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Vash's Angel

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About Vash's Angel

  • Birthday 06/30/1987

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  • Biography
    I am now nonstop, marathon playing Kingdom Hearts, with nothing but ten minute breaks every five hours.. Until Monday, when I have to go back to school.
  • Occupation
    I'm a shamaness. Okay, DUH guys. You should know that by now.

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  1. Ryuma walked back down the long stone stepway on monument hill, a look of dissapointment on her face. Her hair fell into her eyes in thin strips, and she was about to burst into tears. [i]Miss Ryuma, are you alright?[/i] Lisela asked her, her form becoming visible to her now, as she sat down about halfway through the steps. Black angel wings folded themselves around Ryuma, and creamy beige-looking arms placed their hands on her arms. A young woman wearing a white sarong and a white halter top of sorts had appeared behind her, long black hair spilling over her shoulders. Violet eyes scanned Ryuma's expression as she looked up. "Not at all. Amidamaru won't answer me." [i]Perhaps he does not wish to train anyone?[/i] "Maybe...but I used to talk to him every week...why would he ignore me?"
  2. I changed her appearance some, I'm really sorry. I just kinda drew something and liked it better! ....................................................................................................... A young girl with green hair walked down the street towards a great graveyard on a hill. The abnormally pigmented hair she had reached to the middle of her back, swaying in the soft breeze. She wore a short denim skirt and a white blouse, with white flipflops on her feet. Images from her past flitted through her head like watching a drive-in movie from a great distance...blurry, and confused. [i]Miss Ryuma, are you alright? [/i] A voice asked her. A woman's voice, clear as if she were next to her. "No, I am not, Lisela. I am not sure whether I should be asking this of him. He never even...he doesn't know me." Ryuma replied, starting up the stone steps to the top. She was on her way to visit one specific gravesite. The grave of Amidamaru. [i]Are you sure you want to do this, Miss Ryuma?[/i] the voice-Lisela-asked her. There was a pleading in her voice, easily picked out...like she didn't want Ryuma to ask her question. "Lisela, you don't have to accompany me." Ryuma sighed as she reached the split stone markinmg his grave. She got down on her knees, placing a single white rose on the stone. "Amidamaru, I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're even there. But...I have to compete in the Shaman Fight. I need you to train me...please..."
  3. Name: Ryuma Akari Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: I'm gonna try to put a pic on here. [IMG]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/akuma/Akuma06.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Ryuma was born in China, and she was greatly interested in the supernatural from the start. Upon becoming a shamaness, she entered the Shaman Fight with allfire eagerness. Spirit: Ryuma's got Lisela, the spirit of a priestess from Ancient Egypt Personality: Ryuma is a very tough girl, and a real smart aleck. But she loves all her friends, and she'd do anything for them...even give her life.
  4. Cowboy Bebop: 1337ness! I love it! .hack//SIGN: I love Krim's voice! EEEEKS! Utena: I watched this with Makai Kite! ^^ Anyhow, I think Anthy was too quiet. Boogiepop Phantom: I like it but buterfly chick bothered/disturbed me a bit. Worst Dubs... Yugioh: Tea's voice annoys me. and Mai...eeegh don't make me rant. Snippy brat. Cardcaptors: I don't LIKE it! They made it a guy's show! IDI-FREAKING-OTS!
  5. Bianca lay flat on her back on the dusty ground, staring up at the sky. Her organoid, a silver tiger she called Shiva (pronounced Shivuh..like shiver only stranger.) was laying down beside her with her head on Bianca's sotmach, rising and falling with every breath she took. "So, Shiva...I wonder...if we're going to meet him along the way." Bianca said to her companion. She looked down at the organoid once more before falling asleep. But she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was there with her. ...................................... OOC:Sorry guys, short post. I'm at school right now! I'll post more later on. Maybe monday or tuesday.
