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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan: -falls to his knees- The pain...its...its unbearable.....uh....
  2. Bryan: NO KEN!! -eyes turn black as space- -starts running after skye- Hey....Akira...use your fire to distract her!
  3. Bryan and AKira: -are flung miles away from the blast- -land- Bryan: Ugh...am I alive?? -looks around- I am...where are we??
  4. Bryan: -looks at Akira- -thinks-[I]Could he be that dragon...I dremt of before the nuke...No he couldn't be....could he....[/I] How long have you been able to transform into a Dragon? -a blast from the other two fighitng, send him flying back- OOF!
  5. Bryan: I guess all we can do is watch...-draws his sword slowly- -looks at Akira's hand- Wow...did she do that...or did you?
  6. Oh well...I will think of some of the other ones....after this stupid pill wears off...so I can actually think!
  7. Bryan: -lifts himself in the air and lands on Akira- You forgot..I can lift things with my mind, including myself..not for very long time...I don't know what is up with Ken, but I will not let you die...before me!
  8. Man I would gladly help beat your dad up!! Just let me get a baseball bat and I will be there!!! :D I may be short...but I pack a wallop!!
  9. Bryan: Are you saying that you are just going to let him die?? He is human too!! I am following him!! -storms off after Akira with his sword drawn-
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] the doctor is his mother. [/B][/QUOTE] Good job!!:excited: :excited: A little bit of history to that riddle...about 85% of Americans got it wrong....Most were men....15% got it right...only about 5% of those were men...:D
  11. Bryan: -slaps his forhead- ****!! Hey wait a minute! Ken do you realize what we are sitting on!! Ken: What?? Bryan: -pulls up a gun- -grins- SH!! Flash is coming...now just follow my lead- Flash: -enters the room and sits at his desk- Bah...those Amerikans will be caught soon...Hm...a pakage.....What is it... Bryan: -jumps out- Freeze scum!!! Ken go lock the door! -points his gun at Flash-
  12. Sorry I can't type today for some reason :rolleyes:...There it fixed!
  13. Nope...I will give you a hint.....This riddle was given to Americans...To see how sexist America really was...
  14. Bryan: I sure hope this will work... Ken: Sh...Someone is coming!! S.S: -picks up the box and sets it in Flash's office-
  15. No....Here I will modify it so it is easier to understand...
  16. Bryan: If they have the dogs out...we have no chance! They will pick up our scent!! We got to think of something and QUICK!!!
  17. Hm.....the roof?? Hehee... I guess noone will guess on my riddle....:bawl: I have a feeling I am gonna feel really dumb arn't I...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]no and no.. What is neither inside the house, outside the house, but no house is complete without it? [/B][/QUOTE] The walls?? They arn't outside...and they arn't inside...
  19. Bryan: Hm...Yep we made it:D....WE could make a diversion...Say throw a rock or something...To distract them all...Then run like hell...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]yes it was me ^^ What can be measured, but has no length, width or height? (this is a bad one) What flies when it's on and floats when it's off? [/B][/QUOTE] I think I got both of these wrong...but hey who cares.... #1: Water...the volume....or love.. :love: :love: #2: Those one airplanes that can land on water...??
  21. It was you...?? Here is one... A boy and his dad get in a car crash, but are taken to two different hostpitals....The son's doctor sees him, and says "I can't operate on this kid, he is my son!" How is this possible?
  22. Bryan: -running and singing BREAK STUFF- Its just one of those days....When you don't wanna wake up....Everything is ****ed! Everyone sucks!!...You don't know why but you wanna justify ripping someones ****ing head off!! -sees Ken- -runs to him- Hey man...
  23. Bryan: You mean someone...something is stopping the weather?? WHo do you think it is?? -draws his sword-
  24. Bryan: -running from the solders- Man I can't keep running...-looks up and sees a flamethrower- :smirk: A plan I have:D -leads the troops into the flamthrowers fire, burning them all- :smirk: Now time to find Ken...
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