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I'm not sure if I'd want a whole new series for it, but finishing off the anime for Love Hina with another movie or two would be nice. The anime didn add in a few new and interesting things, like Kentaro's character, but it never really offered the finish that mangas 13 and 14 did for me.
Major difference between anime and American cartoons: On average, Anime uses nearly twice as many cells per episode as American cartoons, leading to a better flow (look at magical spells weaved by Sakura in [i]Card Captor Sakura[/i], as compared to magical spells weved by Raven in [i]Teen Titans[/i]). Despite this, animes usually have a lower budget then American cartoons, so to make up for this, Anime writers do a lot more character developement. Apart from that, there's no real difference on a larger scale. You have to take things on a case-by-case basis. Finally...say American animation sucks all you want, but I have yet to see a peice of animation better then the ballroom dance in the first [i]Beauty and the Beast[/i], or indeed, any animated work that can compare to that. [i]Beauty and the Beast[/i] wasn't rushed, wasn't forced, wasn't anything like that. Everything in it was perfectly timed. Disney's Magnum Opus. Speaking of which, you think anime was just suddenly created? No. All the older anime artists - the ones that worked on [i]Gundum, Sailor Moon,[/i] and other such titles, learned their drawning skills from books like [i]How to Draw the Marvel Way[/i]. DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and Disney all profoundly influenced anime. Look at [i]Beauty and the Beast[/i]. If one was to change the drawing style only a little - bigger eyes, for the most part - you'd have an anime. And anime has low, bad cartoons as well. Have to SEEN [i]Dragonball Z Movie 12: The Rebirth of Fusion! Goku and Vegeta![/i] That is 53 minutes and 47 seconds of my life that I DEMAND back from Akira Toriyama. After watching that, any American cartoon looks like a masterpeice. That movie should be illegal.
[QUOTE=Shiguru]:confused: You quoted my whole post to say one line? Anyway, It may be Otaku boards but it's hard to deny the predictability and constant re-occuring themes of anime tv shows and such. The same goes for American cartoon shows and just tv in general. And American Cartoons are not made sloppy. Look at the original Batman: TAS cartoon and look at most Japanese anime made around the same time ('92-'95). And the writing was simply amazing and groundbreaking for a kids cartoon. I'll leave this by saying that Cartoons of all kinds can be great and have been great. American, Japanese, Korean, Canadian (scratch that last bit.) all have some awesome toons and a LOT of crap.[/QUOTE] Seperate the wheat from the chaff. It's also being able to turn off the mind in some places, or appreciate the greater story or work that went into it. For example, I enjoy watching [i]Teen Titans[/i] as much as I enjoyed [i]Babylon 5[/i] or reading [i]Love Hina[/i]. [i]Invader Zim[/i] was always funny to me, but I simply can't laugh whilst watching [i]The Commitments[/i] or [i]The Full Monty[/i]. The drama in [i]Batman[/i] is much greater for me then the drama of [i]Forest Gump[/i]. And my most favorite TV series of all time still is [i]Transformers[/i] and [i]Transformers: Beast Wars[/i], although I am REALLY liking [i]Star Trek: Enterprise[/i] It's a matter of personal prefferences above all things. My girlfriend will never watch [i]Star Wars[/i] no matter how hard I try to get her to, and yet she sits through and greatly enjoys [i]Card Captor Sakura, Trigun, Hellsing, Lain, Evangelion[/i], and [i]Vampire Princess Miyu,[/i] most of which I don't like.
I have nothing against Christians...but it really does feel like masturbating with a cheese grater. I've gotten into many arguments with Christians, so I'm speaking from experience. If you don't like it...then don't read it. Problem solved and it saves a whole bunch of rancor. *** Yay! A responce! And it only took a week or so! I was wondering weather this would drift into obscurity or not. And magik is deliberately mispelled, although there will be pleantly of mispellings comming up
The Trunks/Cell time travel thing. Can anyone make sense of it? I've been thinking about this for months and I can't, and I'm normally very good with continuums.
