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Hittokiri Zero

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Everything posted by Hittokiri Zero

  1. It's truly amazing this site is still around... While I don't post on message boards, I on a whim decided to check to see if any of the places I used to post are still around... Low and behold OB is the last board standing for me. It's crazy to think that I joined here in 2002 and last posted in 2007! My mind is blown right now...
  2. I know we would rather not revive old threads, but I didn't feel like creating a new one :rolleyes: Has anyone else watched the final three OVA's / episodes? It took about a year for them to be released on DVD, but I finally got to finish watching this series yesterday, and man was I blown away. I had to read the summaries for the first three episodes on Wikipedia since it had been a while since I viewed them but Karas is definitely among my favorite anime of all time. Episodes 4 and 5 were very well done... [spoiler]in most anime when the main character loses his powers he becomes a complete wuss but Otoha was just the man. He was even more heroic / badarse when fighting the mikura without the ability to transform into Karas than he was when he could transform.[/spoiler] Episode 6 was also good, it was just kind of odd that the final battle wasn't as good as the first battle between the unnamed Karas and Eko (it was still a great fight, and when you take into account the other events that occured as a result of / during the battle it was definitely more significant / emotional, but man was that first battle entertaining) from an action standpoint, but the dialouge was pretty deep... There are rumors that there may be a sequel movie / OVA but I guess only time will tell...
  3. I've liked Gundam 00 so far. It seems like it's going to go a very similar path as Wing did and because of that appears as if it's going to be easier to follow, lighter on the drama, and full of more action... This is like my first post here in over a year... Wow I'm surprised I remembered my password... :rolleyes:
  4. What you could do to really spice things up is to hold two signature-of-the-week type competitions a month and then have the winners of those two competitions participate in a signature battle against one another to determine who the "best" signature maker of the month was... *I suggest making signatures rather than any other sort of medium since they're fairly easy to make so lots of people can compete, and because this would be a long term thing and signatures rarely tend to get boring / tedious to make since... Anyway the biggest problem with the "Art Studio" has always been the fact that people will post their own work but not take the time to comment on others' work. As a general rule when I view a thread with someone's artwork in it I try to make some contribution to the thread, I mean if I clicked the thread I took the time to view their artwork so spending a few extra minutes writing what I think of it isn't going to hurt me...
  5. [img]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/8492/randomfacecopyng2.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v69/volt_edge/User.gif[/IMG] Enjoy.
  6. Yeah the man boob-ism is something I'm having trouble with, but I'll probably end up throwing clothes or some sort of armor over the character anyway :'=]... But the clothes are actually where I'm running into delays right now, I don't want to use a simple shirt and pants design for the character so I might have to bust out the old pencil and try to get ideas that way... @ Boo [quote]Will you be using it for something in specific?[/quote] I'll probably be using it in part of the layout for a personal portfolio or blog. [b]EDIT:[/b] I added clothes but they ended up being the simple styled clothing that I didn't really want. I'm still working on trying to add a suit of armor to the character but I can't get it to look right... I guess I'll add wrinkles or a design to the T-Shirt since the bottom half of the shirt looks rather too flat...
  7. There hasn't been a lot of time or motivation for me to work in Photoshop since starting college, but here's something I drew up while messing around in the early morning hours of the day... [b]As always if you view this thread I'd really appreciate a comment or feedback of some sort.[/b] [img]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/4152/facecopybe2.jpg[/img][img]http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/4858/facecopydq9.jpg[/img] [img]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/4093/facecopyvl6.jpg[/img] edit: I added clothes but they ended up being the simple styled clothing that I didn't really want. I'm still working on trying to add a suit of armor to the character but I can't get it to look right...
  8. [url]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/585/magazinecopy0sv.jpg[/url] Here is a quick updated version of the cover. I have to fix Snake's hand again so that it is behind the "E" but that should only take a few minutes. I'm still debating as to whether or not to add a barcode (I don't know how relevant it would be), and i'm still tweaking the "Final Fantasy" / other game text. I'm also thinking of removing all of the page numbers from the cover...
  9. As much as I hated the reused animation and horrible use of CG graphics (not to mention the complete butchering of the manga storyline) I would love to see another Buzzer Beater series that follows the direction/plot of the manga more closely. From what little of the manga is available to read online (legally) the development of characters and plot twists throughout the early story really hooked me... If I give this some more thought I'm sure I can come up with some other series that could use a sequel/prequel but I'm off to do some homework for me...
