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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I used to like that ride. Well...something close to it. You go into a circular...room, for lack of a better term. Everyone stood against the wall, and the whole thing would start spinning, so you were stuck against it. Once you were up against the wall, the floor dropped away, heh. They got rid of it, though, I think. At least, it was closed last time I went to the park. Does anyone else here frequent Six Flags Great America? Hm. I'm really not much good at amusement parks, heh. I've been on...two...roller coasters in my life. I'm not scared of heights, exactly...I don't know.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I went to Worlds of Fun an amusement park about 30-45 mins away from my house and they have that ride, only we didn't follow the rules! *grins* It was reallly late so no one waas there, so my friend and I both took turns sitting in the middle of the floor during the ride, then when you are stuck on the wall climbing so that your are horizontal, then go up-side down. Now thats fun! My favorite ride at the moment has to be either the Boomerang or the Orient Express. Both from World's of Fun. Although in a couple of weeks I am going to Ceder POint, I can't WAIT to ride the RAPTOR!! *drools!*
  2. Karanzyr looked over his shoulder as he watched the tiny spiders devour the orc. He shuddered slightly. It was a disgusting sight the orcs body still occasionaly jerked from the decapitation. Karanzyr rubbed the blood off of his hilt. He sighed and rubbed his hands. What was he? He was a killer, he was a warrior, he was Karanzyr Driin the un beaten. What did that mean...was he anything to anyone? Karanzyr shook his head. Such petty thoughts did not matter. His thoughts should soley be on winning and making his mater happy. What was this obsession with his master? What had she done for him? He snapped his head up in shock at his thoughts and immediatly dismissed them. He passed the high priestess who had confronted him before and he immediatly lowered his eyes. She smirked and tripped him. [i]"Get out of my way you worthless male!"[/i] She took her whip out and begin to beat Karanzyr. Karanzyr sat there taking every whip. The pain seethed through his body burning every nerve in his body. He wanted to scream out in pain but he knew not to. She stopped and kicked him till he got up. She smirked and pushed him towards his home. Karanzyr expected no less from the female drow. It had happened to him many times before. He dragged himself to his home and notched the wall slowly marking another win. He looked at the second colum and longed to have a chance to mark it. He collapsed in a pool of blood and fell asleep.
  3. [color=indigo] [b]Name[/b]: Noyade Koliac Tre'Vista [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Fraternity[/b]: Corvus [b]Rank[/b]: Member [b]Ability[/b]: ShapeShifter [b]Personal Description[/b]: In his human form he is smaller for his size. He is about 5'11. His build is atheltic and he doesn't stand out by any stretch of the immagination when it comes to his appearance. How ever he always dresses in black and pulls his blonde hair down into a pony tail. He has a scar across his chest from which he had all his life, even when he was born. Too imagine his dress imagine Sephiroth with blonde hair basically. [i]Corvus[/i]: [url]http://www.finearts.uvic.ca/visualarts/galleries/jbeder/images/shapeshifter2216x338.jpg[/url] [b]Bio[/b]: [i]Human[/i] Noyade is mainly quiet and always checks his surroundings. He constantly is sizing people up looking for; strengths, weaknesses, and any other information he can find out. He will claim you as a friend but will never truly accept you as a friend until you have proven your trust to him. He has always had a problem trusting people and may come off as distant to some. He has woken up many times to nightmares of creatures fighting, yet to him they felt so real. So very...familiar. He is naturally attracted to a few group of individuals that he sees on the street or osmething that he can't explain why. He is often seen wondering about aimlessly. He is always searching for what he is.
