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Everything posted by botosai

  1. Craig: well i wanted to ask if you knew of a place i could stay tonight my mom is mad and drunk and is probably going to kill me when i get home so i need a place to stay if it's a friend or whatever i just need a place to stay so please help me out
  2. Craig: ::he began to tire as the movie dragged on and on the hours passing quickly:: Jason ::already asleep waking up when an explosion happens::what the f*** Craig ::laughs he then looks down at michelle and whispers:: could i see you outside right quick
  3. Craig: ::before she got out of sight he ran up to her and said in a quick voice::your welcome Michelle: ::she nodded and hid in front of him:: Craig ::looked down at her and chuckled as they ducked into the lotr room he handed her his jacket::this might hide something and make them not follow you Michelle :nodded taking it and running putting it on it too big but it covered the costume up::thanks craig Craig ::walks to his seat and sits down:: Jason glad your back i wanted to tell you im going to be busy tonight so you can't come over Craig WHAT?!?! but if I go home my mom is going to kil me Jason i know man and im sorry but paige is coming over later and im going to be buzy Craig: that ain't right leaving your friend for som p**sy man hope you have fun but be at my funeral on time Jason you knwo it ain't going to be that bad Craig yeah i hope not::has a real bad feeling::
  4. ::he wa;lked in after getting tickets he had reserved them they walked in and sat down a couple of rows up from michelle and her family:: Craig :Yeah man i been waiting for this movie Jason:: i know it that's why i got you a ticket bud Craig ::began to wonder what michelle wanted to talk to him about so he stood up:: hey man ill be back in a min im going to get something to eat ::the movie has now been on for at least 50 minutes he then walked to the concession to wait for michelle::
  5. Senior you standing up for her come one craig you know better than that Jason he doesn't but neither do I you have a choice me or him and trust i am the strngest so punch me out first if you dare Craog :chuckled:: Senior ill do just that ::his fist flew towards his face but hi something bricksolid instead he looked up and craig's hand was in the way:: Craig :tightened his grip on the boy's hand::big mistake::the boy's fingers began popping he then without saying a word punched the senior in the face and then let go of his fist and jaw-jacked him with the other hand Senior ::fell unconious:: Craig ::suprised:: you know i would have thoought he would have been able to take a few more hits than that Jason yeah i know man
  6. Craig/Jason ::dropped paige off and headed to theater and parked only to see michelle and lauren in trouble and walk over there:: Craig michelle lauren you ok Jason umm craig i don't think so they picked a fight with him::points at the senior:: Craig no problem i can handle him he's nothing but a pot smoking addict who's probably so drugged up he can't see straight Michelle ::finally sees the marks on his face as she looks at him defending her::
  7. Jason hey babe what you want to eat Paige welll guess ill just have some hot tea if we can get some service Craig::kind of upset cause he was alone looks up wouldn't mind a nice plate of wan tan chicken but decided for a soup and two eggrolls:: Jason ::chuckles as they wait for a waiter to come over the only american waiter came to their table and aske what they wanted:: ill have two cups of hot tea some wan tan chicken and some sushi craig what you want Craig well i guess ill have some wan tan chicken too and maybe some eggrolls and a cup of hot tea since your paying Waiter yeah alright ill be back in a bit not that ill have much help Jason i know those yu yu hakusho fans are working like crazy to get over there man if they only knew who they were Craig don't man let them play well probably see them at the theater speaking of which i want to see the third lotr movie::the mark on his face glowing now:: Jason yeah that sounds like fun Meanwhile at craig house.... Mother just wait til he gets back im gonna beat the hel outta him he neve should have left like his father did him and his punk friends::chugs down another beer
