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Vash's Angel

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Everything posted by Vash's Angel

  1. Okay, I don't know if people can still signup, but... Name:Aliki Lightheart Age: 15 Element: Ice Mystical Beast: Drake (It's like a dragon except slimmer, more aerodynamic, and it is ice-based instead of fire-based. Weapon: Blade of the Arctic Fox (Ok, lame sounding. It's a sword that's like...twice her size)
  2. A good amount of screaming was then heard on the universal channel on the CB radios inside these recently gathered Zoids. They all stopped in place and waited for whatever it was to show itself. A jade green blur ran by...once...twice...and then stopped. The voice of a woman came on the CB radio again, but not screaming this time. "Man, I swear...you do that again, Jadefox, an I'l make sure you're scrapped! God, you just won't quit!" The other pilots looked down at the recievers of the radios. Only one spoke up, trying to hold back laughter. "Uh, excuse me, but...who are you?" Sakura asked, checking her monitors. She spotted a small black box on the hind left leg and smiled a bit. "The name's Kirei Cloud. This here's Jadefox, my Zoid. She's pretty special, but she's a real pain. I thought I heard something about the Temple Of Zion." "You did...what's it to you?" Fox said, looking the Zoid over on his monitor as well. He overlooked the black box,though. "Well...my brother told me stories about that place when we were little...and I thought..." Kirei answered, checking each Zoid simultaneously. She noticed that a few were like hers...Ultimate X Zoids. Ki came over Kirei's Vidcom and started yelling at her. "This isn't a time for childish fantasies! We have REASONS to be there!" He popped up on Sakura's Vidcom next. "We do have reasons, don't we?" Sakura sighed. "Yes, Ki, we have reasons. Well, Kirei...if you'd like to come with us, you're welcome to it." Kirei came up on Sakura's Vidcom and laughed. "You really mean it?" she yelled, practically ready to jump out of her Zoid and shout for joy. "Yes, really...she's just like a child. Don't you agree Fox? Fox?" Sakura tapped the CB radio and sighed. "Just as well, I suppose. Well, let's get moving!" she called, pressing her Zoid on. And off they went again, Ki and Kirei arguing over how childish-or NOT childish-Kirei was over the Vidcom.
  3. [COLOR=teal]OOC: Okay, this is SUPPOSED to be like, right after Kaiba's Angel's post...my computer refused to post last night. Also, teal is out of character, black is in the World, and crimson is in the real world.[/COLOR] ...................................................................... Kaya, who had been watching Marika for a time, came flashing from nowhere. She knocked her down, pinning her to the ground with her staff. Marika grabbed the staff and flipped Kaya over, turning the tables. She was about to slam the staff down on Kaya's neck when she realized who it was. "Kaya! Kaya, you scared the crap outta me! How dare you do such a thing to me!" Marika yelled, getting up and throwing Kaya's staff at her. Kaya looked up at her, thouh not looking at her in the eyes, and giggled slightly. "Well, you should probably keep your guard up...it's not all that wise to run around the World without keeping your guard up." She stood up,dusting the grass off her pants and picking her staff back up. Marika smiled. "You're a punk...Kaya, where have you been?" "Here and there...little bit of everywhere." "If you don't stop talking in riddles, I'm gonna smack you with your own staff." "I didn't mean to. I've just been trying to make myself stronger. Wandering around and fighting things in dungeons." Marika started laughing out loud. "Ooh, for a guy you met in the World?" Kaya blushed furiously. "NO! Marika stop laughing! That's not it at all!" "Yeah, sure...and I'm Matilda!" "Marika!" "Yeah, okay. So, you want something from me, or what?" "Not really...wanna go kill things in a dungeon?" Marika giggled. "Yeah, I'm there!" They ran off, not knowing in what direction, not really caring. Although Kaya could feel that something wasn't right, she disreguarded it for the moment. Whatever it was, it could wait...right?
  4. Name: Callisto Bright Age: 19 Description: Her hair has been dyed ice blue, and her eyes are dark blue. She wears bondage pants and shirts with insults on them, her favorite being: I breed and then destroy. Bio: Callisto's an antisocial B!tch. She can't stand the way people look at her because she acts different. So, she became the way she is. Other: She's got a tattoo of a red and black dragon on her right shoulderblade.
  5. Name: Adia Matsuri Age:21 Description: Pretty green eyes, and black hair that goes down to her hips even when tied back. She wears a blue kimono with pink cherry blossoms, and, despite that, has great movement. Bio:Adia lost her parents in an awful fire that someone started when she was 13. She was very lucky to be alive and she swore that she would never stop searching for the person that killed her parents. She had a little sistar, Kaori, but she died of pneumonia when she was 7 and Adia was 14. She bacame a fighter not very long after she lost Kaori and to this day has not found the person who killed her parents. Weapon: She mastly uses a Katana with a dragon hilt, her father's old sword, but if needed she can use a pike, nunchucks (sp?), or her own fists and feet.
