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Everything posted by DarkYugi22187

  1. Yea i read about devil franken. you pay 5000 LP to special summon a fusion monster from your fusion deck(namely blue-eyes ultimate dragon) then use megamorph. that would be a helluva combo!
  2. Both players drew their starting hand. The unknown duelist went first. ????: First Ill set a card and then ill summon the Celtic Guardian in attack mode. Your turn. Kai: OK. Ill set these two cards and summon the Pale Beast in attack mode. Now I'll attack your Celtic Guardian! Kai-4000 ????-3900
  3. ok. *lowers head and goes to the corner* Hey! Lan i remember a few minutes ago i tried to do your Kingdom Hearts thing. did you see it?
  4. Kai looks around. "Anyone wanna duel?" Someone stepps foreword. "I will" Kai: Whats your name, duelest? ????: I have no name. Now lets duel!
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