  8. he walked back to his house and sat down on the couch laying his head on the cushion when his mother burst into the room he jumped up and looked at her. She of course was drunk like she was everynight.He started to stand to walked when she staggered towards him and pushe him back down. Mother: where have you been? Craig: i went to a friend house to ask them to come to the movies tonight. Mother: Why are you going to the movies you don't have any friends your just like your father a no good idiot. { his father of course left them and his mother hate craig because of it} Craig: well mother i do have friends believe it or not and im going out tonight whether you want me to or not and were also going to eat at this nice resturuant jason's taking us too so what do you want now i have to get ready Mother: how dare you talk to me like that ,she instantly rared back and slapped him to the ground. Craig : on the ground looks up at her standing up::im going out::he walked to his room slamming the door he tried as best he could to find a shirt to cover his face but to no avail he put on a nice shirt with some nice pants and his hat:: i can't believe this::he walked to his truck and went to pick up jason:: Mother::she ran out yelling throwing bottle at him and his truck and went back inside::damn kid Craig:he drove to pick up jason and when eh got there he found jason ready to go:: Jason Hey man what happened to your face Craig don't ask let's go what rresturuant did you say we were going to? Jason i tthink benihana's was the place my mom made registrations for Craig WHAT!!!!? i can't afford to eat there Jason don't worry man im paying Craig then were going to the movie right Jason yep hey did you ask lauren and michelle if they wanted to go Craig yeah::frowns a little:: but their parents won't let them Jason that's bad but hey well try another time but now let's just enjoy ourselves alright Craig yeah i guess ------------------------------------ bio for jason Name Jason Fuller Age 18 Bio Craig's only friend and partner in crime he lives in a nice house and pretty much is like craig's older brother so craig usually spends most of his time over there.he is rich too. ------------------------------------- Craig/Jason ::finally arrives at the resturuant and goes yo their table after telling the guy their names they sit down to order::
  9. i can help you with the dragon what you do is get out of range of her fire and let beast and goofy do a lot of damage to her and heal them when they get weak it is easy like that but to fight her yourself you get on her back and use strike raid to hit her head
  10. Mine are Gannon from Zelda Ansem from kingdom hearts Sephiroth from FFVII Seymour from FFX
  11. I am on the world of chaos gfight ansem in his second form is there any technique to beating him i tried aerora cura and nothing waorks i mean i even tried getting behind him btu he struck there and killed me if onyl i had goofy and donald or riku i would be able to destroy him real quick well considering the fact i just beat the game 15 minutes ago i can say Sephiroth is in it cloud is in it yuffie aeris leon cid and a bunch of disney chars Also could someoen tell me what the secret trailer looked like i need this info i did not collect but 90 of the dalmations [color=blue][size=1]Don't double post, you. Just edit your post to add what you wish. :waves finger sternly: -Crazy White Boy[/color][/size]
  12. [IMG]http://www.sjmadhouse.net/board/attachment.php?s=&postid=87253[/IMG]
  13. push back and hold down square and triangle and Jin's hands will turn orange
  14. hmm well i can also do some good combos that i make up with the punches and kicks and the power stance helps sometimes
  15. he knocked on the door a final time and turned to walk when finally someone anwsered the door he turned and it was michelle he smiled walking up to her. Hey michelle i was wondering if you might want to go see a movie tonight with me and a couple of my friends my buddy jason is coming along and im driving too even though i have not got my full liscense yet. We going too see something though we have not decided yet so we was wondering if yall might want to come.
  16. Craig waits at michelles front dor he knocks again waiting for her to anwser. He wanted to meet her and be her friend because he had heard she did not have many friends.He sat down beside her door to wait
  17. He sits in front of michelle and lauren and he sits up against the window he looked over the chair at michelle and then sat back and watched her walk by to get off he smiled and got off a couple house down and walked down to her house and knocked on the front door (last minute change) Name Craig walker Age 15 freshman Bio A funny type of guy with a nice look about him he is a sweet guy who wouldn't hurt a fly but if he likes someone he sticks up for them. Appearance: he weaps a black shirt with flames on it and blacks pants with flames he weighs about 145 he is alot of muscle plays on JV team sometimes varsity if he does good.he is about 6'0 tall a black/white color.His father a black man and his mother a white woman. He has hair resembling that of trunks but black with some brown streaks. He truly is one of the rare smart jocks. He is not rich.