The following is a timeline for a sci-fi epic I'm working on, Last Earth. The timeline leads up to the story itself. Incedentally, I'd like for people to reply to this, please? Whenever I post something here, no one does. **** 2071: By this time, genetic alterations to the human gene pool are common, and full human cloning is possible, and although expensive, has few or no nasty side effects. Many countries create laws prohibiting or banning altogether the alteration of one's genes, however this law is ignored in many cases. Genetic alteration ranges from as mild as eye colors to as wild as complete body restructuring. By this time, as well, the Earth has changed from being completely dependant on oil to using several different kinds of fuels, the most common being hydrogen. The oil companies, one by one, go bankrupt and close, or expand their market into hydrogen and prosper Finally, there is a steep uprising in wars, as the earth becomes more and more crowded - the population of the Earth is, at this point, 12.5 billion. As food and space become more limited, the fighting increases steadily. 2080: To prevent further fighting, the now defunct United Nations reorganizes itself into the United Earth Protectorate. Over ninety-five percent of the world's countries join the UEP. Its first action is to quell a rebellion in Sierra Leon. Within two weeks, the rebels are crushed and defeated. The UEP takes active interest in the development of space technology, and creates an international space program. However it is not the UEP, but rather an independent scientist, Dr. Cale Armstrong, who invents the subwarp drive. He makes millions in selling it to the UEP. With the new ability to travel to the Moon in a matter of hours instead of days, and to Mars in perhaps five days at most, the UEP begins to set up plans for rapid space colonization, beginning with the foundation of the International Lunar Colony. The Lunar Colony is underway the following year. 2085: Lunar Colony is complete, and humans have landed on Mars and begun to set up a space colony for there as well. One million volunteer humans leave for a new life on the moon. Many, in fact most, of these humans are genetically altered ones, because on Earth they meet persecution Vast stores of naturally occurring Deroxite - a key element in powering a subwarp drive - are found on Mars. The construction of the International Martian Colony is sped up and is completed in only two years. Again, a number of genetically altered humans - ?genopaths?, they are called on Earth - leave for Mars. Improvements are made to the original design of the Subwarp drive, making it faster then ever before. UEP military bases are set up on Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Calisto - Jupiter?s four Galilean satellites. The Terra Planeta space docks begin construction in orbit over Earth. Once completed, the UEP begins construction of military spaceships, beginning with the first Athena-class destroyer, christened the UED Chimera. ?Lunars? and ?Martians? are disturbed; there are no rival space fleets, so why bother constructing any? 2089: The remnants of a long-dead Martian civilization are uncovered at the base of Olympus Mons. Study begins on their principle city, although there is not much left. The UEP has completed a number of classes of ships. In terms of power, from least to greatest the classes are as follows: Athena, Apollo, and Haphaestus-class destroyers, Hermes and Ares-class cruisers, Dionysus, Hestia, and Hera-class battleships, and Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus-class carriers. The last carry missiles, not fighters, as the UEP does not believe that small, one-man fighters can work well in space or deal much damage. Construction begins on the Martia Planeta space docks, and Phobos and Deimos, Mars? twin moons, are turned into military instillations 2090: Europa is de-militarized and colonized by civilians - again, largely genopaths. The first empath is confirmed. Empaths are still genetically humans, but they can convey emotions and, in some cases, thoughts, by touch. It is questioned weather empaths are the result of natural human evolution, or genetic tampering. The latter is argued by the fact that most empaths are found on the Lunar, Martian, and Jovian colonies and instillations. The Jova Planeta space docks are completed, and the Venus Orbital Colony - the first colony constructed in orbit over a planetoid rather then on it - is begun, simultaneously with the Venutia Planeta space docks. After a string of anti-genopath and anti-empath violence on the colonies (most of them, however, on Earth), the Neo Frontier Coalition is formed. The NFC works to improve the quality of life for not just genopaths and empaths, but also any born on other colonies, whom earth naturals (called ?terrans? by now) consider to be substandard, sometimes even subhuman. The NFC?s influence is strongest on Mars and it?s satellites, as well as the Jovian satellites. It?s presence is also felt upon the Moon. The UEP is, however, made nervous by the power the NFC quickly gains 2091: The leader of the NFC, an earth-born, normal human, is assassinated, and their main base on Earth in Sydney, Australia, is destroyed, by unknown assailants. However, few investigations are ever mounted. The NFC is outraged by this apparent lack of caring, and in response it begins to secretly infiltrate a number of military instillations, as well as begin the construction of two fleets - the Neo Martian and Neo Jovian fleets - of it?s own within the asteroid field The Martian Food and Air riot begins. Mars has been undergoing terraformation for years at this point, but it cannot yet support human life outside of the colonies, and can only barely support plant life. Therefore, Mars is utterly dependant on Earth shipments of food and air for survival. When taxes, high taxes, are placed upon food and air, a riot begins. In response, the UEP sends a Zeus-class carrier to Mars and threatens to destroy a colonial outpost if the rebellion does not end. When the rebellion continues, the UECa Alexander fires a tactical nuclear warhead down, striking and destroying the New Zion colony and killing all one million inhabitants. The rebellion ends, but the NFC is again outraged, and construction plans step up to complete it?s fleets. However, it siphons away some money, and constructs secret bases, deep under the Martian soil, and begins to grow food there. Similar constructs are built under all colonies. 2097: Present year The Neo Martian fleet is completed. They decide on an Egyptian naming scheme for their ships, given that Mars is their primary base and Mars is a desert world. In terms of least powerful to most powerful, their ships are Aton and Geb-class destroyers, Bes, Serapis, and Anubis-class cruisers, Sebek, Apophis, and Seth-class battleships, and Heru-er, Osiris, and Ra-class carriers. In addition, they have fighters: the Isis interceptor, the Sekhmet heavy assault, the Nephthys bomber, the Hathor recon, and the Bastet space superiority fighter. Their flagship is the NMCa Tutankhamon. The Neo Jovian fleet is near completion, and it?s ships have a Nordic naming scheme: Freya and Frigga class destroyers, Heimdal, Tyr, and Njord class cruisers, Hermod, Frey, and Odur class battleships, and Balder, Thor, and Odin class carriers, as well as the Hel interceptor, Loki heavy assault, Thyrm bomber, Surtur recon, and Fenrir space superiority fighters. The flagship, completed by now, is the NJCa Canute After a short and favorable battle for the Neo Martian fleet, in between Phobos and Deimos, where the Martian ships forced the UEP ships into the gravity well of Mars (and thus limited their manuverability), Mars and it?s satellites, as well as the Martia Planeta space docks, succeed from the United Earth Protectorate. The battle showed the clear tactical advantage of having fighters, and the UEP quickly begins construction of the Hecate space superiority, Artemis bomber, and Eris interceptor fighters. With the completion of the Neo Jovian fleet one week later, another battle takes place at the Jova Planeta space docks, with the Jovian fleet using similar tactics that the Martian one used: force the UEP ships into Jupiter's gravity well. While not as clean a victory as the Neo Martian fleet?s, the end result is the same: Ganymede, Calisto, Io, and Europa succeed from the UED, taking with then the Jova Planeta space docks. The UEP cannot ignore the succession of both it?s primary Deroxite producer, Mars, as well as two space docks, and war is declared on November 22, 2097. *** Oh, here's a key for the acronyms used: UEP: United Earth Protectorate NFC: Neo Frontier Coalition NMF: Neo Martian Fleet NJF: Neo Jovian Fleet UEBG: United Earth Battle Group (There are 3 battle groups) NM/JD: Neo Martian/Jovian Destroyer NM/JCr: Neo Martian/Jovian Cruiser NM/JB: Neo Martian/Jovian Battleship NM/JCa: Neo Martian/Jovian Carrier NM/JF: Neo Martian/Jovain fighter UED: United Earth Destroyer UECr: United Earth Cruiser UEB: United Earth Battleship UECa: United Earth Carrier UEF: United Earth Fighter And here are the Earthen colonies or instillations and their alligence Earth - UEP Moon - Heavily contested Mars - NFC (NMF) Phobos: NFC (NMF) Deimos: NFC (NMF) Calisto - NFC (NJF) Io - NFC (NJF) Europa - NFC (NJF) Ganymede - NFC (NJF) Venus Orbital Colony - UEP Terra Planeta Space Docks: UEP Martia Planeta Space Docks: NFC (NMF) Jova Planeta Space Docks: NFC (NJF) Venutia Planeta Space Docks: UEP While the NFC controls more colonies, keep in mind that the UEP controls Earth, which has major food productions (Over 300% that of Mars) as well as having a population of about 12 billion, whereas the largest rebel colony, Mars, has a population of only 12 million
