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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Bryan: -sees cid- -sees th AA GUN AND SAM SITES- oh crap! -squadren retreat!! I will be there in a sec! Flash: Do not shoot at that F-16!! Leave him to Cid! Soldier: Kommander? Flash: Don't question me! Soldier: Very well! Bryan: What the hell, I have never seen that ship before! Very well! Lets go Cid!!
Bryan: -comes back with ripped clothes, but has alot of supplies, and a couple more matresses- AY!! Man they are active tonight...-stumbles and falls-
Bryan: -calls from shoulder- No! I will keep working! Gonna make myself useful!! -disappears in the dark-
You are welcome. Oh yeah! I have a nimbus 2001 now, instead of a firebolt..
Bryan: Sir! My squad has taken out the last of the migs! -radio-[I]Alright Merlin! SQUADS RESEMLBE!![/I] -the squads reasemble, and the begin their attack on the airfield- -a mysteriouse plan flys out- [I]GOING TO KILL ME EH?? LETS SEE IF YOU CAN?[/I] SQUAD keep attacking! Cid is mine!! -flys off going towards cid- YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!
Bryan: -looks around- I gues I can be a builder, only thing I will be useful for.... -finishes the 6th house- -whipes hands- Well I better get some more supplies, see ya!! -walks out of STAR'S LIGHT-
Uh..I wanted to be a beater...So kool could be a seeker
Bryan: -walks off and works on the wall- brb in about an hour or two........
Bryan: Oh ****..I am in deep crap now! Kevin: MAVERICK!! WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!! YOU STOLE MY!! WHAT THE HELL!! THEY HAVE MISSLE LOCK ON ME!! Bryan: Jester, Viper stay on target I will be right back! -breaks off heading to Kevin- Kevin: I can't shake em!! Bryan: Just alittle bit longer...almost there almost there...-fires a missle- Got em! Sir gotta get back to me squad! -gotta go be back in an hour or two-
Bryan: -walks into the hospital- Hey Siren you ok?? -looks down at her- We can't lose her.. -walks back out and everyone is looking at him- What?
Maverick: -missles on- I got missle lock...NOW! -shoots the mig- Yes! -watches Iceman go down- Ok men, this is the real thing!! We can't affor any mistakes! May he rest in peace!! DAMN YOU SOVIETS!! -takes out two more migs-
Bryan: -watches as Kevin carries Siren to the hospital- Is she ok? What happened to her??
Maverick: I am picking up another 6 migs 4 o'clock! Jester! Viper! Follow me!! Good luck Merlin!!
Bryan: -looks over his shoulder and smiles- Thanks! -finishes the wall- Wow! The city is done!! Till we get more inhabitents that is. Want sometihng to eat?
Bryan: Merlin keep on my wing, when we get there we will split off making two teams! Merlin (Ricco): Roger that Maverick! Maverick: ALL RIGHT! NOW!! -the squad splits in two- (SOME TOP GUN FOR ME TOO!!!)
Bryan: Lets go gather the squad!! Ricco: I can't believe you just did that! Bryan: -grins- I am gonna kill the bastard, and noone is gonna stop me!! Ricco: -laughs- No kidding! Bryan and Ricco: -explain the mission to the squad- ALRIGHT MOVE OUT!!! Ricco: -jumps in his jet- Bryan: -instead of jumping in the F-22 he steals Kevin's F-16- Ah much better!! Ricco: :eek: ARE YOU NUTS!! Bryan: -laughs- I guess so!
Bryan: Sir? Kevin: You guys won't be flying today. They expect an air attack, we would just be feeding you to them... Bryan: But, sir i am sure we can take em!! I mean... Kevin: That enough!! I say you won't fly, you won't fly!! Got it!!! Bryan: Yes sir! -salutes him and walks out the door- Ricco: Well that was fun while it lasted... Bryan: Yeah, wait a minute...all their defense is stationed in the front, I figure if we come from the back, we could knock out several buildings, with minimul casualities.. -runs back in the tent and tells that to Kevin-
Bryan: -walks into his tent- I will be the best damn commander there ever was!! -goes on for a couple of hours- -yawns- -goes to sleep-
Hmm...actually I believe Kool wanted to be seeker...Is it alright if I change my position to beater...and cool have Seeker?? (for Gryffindor)
Bryan: -stops stunned- We are going to be commanders?? Kevin: Yes! Now stop gauwking and get some rest! Bryan: Oh yes sir!! -walks out talking frantically with Ricco-
Bryan: -walks into the debreifing room- Sir! -salutes him- Kevin: At ease! Bryan: Yes sir! -sits down- Ricco: -follows-
-the two land at the base- Bryan: -as he gets out throws his helmet- He....He...my...my...My brother is dead....