  4. [i]Noyade sat staring at his Gundam. As the others ran checks he admired his Gundam. The lines running smoothly into one another they eyes blank yet piercing. He shivered slightly. The gundam looked so life-like. It looked like it was real...it seemed as if it was judging him. He shuddered again then jumped onto his shoulder. Be still Reaper, I am your friend. You and I will be a team, and un-beatable team. He rubbed the Gundam's cheek slowly. Both of them would kill, both of them would come out victoriouse. "We will be arriving to our destination in 20 minutes, everyone be ready" With that Noyade jumped into his cockpit. He moved the contorls and looked around. He slowly became comfortable with his gundam and smiled. They would work as a team...they would work as one. One undestructable killer. Never to be seen, never to be heard....always to be the victor. He smiled again then looked at the other Gundam pilots. He smiled at each of them then closed his cock pit. [/i] "Time to have some fun ya'all!"
  5. [i]"Karanzyr.....Karanzyr.....Karanzyr...."[/i] The words rang out of the colluseum slowly entereing into the drow's living quaters. The drow adjusted his hilts and stood up slowly. The "living quaters" were no more than a box of rocks. The room was bare, completely bare. No chairs, no tables no bed. He looked over to a wall that displayed several markings on it. One colum of markings symbolized his wins. He studied the list and cared not to count. The second colum symbolized how many times his great master had gifted him with her beauty and prescence. He let those thoughts and memories drift from his mind, he had a fight to begin. He checked his equipment making sure his scimiatrs were sharp. He took each scimitar out of his sheeth and slid it across his cheek letting the warm blood slide down his cheek. Both cheeks soon sported cuts with blood slowly dripping from them. The line of blood on each cheek oddly resembling streams of tears. The tears of a warrior are only spilt with blood. Blood that he had only shed from himself. He sometimes wished he would lose, would die. He wondered what it felt like to have cold steel enter his warm body slicing through his organs and ending his life. As much as he wondered he could never allow it to happen, it would not please his master. [i]"Karanzyr.....Karanzyr.....Karanzyr...."[/i] The chanting continued, louder now. The fight was soon to begin and the audiance was getting impatient. Hardly was there a drow that was patient however and many fights occured before the gladiators stepped in the ring. However magnificant a battle may be in an arena the men and women left dead in the stands always out-numbered the men left dead in the arena. He flexed his muscles as a slender drow entered his chambers. She was slightly taller than him and was a familiar face. [i]The arena awaits you....gladiator[/i] She spat the last word out as an insult. Women never respected men, nor did the respect gladiators. They were tools to gain money and for entertainment. That was Karanzyr's fate however and he accepted it. Keeping his eyes low he walked past the High Priestess and continued on towards the arena. He walked cooly keeping his eyes low and never loosing a step. He was confident he had never lost. There was no room for failure in drow society. You lose you die. Karanzyr had become a crowd favorite in the arena, he was the longest living Drow gladiator and naturally had the longest winning streak and most wins. Although as many of the drows that loved him even more hated him. Many secretly couldn't wait to see a sword plunge deep into the gladiator's heart ripping the life away from him in a mess of gore and hatred. Two most common sites in drow society. As Karanzyr entered the arena the noise errupted ten fold. This was ment to happen, secretly made to scare even Lloth herself if she was fighting. He looked at the other end of the arena. An orc stood in front of him, poised and ready. Karanzyr studied his opponent slightly and grinned. The way this orc held his axe showed that he had never used the thing in his life, this would prove to be another easy win. He withdrew his scimitars from his sheath and grinned menicingly at his opponent. The orc stared at him for a moment not sure what to think, unfortunatly that moment was too long. The drow charged at him quickly bringing one scimitar straight up and another sweeping at his waste. The orc gaining the general luck of most novices blocked the first blow without realizing the second blad was bearing down at his waste. The blade pierced the orc skin easily and suddenly came to a halt as it slammed into its hip. Karanzyr smiled evily as the feeling of scimitar cutting through flesh greeted his wanting hands. The orc's hip spewed blood and it studdered back holding his hip desperatly trying to stop the bleeding. Karanzyr saw the opening and grinned. He charged quickly bringing both scimitars to the side and sweeping them head length. Before the orc could look up the two scimitars swept past each other and cleared through the neck. The orc's face twisted into an expression of suprirse as it slowly rolled off the orcs head. The orc's body studdered for a second the fell down limp. Blood continued to spew out of his hip and neck as Karanzyr sheated his weapons and turned away. Hundreds of tiny spiders ran out into the arena ripping the orc into bits making it an offering to the greath Lloth.