Incedentally, I'd like responces, please; I crave them Okay. This is a seperate post for organizational purposes; forgive me moderators. This is how things work, people. A long time ago, before the invention of computers, there was a single, combined world - the Myth World. However with the advent of computers, the Myth World became the Digital World. However, in the process, the Digital World was split in twain - a Lightworld, composed of Light energies, and a Darkworld, composed of Dark energy. The Lightworld is the one that we all know of in digimon season 1 and 2. The Darkworld is a differant one. Here the sun never really rises. The sky, even in the deserts, is always gray or dark. The largest and most important continant is called Modem Modem was taken over by eight powerful digimon, the Overlords. They were as follows: - Scorpiusmon: Lord of the Forests - Wyrmdramon: Lord of the Deserts - Kaalmon: Lord of the Plains; the Dread Lord - Gorgonmon: Lady of the Swamps; the Lady of Apathy - Hyderamon: Lord of the Oceans - Cybermon: Lord of the City - Damondramon: Lord of the Underworld - Quellmon: Lord of the Mountains, the Overwhelming Monster Of all of the Overlords, Kaalmon was the most feared and, despite being a champion (Gorgonmon, Hyderamon, and Cybermon are Ultimates, Damondramon and Quellmon Megas), the most powerful. He was known as the Dread Lord, and his name invoked not just fear, but absolute terror. However, in a rebellion, he was killed. Into this chaos came six humans: - Zachary Peter Bramner: A nerd in almost every way, but has a big heart. Never thinks of himself. Has the Crest of Darkness - Sarah Angela Nelsini - a half-black girl that Zack has a really big crush on. She has a kind of peaceful air about her. Has the Crest of Faith - Johnathan Montag - Sarah's boyfriend. LOVES to pick on Zack, and has few redeeming qualities in the beginning. Has the Crest of Imagination - Dana Silverman - a surprisingly intelligent blond. At first glance, she's like Mimi, but she also has a few tomboyish qualities. Has the Crest of Joy. - Alexander Miramak: a six-year old who Sarah babysits. Overactive in every sense of the word. Has the Crest of Trust. - Kailine Odette Tsamino: A quiet Japanese girl who smokes and is very standoffish ([i]Editor's Note: Kai is not my own character...a friend gave her to me.[/i]). Has the Crest of Life There are also six digimon. Respective to the above humans, they are as follows: - Gheldingmon: A quiet and ruthless digimon who teeters on the edge of evil insanity; the reincarnation of Kaalmon the Dread Lord. Looks a bit like a demonic, four foot tall velociraptor - Tymoramon: Quiet as well, but it's just her nature. Very kind but positively hates Gheldingmon, becuase she, too, is reincarnated, from someone else...she's a plant, and also a Druid. - Aziirmon: Another quiet digimon, but then again most telepaths are. Looks like Abra from Pokemon. - Kysiramon: An early love interest for Gheldingmon. Birdlike in appearance, and colored pink - Ieterimon: Almost a mirror for Alex; looks like a large red salamander with orange wings - Halamon: A kleptomaniac and a maniac in general. Looks kinda' like Pikachu. Anyway, their digimon friends, acutally specifically Gheldingmon, inform them that the onyl way they could return home is if they destroy all the Overlords (minus Gheldingmon, who is no longer an Overlord due to a deal he made with a mysterious entity we know only as "Darkness"). A brief overview of each cycle is as follows. Intro Cycle: Nothing special to this; just introducing characters Scorpiusmon Cycle: A minor love theme developes between Gheldingmon and Kysiramon. In other news, the Chosen defeat Scorpiusmon. No major events Wyrmdramon Cycle: Wyrmdramon, the Overlord of the Deserts, mounts a surprise attack upon the Chosen, but it is easily thwarted and he is killed in the process. Things are looking deceptively easy... Pain Cycle: The Chosen are attacked on their way through the Frozen Plains, and Tymoramon and Gheldingmon are seperated from the rest of the group and end up at the Citadel - the old keep of Kaalmon. A small band of Zelingmon, small Zermon-type digimon, find Gheldingmon and Tymoramon; they used to serve Kaalmon and submit to Gheldingmon. Gheldingmon, however, is sick of giving orders and orders them to find someone else to obey. They decide on Tymoramon. Tymoramon at this point uses them to try and kill Gheldingmon, and unveils that she was an inhabitant of Rootshroud, the dense forest that once took up the Frozen Plains, and which Kaalmon destroyed, and tortured the inhitants, including Tymoramon, to death. Gheldingmon managed to trick