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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Personally, I am from the south, related to Robert E. Lee actually, but I find that it is fine that they fly the flag. It is part of their culture. For some reason we are allowed to fly the old flag with the 13 stars, but you can't fly the red flag? That makes no sense. And besides people are blind, slavery wasn't even an issue for the first year or two. So in my opinion its perfectly find to fly it...
  2. Bryan: -sits in the tree swinging his legs and watches Treme go in and out of the hostpital- Ah...spring time....Emotions rising...Love is in the air...-chuckles-
  3. Yes I have seen them, in northern Kansas
  4. Dear Kool, [I]Hi! Well actually this is good-bye..I didn't listen to Ryan, and Voldermont killed me. Please listen to me..Ryan was not bad it was Snape and Voldermont. I feel that Voldermont has already disposed of Snape. Do not go after Voldermont please..Or else you will end up like me..I will be the Gryffindor house ghost so we will see eachother every once in awhile. I have to go now, I am sorry..[/I] Love, Bryan -hands the tear drenched paper to Ryan...- Put it on her bed please...
  5. Bryan: -looks up and sees Ryan- But how...I thought you were dead...Its night you are supposed to be gone.... Ryan: Bryan I told you to let Dumbledoor take care of him.. Bryan: What?? Ryan: Bryan you are dead...he killed you...I'm sorry..... Bryan: I'm dead? NO!!! -falls to his knees, but I didn;t have a chance to....- Ryan: I know what you are thinking...Write a note and it will appear on her bed.... Bryan: Thank you...
  6. Bryan: -gets up- I WILL KILL YOU!!! -runs at Voldermont- -voldermont fires a blast from his wand sending him into the wall-
  7. Flash: I will give you one last chance tell me where the base is lokated!! Bryan: Never...May the ants devoure your body in the barren wasteland of Antartica! Flash: WHy you little!!
  8. Bryan: I can;t believe you -starts punching Voldermont- DIE!!
  9. Bryan: Yeah I understand -rubs back of his head- Maybe some other time you could tell me the whole thing...righ now I will leave you two alone...I mean I am hungry -runs into the mess hall-
  10. Bryan: RRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! -flys straight at Voldermont, tackles him- I am gonna kill you!!
  11. Bryan: Yeah..it was a nice wall tho...I don't even know what happened to me...I guess the only person that would know would be Treme...Guh..-rubs head- All I know is my head hurts like hell...
  12. Bryan: Acicio Nimbus -flys after Ryan- There has to be another way! With me and you combined we can take em!! You don't have to die!!
  13. Bryan: -hits the squid- -the squid lets go of Ryan and grabs him- GO!! Go stop your father!!
  14. Bryan: -wakes up- Ugh..-rubs head- -sees Siren on the next bed- Hey Siren you ok??
  15. Bryan:RYAN!!! -dives in- -sees Ryan struggle- -kicks the squid- -squid chases him- RUN! Acicio Nimbus
  16. Bryan: Ugh...-tries to get up by himself- -collapses- -and blacks out- OOC: Hey gotta go see ya later :D
  17. Bryan: -falls down- Uhg...-tries to get back up- -falls back down-
  18. Bryan: -kicks the sword beside- -and roundhouses Treme-
  19. Bryan: -looks at his sword- -throws it aside- -charges at Treme-
  20. Bryan: -stumlbe and falls- -gets back up- -grips his sword so hard that his knuckles look like they are gonna pop out- -swings as hard as he can at him-
  21. Bryan: -blocks his blow- -kicks him- -charges at him-
  22. Bryan: I told you nothing is wrong! -blocks his blow and knocks his sword out of the way- -swings and stops it right at his neck- -backs away- -sweating and panting- Get your sword!
  23. Bryan: -cahrges at Treme- Treme: -easily blocks the blow but stumbles back- Whats wrong?? Bryan: nothing!! -swings his sword furiously-
  24. Bryan: -sighs- -unshealthes his sword- No....lets train!
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