  18. Name:Craig walker Age:17 Grade:junior Biography/Life History:He is not really that much of a talker never has been he excels in his classes but still has that tough guy attitude he is populuar with ladies so they usually crowd around him Description:He is about 6'5 with sunshades and blak hair which he has like trunks off dragonballZ Appearence:He dresses in a black shirt with a white stripe around it with flames in the stripe and blacks pants with flames crawling up the side. That ok ill join
  19. i done said it once the burning fist killer claw and jins move JFLS i can take out even maddag jin if i watched him play i could figure out the way he fights
  20. Imagine one day in the quietness of spira on a warm day Seymour appears in the world of spira .He goes out to find some suitable partners and hears sroties of Sephiroth and ansem and decides to try to raise them from the dead.He then went to sephiroth's grave and dug up the grave and smiled casting his spell new body and life sephiroth awakened.When sephiroth saw him the first thing he said was where is cloud strife. All in due time my friend said but first we must awaken ansem then we can begin our rampage. they then began to search for ansem and when they found him they awakened him and then Seymour,Sephiroth,and Ansem teamed up to try to destroy the world.They found a castle heavily guarded and killed al the guards and tooke it over and seymour said now let's make some guards for our castle.He then waved his hand and a Wendigo and a gatekeeper appeared.While quietly one day the summoner and her guardians and Cloud and his friends are warned about their presence They begin on their journey but soon run into cloud. You can have different weapons no matter who you are If you want cloud's buster sword you can get it but trust me your better off with the weapon designed for your char in the ff7 and ffX games You can have 6 magic spells no instant death and 2 overdrive moves if you want to you can summon creatures but only two creatures per person you can have 3 differents swords bows staffs rods haliberds axes whatever but no more then three total an example will be shown in my char description. You can have two white magic abilites like cure and shell or nul blaze nultide you know stuff like that oh yeah and you can have 4 over drive attacks like hellfire and megaflare you have to have at least posted 5 fighting posts before you hit overdrive also there is a transformation mode you can power up your char change your body or become a creature. When you overdrive your body is almost like it's on fire flames surround it and you begins to attack more fiercely but remember only every five fighting posts you have not every five posts in the story but your five posts. Open parts. Sephiroth Seymour Ansem Rikku(girl) Yuna Auron Wakka Kimahri Cloud Strife Tifa Lockheart LuLu Aeris Barret Cid Highwind Yuffie Vincent Cait Sith Sora Rikku(boy) Leon( from kindgom hearts) it will not start till at least 6 positions are filled Here's mine Char Tidus Height 6'2 Weapon Caldabog.[IMG]http://www.squareultima.com/ff10/weapon-sword7.gif[/IMG], masamune[IMG]http://www.squareultima.com/ff10/weapon-blade6.gif[/IMG] , Ultimate Weapon Magic Firaga, Blizzaga,Waterga,Thundaga,Ultimia,Doublecast Overdrives Hellfire Megaflare thor's hammer Energy blast Summonable creatures Anima and Bahamut Transformations Power stance transformation and dragon transformation White magic Haste and curaga Strengths He truly is top notch in speed and strength though his swords do most of the talking in a straight fist fight he is no wimp Weaknesses He is not well defended against magic While his physical attack defense is 450 his mag def is only 250 he can take a good amount of hits from regulaur spells like fire and fira but when it comes to firaga he cannot take but about 5 hits
  21. still i believe auron with his hp up in the 10 thousands and his strngth up really high would tear through sephroth
  22. nice vote but i think auron would wipe the floor with sephiroth
  23. i am not going to resay something that is not true i am real good with panda
  24. i mean as in best charachter in power strength you know the baddest charachter
  25. Well to tell the truth i am a big fan of tekken 4 I use Jin Kazuya Paul and king and umm Heihachi and panda I ofund that faul's burning fist would usually take care of most opponents if you got enough time to charge it same with with panda's killer claw so with Kazuya i am an 8.5 Jin 8.5 Paul 10.0 King 7.9 Heihachi 9.0 Panda 10.0
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