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About Mako

  • Birthday 10/09/1985

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    I'm a freak. Yeah~ Lunar fan boy.
  • Occupation
    Spam boi

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  1. Anakin, SEED is completely unrelated to the other gundams. As for a quote... All I can think of is "Kira!" 'cause everybody seems to be yelling at/to him at some point. ^^;
  2. It hurts my eyes! I can't see anymore! ;) j/k. You did a decent job, although I think the lines could have flowed together more smoothly (a little more rounded) and the color is a tiny bit off, but that might just be due to scanning/whatever. Aside from that, it's pretty nice though. I'm no good at drawing big so I am impressed.
  3. Aside from change the style of banner I like to make, what could I do to improve this piece? I don't by any means claim to be a "GFX Artist" I'm just a guy who had some time to kill. [img]http://www.garyzhou.com/~makoblade/seedzzz.png[/img] btw, I use PSP7 'cause I have a legit copy and I feel better about it than illegally downloading photoshop like too many people tend to do. :rolleyes: Edit: This is a new version I made. I think it looks a 'lil better. [img]http://www.garyzhou.com/~makoblade/seedzzz2.png[/img]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]Shift, [i]you're[/i] the one who "slung the mud" in the first place. If your criticism had been legitimate, nobody would have jumped on you. Even if you hadn't been the first to start the problem, there is no excuse to start a silly argument with people.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Do you think I could hop in on their flame war? I'd like to teach 'em both how stupid they are (and i'd also like to say Shift is my hero from now on). Sorry to spam but I really couldn't help it ^^; Make the "barf" a better color. Add chunks or something hittok
  5. Can I ask how that's a layout? It'd be better suited as a wallpaper were it of a proper size. And on my screen res (1280x1024) your "created by hittokiri zero) is nearly unreadable.
  6. Subs because when the sub is decently done, you'll get more outta the anime. (they don't hafta do any lip-sync stuff so they can do more direct translations) For those who think that you'll miss things because you're reading subs, you won't. At least not if you can read at a moderate pace. The original voices tend to fit the characters better, and IMO it is more enjoyable. There are some instances when dubbed is alright, but hentai is definately not one of them.
  7. Personally, I liked the junction system best. It provided the most flexibility and originality. You could basically make any characters you wished into a powerhouse, the only drawback was that you couldn't really use your magic too much. Materia was by far the easiest to use, but didn't have quite as much customization as junction does.
  8. The Esca movie is kinda questionable in terms of goodness. >.> Hardcore fans tend to say it's terrible because it's nothing like the series, while casual fans enjoy it. I personally think it was pretty nice as long as you watch it as a movie rather than as part of the whole Esca universe-thingy ^^;
  9. I must say, it's kinda freaky how strong they make coordinators. Kira can reprogram his gundam in like 1000 different ways while in the middle of combat. >.> 17 was released by Junkies today. :D It's sweet.
  10. Mako


    Naruto's a pretty good series. :) I havn't gotten far enough to get to any really deep story eps (if any) but it's definately got some nice comedy.
  11. The only Gundam series I even remotely liked were SEED and X. :p
  12. I love GX. :) I'm abotu 1/3 of the way into it, havn't had much time to watch the rest. The series easily surpasses GW, although I can relate the Mecha designs very directly to something from another series. Other than that, it's quite fun.
  13. It's too bad ep 14 was only a recap/filler.
  14. Mako


    I like to laugh at people who hate anime just because others like it. If he doesn't like anime for "valid" reasons then it's alright. I don't really know why one would post at an anime board if they hated anime though...
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