  6. Aheh...sorry...I'm a little brainless these days...I hope this is better! Character Sign Up Name: Bianca Lefaye Age:14 Race: Human Sex:Female (Am I the first chick?!) Height:Err...let me do some math here... 5' 9" (Five foot nine.) Weight: 125 Occupation: Mercenary Allegiance:Helic Republic Rank: N/A Weapon: A .45 Cougar Magnum that is held in a holster placed high up on her thigh. Appearance: She's very slender and looks quite flexible and fast. She has ice blue eyes and blonde hair that falls to her hips, draping over her shoulders when she bends down.(And if she ain't careful, she'll sit on it. I had that happen to a friend before.) She wears a short white skirt and a pink spaghetti strap tank top with a short sleeved overshirt on top of it. She has two pink, scarlike marks on her left cheek, the symbol of the Sky colony she came form. Personality: Bianca's very playful, and loves making jokes and playing about. But she can get very mean and nasty when she's fighting and you do something she doesn't like. She also cries very easily if one of her friends is hurt. She cares for the people she knows very deeply, even if they've only met five minutes ago, and will do anything for them...even as far as giving her life to save them. Personal History: Bianca grew up in a decent family, with three brothers and two sisters. Her mother and father spent most of their time trying to teach Bianca how to cook, clean, and sew like all the other colony girls, but all she wanted to do was pilot a Zoid. And now she does. Organoid Sign Up Name:Shiva Type:Tiger Height:Three feet on all fours. Appearance:A silver tiger with a green jewel on its forehead. Special Ability:It heals Zoids and people alike. Zoid Sign Up Name:Eva Zoid Type:Fox Appearance(I don't know how to do picciez!): A white version of the Shadowfox. Height: 12 m Length:26 m Weight: 88 tons Max Speed:Shyeah...I can't find that...but it's fast. Weapons:Anything the Shadowfox has got...plus a killer computer and sattelite linkup Bianca uses to hack into the data systems of other fighters. Support Systems:Guns, cannons, speed. Extra Custom Modifications: It has a strike laser claw, and it's been modified to be awesome in close combat without taking away from the speed. It's also got a shield that is pretty good at deflecting fire, even from up to five shots from a Gunsniper. The people who gave this Zoid also installed a heavy shock system, so that every time the Zoid is damaged, Bianca gets a shock equal to that of the damage. It's put her in the hospital before. Support System: Electromagnetic Shield, Cooling system
  7. Attatched to a nearby wall by chains, there was a young girl about the age of 14. The chains were attatched to her wrists, so that when she sat on the floor her arms were continually raised. Her long black hair reached to the ground as she satand the white dress she wore was covered in blood from the torture she had endured. Scars ran up her arms and there was a fresh one on her cheek from earlier in the day. She looked up at the dancing girls. For the first time in ages, her eyes had a slight glint of hope. Perhaps someone had come to set them free...the she could kick the crap out of that blasted Serigan for what he'd done to her... She gave them a hopeful look and spoke quietly. "Do you really think they'll come?" Saina stopped dancing about and glanced at the chained girl. "Of course. They'll at least try...right Nami?" Nami nodded and looked over at the other girls, who followed suit. "She's right, Callisto." she said, looking at the black haired girl on the wall. Namaki looked out the small window and sighed. "Finally...we'll be out of here." Iva turned a cartwheel and looked at each girl in turn. "I can't wait." She said, smiling semi-brightly.
  8. Hey, this is gonna be odd, but...here's my slave charrie! Name: Callisto Makino Age:14 Discription: Callisto only wanted a normal life, with amybe a little excitement. But when the deomons came to Ningenkai, it all hit the fan. They captured her because they couldn't find her mother, Illarina. Her mother ran away to the human world and stayed, eventually dying in childbirth. Callisto is a half breed...half kitsune, half human. She has become a slave for that...a crime she could not help. Callisto wears a white dress with metal armlets and a metal ring around her thigh, next to a blue dragon tattoo. The dress has absurdly high slits on both sides. She had two circular blades that she throws about like there's no tomorrow. She's fast, and a great fighter.She has long black hair that falls to her hips with cherry red streaks. Country: Japan Bio: Callisto was on her way home from performing at a talent competition, singing the song that had scored her second place. The next thing she knew, there was a knife to her throat and someone had taken her.
