryan: -walks off somewhere else and starts building...- I wonder whats so important.....
  7. Bryan: -watches as Ken walks off with treme- :cussing: If only I could go too...-sighs- Well I guess it is good that he trusts me....-walks slowly to the mess hall-
  8. Hm...My thoughts...Comedy is tragedy....Its a wasted art...Now its raunchy and everything...and it is wasted...Its just saying we humans need to find ways to hide ourselves....My thoughts...don't kill me!! :help:
  9. Ah!! Stupid Explorer...My explorer goes down and I have to read 15 pages or something!! I am too lazy...what happened here?
  10. Crap...I accidently put search engine...I found it from another site...It was a gundam board..and one of the people said go to [url]www.otakuboards.com[/url] it is great! (In case you were that person HI!! Its me Quatre!! lol sorry)
  11. [i]Originally posted by july [/i] [B]this is for a project that i'm doing that is due tomorrow. the project is about gun control and i'd like your participation in this survey is no admin/god objects. i'll ask a few questions, but i need your age and sex too. spanx in advance... 1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? [COLOR=darkblue]Hm...Yes I do...It has been a hot topic at my school for 2 years now....[/COLOR] 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? [COLOR=darkblue]No, they should just inforce the ones they have now....More laws mean confusion...[/COLOR] 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? [COLOR=darkblue]No, that wouldn't solve the problem, it would just cause more violence...[/COLOR] 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful? [COLOR=darkblue]No, that wouldn't solve the problem, it would just cause more violence...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]No, just because we have guns, doesn't mean we have violence. Humans, as stupid as we are, would find another weapon of their choice, and we would have the same problem, if not worse.[/COLOR] 5. what do you think we should have: [COLOR=darkblue]a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18)[/COLOR] i don't know if those questions are good enough but i'm going to average out everything so as few or as much of you can answer if you like... thank you, very much. [/B] [COLOR=darkblue]I am a 13 year old male, in 8th grade...:D[/COLOR]
  12. Bryan: -sighs- -looks over at him- You may be our leader, but you are still human....Denying your feelings will make you less of a leader...
  13. Bryan: -starts planting the seeds- -starts singing- [I]I would swallow my doubt turn it inside out and find nothing but faith in nothing!! Wanna put my tender heart in a blender...watch it spin around to a buetiful oblivion!!! Rondevu then I'm through...now I'm through with YOU!!!!!![/I] -looks a Treme- -sighs- I still say he should have a couple days off....Maybe I am too soft....
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]I have a feeling the old 831 will keep coming up here :freak: 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning [/B][/QUOTE] Ah...the painful, yet joyfull phrase...I love you...:love: Anywayz...Mine would have been to spend more time with my best friend...I thought he was mad at me...and I didn't talk to him for 2 months...well he moved to London 5 months ago...and I just found out a couple weeks ago that he wasn't mad at me....I doubt I will ever see him again....I just don't want the last memory of me/him being of anger....
  15. Bryan: -finishes food- Well I am gonna go work on that farming....-walks out and heads to the water pool-
  16. I normally do not cry when I get hurt....The only time I ever cried from getting hurt recently is when I broke my 5th metatorsul in my foot (the little bone that sticks out of your foot). I also have never cried for a loss of my own, such as my great great grandma, or my grandpa, the only time I ever cried for my own loss, was when my real dad sent a letter with his lawyers signature saying that I wasn't his real child and he wanted to get a blood test, and if I wasn't we would have to pay him 1000 dollars........But I cry for someone else's loss....An example would be, my best friends cousin's cousin just died in Isreal...She cried.....That night I couldn't help it...I just cried....I also cry at certain movies...such as Gladiator...It was a mix of joy and sadness...(I get really caught up in movies) I also occasionally cry when I am extremely angry....but most of the time I get angry is in the winter (who knows why) but I get the chance to take my anger out on the football field, so I don't cry often from anger...I also wasn't affected with the whole NYC tragedy....everyone around me cried...except me...I never understood that... Crying is not a sign of weakness at all...If a man or woman can show emotion with no fear, is strength. Alot of kids I know (ecspecailly guys, because of the steroptype that girls are more emotional than men, and that men have to be tough, and never cry...) are afraid to cry. For some reason my schools sees crying as a weakness....I see it as strenght.......Unless of course if you cry for a stupid reason such as say..someone poking you with a pencil... As I have above...I think it is perfectly normal for anyone to cry...its natural...Holding it in....just makes it worse... Bah...There I go rambling on again..
  17. Bryan: Yeah I know what you mean....I love the rain...Its just fitting tho don't you agree...
  18. Bryan: -knocks on Treme's door- Hey man..is there anything I can do...-looks at him sypathetically-
  19. Bryan: You know we are gonna need more protection these couple days while Ken is gone... SIren: WHy?? Bryan: Well whatever killed Ken, knows he is dead...and he will send even stronger forces while we are vunerable... Siren :Good point Bryan: Oh and I have a question...How does it feel to be a paladin?
  20. Bryan: -nods- Well atleast you can do something....usefull....-watches as Treme walks away- -shakes his head- Poor guy, he has given everything up to lead us...now even his best friend...
  21. Bryan: -realizes that it was Ken who died- -sighs- -walks over to Treme- Hey man I am sorry...I don't know what to say...I will finish cooking and stuff..You deserve a break for the day...You should go relax at your house....
  22. Bryan: -eyes go wide and head jerks up- Something...something has happened...I think...I think someone died...
  23. Bryan: -looks up as a rain drop hits his face- -yells- ITS RAINING!!!! -runs into the mess hall- TREME TREME its raining!! -goes back outside and starts playing in the rain..-
  24. Bryan: -enters the city- -walks past everyone, and goes into his house-
  25. Bryan: -looks at Ken and Akira, then slowly walks back to the city- Its our fault...if we hadn;t interfered....-continues walking-
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