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Everything posted by botosai

  1. Ken what the arthur -dodges his attack Arthur i am not going to let you destroy the colony Ken arthur i defend the colony not attack i watch over it remember last week when that fight between creon's goons and someone else i stepped in and destroyed all of them now you back off and i am not oging to atack today lass they do something to harm the colonies or me -suddenly a cannon fires off hitting ken's gundam in the back Ken you see what i mean Arthur well since they fired at you for just sitting here i understand
  2. Ken dranit i should follow him but i guess if he does not want anyone to follow him Leon he will be alright trust me he is strong Ken dont you think i know that i mean me and him did fight and it was a tie Leon yeah i think i remember that Ken well i guess it would be no harm in watching the radar scope
  3. ken Wildwolf Anothey day another attack on the colony - ::he sits up the seat in his gundam and begins to opening sequences and smiles as everythign comes ot life around him:: Ken: good morning omnis ::the computer system beeps around him and he smiles as he folds his arms and the gundam does the same and he looks down over the colony floating in space:: Ken computer scan the colony for anything abnormal ::the computer runs a scan and he sees a couple of creon's goons and he smiles if they start attackign ill deliver and quick brutal strike on them::
  4. Name:Keny wildwolf Age:17 Gender:male Description:tough guy strong and built Bio:there is not much known about him only that he is very strong and worthy of the suit he wears Personality:outgoing but stil kinda keeps ot himself Armor:storm Element:lighting and water Weapons:two swords and a lighting whip And if you have you armor yet: yes
  5. Ken ::walked into chaos rooms:: sorry im late but i was busy when yall called and i had to finish that but what happened anyway Chaos well bud anubis is back and he is after the colony again ken but i thought you killed him when yall fought last time Chaos yeah me too but he's back Ken well i promise to be there next me and omnis's power may be able ot help you out i myself ran into anubis and i matched speed with him but i had not gotten the canno for my frame yet and he was able to catche me off guard long enough to knock me out of commission im glad im still standing here Chaos i did not know you fought him too ken well i did but that's old news this time i promise with the cannon fully charged i should be able to knock his speed jets out long enough for yall to get a hit in but im not completely sure Chaos well just have to wait and see
  6. Name:ken wildwolf Orbital Frames name: Omnis Special weapon:A sword which ban be extended off his arm and a blaster gun which comes off of his back and into his hand Alliance(Good or evil):good Age:17 Frame appearance: It is black with red marking it has a cape on it Appearence:6'2 black hair with white spots in it and he is built Gender:male Bio:He met with chaos a year ago in a small bar and it led to a fight when they came to a draw with his gun at his frame's cockpit and chao's sword to his cockpit he then asked ken to join with him he got his frame by stealing it and it is very powerful _________________________--- Will this do
  7. botosai

