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Everything posted by botosai

  1. a re-recruit hmm sounds interesting
  2. Ken ::sees jagan's com link and sighs:: either i leave a friend behind or i take out creon what should i do trik help me ken Ken dammit i got to help him::he grabs him up and flies towards satalitus dropping him off in the hangar then flying back out to fight creon only to discover he is no longer there:: NOOOO CREONNNN ::his suit erupted with power the full energy of the omnis dx hell version unlocking he now was on his way to finding creon:: Ken ill be back soon pyro but not until i take out creon::he fleww off towards creon's base
  3. The rp is exactly what the name says a race across country. You can have any car you want but it neds to have a storyline there will be 10 racers 7 guys 3 girls. We need some fight scenes and romance concerning whichever racers fall in love with the girls or however that ends up. You need a bio like this one Name : Ken wildwolf Age: Car: status: will edit later with rest of the stuff but i need to go now
  4. ooc damn knew i shoudl have read the rules better _______________ Ken ill take care of creon yall get out of her Fang im not leaving you alone to fight this man Ken sorry bud but i got a personal vendetta against him Fang what do you mean Ken he made me do 100 pushups then was planning on killing me and he said he was going to turn me into scrap metal so now im giving him the chance Fang ok bud go for it Pyro hurry up fang and bring him to me ______- could i get a quick bio for fang so i know a little more about him
  5. Ken : fang what are you doing here
  6. Ken ::starts to fly off:: soon creon very soon ill destroy you::he begins looking for trik and sees him and flies over to him only to discover someone carrying him off::who are you and why do oyu have trik
  7. thanks but it is too big for an avi
  8. this is a new pic i made bout my rottweiler business if it need to be a different bit i have 256 16 or 24
  9. Name: Ken Wildwolf Gender: Male Alliance: works with pyro and trik whichever alliance their in Mobile Suit: Omnis Custom Description: A skilled pilot who fights to destroy creon and aurthur he is a very credited fighter and has a gundam rivaled only by pyro creon and arthur
  10. i found a cheating way to win checkpoint charlie you enable the cheatcode cars float on water then get a fast car like the racer then you hob in one of the boats the hop in the car and the handling and speed is alot better
  11. Ken ::floated beside satalitus and omnis had his arms crossed:: Creon ken i'll destroy you i told u if u betrayed me i would turn you into scrap Ken then why don't you try it ::he blasted towards creon:: Pyro ill keep those suits away from yall take him out ken Ken GUNDAM OMNIS HELL MODE INITATE ::the gundam's wing boosters turned solid black and so did he beam saber and his buster cannon got larger also:: Creon what is this Ken ::flew straight towards creon::[img]http://www.theotaku.com/gundam/animated/41.gif[/img] Creon::ill get you ken [img]http://www.theotaku.com/gundam/animated/35.gif[/img]
  12. Ken ::begins start up sequence and begins to hover up into the sky hearing creon's plans after tapping into trik's com watch as a microphone:: ain't going to blast me now where's pyo when oyu need him shoot nevermind ::places both gundams in his carie and flies down to the base in his jet and runs in to get trik Creon now what can you tell me Trik ill kill you creon if it's the last thing i do Ken ::listens along the wall and hears creon and kicks the door in with guns pointed at creon:: don't move creon or ill blow oyur head off ::he walked to trik and undid the straps:: now let's get out of here
  13. how many do you have to get again
  14. i reather enjoyed the storyline playing on the game but still it is kind of crappy but at least you get to turn into mecha frieza it is a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale for me
  15. about the ice cream missions if oyu get busted do you fail it or if oyu get pulled out by a cuban or a security guard do you fail it and how do you complete the checkpoint charlie mission
  16. Ken ::ran quickly down the hall and saw a door way running through it he saw omnis in front of him and smiled but also saw trik's gundam and used his com watch:: tik come in trik where are you trik::jumped into his gundam and threw and cloaking device onto trik's gundam to hide it then hid himself and waited for trik:: Omnis before upgrade[IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:i2Qq3ahpwx0C:chiknboy90000.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/zero1.gif[/IMG] gotta find a pic of omnis DX but here is a pic of my char [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:r0ri1h1e5akC:sparker.crosswinds.net/images/endymion.jpg[/IMG]
  17. Ken ::his phone went off:: Ken ::anwsers:: hello who is this Caller i believe you know listen i need you to go on a mission to building 1 a bunch of mts and a very large ac have taken over and are threatening to destroy the place ken ok be there soon::he jumnped into double dragon and flew to building one:: Ken hmm interesting Laine incoming fire please dodge ::he strafed to the side using his boosters:: ken dammit a large cannon ::he aimed the karasawa mk II and fired destroying the cannon and then activated his over boost and rocketed into the base then his energy dropped and he hid himself til he was full on energy:: ken alright im in what next the mts are just ahead and the ac i in the next room
  18. ooc:i think both sound good ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ken ::hears the guns and uses his com watch and omnis suddenly slices free and waits outside beside trik's gundam:: Ken Trik in here
  19. Ken ::after talking with creon returned to omnis and found the message and sent the schematics of satalitus to pyro hoping creon would not catch him:: Take this you old fool Pyro ::recieved the file:: this should come in handy good job ken i appreciate it now get out of there before creon finds out Ken no worries he has no idea ::suddenly a solider busts into the room with a gun bazooka aimed at ken:: freeze right there wildwolf Ken dammit pyro SOS mayday discovered::ends transmission:: Creon: well well well i should have known you were a traitor wildwolf. Seargent throw him in the cell and lock him up Solider ::drags him off and locks him up in the cell:: Ken ::uses his commnication watch to talk to pyro:: send help please[IMG]http://host16.hrwebservices.net/~sjmadho/board/images/smilies/homer.gif[/IMG]
  20. Ken ::saw some men gathered together and took them for Ravens and walked over to join them:: Araoshi hello there i take it you are also a raven Ken i am and i was wondering if i could join you until another mission arrives Araoshi yeah sit down Ken ::ordered a shark killer and began to drink::
  21. Pilot Name: Excile AC Name:double dragon AC Advantages (Strengths): Speed firepower build AC Weaknesses: not enough shield power Main Weapons: Karasawa mk II and ls moonlight sword Back-up Weapons: mulit missle lancher and grenade launcher Background: He was exciled from his planet for killing aroyal member of the family and he landed in the middle of the order of te raven he is a feared pilot because of his strength AC's color and Symbol:Midnight black and the symbol is a two dragons encircling each other
  22. ken: Pyro Aurthur come in this is ken trying to let yall know i am in creon's base Creon ::on the intercom:: ken report to my office immediately Ken dammit leave me a message on the suit's intercom make it on this frequency ok ken signing off
  23. ken ::being a man of honor he replied:: SIR YES SIR ::and drop and pushed out one hundred push ups in record time:: Now what would you have me do general Creon sir Creon that's better wait for your orders solide Ken ::walked over to OMNIS DX and smiled sitting in the cockpit and getting on a frequency that creon could not get:: pyro pyro are you out there i have gotten inside creon's base anything you would have me do while i was in here like maybe take out his mobile suits and the base or what
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