Tymoramon to bind her up and drag her back to everyone else (leaving the Zelingmon behind). Tymoramon breaks free, however, and tries to kill Gheldingmon again. Ghelding this time doesn't fight back, and invites Tymoramon (who has evolved to Askitaemon) to kill a defenseless him...just as he killed a defenseless her. Basically, Tymoramon realises that in killing Gheldingmon, she'd kill Gheldingmon - not the Dread Lord, who is already dead. Horrified at her actions, she de-digivolves. Meanwhile, Kai has left the group and wandered into the Black Swamp, where both she and Halamon are taken control of by Gorgonmon (my most favorite Overlord) Gorgonmon Cycle: The Chosen, minus Kai, enter the Black Swamp. They are swiftly attacked by an evil Kai and Halamon, who defeats and imprisons them. Gorgonmon has some fun tormenting the prisoners. Meanwhile, Zack and Gheldingmon are also taken over by Gorgonmon. Both Zack and Kai want to replace Gorgonmon, and they (and their digimon) end up fighting over the other four...Kai wants to make them slaves to her, wheras Zack believes that they shouldn't take the risk and just kill them. They are, in turn, liberated. Gorgonmon takes the time to strike, and torments the humans more by showing them their worst fears. Kai is especially effected, forced to watch as her father, mother, and sister are killed in the Oklahoma City bombing. The cycle ends with Kai traumatized, but everyone else is more or less okay...but that's the worst they've had yet Hyderamon Cycle: After a week's worth of treking through the Black Swamp, the Chosen come across a beach. They think to relax...but Sarah is kidnapped by what seems to be the water itself! A desperate serch leads them to a Whamon, who takes them to Hyderamon's Coral Kingdom. There, Hyderamon holds Sarah captive, and taunts the Chosen. Zack offers himself in the place of Sarah...and Hyderamon merely tricks the Chosen and takes them both, leaving (and destroying) the Coral Kingdom and fleeing to his Trench Fortress, far deeper then Whamon, or most digimon, can go. While there, Sarah and Zack get close, aided by the fact that John and Sarah have, in fact, recently broken up. Meanwhile, the rest of the Chosen stow abord a supply ship and go down to the Trench Fortress, attacking Hyderamon and killing him. However, in the battle, the Trench Fortress is damaged, and the Chosen would have died if not for the fact that Cybermon's robots show up and take them captive... Cybermon Cycle: the crew wake up within the depths of what the digimon identify as the Metal Empire, a massive city. They are attacked several times by digimon, including Borgmon an Agenmon. THey eventually realise that they are in fact in a Matrix-like world, and after defeating a false Cybermon, Dana and Kysiramon awake (but not the rest). Dana and Cybermon kind of have a conversation wherein the Cybermon - a very old digimon - reveals that he's tired of his rule as Overlord, tired of most everything, but he has to fight Kysiramon anyway to defend his kingdom. Kysiramon evolves to her Ultimate, MechaCelestimon, and Cybermon, after my most favorite fight, surrenders. He reawakens the other Chosen and is pretty much going to go and retire, but then Damondramon invades his body and takes it over. He has to fight again, he's forced to, but he is swiftly dispatched and has a kind of meanigful ending (although i was disapointed with it) [i]Editor's Note: The first Neo Destined moviefic, "The Decimation of Rootshroud", takes place durring the Cybermon Cycle[/i] Damondramon Cycle: The cycle begins with everyone treking through a forest, wondering how the Hell to reach Damondramon. Tymoramon kind of wanders off, and meets up with Leabirmon, the rookie form of Janjimon, a digimon who used to be Tymoramon's apprentice in Rootshroud (before being deleted). Janjimon doesn't believe in forgive and forget, and is convinced that Gheldingmon has to die. He is horrified when Tymoramon admits her love for Gheldingmon and is convinced that Gheldingmon has poisoned her mind. Obviously, however, a rookie is no match for Gheldingmon, who evolves to Ultimate and basically just sits down and waits for Leabirmon to get bored...Leabirmon runs off in disgust at himself, and it's believed to be the last we'll see of him...afterwords it's kind of implied that Gheldingmon and Tymoramon got "it" on, if you know what I mean. In the next part of the cycle, the Chosen find and enter some caves, but Sarah, Kai, and Tymoramon are taken over by Geistmon, secretly, to infiltrait the Chosen and learn their weaknesses. The Geistmon in Kai is effected by Kai's memories of the happy things, like sunlight, love, and friendship, which do not exist in the Underworld at Damondramon's command. Geistmon Kai betrays the other two Geistmon, and she, with Zack and Gheldingmon, descend