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Everything posted by Crimson
People have been telling me different stuff and effects, and the show doesn't make it anymore clearer. So can someone tell me the effects of the 3 god cards? If you don't mind.
What exactly are Spell/Magic Counters?
Name: Solemn Promise Type: Trap Continuous Effect: When your opponent has 2 or more monsters on the field pay 500 life points to return them to his/her hand.
Here's some more combos that have helped me ALOT. Book Of Moon + Nobleman Of Crossout Say your opponent has a strong monster out, just book of moon it and use nobleman of crossout to take it OUT of the field so they can't use it. Magic Drain + Lightforce Sword (as many as you need) Basically your opponent has to discard to stop Magic Drains effect so when you activate magic drain and your opponent pulls a magic card of of their hand just use lightforce sword, and pick the card in their hand. Also any others you might need.
actually Bubonic Vermins effect is whenever it's Flipped face up or destroyed in by a monster you can search your deck for another bubonic vermin and summon it in Face Down Defense mode.
Joey: Yugi, i'm gonna lose this duel help me out! *Yugi pulls out tranquilizer gun and shoots other duelist* Yugi: There.
Solemn Judgment Trap Counter Effect: Pay half of your life points when your opponent either activates a Magic or Trap Card or summons a monster (Including Special Summon) to negate the action and destroy the Magic Card, Trap Card, or summoned monster. Love this card because it's a trap hole, horn of heaven, magic jammer, and seven tools of the bandit all in one card.
Hey guys this is my deck...I know there are alot of duelists with a way better deck than me but hey this is what I got. High Level Monsters: Blue- Eyes White Dragon Blue- Eyes White Dragon Blue- Eyes White Dragon Red- Eyes Black Dragon Hino- Kagu- Tsuchi Patrician Of Darkness Low Level Monsters: Mask Of Darkness 4 Starred Ladybug Of Doom Magician Of Faith Lord Of D. Lord Of D. Bubonic Vermin Bubonic Vermin Bobonic Vermin Dice Jar Gearfried The Iron Knight Cobra Jar Cave Dragon Man- Eater Bug Man- Eater Bug Jirai Gumo Witch Of The Black Forest Jowls Of Dark Demise Harpie's Brother Hysteric Fairy The Rock Spirit Cyber Jar Throwstone Unit Invader Of The Throne Time Wizard Magic Cards: Fairy Meteor Crush Soul Exchange Different Dimension Capsule Nobleman Of Crossout Change Of Heart Spiritual Energy Settle Machine Monster Reborn Giant Trunade Graceful Charity Heart Of Clear Water Book Of Moon Pot Of Greed Harpie's Feather Duster The Flute Of Summoning Dragon The Flute Of Summoning Dragon Mystical Space Typhoon Trap Cards: Solemn Judgement D. Tribe Mirror Wall Magic Drain Blast With Chain Seven Tools Of The Bandit Shift Dragon's Rage Bottomless Trap Hole A Feint Plan Michizure Yeah there it is. It's actually helped me win a few duels and haven't lost any so far.
For Red-Moon Baby's effect, when it destroys a monster it's special summoned, but is it special summoned for that one turn, or for the rest of the duel. (unless it's destroyed yada yada yada) Another question. Can you use Solemn Judgment to prevent Jinzo from being summoned? And one MORE question I want to ask is my friend said that Solemn Judgment had a very high spell speed and it couldn't be effected by 7 tools of the bandit, and that only another Solemn Judgment. Is this true?
These are some combos that have pulled my butt out of some deep holes, and it might do the same for you all as well. A face up attack monster(preferably weak)+ face down monster+ Shift + A Feint Plan Basically you shift the attack of a monster to another monster, and then activate a feint plan making it impossible for them to attack. Monster on the field+ Cannon Soldier+ Last Will Ok you're probably wondering what the...Ok well this is how it goes. After you have a monster on the field, summon Cannon Soldier and sacrafice it. Then activate Last Will and special summon a monster. Then sacrafice it, and then special summon another monster. It goes into a never ending cycle, unless you want to stop.
What are some good combos with Imperial Order?
Name: Siren Attack: 1700 Defense: 1700 Attribute: Wind Type: Winged Beast Level: 4 Effect: This monster gains 300 ATK/DEF points for every monster in your graveyard, and hand, with "Harpie" in it's name. Description: This monster sings and lures sailors to crash into the rocks of where the Siren sings.
I've been thinking about this for the longest time but when will Penguin Soldiers effect activate? Also lets say you have a Summoned Skull and your opponent has a Red Eyes Black Dragon. Can you use change of heart to bring him to your side and use him as a fusion material monster?