  10. - All right i'll adjust the levels a bit and see how the background turns out. - Dagger you are about the third person in the past 15 minutes who has complained about how Snake's hand cuts through the text :'x so i'll probably end up changing that... - As for the somtimes odd grammar... I guess I should fix that :animestun. All the text was meant to be filler text but I guess I liked my filler text so much that I have already started to write articles about the random headlines I created :=P Okee dokee i'll be sure to update the image again... edit: [url]http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/1279/magazinecopy5lr.jpg[/url] I'll update the first post later, but in the url above I added a slight "tint" to the "ref" text. [b]edit: I updated the first post yet again ~ 3:38 p.m. Also if anyone is interested in helping with the magazine just drop me a private message and wel'' talk :rolleyes: [/b]
  11. [b]Eh I updated the first post again with a new bg, larger text, and some other misc. adjustments.[/b] @ Tical - Thank you for the compliment @ Aaryanna - I'll work on blowing up the text or making it clearer since I got the same complaint on another board. @ Retribution - Yeah =P just comment on the new version if you would be so kind. I may change those squares with rounded edges to circles, but that'd basically require me to recreate/reposition the entire right side of the image :'x
  12. [url]http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/8324/magazinecopy8jy.jpg[/url] Ugh i've been working on this for a while, it's basically an online game magazine I plan on releasing on a bi-monthly basis in .pdf format. Some of the text is still just filler text and the "Pg.07" text and circle looks a little odd in my opinion but for the most part this image is complete. Any comments or criticism are much appreciated. [b]*Link Updated May 13th, 2006*[/b]
  13. I'm still working on this photoshop doodle but figured what the hell, just in case this image ends up in my amazingly long need to be completed list of photoshop graphics i'd let you all see my greatness... [img]http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/2369/untitled1copy3ja.jpg[/img] Mmm, as stated above this was just a for fun doodle, but honestly how can you look at that little guy and not smile =D!
  14. o_O; man i'm not even going to bother explaining Photoshop's superiority of GIMP, you need look no further than a large art website such as DeviantArt or Shadowness to see the results for yourself... Now if you were to debate whether PSP or Photoshop is superior you could make a good argument there. Generally speaking Photoshop is a more powerful program with more plugin options, I haven't taken the time to compare the differences in the newer version of the program but simply put Photoshop is the standard for graphic designers everywhere, that alone is a testament to its superiority over GIMP (and to a lesser extent PaintShop Pro). That's not to say GIMP is a bad program, as it is a great cost-effective alternative to Photoshop but if you're serious about graphic design sometime down the line you'll probably switch over to Photoshop and never look back.
  15. Image created for a graphics contest. As you can see the image is primarily text based, and although the "a" and "t" look odd the text is supposed to read: "Operation6" (I actually cleaned up the "t" a bit but decided to leave the "a" as it was in the default font): [url]http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6237/splashround2copy3lc.jpg[/url]
  16. I'll probably go back and connect the names later, it was an idea I was playing with, but if anything I think we should start an Otaku Boards Name Wall. Similar to the "worm" you started we would just start with a large canvas and pass the .psd file along so each and every person could add their name to the wall.
  17. This was something I made for my friend's at Shadowness but I figured i'd post it here anyway: [url]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4594/axl99copy3ab.jpg[/url] Since I ended up getting frustrated I spent the time I would spend on one "logo" to create all six of the names =P. I basically just wanted to get this thing done... [COLOR=RoyalBlue][b]EDIT:[/b] [size=1]I changed your image to a link to the picture. The way you had it before streched the OB layout alot, and that's against the amended rules of the Art Studio. No harm, no foul, though. - Retribution[/size][/COLOR]
  18. [quote]You changed the "Level Status" text! =] I was just wondering if the text at the bottom left of the card has any significance with the card. (The "SD1 NC01" text.) I was also wondering whether or not, like the Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon card games, you were going to design holographic cards.[/quote] Hmmm holographic cards I never though of them... Mainly because i'm not quite sure how I would make those on the PC :rolleyes:... However that does give me an idea :=]... I could possibly add a subtle holographic reflection type animation to the "holographic" cards, i'd have to mess around and see how it turns out but this could be interesting. As for the "SD1-NC01" text, that's basically just the card number so it can be checked off on a check-list. The text stands for: "Starter Deck #1 - Nintendo Collection", the "01" is to indicate that the card is the first in the set.
  19. Horray for positive feedback ^_^; I was actually planning on holding off this post until I had more cards to show or a typed out version of the card game's rules but alas changing the colors of each card is turning out to be a major pain in the bum. Below is an updated version of the DK card (the main change is that Donkey Kong's hand no longer stops before the edge of the box he is in - just compare the image with the one in the first post to see what I mean). [img]http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/4121/dkcopy6zk.jpg[/img] Anyway I thought i'd take this time to answer any questions that have been brought up, mainly Gavin's which was why Link has such low stats... While this is subject to change I was actually planning on creating different levels of each character, (meaning there would be a Level 1 Adult Link, A Level 4 Adult Link, etc.) rather than have the cards "level up" or "evolve" such as in the Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon Card games (which were the main inspirations for this game). Meh meh... Decisions... Other notes: The text which reads "Kong" will probably be replaced with an image of some sort, as will the "BR" text...