into Pandemonium, the capital city of the Underworld, to kidnap a DarkWizardmon to exorcise the three Geistmon from their hosts (They can't leave willingly). However, Damondramon knows, and dispatched Tabrimon to kill them. Tabrimon deals a death blow to Kai, but the power of the Crest of Darkness preserves her, and also forces Geistmon to evolve (and leave Kai) to her Ultimate, Reimon. Reimon defeats Tabrimon, and Zack, Gheldingmon, Reimon, and (unconscious) Kai leave the underworld, since Reimon can preform an excorsim. Durring this time, Zack and Reimon have kinda' fallen in love with each other Reimon exorcieses the Geistmon, who flee, but then the Chosen are attacked by Horrormon, an amorphous and very powerful Ultimate. Horrormon kills Halamon before they can escape, although Halamon reincarnates herself into a digi-egg by Kai when they flee the tunnels (Horrormon can't exist in sunlight). Durring this time, a darker side of Reimon emerges and tries to kill Sarah, who competes with Reimon for affection. After being stopped by Gheldingmon, Reimon becomes Ramielmon and basically wrecks havoc trying to take Zack. She is KO'd, but Zack (who still loves Reimon) won't let them kill her. When Ramielmon wakes up, Reimon is in control of her. Reimon realises what she's done and what she might do again, and so she kills herself. Zack is very traumatized by this, of course. Next, they have to defeat Horrormon. In the battle, Gheldingmon is killed, further adding to Zack's problems. After the battle, the Chosen descend again into Pandemonium, and they are attacked by Damondramon, who kills most of the Chosen before Aziirmon can evolve into Morpheusmon, his mega, and defeat him, however Morpheusmon is reduced back to an in-training in the process. The crew, beaten badly, leave the caves. Though wounded, they are ecstatic that there is only one more Overlord left: Quellmon. Unfortunately, they are attacked and captured by a legion of plantlike digimon... Llanomon Cycle: Llanomon, the evolved form of Leabirmon, has become an Overlord at the offer of Quellmon. However he has no desire to defeat any of the Chosen, except for Gheldingmon, who he hates. The Chosen awake to find themselves in a lush forest, surrounded by friendly digimon, including Llanomon. However the forest looks exactly like Rootshroud, and Gheldingmon more ore less goes insane and runs off into the forest. Llanomon treats the rest kindly, although he uses his magik to "cure" Tymoramon of the Dread Lord's poison...in fact, he has brainwashed Tymoramon, and the rest of the digimon in the forest. Tymoramon is hunting Gheldingmon. When he sees her, he is ecstatic...but then she tries to kill him. He kind of snaps out of it, and restrains her with a NecroTreefolkmon he created (Gheldingmon's dark energies can be syphoned into living trees to turn them into NecroTreefolkmon; it's how he destroyed the first Rootshroud). The rest of the Chosen meet up with him, having firgured out what Llanomon's really like, and basically work on trying to find a way to undo Llanomon's mind poisoning. Durring this time, the brainwashed Tymoramon (who is quite nice to everyone else...imagine an incredably nice person on cafine) lets slip that Zack loved Reimon, something which Sarah did not know. Heartbroken, Sarah breaks up with Zack. Zack snaps, and basically, leaves thr group with Gheldingmon, who's darkness has reawakened. After Tymoramon is cured, Llanomon attacks, believing all of the Chosen wanting to destroy the forest he has made. The Chosen fight, and defeat, Llanomon, and the forest he made shrinks and becomes a wasteland - the Bleak Eternities, the site of the last battle between two once epic empires. Quellmon Cycle: The longest cycle, nearly half the size of the entire series! Much of it is redundant episodes, however. Basically, Zack is pissed off incredably, but he's still good, so rather then taking his anger out on the Chosen, he and Gheldingmon are attacking Quellmon's mountain fortresses head-on, working their way towards Oblivion Mountain, a megalithic, seven-mile-high mountain where Blackguard, Quellmon's castle, is located. The other Chosen are always weeks behind them, and have no choice but to strike along the side to liberate other towns and cities, which obviously slows them down even more. Whenever they come across the sight of a battle between Zack, Gheldingmon, and Quellmon's armies, all that remians are scourched craters, burning ruins, and soldiers who speak of a demon of terrifying power - so terrifying that some killed themselves rather then face his wrath Gheldingmon, durring this time, evolves to his final and most terrifying phase: that of NecroKaalmon, the Undead Lord of Death and one of the four Lords of Death, digimon with virtually godlike powers. He evolves to this form