Bryan: -while building the 5th house- Hey Treme I have been thinking...Maybe atleast I am a mutant. I mean I have powers, and no normal human has powers. What if I am a mutant, that means I have been killing my brothers and sisters...
Bryan: -while attacking sees Cid's plane get carried in- THe hell?? There is no way they would do that for an American!! Cid is a spy!! Holy ****!! -radio- [I]Ricco pull back!! Lets get outta here quick!! My commander was a spy, if we don't get our asses outta here we will be sitting ducks!!![/I] -radio with KEVIN-[I]Sir, this is pilot Bryan speaking. I am requesting to join your squad. My leader Cid, was a Russian spy. I just saw his aircraft be carried into the hanger..I know that sounds crazy sir but its true! you have to believe me!! He led them right into a trap!! He pulled back!! They were sitting ducks!! My brother was in there!! He killed my brother!!! ARGHHHH!!!! [/I] Soviet Sodlier: -runs up to Cid- Sir we have a radio frequency from an Amerikan pilot.... Cid: Let me talk to him!! Bryan: -to Cid- You traitor!! You killed my brother!! How dare you!! Mark my word some day you will die! And I will make sure I am the one standing over your dead body!!! -end transmission- Ok Ricco lets head back to Kevin's base! -heads back to Kevin's base-
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Well, as a non-US citizen, I think that I am in a good position to comment on how a lot of people feel about America (at least, in the Asian region). The actions taken against the USA are motivated by America's involvement in the Gulf War, whereby American troops were stationed in the Middle Easte -- in the "holy land". This was a direct insult to Osama bin Laden (who felt strongly that "infidels" shouldn't stand on that soil). This is why he's attacking America. He will refer to the Israel/Palestine conflict and such...but that really has nothing to do with it. He is against the United States for religious/political reasons. Stupid reasons. The USA has been a double edged sword in the past. In many cases, it has been perceived as butting in where it's not welcome...and in other cases, it hasn't taken responsibility for its actions (either direct or indirect actions). Also, it's fair to say that for the most part...the USA doesn't act on an international situation unless it's interests are at stake. One of the main reasons the US was involved in the Gulf War was to protect its precious Middle Eastern oil supplies -- but of course, the US Government won't tell you that. When the Indonesian military supplied weapons to the militia in East Timor...to begin killing people by the hundred, Australia was the first country to do anything about it. The Australian Government informed the UN about the situation and stated its intention of moving into the area to protect the East Timor people. Our Government had to literally drag the USA kicking and screaming to do anything about it...the US Government just wasn't intersted. It "wasn't their problem", but due to their treaty with us...they were obligated to do something. We could easily have said the same about East Timor..."it's not our problem". But we recognized that if we didn't help...nobody would. I have heard various American politicians saying that once the war against Al-Qaida and the Taliban is over...the US will have "no reason to stay in Afghanistan". This is a terrible thing to say, because the US is quite prepared to change everyone's lives for its own gain...yet is not prepared to pick up the pieces afterwards. You can't be a leader of the free world unless you stay true to your responsibility. My point is, the US Government has to stay there once the Taliban are totally gone...and they have to make sure that they help the Afghan people to rebuild their country. If they did this, it would give nobody a reason to be against them. Unfortunately, in the past...the US has provided ample reason to be opposed to them. But having said all of that...I'm dealing with it very lightly. Being an Australian, my country has always been allied with the USA...and we have always assisted the USA in every major war (including the current war). So I'm in no way justifying the terrorist actions (as they aren't justifiable)...I'm just saying that it's important to understand where the anti-Americanism comes from...so that it can be reversed.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you almost 100%. Even as an American citizen (well not really just a kid:rolleyes: ) I think that we should be more involved with the world. I mean we say we are the re-models of the future, yet we sit one our as*es and watch countries go to war, and say nothing about it. I have heard although that the US plans to help the Northern Alliance of whoever has control of Afghanistan to establish a government. However I thikn they will just try to force our style onto them thinking its the only way. I do not plan to bash my country very much, but in this aspect of our politics, it deserves (almost) every bash it gets. And a prime example of us just leaving a country by to hand out and dry is the Vietnam war, we just got up and left the south when they needed us the most. I am personally embarressed about the whole war. I think sometimes our polititcions are just to scared to face the public so they do what the public says. And sometimes, most times, the public doesn't know what they are talking about. Including me. But I hope and I have a feeling that George W. Bush will be alittle bit different with this whole thing. But if he doesn't I will honostly be amazed at how many true allies we will have. Personally I think (I may be wrong) that if we don't get our act together, we may lose allies. I mean at some point the UK or Australia will get tired of having to pull us into stuff, as though we were 7 year olds getting shots. Its ridiculouse, and being a resident in the USA I hope we get our act together, before it becomes to embarresing...... Thank you, that is my bashing my county for the day! :D Oh and yes I agree with James, our country half the time only cares about itself...