  6. [COLOR=indigo] [b]Name:[/b] Kalanzyr Driirn [b]Species:[/b] Drow [b]Age[/b]: 762 [b]Rank:[/b] Gladiator/ Slave for Vondeux Sharess Megelani [b]Appearance[/b] [url]http://www.drowtales.com/ua/albun10/DevilDrowLarge[/url] [b]Weapons:[/b] (Dual Welding) Scimitars, one dagger in his boot. [b]Bio:[/b] Kalanzyr has loyally served his Shagress for most of his life. He has no memory of anyone besides Vondeux Shagress Megelani and the faces of those he killed. He has not met a fighter in the colluseum that he has not beaten. He knows nothing but the desire of a kill and the pleasure of making his Shagress happy. He is silent and does not speak unless spoken to. He desires nothing except for the arena. The arena is his life his sactuary and his home...He does not remember learning how to fight with his scimatars he just knew. Many say that his fighting seems more of a dance than anything else. Each scimitar acting as a seperate party in the dance. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=indigo]Sueing someone for manufacturing something in my opinion is quite stupid. They are given the right to manufacture the food, you are given the right to choose to eat it or not. I do not believe that its the manufacturers fault that you chose to eat there. Sure they WANT you to eat there, but thats because they made the food for that purpose to be eaten....[b][i][size=3]IN MODERATION!!![/b][/i][/size] I don't think McDonald's has been sitting back planning on how they are going to make America become largely over weight so that they can take over America and soon THE WORLD!!! [i]rolls his eyes[/i] Its just plain stupid! I mean essentiallly the person is suing McDonald's for exercising a right giving to us by this country. Uh....wait that doesn't make sense does it. I'm suing you because you are doing what you're allowed to do.....uh yeah....woo smart country....*sweatdrops*[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=indigo]The interseting thing would be if this was all a dream....or what some people are saying "The Matrix" then would we see each other on the real side? Heh that'd be kinda freaky but cool. Personally for most parts it'd be waking up from a nightmare so for me it'd be a welcoming thing to wake up, but I guess if others are happy I wouldn't wanna ruin all the fun.[/COLOR]
  9. Hey I know this is discouraged now a'days and I normally don't do this but.....can you save me a spot for the Covus? I gotta get home before I can type up everything I'm at work at the moment and don't have the time to finish my post but this thread looks interesting.
  10. [COLOR=indigo]Yeah I saw it on...Wednesday. I love it.... Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom were so uberly awesomly amazingly un-imaginably HOT in that movie!! ^.^ I was going insane in the movie theatre But yeah the movie was cool, I liked it. The animation was GREAT![/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Transtic would be [i]Straight Girls Hate Me[/i]? I cannot believe that at all! Straight girls love the Transticness...well, maybe I should speak for myself. ;) For [b]Lalaith Ril:[/b] He'd definately have to be [i]Transtic Junior[/i]. Too cute, too cute.[/color][/size] [color=hotpink][size=1]Did you read my mind? Of course I would be [i]Your Queen.[/i] And the THE Queen. So yeah... ^_^;[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]*sits there for a moment* *blinks at the computer then bursts out laughing* Well I guess I have been dubbed Transtic Junior!! *strikes a pose* Oh yeah!! Ryan for you I'd have to say the "Silent Wonderer" just becuase you disappear as fast as you reappear on otaku boards. Or atleast for me lol...*sweatdrops* [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=indigo]ME? Oy vey....I have no clue. I think I'm like un-known on here but hey I don't know I'd be... "The masked one"......I've been so famouse in the past for wearing masks so there ya go! *sweatdrops* That was pathetic I know, but oh wells.