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Everything posted by botosai

  1. what force is creon in again but yeah im in
  2. on a website and thought it was cool it is called homies
  3. ::hears of pyro's return and smiles:: Ken Computer contact pyro Computer beeps then connects them Ken hey pyro want your gundam back Pyro is it still in good shape Ken oh yes ill drop it off on my way to the lunar base Pyro ok ill be waiting Ken computer drop out carrier containing inferno DX and plot course to pyro's signal Computer ::beeps and the carrier blasts off:: ken now everything is set
  4. Ken I cannot believe it he did it Creon exactly now i believe you wanted to battle me again Ken no in fact i have decided to join you considering you will take a gundam in amongst your numbers Creon i will have to think of this
  5. Ken my turn Creon ken no i was no match for it what makes you think you are Ken trust me ::suddenly the bossters on omnis turned ot angel wings and he smiled flying towards the gundam after sitting creon down:: Ken alright let's see if i can do this like i was taught time to reveal my secret technique Computer activate dual buster cannons::both cannons popped out and he smiled aiming them both at the mobile suit:: Time to die ::blasts the super blasts at the gundam sitting on the mobile suit's head and smiles but to his suprise he has only destroyed one of it's legs:: how in the world did it block that Creon it is amazingly fast ken you may have to use your speed to match it Ken alright boosters full power sabers activate::he flew into the fight dodging the shots coming from the suit and he smiles slicing the suit's head off and smiling but only to see it regenerate:: Creon self healing this will be a tough fight Ken oh my god but how did it...
  6. Ken ::flies ahead of creon and stops the ship:: time to unveil OMNIS DX ::he opened the cargo the gundam is shadowed and he smiled and hopped into the pilot's room only to see that it is now updated perfectly:: YES YES finally
  7. ooc( where do yall get those gundam pics) Ic: Ken Wildwolf :Flies toward's creon in the ship and stops a few hundred yards from him and hops into omnis::We better hurry creon Creon come on then but does this mean you are changing sides Ken no im only going to help save people but afterwards our fight will begin again Creon ah yes save the people then figth again wonderful idea
  8. Ken i will never truly understand you but i offer my help since both the gundams are now repaired would you like some help Creon: well I... Solider: Sir hurry im all that's left
  9. Ken ::looks at the new and improved omnis and smiles:: Dr. YUY well how does it look Ken wonderful but i need to o now is it ready to fly Dr. Yuy oh yes and oh yeah while you were gone i got some info on the inferno and it now is at a match with omnis but only because of omnis's upgrade were it not for that inferno would be way more powerful Ken well how about that well gotta go::hops into carrier and flies off with the two gundams aboard::
  10. right now int the battle arena theere is a topic Otaku Championships tis is for 16 or the greatest fighters otakuboards has ever seen 8 spots have been take join if you want but be prepared only the strong survive ---------------- if this needs to be moved please do
  11. Ken Wildwolf ::arrives at the gargae where he got omnis at and left his ship in oribt piloting the two cariers of the gundams down one behind the other laying inferno down and etting omnis into the garage:: Ken- Hey doc where are you Doctor yuy- ah yes ken wldwolf how are you ken Fine Fine look i need omnis upgraded yuy- alright what you want upgrades for Ken the boosters and also the buster cannon make it a gun capable of mid-air fir without too much recoil and oh yeah turn the boosters into wings like your original gundam wing zero Yuy- ok i will see what i can do but the cannon is too powerful and will only drain your booster strength but i may be able to add two boosters to your feet and back f legs and that should hold it ok Ken- wonderful
  12. Ken crap i need to repair omnis but i can't now guess i have to use inferno and he flew into his ship and place omnis in the repair chamber:: soon enough old friend your revenge will come Omnis ::eyes turned black as the repair began:: Ken now to switch into inferno ::he jumped into the mobile suit and smiled flying out of the ship:: computer establish a connection with ships repair sequence and alert when omnis is ready and transport beam saber and cannon Creon you fool you still are no match for me ken let's find out ::as the parts flew from the ship into his hands:: Creon two beam sabers and one cannon hmph ken yeah bring it on Inferno ::pulled out the beam sabers and charged mercurius slamming the blades into him in two differents spots hovering above the ground:: Ken if i land i can shoot my cannon but i will also blow up inferno i will have to risk a mid-air shot Inferno ::hoisted the buster rifle and smiled turning his boosters on full power and firing the gun with the gun shooting and the boosters holding him forwards but the cannon pushes him backward as the shot hits mercurius bloing his left arm and leg off:: Creon what the how could he that cannon is so powerful Ken oh no all power drained boosters failing gundam falling Computer automatic repairs to omnis completed sir Ken OMNIS Omnis ::eyes turned green and it busted out of it's compartment and grabbed inferno hoveringover the land:: Ken shall we continue now creon Creon i shall retreat for now but e warned i will return Ken omnis auto pilot into the ship Omnis::lands in the ship and ken walked inferno into it's holder and looked at omnis time to upgrade you buddy Omnis before upgrade [img]http://www.theotaku.com/gundam/pictures/episode32/image_010.jpg[/img]
  13. the easiest way to beat the tournaments is with hercule and his dynamite kick hit them twice with that the first time it gets them close to the edge the second it knocks them out of it i beat advanced that way and unlocked gohan as saiyaman
  14. put a psychic pokemon in your team and dragonite is real helpful
  15. Ken what i have to pilot the inferno Geist yes pyro chose you too Ken but what about omnis i cannot leave my gundam Geist ARE YOU A FOOL KEN YOU KNOW INFERNO IS 5xs MORE POWERFUL THAN YOUR PITIFUL GUNDAM Ken you take that back geist im only telling the truth Ken alright then but only as a backup i will approach in omnis and if he is defeated i will switch over to inferno which i will have in the ship i use to transport omnis GEist finally
  16. botosai