  6. Name: Kirei Cloud (Don't say a WORD!) Age:17 Sex:I'm a girl Description:Tall, thin, and graceful...most of the time, anyway. Wears a pair of severely ripped up jeans, a camoflauge tank top proclaiming "HA! Now you can't see me!", a pair of white tennis shoes, a spiked collar, and lots of spiky bracelets and armlets on her arms. (Both arms are covered to about the middle of her forearm). She has long, straight blonde hair that falls past her hips and bright green eyes. Zoid:Jadefox (Ultimate X) Zoid Weapon:Anything that's on the Shadowfox is on the Jadefox, plus a few extra surprises like a high-tech GPS system and tracker to find Helcats or any other shielding Zoid. Zoid Armour: The armor is pretty tough, but not so heavy that it takes away some of the speed of the Zoid itself. Zoid Description:It's almost identical to the Shadowfox, except it's Jade green. Also, it has a detail of a dreamcatcher on the shoulder of the front left leg.
  7. Name: Tifa Lockheart Game: FF 7 Bio: Tifa's a tough girl, very strong, and doesn't put up with other people's crap. She can be very nice...when she wants to be.
  8. What I mean by partner, is somebody that you work side by side with and I mean continuously.
  9. That's what another friend of mne said...she knew it definitely wouldn't be Trowa. She said that she would be partners with Heero just because she's so darn perky and that would drive him up the wall.
  10. [COLOR=skyblue]Okay, I just wondered...if you could pick any pilot from Gundam Wing to have as a partner, who would it be, and why?[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Personally, I would have to say Duo. I'd pick Duo because we are very much alike. I act silly a lot, but I know when to act serious...and I know that Heero would probably die if I were his partner![/COLOR]
  11. Name:Kaya Character Base/Type:Skyrunner Weapon/s:A gold staff with a crecent moon on top and a few ribbons tied onto it, just below the moon. Appearance:She has light pink hair that falls to her hips and pretty violet eyes that aren't seen by many, as she has a tendency to look down when she's nervous...and that's mostly around other people.She wears an outfit similar to Krim's, except hers is pink and white, and she wears a pink crop top underneath instead of just leaving the top wide open. She also has two pink markings on her left cheek and light purple dragon wings on her back. (Wingspan: Well, not sure how you do wingspan...but each wing is about 3 feet long.) Sex:Female Category 2: My real life character Name:Melissa Green Age:16 Occupation:Melissa's in high school, but she has a part-time job at a shop in the mall called Hot Topic. Location:Tennessee, America Bio:Melissa was born in Texas, but her parents picked up and moved to Nashville. She's pretty much an outcast at school, and she doesn't have all that many friends. She is very nervous about meeting other people, and is scared of being alone. She loves The World, though she's not obsessed, and her parents think she should be doing other things. Interests: Singing, Writing, Playing guitar, Hacking.
  12. OKay, I'm not gonna comment on some of the things I've read here, but here's my list: Inu Yasha (Inu Yasha...well, DUH) Hiei (Yuyu Hakusho) Kurama/Youko (Yuyu Hakusho) Yusuke (Yuyu Hakusho) Sesshoumaru (Inu Yasha) Vash The Stampede (Trigun) Lamia (Betterman) Shou Yanagi (Betterman) Ralph (Silent Mobius...I don't know his last name) Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin) Sanosuke Segara (Rurouni Kenshin...not sure I spelled his name right) Koji (Digimon Frontier...what's his last name?) Mirai Trunks (Dragonball Z) Jin (Yuyu Hakusho...did I spell that right?) Touya (Yuyu Hakusho...very sexy eyes) ...The list goes on forever...
  13. Yeah, my brother saw a copy up in New York at a Borders...Of course, he's an idiot, so he might have been dreaming. BTW, Kaiba's Angel, love the quote! -_^
  14. I came in at an odd time on this...but I like both sides to it...seeing Vash run around stuffing donuts in his mouth and TRYING to talk can be hilarious...especially if there's nine other people in the room, two of which are ACTUALLY EATING A DONUT! (This is what was happenning the night we first watched Trigun) On the other hand, the desperation and anxiety (sp?) of watching Vash and Wolfwood (once more, sp?) fighting throung a field of robots is very entertaining as well.
  15. I know a little bit about Pretty Sammy...not much though! Hey, I finally posted!
  16. If I died... I would want to be a Kitsune, like Youko Kurama! Those things kick butt! I'm telling you, that would rock!(This coming from a surfer chick that's freezing her butt off in Tennessee and wants to go home to Florida where she BELONGS)
  17. You pry into my mind, my secret thoughts But none of you will ever understand You cannot know the feeling I have suffered The knowledge that I have just killed a girl The feeling of despair deep in my bones The sickness in my stomach and my mind You think that you can look at me and know The reason for the blood I left behind But how can you know why I did this deed When I myself can't know what I have done? You ask me questions, but I do not heed I'm just another tortured father's daughter Subject me to these tests, these rules of science Judge my inner self, say what you will You'll never know the motive for my violence You'll never figure out why I must kill
  18. I know this is probably off the subject of the final boss, and you may think I'm an idiot, which is fine, because i'm a chick gamer and i'm used to it, but when you're in the Shinra building after Jenova breaks out and Sephiroth supposedly kills the president, you have to get into that glass elevator. I know there are at least two bosses there because I somehow managed to beat the first one after sixteen tries. Can someone please tell me an easier way to beat those bosses? I'm only on the first disk, and my sister is already DONE with the game. That's killing me guys, so I'd be really grateful if you could give me some tips!
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