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=indigo]Noyade left the simulation pod rather frustrated. He hadn't got enough time in the simulation he thought. He wanted to continue on honing his skills. He looked at the instructor and noticed the several pages of notes he had taken that day. Noyade wondered what he had written down. Noyade didn't feel confident. Confidence seemed to be a feeling that seemed to avoid Noyade at all costs. He sighed and shook his head. He saw the rest of the "cadets" leave and start to go out their own personal business. He smiled lightly as he saw Brant walking off to his living corridors, no doubt getting ready to go see Joe. He shook his head and laughed again. His mind drifted back to the Gundam fights earlier that day as he walked through the halls. He wanted to train more. 7 hours wasn't enough. His mind trailed off to another thought as he walked. A boy, older then him appeared in his mind. He smiled and blushed slightly. He shook his head madly and continud to concentrate on his task at hand. Training.... He looked up to see he was back at where he started, the simulation room. The room was dark and it appeared that no one was in there. He smirked. He walked up to the door and began to turn the handel. He cursed as he felt that it was locked. Of coures it was locked what was he thinking. He smirked again at the challenge facing him. He slowly brought up a couple items and began working on the door. After a couple minutes he was in the darkened room smirking. A locked door was nothing to Noyade. He quietly slid into the same simulation pod that he was in before and settled into the cock pit. He smirked and began the missions again, on a harder level. He would not stop until he collapsed from exhaustion. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=indigo]Hardy har har! Actually I've liked Shy before he even "came out"....god that was a long time ago. So yeah o.O So don't give me any ideas! [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=indigo]Erm...well I had a crush on T.N for a while, but now he's just like my idol. I don't know I've always looked up to him what can I say, I know i'm probably annoying about it too. My crush is the sexy Shy of course. Just ask Semjaza *grins* I tried to join the Shy fan Club haven't heard back yet, prolly scared him off oh wells ;)[/COLOR]
  16. [b]Sorry that it took me SOOOOO long to post[/b] [COLOR=indigo]Noyade smirked and chuckled lightly at the events that had just un-folded. Bitter enemies became friends so quickly. Noyade shook his head. The wonder of humans. Noyade lingered for a moment watching as the rest of the cadets climbed into their own specific simulation pods. He sized each of them up as they stepped back into their simulation pods judging their weaknesses, their strenghts, and any other aspect that he could read. He shook his head slowly and ran his hand through his hair. They were an odd bunch... "Tre'vista!!" The word came pouding into Noyade's brain and tore through his thoughts. His brain stopped all activity and he turned toward his instructor. "Are you scared to go back in the pod or something?!" The instructor looked at him quizically and smirked as the Noyade's expression went from blank to a combination of anger and determination. Noyade's face quickly flashed back to normal and he looked at the instructor. Quickly he saluted the instructor. "Sir, NO, sir!" Noyade replied cooly, emphasizing the no in his sentence. He quickly turned around and walked to his simulation pod. He chose his specialty mission. A mission where you sniped the gaurds then infiltrated the base with your Gundam and destroyed the Mech factory. He grinned. The lights of the simulation pod flicked on cooly, then turned back off. Noyade twisted his neck side-ways and instead of seeing the usual interior of the pod he saw trees. He slowly checked his surroundings making note of every detail even the color of the grass, looking for hiding spots and checking to make sure no enemy was around him. He saw the base. It was to his North. He smiled this mission would be to easy. Just east of the base, running south to north, was a small river. This river would provide perfect cover for him while he was heading towards the base. He checked around and saw the base of the river maybe 40 feet away from him. Past the base of the river was a slight hill. He would use that as cover. He slowly made his way over to the hill and then crouched down as he made plans. He would dispose of a garbage tank in his right arm that would glint in the sun after he was done shooting so that the enemies would believe he was heading west, instead of east, towards the river. He quickly set up and scoped the base. The mission would turn out slighty harder than he thought. There were snipers positioned around the base, yet the river (his entrance) was not gaurded heavily. The probably figured that an attacking mech would be seen by then. He smirked, their one mistake. He took aim at the sniper farthest away from the base. He would have to be careful and pick his opponents off slowly, making sure he didn't draw attention to soon. He aimed and slowly pulled the trigger. He watched as the mech suddenly lurched back then fell face first back into his hiding spot. Noyade grinned. Perfect the mech fell right back into his hiding hole, concealing him from both his enemies and his allys. The instructor watched as Noyade collected his first kill. He nodded slowly making a couple notes in his note pad. So far the reaper would be this kid's best weapon. The instructor then looked over to the other screens watching every movement, studying each student carefully.