    Devil May Cry

    (nope) IIC: Daemon ::walks to dante's bar and smiles:: im ready dante let's do this Dante ah yes finally my friend did you finish your weapon Daemon oh yes and i made you one if you want it Dante give it to me ill try it and see if i like it or not
  17. botosai

    Devil May Cry

    Daemon ::stands in te middle of the woods training and he make two slices and two trees begin to fall he uses his new blade as he jumps and quickle slices the tree in the 5 pieces each he smiles:: Daemon this is perfect now once i get the other one made will be perfect in the case of a fast battle in which i cannot use the omnis blade Damien ah brother when will you learn mere swords are of no control and hold nop power to our demon powers Daemon humph care to try me then Damien sure ::he gripped and a blade of evil energy appeared::this is not steel brother but the pure fires of hell Daemon yeah yeah bring it on::he pulled the omnis blade out and the began fighting back and forth they went blades striking each other and daemon suddenl begins laughing and turns around and his wrist blade pops forward as he knock damien on the ground and he holds it to damien's neck:: Damien what the how did you Daemon i say you go back home and tell father he's next i only let you live for that reason next time we meet i will kill you Damien ok Daemon ::let's him go and turns around but suddenly he rams his blade through his brother:: Damien what th heck Daemon never mind ill tell him myself Damien noooooo::he exploded and his power went into daemon Daemon now i am ready to fight alongside dante::he seathed his sword and walked to his motorcycle to head to the bar::
  18. botosai

    Devil May Cry

    Daemon :sits at his wrkshop finally finishing the sword and wrist locker and he places the wrist locker on and smiles loking at ti and attaches the sword to it the blade running up along his arms and he smiles and the blade suddenly slices out:: Daemon this should work perfet for killing the demons Daemon ::he looked over at the omnis blade and smiled as it had a weak appearance to it but that was because it was daytime and the sword was not at it's full potential only alf which is equal to alabastor at least in his blade but he was working on a spell to cast eternal darkness on the sword t'sself so it would do nothiung but remain in it's perfect form:: ::suddenly a spirit conjured up in front of him it was none other than the dark prince himself:: Satan Dameon why ae you here to help my sworn enemy dante Daemon because i feel lke it i p[lan on joining the team for the sole reason of killing you father Satan why kill me you know it is impossible Daemon oh yeah humph Satan what a holy blade Daemon yep ::he holds his arm up and he smiles:: Satan oh that looks really scary
  19. Ken : I will yield but i will also help you sir but when it comes time to fight aurthur i willl be there to back you up if needed sir Pyro: i admire your courage yet again and i accept the offer ok well let's seperate and meet up later Ken ok
  20. Ken ::geting the sos flew twards the spot the heavy gun on his back popping off and into his hand:: Anubis i wil destroy you two Chaos ::picks up ken's signal about 2 or three miles away:: Ken ::sits on top of a building aiming at anubis and shot at him instantly knocking his arm off and giving chaos enough time to escape:: Anubis ahhh::he turned to look at ken:: Ken::had the gun aimed right him in heat seeking mode and his blade ready if it was needed::
  21. botosai

    Devil May Cry

    Daemon ::sat on a barrel by the devil never cry bar and saw dante putting up the want ads and yelled:: Hey dante ill help you man Dante Daemon what are you doing here and how did you get from hell Daemon long story but i will help you ::he smiled as his sword sparkled in the darkness of the night the sword's power living in the night:: Dante wonderful it will be much appreciated Daemon i am working on a new weapon right now and i hope it will be through before the fight starts Dante realy what is it Daemon it attaches to my wrist and acts as a backup for my real sword the omnis blade
  22. Ken began his system prpearations to fire the cannons and he fired it and took out one of them and he smiled::that is the only time i attack
  23. botosai

    Devil May Cry

    Good idea finally a DMC rpg Name Daemon height 6'7 Weapon: Omnis Blade ((much in appearance to the true form of dante's force blade which was the sword sparda used)) Appearance Looking like dante in a few ways but his clothes are black and his hair is solid white compared to dante's kind of grayish hair imagine this cept with black clothes[IMG]www.planetdreamcast.com/.../screenshots/wallpapers/6.jpg[/IMG] Personality When he heard of Chaos plot he decided to stop him he plans on meeting up with dante to destroy him
  24. Ken- Looks ont the radar and sees a slight disturbance and smiles::im going to get that thing soon as i find out what it is::he began looking for a way to zoom in and finally did and saw mirage and smiled:: party time Eva(orbital frame computer)- I amready to go ken Ken good eva let's go::he hopped in the cockpit and it lit up arpund him and he smiled as the jets activated and he flew off towards mirage::
  25. Ken alright be careful -he went to watching the screens and he saw movement from something and notified leon and chaos of it's location Ken i should be out there not in here but i guess they will call me if they need me
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