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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan: -jerks up- -everything falls- Huh...what?? Oh nothing, just thinking about the past.....my dad....
  2. Bryan: -wakes up in the middle of the night- -sees Snape run into the forest- -goes to Matt- Matt...Matt Matt: GO to sleep!!! I order you too!! Bryan: listen!! I just saw snape run into the forest...they are up to something!
  3. Bryan: But Dumbledoor.....-DUmbledoor disapears- GOd what is it with everyone and doing that to me???? Oh well...I don't know about you guys but I am gonna find out whats going on!
  4. Bryan: -looks at Britty- ARGH!! You have gone too far!!! I swear you will be caught I swe....-oof- Ryan: -punches him in the gut- When will you learn?? Bryan: -whispers in Britty's ear- I have a plan don't worry
  5. Bryan: -hands everyone there food- -eats a couple bites- -walks out- -starts a fire and sits down- -looks up- I wish you were here dad.....-sighs- -variouse objects start to float around him-
  6. Bryan: I can't believe you!!! How could you!! Ryan: OH will you just shut up!! -punches him again- Bryan: AHH!!! Matt...you ok over there?? -oof- Ryan: I said shut up!
  7. Bryan: Must move must move!! -sees Matt- NO they have him too!! Come on Bryan you can do it..just move a cenimenter and you are free...come on come on...
  8. Bryan: -1 hour later- Well its done! -walks outside and yells- FFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!
  9. Bryan: -tackles Ryan- What are you doing here? Ryan: Uh...well you see... Snape: Pitrificus Totalus!! Bryan: -falls down limp- He is in it??
  10. Bryan: Yup just finished -whipes head-
  11. Yeah um..you guys can fight..I am gonna go back to the RPG... __________________________________________________ Bryan: What do you need us for? Dumbledoor: I need you to tell me everything that happened.. Bryan: Very well...[I]It first started when I went up to the Slytheric Common room cuz I wanted to tell Ryan to be careful, becuase Matt supsected him as the source of all this evil I had been feeling, and to watch his step cuz if Matt told you, with everything going on who knew what you would do. Then he told me the whole thing petrified me and brought me into the common room. He un-petrified me and the was Voldermont...I told Matt to go get you...then Voldermont put a spell on me so that I would go and kill Matt. I was about to, and somehow I was able to resist the spell...then I went uncounciouse thats all I remember...[/I] Dumbledoor: Ok...and you AKIRA...
  12. Bryan: -nods- Yeah you are right..-sheathes sword- -walks off and works on the mess hall-
  13. Considering Noodlez ssaid only Seekeers and Keepres get Firebolts and He is supposedly Voldermont's son...I would say Gotne is right...
  14. Bryan: -sits and watches Treme eat- -unsheathes sword- Treme: -looks up- What are you doing?? Bryan: After you eat can we train some more...
  15. -helds the mess hall for Treme- There ya go...always EASY! :D
  16. Bryan: So I can leave now? Madam Pomfrey: Well yes I suppose... Dumbledoor: NO Bryan not yet... Bryan: What? -looks stunned- Dumbledoor: I need to talk to you and Akira.. M.P: Honostly Dumbledoor you need to leave my patients alone.. Dubmledoor: THis is a very seriouse matter!
  17. Bryan: -builds two bathrooms- -whipes sweat off of head- -looks up- Hmm...Lunch time!!
  18. Bryan: -stands up and whipes dirt of his jeans- Time to work....-starts building a bathroom-
  19. -hands everyone their food- So how is Siren doing?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]yeah. I can't really do anything with my chracter until someone gets the full body bind off of him..... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah um..you are in the hospital wing...and M.P just healed ya :D
  21. Bryan: -throws ken mentally- Ken flys into a house- You left your gaurd down...^_^
  22. Bryan: -thrust himself up with his sword- -whipes lip- SO whats for breakfast?
  23. Bryan: What did you just say -looks away- Treme: -kicks him in the gut- -then brings his sword down- Now you are dead! Now what did you do wrong? Bryan: -spits up some blood- -stares at the ground- I let down my gaurd...-sighs-
  24. Bryan: Thanks...So what do you think are my chances now?? -sword flys back to him- DOn't let your gaurd down- -swings his sword-
  25. Bryan: -does what Treme said when he got punches in the gut, then swings his leg back and trips Treme- -swings sword down at him- You are dead... Treme: Not yet..:smirk: Bryan: Huh? -looks down- -Treme's sword is right at his heart-
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