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Everything posted by Nim

  1. what i am tyring to say by "friend" is that they have the compeat power to screw your life up if somthing may come up. of course you trust your friend, but what if your friend didnt know it would hurt you so, so much to tell your secret. that they did tell it.:beer: sure, you should tell your friend your secret, which, um, i did tell in the end to her. but all i was trying to do was not give her the advantige to screw my life up. get it? hope that helped.:flaming:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raquel [/i] [B] My crush and I go home with lumps the size of eagle eggs and more bruises than I can count. *sweatdrops* Eh.[/B][/QUOTE] *cough* very descriptive language i really do like the part when you say lumps the size of eagles eggs. but ahh, HOW DO I KNOW U WONT LAUGH AND TELL HIM. in my mind, life is a disastor area. well, maybe i will tell you, OR MAYBE NOT. well, see you at school tomorow. chow
  3. WEll,I Think i have decided on that one, i think i will pick number 1!
  4. well, i guess i could try all your sugestions, but i am not one for talking. I like to stay shy, silent and compleatly innocent! i guess i will try to stop saying no. And i could tell him i lied, but ahhhhh its all to scary. The only problem is, i keep thinking to myself, jeeze would this guy even go out with me in the first place.I dont know if he even likes me. Oh and by the way do you think being silly, like sorta mad with your friends puts guys off? i am the mad and a lil wierd type. Ahh, *sighs* y couldnt this world only have one type of sex? well thankx for your suggestions, keep them coming.
  5. ok, right, lets see, i can't say that much because there is someone who might see this who goes to my school and i am afraid she will get a little carried away and ruin my life forever. right so i am just going to ask this plainly... what do you do if you are one of those people that solves all their guy problems by being mean to their crush? and, not addmitting that they like the person.... and, yes there is more, what do you do when you now that the guy you like knows you like him and comes up to you and asks you if you like him and you say no, in a very NON-convincing way which gives the whole thing away. help, i am lost. *Sobs sarcasticly and continues picking at nails.*----->:confused: and:naughty:
  6. ok well i am 13 trurning 14 august 21st and i am female, hope that answers one of your questions, my mom and dad ave been split for a long time.......> um probly since i was four, i cant remember much exept my dad jogging me around on his back, it used to put me to sleep * i am weird * *groans* the cat thing didnt make me leave it just put me on a reall *I HATE DAD AT THE MOMENT* state of mind. I really left because i wanted to be with my mom and my friends here. My dad is a hard person to live with, he has never been the type of person that manages to well with living with somone, he likes things his way and were he puts them. The worst thing is he does the opposite thing to me. Yes, being 13 i like my room to be a private place:flaming: and when i find him desturbing my stuff i get:devil: angry. Also when he comes in to say goodnight he cant go 2 seconds before he moves somthing, eg. puts some socks away.. yuck well thats all hope it answers some questions. :angel:
  7. DON'T HAV AN ABORTION! If you think about it this way, a child could be the best thing that could happen in her life. She would learn responsibility and she wouldn't have to go through the trauma of thinking what would of happend if she did have the baby. Also that adoption really depends on what she thinks. Stick up for your friend and try to help her during this hard time.
  8. its good, but you have some spelling mistakes. well done!
  9. My parents are devorced and my mom lives in the USA and my dad in England! this meens i have to travel alot, i am having some really difficult situations. Like not long ago i was living in England and i suddenly desided to move to the USA with my mom, because i really want to. Of course my dad took to this all to badly. He said i should wait, but i didnt. Now he is angry and i dont know what to do. Should i have listend to him? Also things have been going badly between me and him because he got rid of one of my cats who we were planning to get rid of because she is not very happy with our other cat. Anyway my dad promised me that he would tell me before he got rid of her but he didnt, GOD WHAT A PAIN IN THE ***! I really am stuck! what should i do! HELP!:flaming: :devil: :wigout: :naughty:
  10. here you go, please tell me what you think... thnkx:)
  11. *tut tut,* u naughty ickle goth! well, i have to agree are math teacher is a hell of a *swear words not exeptable for young children under the age of 10* uh, ye and hate to tell you, the art teacher *grumble grumble cant remember names* told everyone she things u r dead scary. *ek ek* not that it matters! toodle pips! gtg, oh ye, great drawings, can see where you got the first ones theme from *hint hint sweat*
  12. EEEk these days have been hectic 1.started my new school 2.somone has already asked me out (i said no) 3.tonnza homework! 4.settleing in and making friends so far thats all i have been doing, and unfortunatly nope i havnt phoned him yet so i have writen it all over my hand so i dont forgett. Actually i might e-mail him, who knows. thank you so much for all the help, hopfully i wont be as nervous this time! thanks for all the help once again >.<
  13. Ok, right, there is this guy at school who i really really really like and i would love to go out with, but unfortunatly he is one of those british weirdoes that never shows their feelings. I am moving to a different country tomorow, which meens everyone is saying good-bye to me at school. In the last few days of being at my school he is seeming to show that he fancys me. i might just be day dreaming, but who knows? maybe he does like me. He has signed my good-bye card in a very *cough cough* lets say, showing your feelings way, I wont go into detail. Anyway he has been very sweet to me, and has givin me lottza hugs an all, and seems VERY disappointed that i am going. I have got his number, but am really embarrised to phone him (don't ask why!) Anyway, what should i do? I am really to shy to ask him if he likes me, and am really worried that he will forget me! *sobs* help me plz. :babble: I will stop talking nonsence now.
  14. hehe, a word of warning, if you dont like rainy, drizzly, grey, cloudy days, I WOULDN'MOVE THERE! hope that didnt put you off. *grins* its not all that bad, its just me making it out to be. I have just like said goodbye to all my mates here. Aww, this sucks! Now i am not looking forward to going.
  15. thnx i'm sure i will even if i have to threaten the students to like me,*winks*
  16. I am moving to america, it is my home country because my mom lives there, but resently i have been spending time with my dad and going to school in the UK. I have moved alot, and gone to tons of new schools, but i usually had a friend to back me up and start me off. But this time i dont really have one to do that. Well, i do have someone, but i dont think she is in the same class as me(by the way she is raquel.) I know i will probably fit in, but i am still really nervious, you know i have that gut feeling that everyone has when they go to a new school, its that feeling that says "they wont like you and everything will go wrong." thnx for all your tips. >.<
  17. Ok right, I am moving to a new school in a little less than a week and i am so NERVIOUS! yikes! worst of all its in a different country! can this get any worse! HHHHHEEEELLLLPPP i really need it. do you have any tips or coments about what you find a usefull way to make new freinds and so on. EEEEK i am soooooooo nervious. *trembling* :nervous: :( EEk! just think, new teachers, new mates, new work, new stuff, and worst of all! new people! *having panic attack* plz help me.
  18. at the moment i have signed up for boomspeed and uploaded my banner onto it and done what you told me to do, But it still won't come up. It comes up on the screen as a "Image not found" do you have any idea what is wrong, i am sure i have done everything right.
  19. how do you change yor avatar? how do you get a banner? and how do you make a banner or avatar? thnx:devil:
  20. hey my real name is oceana, it was the name of my ansestor, the first baby born on the mayflower. I dont really know why my parents named me it but i think it is just because they liked it. I havent found its true meening yet. I also was given a buddhist name,It was Tara Kumudah, but nobody calls me it. It ment: Tara of the sparkling lily in tebetin aperantly. my nick name is also oshi, everyone calls me that.
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