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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]Interesting points Duo..... I still agree with my own but their are more reasons as to why we got what we did then just economical ones...Their are things like Religon, which we won't touch on till i have seized up how everyone who post acts...that is a really touchy subject..., Weapons supply to the Islamic people...Heavy duty propaganda....a few other things to.... Let's hit off on another reason why we are so widely hated...which duo touched on - even if he didn't know it - It is because the U.S. has it made. (this isn't to offend anyone but my views as an american)) Most Americans live in luxery compared to what most of the world has to go through. We sit in our "Bubble" of prosperity and "mostly" ignore the worlds problems. WE sit here and whine about this or that when most of us have it 10 fold better then the majority of the world...WE basicly sit on our LAZY Arsh's whining about this or that, while living in luxery that most people of the world can only dream about, and do practicully nothing to help them. Most Americans are completely ignorant of what happens outside of America. "WE" just don't care. We have our lifes with their problems and that is everything to the average american. Because of this we send very little relief etc etc compared to what we could be doing and our big buisnesses take advantage of the country's econimies.... I wrote this message before you posted your fidel so if it touches on some of the same stuff that is why.. [/B][/QUOTE] I do respect your opinions, and agree with almost all of 'em. But I think it is not our fault that we are not as involved in the world than we used to be.. When we were involved in the world countries told us to butt out, and so now that we did what they said they are jealouse, and are trying to think of reasons to make us horrible! (that does not go for every nation, and this is ment in no offense!) I think people like Sudam Hussain and Osams bin Laden have just used HUGE propaganda and have made us look like slave drives. And yet in some reasons we are. In some countries we do still have "SWEAT HOUSES", and there are not as many as there used to be. Personally I think America as a nation has been cleaning up their act when it comes to foreign relations, and I think Osama attacked us, for two reasons. 1, hoping we would strike out without any knowledge making us worse to the Middle East, and 2 for the religiouse war he has called on.
Bryan: There has to be some place in this world that is safe..there just has to be! -looks around the wasteland- HEY!! There is a water hole over there!!
[I]After the battle[/I] Bryan: -walks to Kevin in his tent- Sir! -salutes him- Premission to speak? Kevin: At ease! Permission granted. Bryan: -relaxes- Thank you sir! I have a request. My F-16 was shot down in a dog fight, I was wondering if I could take one of yours, and fly back to my squad Sir!
Bryan: -hugs Siren- You avenge my parents for me..Thank you! Looks at Ken un-easily- If I hadn't seen that with my own eyes I would never have believed it...
Bryan: well that was easy. Just incase it happenes again..I will just leave this at my side..-pats his sword- Shall we move on..Hm...Kool held her own I say we invite her to come!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]ok well i have a feeling i am going to get alot of stuuf like that...which i happen to agree with to some degree and so I will post part of what I think..... OK first off just to clarify I think the Sept 11'th acts were a horrible action. I am in agreence with what the U.S. response is to a degree. I don't spprove of the bombing of civlians...I however do approve of the dealing with the terriost threat before someone like China or Russia gets it into their heads that the U.S. is a push over.... Anywho....in some respectes the U.S deserves completely what we got. I mean look the big "Evil Empires" of the U.S. or the giant corperations sit in places like the Middle East and sit their and screw up the lives of millionts and millions of people...We have been doing this for quite a while and as thus have been portrayed as the image of Evil to the some of the middle easterners...We do the same thing that they did to us just in smaller amounts and "legaly". The corperations still cause the death of untold lives because they so royally screw over the people in the middle east... [/B][/QUOTE] True that we may cause suffering. I think it is the Middle East's fault that they are not as prosperouse as us. We creat almost all their wealth, and I believe if they would share it and not just have maybe 1% take it they would be doing great! We are there biggest reciever of Oil, and we give em plenty of money for it. I am not saying that they should look at us as a kind supported or something. I think they should just see us as a county living, thats all we are doing. We just got lucky, and got good land. We give them Billions if not Trillions of dollars a year for oil. I think that we did not get what we deserved in that aspect. I think we got what we deserved in another area. I believe we flaunted our stuff too much, and became careless. In that sense YES we deserved it. In the other sense I do not believe we deserve it. We pretty much made their economy..
Bryan: Just great! -takes out sword- Lets kick some zombie butt!!! -starts slicing away-
I think what happened is also Terrible and un-justified! Yet I think we as a nation acted very well! We did not strike w/o knowing! And even tho we have been bombing Afganistan we have made it clear it is not the afgan's we are attacking but the TALIBAN. WE have even given them supplies. I think Bush did a good job in creating alliances along the border so they couldn't escape. I think tho, that some Americans, are not handeling it very well, I think they are becoming racist,and unjust! I don't think we should go around saying that all Arabics are evil, or are gonna kill someone. (I am not trying to bash or anythign) But an example would be a topic in Games and Stories that was deleted which was entitiled KILL THE AFGANIS!! I think that is totally un-called for, and that even we have been doing great militaryly we need to work on our morals, and not bash people, because of them being ARABIC.... Yeah sorry if that is jumbled up....
Hm..I think it is a great idea...and personally I agree with you, it would be nice to be able to debate with eachother, but not taking anything personally or anything..you know what I mean! Well I hope it works out, might as well give us a topic to debate on!
Bryan: -gets down to bottom floor, pants- Which way?
OK! -dashes off with her- Shinnock- Huh what was that?? I heard something! Ryenzau I believe someone has been spying on us! Go search the perimeter!
Bryan:-jumps in the other mammoth tank- -radio- [I]Kevin are you there? Ok! Good , just checking if you were there sir![/I] -starts taking out the tanks-
-shakes head- Fine..You always had to outdo me...
-they arrive at the battle scene- Bryan: Hm...I got an idea...Lets both get a tank! Kevin: What? Bryan: Sir, they have hatches on the top, if we open the hatches we shouldn't have any trouble taking them over! Kevin: Clever...
Bryan: Lets get outta here!! -kicks the door down- OH crap...-50 mutants are climbing the stairs- ARGH!!! -runs and slices most of them-
-creeps next to Kool- Bryan: What are you doing? If these people find you, they will kill you for sure!! (EVIL NUMBER YAY!! Ok sorry had to get that outta my system)
Bryan: -pulls out his sword- This could get nasty! -starts cutting the skelotons-
Bryan: Uncounciouse? For two days?? Wow..-stares at the horizon-:eek: UH...Treme...We may have a problem...I think they can climg...
Bryan: -wakes up 2 hours later- Hey Treme, go take a rest I will take gaurd!
Uh...Yeah...what are we supposed to do??
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]it is either 13 or 1....13 because that it how many hours pass between 8p.m. and 9a.m. or 1 because the grnadfather clock tolls the hours and so when it hit 9p.m. it would toll 9:00...and you can't set the alarm on a grandfather clock for p.m. or a.m. becasue it is analog... [/B][/QUOTE] 1 is correct, you probably said the samething in different words, [I]BUT[/I] a grandfather clock does not have a.m or p.m only 1-12 :D
Yeah I got one right!! Here is one...If you set the alarm on a grandfather clock for 9 a.m. and you go to bed at 8 p.m. how many hours would you have slept? (YOU SLEEP THE WHOLE TIME)
Bryan: -sighs- You're right, we need to stick together if we are gonna survive -puts sword away- Sorry Siren...-sticks hand out- Siren: -turns away from him- Bryan: -sighs- Very well -goes back and sleeps-