to fight Bedevirmon, one of Quellmon's generals, at a temple devoted to Thanamon, a dead god worshiped by Necramon. Zack and Gheldingmon are drained of power, however, and are forced to stay at the temple to recouperate. Durring this time, Zack learns the art of Necromancy, one of four schools of magik. In other news, the rest of the Chosen are pushing towards the fortress of Galahamon, another of Quellmon's commanders. Sarah along the way learns Elemental magik, another school, and uses it not only for defense, but also in a desperate search for Zack - she repents driving him to such insane, nearly suicidal levels. However, they are defeated and captured. Zack hears of this, and rushes to their rescue. Using a combonation of fright tactics, Necromancy, and other tricks, he makes it into the dungeon where Sarah is and frees her. They share a small moment of love before Galahamon attacks...but is defeated by a combination of Necromantic and Elemental magik from Zack and Sarah. With Galahamon defeated, the Chosen push for Morgamon, the last of Quellmon's commanders. However, Morgamon has fled, because she has seen an image of horrific proportions: the Digital World is falling apart. So, the Chosen push straight for Quellmon. They besiege Quellmon's fortress, and find the Chaos Knight digimon dieing, for he pulled the gray sword Sorrow from it's pedastel, and it's killing him. They are kind of happy...but then Quellmon kills John (and Aziirmon in the process...a human's death means a digimon's one), and evolves again, into EviPendragon, a Final Evolution digimon. One by one, the humans are killed, until only Zack and Gheldingmon (obviously NecroKaalmon at this point) are left alive. NecroKaalmon absorbs the souls of the humans using one of his four attacks, Death Maw, and in the process gains the attacks of each of their digimon friends. in an all-out attack, EviPendragon is killed...but Zack is alone, the last human. NecroKaalmon recognises his pain, and uses his last ability, Dark Gift, to bring the humans back to life, but in the process, killing himself. However he re-formats as a digi-egg, and the series closes with Zack hugging Sarah close, ecstatic that she is alive. I'll do another posts for the moviefics. However, I will take some time to detail the digimon, and their forms. The format: Stage: Name; attacks (Name origin) Rookie: Gheldingmon; Smallblade, Prayer to Darkness (Based loosely off of gelfling, a race from the Jim Henson movie The Dark Crystal) Champion: Kaalmon; Darkblade, Call to Darkness (Kaal is a misspelling of Baal, an exceedingly evil Canaanite deity, God of Storms, who demanded the sacrifice of children. Also the most powerful Canaanite deity, and the supreme male deity (more powerful then El or Dagon, both of whom are older) Ultimate1: WarKaalmon; Warblades, Hail to Darkness (Kaalmon with "War" added on. WarKaalmon is the form of Kaalmon's mega we see in the Cybermon and Damondramon cycles.) Ultimate2: DreadKaalmon; Dreadblades, Hail to Darkness (Kaalmon with "Dread" added on. DreadKaalmon is more powerful then WarKaalmon. It is the form we see in the Gorgonmon Cycle (when he's under Gorgonmon's control), the Llanomon, and the Quellmon cycle.) Mega: NecroKaalmon; Nightblades, Nocturne to Darkness, Death Maw, Dark Gift (Kaalmon with "Necro" added on. The prefix "necro" means "death" or "dead") Rookie: Tymoramon; Earthen Claw, Spore Seeds (Tymora is the goddess of luck in the Forgotten Realms Camapaign Setting of D&D) Champion: Askitaemon; Vine Growth (No name origin) Ultimate: Harvemon; Scythe Lunge, Double Growth ("Harve" is short for Harvest) Mega: Yavimamon; Spore Cannons, Twin Scythe ("Yavima" is short for "Yavimaya", a sentient forest in Magic: the Gathering) Rookie: Aziirmon; Psychosis (Aziir was a living ship I made when I was 10 for an Animorphs fanfic. He was mildly telepathic) Champion: Fhenduramon; Dream Wave (No name origin) Ultimate: Arcanemon; Magika Mayhem (Arcane is a word meaning either "old" or "magical") Mega: Morpheusmon; Thought Raider, Psionic Claw (Morpheus is the Greek god of sleep and dreams) Rookie: Kysiramon; Wing Arch (no name origin) Champion: Celestimon; Sky Arch ("Celesti" is short for "Celestial", derived from the Latin word for sky) Ultimate: MechaCelestimon; Wing Blades, Wing Barage (Celestimon with Mecha added on.) Mega: ExCelestimon; Ex-Wing Blades, Ex-Wing Barrage (Celestimon with Ex added on. "Ex" is a prefix meaning "out of...", so ExCelestimon means "Out of the sky") Rookie: Ieterimon; Flame Burst (No name origin) Champion: Calderdramon; Lava Burst (A Calder is a volcanic crater wider then it is deep. Dra is short for dragon.) Ultimate: PyroCalderdramon; Liquid Fire, Flame Blast (Calderdramon with Pyro added on. Pyro is a prefix meaning fire) Mega: CyberCalderdramon; Cyber Fires, Flaming Missile (Calderdramon with Cyber added on) Rookie: Halamon; Lightning Dagger Champion: Gasimon, Lightning Sword, Lightning Whip Ultimate: Odenmon; Godscythe, Immortal Whip Mega: MegaOdenmon; Blinding Force, Final Sacrifice ([i]Editor's Note: While I can guess, I do not know the name origins of this digimon, as I did not create her, but was rather given her[/i])