  9. Err...can I use my own character? I'll do a signup form, I just wanted to check first.
  10. Aheh...guys, I am SO terrible at this...I will try my best though. PM me if there are any issues about this and I'll edit to the best of my ability. I promise, I rp WAY better than I do profiles. Character Sign Up Name: Bianca Lefaye Age:14 Race: Human Sex:Female (Am I the first chick?!) Height:Err...let me do some math here... 5' 9" (Five foot nine.) Weight: 125 Occupation: Mercenary Allegiance:Helic Republic Rank: N/A Weapon: A .45 Cougar Magnum that is held in a holster placed high up on her thigh. Appearance: She's very slender and looks quite flexible and fast. She has ice blue eyes and blonde hair that falls to her hips, draping over her shoulders when she bends down.(And if she ain't careful, she'll sit on it. I had that happen to a friend before.) She wears a short white skirt and a pink spaghetti strap tank top with a short sleeved overshirt on top of it. She has two pink, scarlike marks on her left cheek, the symbol of the Sky colony she came form. Personality: Bianca's very playful, and loves making jokes and playing about. But she can get very mean and nasty when she's fighting and you do something she doesn't like. She also cries very easily if one of her friends is hurt. She cares for the people she knows very deeply, even if they've only met five minutes ago, and will do anything for them...even as far as giving her life to save them. Personal History: Bianca grew up in a decent family, with three brothers and two sisters. Her mother and father spent most of their time trying to teach Bianca how to cook, clean, and sew like all the other colony girls, but all she wanted to do was pilot a Zoid. And now she does. Organoid Sign Up Name:Shiva Type:Tiger Height:Three feet on all fours. Appearance:A silver tiger with a green jewel on its forehead. Special Ability:It heals Zoids and people alike. Zoid Sign Up Name:Eva Zoid Type:Wolf Appearance:(I don't know how to do picciez!) A white lightning saix. What more can I say? Height: 12 m Length:26 m Weight: 88 tons Max Speed:Shyeah...I can't find that...but it's fast. Weapons: Support Systems:Guns, cannons, speed. Extra Custom Modifications: It has a strike laser claw, and it's been modified to be awesome in close combat without taking away from the speed. It's also got a shield that is pretty good at deflecting fire, even from up to five shots from a Gunsniper. The people who gave this Zoid also installed a heavy shock system, so that every time the Zoid is damaged, Bianca gets a shock equal to that of the damage. It's put her in the hospital before. Support System: (I don't understand that one...it's three am here, I'm sorry! PM me and explain and I'll edit.)
  11. Err...well...I don't know exactly what you'd like from me, but I'd like to be my own character. I'll provide as much info as I can here, and you could PM me if you need any more. Name: Yuki Miyazaki Age:14 Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Outfit:A pair of ripped up blue jeans and a crop top that reads "I breed and then destroy.", and a pair of white running shoes. Her hair is braided, but it still reaches past her hips. Species:Half human Weapons: Two handguns modified to harness spirit energy, a Derringer in the hip of her jeans, and throwing knives hidden...all over the place. (She's the onna with weapons hidden wo KNOWS where!) Team:Henomha-Members: Kai, Yuki (I feel special...i'm on a TEAM! The closest I've actually come is dance squad! Okay, I'll stop now.)
  12. Kirei walked her way to the bar to find Ki. She felt rediculous. Instead of her normal selection of jeans, she had on a short Black skirt that fell to about nine inches above her knees, a royal blue long sleeve shirt with flared sleeves that stopped short of her navel, and black open toed high heels with straps that wrapped around her legs up to her knees. She looked like a hooker. She was staring at the ground, when she ran into Ki...literally. The impact sent Kirei to the ground, cursing. "Ow!! Damm!t, Ki!" She yelled, trying to stay in an at least half-dignified position. "Sorry...looks like you're feeling better." Ki replied, looking her over. She had cuts on her face, but other than that she looked pretty normal. THEN he noticed the outfit. "Nice skirt...didn't know you had a side job." That got him in trouble. Kirei smacked him in the back of the head and started yelling at him. This continued for about two minuted, until Sakura rescued him from the wrath of an enfuriated "hooker". Sakura dragged them over to where DFX and Fox were waiting on them. Fox refused to say anything, and DFX and Kirei got into another argument as they climbed (or TRIED to, in Kirei's case) into their respective Zoids. Fox popped up on Kirei and DFX's Vidcoms. He didn't look happy. "Will you both just shut up and start arguing like children?" He said. Kirei shut up quickly, and she didn't hear anything from DFX over the radio. She turned offf her Vidcom and sighed, looking down at the ground as they traveled through the desert once more. She shook herself slightly as her thoughts crept to what Ki had said in the hospital about her and DFX. [I]Kirei Cloud, you're starting to get pathetic...SO SNAP OUT OF IT![/I]
  13. Don't say that...I'm sure you have a very high IQ! I asked a friend this question over the phone and she said that she'd pick Heero just to spite him. Julia's VERY hyper.
  14. You confused me....what now?
  15. I'd scare the crap out of Wufei. I really would.
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