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About SS4Gogeta_ICE

  • Birthday 06/09/1989

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  1. Ive already seen the version with subtitles. What im wanting to know is does the Uncut version speak english?
  2. I got a quetion ( a newb questiob ) When an english verion DVD for Dragon Ball Z - Say the new movie #7 super andriod 13. I can either buy it edited or uncut. Is Uncut better or is edited... is one of the two JAPANEASE? please fill me in. Thanks.:therock:
  3. :) hello DB fans, [SIZE=3]Im just need to know how much the english version DBZ movies are (CANADIAN) How much are the DVD's and VHS's. Please post if you know the prices or maybe just one price, or what store i can buy them at, thanks alot BYE[/SIZE] :toothy: :toothy: :toothy:
  4. Hey Guys I live in Alberta, Canada and i have no way of watching any type of Dragon Ball shows on tv except a network called 'YTV', the suck. They are a Canadian based netwark and there is only alowed so many non-canadian shows, hence, DB. the only reason why Cartoon network can in the states is b/c the voises are dubed in the USA, amking the Ep's somewhat american (according to a website i have recently visited), Anyway... I have no access to DB what-so-ever! YTV only shows some of the DB normally just reruns of half of the andriod saga and all of frieza, its getting old YTV:mad: Does anyone know any good store i can purchase the movies or any DBGT/Z DVD's or video's, i am in need! Thanks alot
  5. [SIZE=3]HAY DUDES[/SIZE] [COLOR=crimson]i just wanted to ask (for those of you who have seen the DBZ movies) if there is any moderate swearing in them... Is there two different versions of the movies you can buy, or only one? Im looking for the little more hardcore version. Well, I downloaded koolers return in japanease, with english subtitles and there was a few swears, which is excellent. = ) anyway just tell me what the deal is! thanks d00ds![/COLOR]
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