  20. Actually a bunch of people complained about the level text so I already changed that, but will post an updated version when the card is officially complete ^_^. And you're dead on with the health/magic card type thing, that's basically what the Item Slots section is for. If the item is a continuous item then a character such as Donkey Kong wouldn't be able to use it since he has zero item slots. And the Square-Enix cards will come in good time, since those are bound to be everyone's favorites i'm probably going to spend a little extra time on them :rolleyes: (On a side note I deleted the Link Card from my PC because i'm just going to start it from scratch and use the Donkey Kong card as a template once I finalize everything).
  21. Well I guess a reply that doesn't make any sense is better than no reply at all =D! Here is an updated version of the card layout: [img]http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/8983/dkcopy5qf.jpg[/img] The "BR" indicates the class of the card (in this case BR stands for Brute) while the second circle indicates the "family" of the card (Kongs). The added "ITEM SL." section stands for Item Slots and indicates how many "item" cards can be equipped to the character card. Mmmm this all might change if anyone proposes better ideas so any feedback would be much appreciated...
  22. [img]http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/5851/dkcopy2mn.jpg[/img] This really started out as more of a joke, but it's started to become something more. For the last month or so i've been experimenting with RPGMakerXP (Enterbrain's newest version of their acclaimed RPGMaking program), and the idea occured to me recently that while people have been making your standard turn based RPGs, strategy RPGs, and even Zelda-esque rpgs no one seems to have made a card based RPG. And that is basically what inspired me to create the image above. Both of the cards are currently incomplete, and I have yet to finalize the details on how this card game will work, but I would ultimately like to complete this card game and distribute it by means of a RPGMaker Game or in the form of some sort of Apprentice (Unofficial Magic the Gahtering Online Play software) modification. For now, the premise of the game is something along the lines of this: The Legendary Tri-Force has appeared once again, thus attracting the attention of the entire video game universe. - The card game will include video game characters from a wide range of companies and systems. - Similar to the Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, and even Pokemon trading card games there is always some sort of "win condition" that must be met. While the details are still being worked out the planned "win condition" is that you obtain all three pieces of the Tri-Force in a match. If a match ends before one player obtains all three pieces of the Tri-Force then a point system will come into play (where the more monsters you have destroyed and the less cards you have lost the more points you will recieve). Going on really won't do much more than confuse everyone (myself included) as this idea is really just in the prelimnary phases, but stay tuned for updates to this thread. On a side note, if you have any ideas for the card game or would like to help me out just private message me or something. (On another side note, before I begin messing with implementing this game into RPGMaker I will probably create a simple message board and release the game in a crude forum-text-image based type way - Meh don't worry about this when the time for this comes around i'll be sure to explain it better...)
  23. [quote]oh, and on the Halo thing; the alien race ACTUALLY have a religion. They are called the Convenant, not some randomly picked name that you?d have to be fluent in Japanese, German, and Spanish to say it even slightly correctly.[/quote] I don't see how this makes one game better than another... Maybe you can name some of these hard to pronounce alien races though. Halo did very well with the FPS perspective by adding in throwable grenades?WHICH FPS OTHER THAN HALO HAS THROWABLE GRENADES!?[/quote] LMAO... Counter-Strike. Enough said. Bring on the further evidence to why Halo/Halo 2 is not as great as it is made out to be. And please don't even bring up the vehicle aspect of the game because there is another FPS which you might have heard of called Unreal Tournament... Halo's most innovative aspect aruably has nothing to do with the game itself but the system it was on. Halo proved that even a (more or less) medicore FPS on a console can succeed if there is a decent system for online play.
  24. Well there are a lot of suggestions in both of your threads and a lot of things I agree with so the easiest thing to do will just post an update of the skin sometime tomorrow =D But I will say that I agree with you about the Turks image (in some regards). I got the scan off of [url]www.animepaper.net[/url] but I just took a screenshot of the image because I didn't want to use my "paperpoints" (the currency you get for posting on their forum) to download the full-sized scan... I recently downloaded the full-sized scan so I think it will look less grainy and a higher quality when it's all said and done. The white line you see across the image was actually part of the scan, since i'm lazy rather than editing it out I just extended the line across the banner =P. I'll edit out the line and see how the banner looks but whether or not I keep the line is really up in the air at this time... Cut-off characters = bad. Or at least that's normally the way I think as well; it's one of my pet peeves when I rate someone's signature. The one reason why I left some of cut-off characters is because they take up space and as it is the banner is rather bare. Meh once again i'll have to edit out the characters and then make a decision on whether or not to cut them out completely or not :=P! That turned out as more of a rant than anything else, but I appreciate the feedback.
  25. There's quite a bit to say about this but... I don't feel like saying anything right now :p So i'll just post this image and answer your questions/comments as they come up. [img]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/4182/easkincopy8oj.jpg[/img] Meh okay what I will say is that I am addressing the graininess of the picture, the image is incomplete, and when it's all said and done I should be able to create a few different color variations of the skin. - Also I used pink because... Nobody uses pink...
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