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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Bryan: -looks at siren- -draws sword- My whole family was killed, right infront of me, by a mutant. It was just like that one! -points at siren- It was two days ago, one day after the nuke...I still don't understand, thats twice a creature hasn't killed me, but everyone around me...
  2. Bryan: Wakes up- -walks over to Treme- So..what happened to your family??
  3. Bryan: Yeah but we gotta stay here till the morning...the city is infested with undead right now! They will go back down in the morning. Treme: Good point... Bryan: WEll I don't know about you guys, but I plan to get some sleep! -goes off and lays down-
  4. Bryan: Oh I am Bryan! I live...well lived about 4 miles that way! -points west- Well does anyone know what happened here? One minute everyone was around me, then this [I]thing [/I] came, and next thing I knew, everyone was laying on the ground covered in blood. Some how a concrete slab fell on me, so it didn't see me, but what the hell was it?
  5. Bryan: I hope they are! I saw a force heading that way! -takes out two hand guns- 2 mommath's, 3 telsa tanks, 200 infantry, and 2 pairs of migs...How well was your squad equiped?
  6. Bryan: Oh thank god!! -puts away his sword- I am a huma too!! I didn't think anyone was still alive! -puts hand out, and shakes the man's hand- Oh yeah here!! -hands each of them some food- I found this in the building!
  7. Bryan: Hey my names Bryan whats yours?? Anywayz enough chit chat, the distroyed my radio, I got to get this info to my commander!! Where is your unit located??
  8. Bryan: -pushes a concrete slab off of him- Ugh...that slab saved my life. I sure hope someone else lived through this. I just coulnd't be the last one alive... -looks around- SOmething: -groans- Bryan: I don't like this. -pulls out his doubled tipped laser sword- I don't like this at all.... Undead: -come popping up everywhere- Bryan: Oh crap!! -looks around frantically- They can't climb can they?? Well I don't know but I wll take the chance! -hacks through the bodies, and climbs up the stairs- -comes to the top, and sees 3 figures- Who...what are you...??
  9. Bryan: Is that an american soldier?? It is!! -runs to him- Hey man!! YOu better run, they found out I was the one who disabled their guns!!
  10. Is it too late to join?? If not... __________________________________________________ Name: Bryan Age:13 Weapon: Double tipped laser sword Bio: A low life street rat. His parents were killed by androids, when they refused to work for the mafia. He has been traveling across the USA looking for his parents killers. He had brief lessons with an old man who taught him how to use his weapon. Appearance: Ripped jeans, white muscle shirt, and a bandana HUMAN
  11. LMAO!! I love that one!:laugh:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincess1 [/i] [B]Oh, I was thinking that it was a 50 cent pice with 5 pennies. but, that would be too easy huh. oh, do you guys know how many squares are on a checker board? I do!:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] 64??
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Ugh, why are you guys making the Soviets so evil? Beating mothers? Putting people in concentration camps? This is Bullsh*t, and I'm not taking it. -------- Captain: *on radio* Kommander, we have detected a spy. Flash: A spy? Release the dogs. Captain: *on radio* Affirmitive. Flash: *checks radar* Ah, another Amerikan attack wave... *on radio* Mammoth tanks, be on guard. Prepare the Mammoth tusk missiles... now, as for that Spy... [I]Flash jumps out of his tank, draws his Tesla Magnums, and begins to scout around Base...[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] Bryan: Oh shi* I better get out of here!! -starts running- Soviet Soldier: Hault! Bryan: Oh crap: -turns around- Soviet Soldier: Hey Kommander I found the spy! Bryan: Spy?? Why do you say that?? Soviet Soldier: Shut up you Amerikan scum! -punches him- Bryan: -oof- -sees the dogs on their way- -shoots the soldier, and runs- Holy crap that guy has Telsa Magnums!!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]Name: Kool Race: human Bio: smart and mysterious. Special Attacks: Fire Storm, Energy Blast, and Freezing Wind. Age: 13 Location: US of A [/B][/QUOTE] Name: Bryan Race: Human Bio: Grew up learnign karate, and always sparred with Kool. The sensai could never choose who was the best. SHang Tsung killed their sensai so they both swore to avenge him. Special Attacks: (scorpions attack, passed down by his sensai) Age: 13 Location: All over the USA Side: Ally/ Rival
  15. I am blue belt 2 stripes! My favorite weapon is the jo! When I hit Brown I get to use the katana!! Oh yeah its a unique form of Karate...
  16. Yeah I have to clean every day...('cept holidays)
  17. Bryan: -interecepts a soviet transmission- THEY ARE RE-BUILDING THE BASE?! Wait how did I pick that up!? -soviet soldier comes, knocks him out- Hey I have an idea! -dresses in the soviets clothes, and turns and walks towards the base-I hope this works! __________________________________________________ Bryan: -comes to the base- Soviet Gaurd- Who the hell are you?? Bryan: Well I am...well...um...Oh hell -snaps the gaurds neck..there we go- -radios cid- Sir I have infiltrated the base you have attacked, they are planning on re building it and reinforcing it, so if you are gonna stage a new attack I suggest you attack quickly! I will try to disable their AA Guns! Bryan signing off -end transmission- __________________________________________________ Bryan: -sneaks around- -sees the leader (FINAL FLASH)- I will get you someday I will I swear!! -dogs come towards him- OH SHI*!! -slowly walks away- -everntually gets to the AA Guns, and isables em- INTERCOM:[I]WARNING THE AA GUNS HAVE BEEN DISABLED WARNING!![/I] Bryan: OH crap -runs into forest- -radio-[I]Sir, I have disabled their AA GUNS! Unfortunatly they will fix it soon! You must attack now!![/I]
  18. OH!!!:eek: -slaps head- I forgot a main part...THere are only two coins... DuoGod of Death
  19. You don't get it do you....Lol....I said one is not a nickel and So that means 1 still can be...
  20. Bryan: -radio- Hey Cid! You don't know me but I need your help! Can you get a recon mission!? I am behind enemy lines about 10 miles from the base you just attacked, my plane was shot down, wait I hear something...its..its..HOLY SH!:eek: -transmission ends- Its a freaking MAMMOTH TANK!! Woah 100 infantry, how did they get that force in here un detected? OH well here goes nothing -jumps out of hiding and starts shooting at the force-
  21. I will join so you don't feel so bad kool...I probably know less...
  22. No fair.. I knew that one....
  23. Bryan: Damnit!! Get some help out here!! -radios MM- Hey, I need some help over here! Can you get over here soon?? AHH!! -radio transmission ends- -shooots down another one..- I don't know how much longer I can last... __________________________________________________ Bryan: AH!! I AM HIT I AM HIT!! My left engine is out!! AH CRAP!! THere goes my right! MAYDAY MAYDAY!! I REPEAT MAYDAY!!! I am behind enemy lines! -ejects-
  24. Nope wrong! Its a half dollar and a nickel. :D [I]ONE is not a nickel, but ONE is :whoops:[/I]
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