[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi1827 [/i] [B]i think i know....... Shaun? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]Actually no its not Shaun, Shaun would have to be my best friend though. Good guess. All I can say is Britty (Gold_Angewomon) guessed it on her first try, but anyways I'm sure someone as adored as him would hate to see me babble on about him so I must be quiet now. Actually I'm quite suprised that more people haven't said him.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=indigo]Wow I haven't been mentioned, what a suprise *rolls his eyes* but hey what can a gay man expect :p?! I have one crush on an OB member right now and I have had a crush on him for quite some time. He knows who he is, but he must never be named! So he-who-must-not-be-named I have a crush on you, oh wait you already know!![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=indigo]Hm...as SadClown said its not anti-american to be gay or non-christian. Considering that this nation WAS founded on the principle freedom of religion as many other freedoms that statement in itself is anti-American. That statement is just as anti-American as the KKK or Hilary Clinton. I had to throw that in there sorry...^.^;;; Anyways. As for gay marriages. Hm...personally I'm happy, of course partially because I'm gay, but the thought is even if we couldn't be married do you think that'd stop us from spending the rest of our lives together. I think that marriage in some sense is just a big ol' party. I mean I think the thought of a wedding sometimes draws people into marriage that arn't ready for it. So yeah thats my opinion. Power to the people! Gay marriages cool with me, so rock on![/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=indigo]Sadly even with my own romantic views I have to say that the chances of an 11 or even 12 year old sustaining a healthy romantic reltionship with their partner is HIGHLY un-likely. The level of maturity, mental and physical, is just too low to completely comprehend everything that goes on in a relationship. Of course it truly takes a lifetime to understand the real essance of a relationship. Heh oh wells. Sorry about your friend.[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]I must say. I am very disappointed with society these days. The fact that someone can create such a movement to ban toy guns is ludicrous. Have we lost sight of the important battles in our country? Feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, making sure every American has someplace warm to live. I saw an interview on Fox News with a woman who is spearheading this "Anti Toy Gun" movement. Apparently, this movement stemmed from a child getting shot dead by a police officer, after the child had pointed a toy gun at the cop. This woman insisted that toy guns be outlawed and banned and the only toy guns sold will be transparent or brightly colored (i.e., yellow). The interviewer then held up a black toy magnum (which had an inch long, bright yellow tip) and asked if this would be okay, as it had some yellow in it. She said no, because that tip could easily be painted or broken off. Upon hearing that, I immediately screamed at her. "What would prevent people from painting all of the yellow gun black?!??" I find it extremely dense of her to say that. I don't think she's entirely thought out this attack and reasoning. I do not believe banning toy guns is the answer. The problem is teaching the kids a proper way to behave. If the kid had any sensible upbringing, he would certainly have had the sense to NOT aim a toy gun at a cop. Thoughts? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]Well see the main thing is that to her this is an important issue of America, just becuase you find it to be pointless, dense, and pathetic does not mean that all people it isn't a very important issue in their life. Personally I think that its rather stupid, I'd rather my kid play with a Toy Gun then a real gun. We were all kids you know if something doesn't look realistic it drops the excitement of the toy. So they'd look at the real gun thinking it was a toy and next thing you know....boom he shot his best friend. I think that situation is going to happen whether or not toy guns are banned. Toy guns only show what guns look like to kids. I'd rather they know what they look like then just picking one up not knowing what it could do. As long as the parent instructs the kid that one is a toy and the other isn't I think the child will be fine.