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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan: Lets train some more!! Treme: No you need your rest! Bryan: But the angel here!! I mean Ken..Just healed me!! Treme: He healed you but you haven't stopped working in two days!! Now get your *** in bed before I make you!! Bryan: -yikes- Yes sir..-walks into his house and lays in bed-
  2. Bryan: RICCO!! YEAH!! Hey where did CID Go?? THat coward...he dropped one of his guns..-picks it up- We better show this to the commander...
  3. Cid: -shoots prisoners who are running- Bryan: -tackels Cid while his back is turned- Now its your turn to die!! Soveit Soldier: On the contray you Amerikan skum!! Get off my kommander or die!! Bryan: Damnit -slowly gets up and raises his hands- -thinks RUN KEN RUN!- Soviet Soldier: -raises his gun at Bryan's head- Bryan: What are you doing? I thought you said You wouldn't kill me if I got off him!!?? Soviet Soldier: I lied -laughs-
  4. Bryan: -slowly wakes up- Man, talk about head ache..-trys to sit up- -grimaces- Bad idea...
  5. Bryan: That was Cid back there...I am going after him!! Ken: Are you nuts!? He has those telsa Uzi things!! Bryan: I don't care...-walks towards the base-
  6. Bryan: -looks at his shoulder amazed- It doesn't hurt....-moves it- Awesome...So up for more training?
  7. Bryan: -taps Ken's shoulder- Remember me?? :D Ken: How the hell did you get here?? WHere is Cid?? Bryan: Our squad is gone, Cid was a soviet spy, he lead them all into a trap, everyone is dead..including my brother...-stares off for a second- ANywayz..Lets go..follow me! -they both make it out the base and into the woods- Bryan: God Kevin is gonna kill me...-radio- ALl right retreat!! Good job men?? Any casualities?? No? Good! Return to base, tell Kevin that he lost his jet, but I am on my way back, with a pilot as good as me!
  8. Bryan: -grimaces- THanks...Do you think I will be able to help with the city tommorrow?
  9. Bryan: -wakes up half way to the hospital wing- Where am I? Where is Ryan? Where is Voldermont? Matt: Its ok...You are headed to the hospital wing...Ryan and VOldermont are gone..they disappeared... Bryan: I shouldn't have been so foolish.....He said something...It was....-falls back un-counciouse-
  10. Bryan: -stares at the ground the whole time- -mumbles- You are a fool! YOu should have listened to him! What do you think you are!
  11. Ken: -looks up and sees an American jet fly over the camp- The hell?? -there is some commotion and then the jet goes down in flames- Bryan: God, thats two planes I have lost..this plan better work! -sneeks into the base-
  12. See ya man!! Bryan: -starts walking out the door- -in his conciouse- NO STOP!! Don't give in don't give in!! -walks to Matt- Matt: Oh thank god you are ok!! Where is Voldermont?? Bryan: Good bye Matt -raises his wand then stops- -Voldermont you won't win you won't win!!- -drops uncounciouse-
  13. Bryan: -in his tent- He had to be captureed...and there is only one camp that the russians have established so far!! -runs and jumps in the F-16- Kevin: What in gods name are you doing!? Bryan: Sorry sir. Important business, I will be back beofre 1900 hours!! -flys off towards encampment-
  14. Bryan: -prays oh let this work- Matt: -hears in his head- MATT!! This is Bryan go get Dumbledoor! Hurry!! I don't know how, but valdermont is in here! The Slytherin common room!! Hurry!! You were right Ryan was in it all!! I am...... Valdermont: FOOLISH CHILD!! Do you think you can actually do that without me knowing!! -smacks him- Bryan: -falls to his knees- I can't believe you Ryan, out of everyone it had to be YOU!
  15. Bryan: I can't...I can't believe it....I knew it!! I should have listened to Matt!! Its my fault all my fault... Valdermont: Foolish child! You are this academies only hope! Bryan: Atleast tell me one thing...Is that new girl in this whole thing??
  16. Bryan: -sits in his tent- -thinks- Wait a second...there was one plane missing in my squad besides me...That was...was...Ken! He must be alive somewhere!!
  17. Bryan: No I will not stop! -charges at Treme- Treme: -blocks it easily- You're concentration is lossening!! Bryan: Look I said I would learn to fight and I will -swing again, the sword bounces back and drives in his shoulder- Uh....-staggers-
  18. Bryan: -knocks on the Slytherin common room entrance- Ryan: -Comes out- Hey how did you know where the entrance was!? Bryan: I have my ways! Listen I know its now you, but Matt thinks the power is coming from you.. Ryan: What are you imposing? Bryan: Look just becareful! If he goes and says anything to Dumbledoor that could be the end for you. With all this stuff about Valdormont and everything.. Ryan: Cringes- Don't say that name! Bryan: SOrry...Look just take care..You are like a bro to me...
  19. Bryan: -blocks Tremes attack- -they engage in several black and attacks- -sweats furiously- I will beat you!! (gotta go be back around 9:50-10 central)
  20. Bryan: -flips over the blow and kicks Anti in the back- -brings his sword around and stops it at his neck- Now you are dead..:smirk:
  21. Bryan: -head jerks up- I feel something I haven't felt before.....THere is a very strong wizard here....I don't like this...
  22. Bryan: Yes I am sure! I am going to learn to fight!! GO ahead you charge this time!
  23. Bryan: -sweatdrips down his cheek- ONE MORE TIME!! -gets up and gets in a fighting stance-
  24. Bryan: -takes out his broom and starts working on it- -sighs- THis will be a long year!
  25. Bryan: We are done for...-mubmles this will be a long year-!! WEll I have to much to think about..I am gonna hit the sack! -walks into the Gryffindor room, and stares at the fire-
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