    Vampie Slayers

    oh boy i thought it was lost my old topic from when i was jubei kibagami an i miss that name well anyway guess ill just forget about iti am bringing this o the top so it can either be started or closed but whatever
  8. ok first of all ffx had one scene that was stupid and funny which beat out all of kingdom hearts funny and that os the laughing scene it was not funny ha ha it was funny stupid
  9. al i want from ffx is tidus back and another good storyline and also BLITZBALL!!! oh yeah and that nuji guy is no auron less he carries a big *** sword and don't forget auron had a pigtail [size=1][color=crimson]Language.. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  10. well let's see Me and yuna good buddies Seymour Guado and his guado duardians killed the guardians with auron in one hit with out stealing anima used shiva and ifrit and the final fight with seymour without his guardians nul spells and kimahri's overdrive self destruct Seymour Batus Reflect spell all the way and also aeon overdrives Seymur flux once again aeon overdrives and auron and his big *** sword and bio works well in all seymour fights Seymour Omnis Anima 56,000 one overdrive then 10,000 attack them used auron with a sword i customized with break damage limit i strongly suggest working hard to get enough dark matters to customize auron ortidus or wakka with break damage limit and also do not forget to work with yuna because the stronger she getsthe stronger the aeons get like by the time you reach the defender X fight all aeons shoudl be hitting 9999 everytime using their overdrives Fighting belgemine is a good idea even though her aeons are tough magus sisters included they are not unbeatable use anima and on the fight against anma use bahamut and valefor Oh yes for those who like blitz make sure once you get the airship board the ss winno at kilika and keep trying the jecht shot until you get it though sphere shot is a good technique tidus is alone without this shot and also if Eigaar Blappa Lakkam from the al bhed psyches become available get them. Eigaar and Blappa like to play forward put tidus in center and lakkam and another player with strong attack and pass
  11. [IMG]http://www.newtechnix.com/Webmasters/supertony/Images/News_PS2_Final_Fantasy_X-2_110.jpg[/IMG] WHO IS HE DID AURON GROW LONG HAIR OR SOMETHING [size=1][color=crimson]DO YOU LIKE THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON? -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color] [size=1][color=royalblue]NO WEH HE DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT WHAT IS GRAMMAR - [b]Tasis[/b][/color][/size]
  12. He chuckles and runs up behind them grabbing a table beside him and blocking the anime fans path Craig run you two ill try and hold them off Jason ill help They block the path with the tables and hold the kids off long enough for the two to get away at least to the car Anime fan: hey who do you think you are blocking our way to the most dreamy people in the world Craig: okay then since they are gone go find goku or yugi oh or something like that sheesh Anime fan: boo throws book at craig and it hits him on the chest Craig dang yall are obsessed Walks to his trucks the anime fans still yelling at him he gets in and drives to a hotel
  13. ::stretches as he walks out of the theatre looking at michelle hoping her parents say yes:: Craig man did you hear that girl talkingg about getting michelle and lauren Jason we should protect them but im going home need a ride Craig give me a sec and ill tell you
  14. damn i went to a small tounament me and some friends got together and some guy from overseas who had been staying in louisiana came in and killed my friends and me easily and paul and me put up a good fight because he would duck and dodge my combos so i drop my ratings with panda to 5/10 with paul i am 6.5/10 with kazuya i am 8/10(my secret weapon did not use him against guy:-)) thought it would be mean and new charachter i used lee i think i score 8/10 and jin(also did not use jin against guy 7.9/10) king 6/10 and finally heihachi poor heihachi i quit using him
  15. This is my first shot at an rp so judge if you want but join if you please It is the day of Heihachi Mishima's funeral and the mishima Zaibatsu has been taken over by Kazuya and he has started the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. He has gone insane with power and wants to destroy the world. You can have any charachter from Tekken 1 through 4 and ehrgeiz(just because i love this game) You can have weapons if you like but try not to go overboardlike turning kazuya into a gun toting fool. Info i need is Char name Opening story Tournament beginning location Please join
  16. Ronin Warriors are awesome but do you think i could come up with my own armor
  17. Craig im serious jason this is it if i can't find a place to stay then ill lay under the truck and put a brick on the accelerator Jason listen man i know your tired of it but let me help you out Craig i said no i am not going to let you spend anymore money on me:he goes back to his seat and sits down::
  18. that's what i was about to say all aeons in overdrive mode killed defender X so why not spectral keeper
  19. My favorites are as always gonna be 1. Cloud FFVII 2. Barret FFVII 3. Tidus FFX 4. Auron FFX 5. Yuna. FFX (summoning aeons is cool) 6. Sora Kingdom Hearts 7. Riku Kingdom Hearts 8. Sion Barzahd Bouncer 9. Leon FFVIII 10. Volt Krueger Bouncer
  20. i was seriously beginning to wonder the same thing yu yu
  21. the technique is called provoke and i have not faced him yet but i heard he is tuff
  22. Craig ::looked back at her turning back::im sorry for yelling at you im just a little upset about all this Jason ::walked up behind him::dude i can at least pay for a motel Craig: no man i am not going to let you spend more money on me first you bought me the truck and now movie tickets and a fancuy dinner no michelle is my last resort if she says no that's it im ending it all tonight
  23. i think ingdom hearts is a real good game the gameplay and everything but i would not rank it high in the charts top 10 at least but i still say it is a good game and i only got the oblivion keyblade and owned on the game. I can truly say i gain about an 8.5 rating in abilities on kingdom hearts level 70 kicked ansem's butt
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