\ As for the police officer shouldn't a little child, to me little is anywhere from 1-3rd grade and I think its completely stupid for a cop to feel complete threatened by 1-3rd graders concept of a gun. There is more to a gun then pulling a trigger and would the kid be able to load the gun, aim and shoot the cop. I severely doubt so, but hey thats my un-educated opinion so rock on![/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=indigo]I would definatly want to be a mod. I love modding forums. I mod two other forums, that are of course much slower than this, and Iused to mod one that was good. I always enjoy moding, I don't know it makes me feel like I contributed to the place that makes others feel at home. I love OtakuBoards and really I'd do anything to help it out. If the opportunity came up I wouldn't pass it up. It'd be awesome to be a mod here.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=indigo]Jeez poor Domon how many times have you said that we're normal kids now? Oh sorry Domon I couldn't get the pic working I got a virus in my PSP and I can't get the color scheme to change... [b]Name[/b]: Noyade Tre'vista [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gundam[/b]: Reaper [b]Alliance:[/b] E.S.N [b]General Bio[/b]: Noyade lived his whole life in an average home. He was always a reserved child and only expressed himself completely on the baseball field. He has been playing baseball since he was 5 and has found that to be his main escape. He thinks of himself as no different than any other kid. He tends to dress in darker clothing (mainly black) and is known to spike his hair up. His hair is naturally blonde and he has light blue eyes. His parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. His mother works at Aneheim Electronics, which is how Noyade was selected to be a pilot. He has few memories of his real dad, and has not spoken with or about him in many years. He avoids thinking about the past at all costs and shares nothing with anyone he doesn't trust. His original name is un-known to any one besides himself, his father, and his mother. After the divorce and after leaving his dad forever Noyade changed his name. He thought that changing his name would end the torment his dad had put him through. [b]Mech Description[/b]: Reaper Gundam- This gundam is armed with a stealth system, missle launchers in its chest, a sinper beam rifle, and one beam saber. Color scheme looks like that of the original Deathsycthe. Unlike the other Gundams the creaters of the Reaper made a slight change. Instead of the usual green glow of a Gundam's eyes the Reaper's eyes glow black. The Gundam is mainly black with few strands of red and dark green in the mix. Its a very versatile Gundam and can be used in almost any mission and perform its duties without a hitch. However where it excels in offense it lacks in defense. The Reaper's defense is the lowest of the Gundam's and relys on its stealth, speed, and ranged attacks for most of the battling. The Reaper is, however, extremely deadly with its beam sabre. Oh and if we end up needing a bad guy I'll be willing to switch around a bit. We'll see how this turns out. Hope the sign-up is ok. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=indigo]I go either way, just ask some of the people here. o.O I'm kinda like Ken yet kinda not, scary huh? When I'm giddy or happy (Yes those rare occasions) I can be rather immature and act like oh a 12-10 year old. When I'm depressesed, quiet, thoughtful or something along those lines I act pretty mature. I've been mistaken for a 20+ year old countless times on the net. When I'm in my normal mood I'm usually mistaken for a 18 year old. I'm 15 so I guess that makes me mature? [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=indigo] Sephiroth- Yeah see the whole thing was that I said I was Bi, and well that really wasn't true I was/am.will be gay just didn't wanna say it ya know? Didn't wanna acknowledge it. So I figured that I should tell ya'all the truth, so thats why I made this thread, but evidently everyone already knew I was gay. Wow do I have like Gay Vibrations or something? And yes Shy is gay. Hot and gay I might add. Sorry.... But hey guys thanks a lot. Every single on of these responses (pertaining to the topic at hand of coures ;)) ment a lot to me. I can't describe what you guys mean to me![/COLOR]
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