Name: Wind Elemental Level: 4 Attribute: Wind Type: Warrior Attack: 1900 Defense: 1800 Effect: During your turn you may discard one card to destroy one monster, magic, or trap card on the field. You may discard 2 cards to bring one monster, magic, or trap card from either graveyard and add it to your hand. Description: This warrior learn how to focus wind energy when he was accidentaly caught in a tornado and hit his head on some flying objects whild in the tornado.
Duke used Gradius and a magic card to double Gradius's attack from 1200 to 2400 and he also equipped Fairy Meteor Crush with Gradius and attacked the Goblin Attack Force that Joey had in defense mode.
Actually it's called Mirror Wall and you have to sacrafice 2000 life points not monsters...but you do have a point of how the effects of the cards differ from ours... [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Don't double-post, please. Use the 'Edit' button. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Thanks for that clear up Noryko, also I ment for mistakes such ANY mistakes...like when Kaiba was going against the dueling machine, and then when Kaiba summoned Obelisk and sacraficed two monsters, and then it supposedly brought up Obelisks power up because he destroyed Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon with one punch while we thought his Obelisk's attack was still 4000 and Ultimate Dragons was still 4500.
Well I hope that this thread stays here, but as I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh on tv i've noticed that there are some errors like, when Insect Queen was suppose to be eating cockaroach knight but it showed Insect Queen eating Legul or when Joey was dueling Bones and joey's life points went down then went up. I want to see if anyone else has noticed some serious mistakes in the show.
He is one of Mariks followers. It's the guy with the weird signs on his face. He's in the intro of the show where light strikes him.
I was watching the duel between Umbra, Lumis, Kaiba, and Yugi and I was just wondering. When Seto Kaiba summoned Obelisk the Tormentor, how come Obelisk's attack was going up? When he was summoned it went from 4000 to 4850
Phasing Child *** Wind ATK/1000 DEF/1000 Effect: This monster can't be attacked by a monster and can't be targeted by an equip magic card. Description: A child that has learned the power to protect it'self by passing thru objects like a ghost. Telekinetic Human **** Wind ATK/1800 DEF/1400 Effect: You may sacrafice 500 life points to return your opponents monsters from the field to your opponents hand. You may also sacrafice 1000 to return your opponents hand to his/her deck. Description: A human that learned telekinesis by hitting his head on a brick wall.
One Combo I figured out is to use Fake Trap when your opponent uses Harpies Feather Duster One more combo I found was similar to the flash assaliant idea but if you have cards like bistro butcher, appropriate, and solemn wishes you could use Infinate Cards and then have a Muka Muka on the field. By the way it's the stragety that Marik used for Slifer The Sky Dragon. (Different way of getting cards) [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Don't double post, please- Use the 'Edit' Button underneath the post. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I remember Marik telling him to do something on one of the episodes so he's definitely a follower of Marik.
Ok my deck has improved over the few.......(days/weeks/months) since i've been here..here it is "Dragon Warrior" High Level Monsters Blue Eyes White Dragon Blue Eyes White Dragon Blue Eyes White Dragon Beast Of Talwar Summoned Skull Low Level Monsters La Jinn The Mystical Genie Of The Lamp La Jinn The Mystical Genie Of The Lamp Wall Of Illusion Hane-Hane Hayabusa Knight 4- Starred Ladybug Of Doom 4- Starred Ladybug Of Doom Maha Vailo Trap Master Witch Of The Black Forest Neo The Magic Swordsman Gearfried The Iron Knight Dark Zebra Dark Zebra Jirai Gumo Lord Of D. Mask Of Darkness Battle Ox Magician Of Faith Man-Eater Bug Cyber Jar MAGIC CARDS Nobleman Of Crossout Ring Of Magnetism Monster Reborn Ground Collapse Ground Collapse Black Pendant Last Will The Flute Of Summoning Dragon De-Spell Nobleman Of Extermination Malevolent Nuzzler Malevolent Nuzzler Dark Hole Change Of Heart Exchange Fissure Fissure Luminous Spark TRAP CARDS Michizure Reverse Trap Trap Hole Trap Hole Reinforcements Shift Ultimate Offering Collected Power Magic Drain Basically I trap them with Ground Collapse and then if they try to deactivate them Magic Drain and also if they try to summon a monster there's always trap hole...
errrrrrrrrrrrrrr I have a card that is almost exactly the opposite of that...It's ATK is 1500 DEF 1000 and it's Lady Assailant of Flames. It's a level 4 also and it's a fire attribute. It has the same effect as the second card of the week except you sacrafice the 3 top cards off of your deck..is it the same thing or different?