About five years ago, I began writing my [i]Neo Destined[/i] series. Neo Destined: Redefined (ND 01) turned out to be a huge success...and also a huge peice of work, at 219 pages and ninety-six episodes. None of you have seen it before...I never posted it here. Thank whatever deities you worship, because you would not have been able to keep interest long enough. While at the time it was great, looking back it, it's beginning was childish, and it only got worth reading towards the very end (The Damondramon Cycle, in case any have read it before). I would give you the address to the ezboard it was located on, but that's not allowed. Ask me if you want it, though. I'll PM you. Anyway, I have decided that, an an insentive to write the second instilation of Neo Destined, namely, "Neo Destined 02: Neo Chosen", I will begin to post it here. I'm now going to do something I don't normally do. I am an excellent writer. This is the first time I've admited to this. But I am an excellent writer. Weather or not you like digimon, I garuntee you will like this. I will post episode Zero first, and then I will give you a quick run-through of Neo Destined. Just so you know, the combined Neo Destined saga is not a fanfic; it's to big. It's not a megafic; it's too big. Neo Destined, I believe, is something bigger...a fic of monolithic proportions. Monofic! That's a good name for it. *** Neo Destined 02: Neo Chosen Episode Zero: Sin [i]Editor?s Notes: Thanks to no one; this is my own. Hahaha! However, I hope everyone notices my Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within references in Sin and the Phantoms, respectively. Oh, this is going to be a short series. It?s almost a miniseries. I plan on 50 episodes.[/i] Sin. To humans, ?sin? was a concept, an idea. But to the digimon of Nova Modem Continent, it was a horrible reality. To them, sin wasn?t a harmless, intangible idea. Sin was a being, a creature - a conqueror. Ieterdramon flew through the skies slowly above Modem Nova?s primary city, Datalyne. He looked out towards the horizon, and saw their approach: the Phantoms, the servants of Sin that were intangible and even somewhat invisible to Digimon. And amongst them, enslaved Digimon that Sin had taken control of, twisting their minds and bodies, turning them into zombie-like servants, marched. To the digimon of Modem Nova, it seemed without thought, without voice, without soul - but Sin was very, very real. Ieterdramon looked down at Datalyne?s defences. Thanks to his experience seven years ago - fighting against the Overlords of the original version of Modem - he was fairly good at battle tactics. With a glance, he could tell that Datalyne would not hold. After Datalyne, Sin had two options: head southeast to the Skyshaper Peaks, or southwest to the Skywater Forest. Judging by how it attacked the areas with most life, Ieterdramon surmised that it?s next target would be Skywater, although the Skyshapers were closer. And, Ieterdramon realised, Sin could cut through the Skyshapers and head down into the Darkwater Swamp. From there, it could attack Skywater from both the north and west. ?Not good,? Ieterdramon said as he flew away from Datalyne, making full haste for his domain at the Skyshapers and hoping Kysiramon escaped Datalyne when it fell. ?Not good, not good at all?? * * * The core of Sin was located on an island off the cost of Modem Nova. In a great fortress shaped like a hand clawing the sky, a black orb hovered in a chamber deep underground, cared for by eternally loyal Phantoms. The land all around this island had been scraped clean; there were no mountains, forests, swamps, anything, just a grey, desolate wasteland. Sin searched now, searched with all it?s willpower. It looked as far as it could, it?s consciousness only limited by however far away it?s farthest servant was. It would not stop until it found what it was looking for, would never need to eat or sleep. All this - the armies, the enslaved beings, the land wiped clean - was done for the soul purpose of finding what it was looking for. It would find it, if it took a millennia or longer. If it had to stop rivers, level mountains, drain swamps and burn plains, it would. If it had to tear open the sky, it would. It would find what it searched for. Deep in its recesses, it dismissed any fears or worries that sometimes developed with the thought of what it looked for. It would find it - it would stop at absolutely nothing to find it.
Maybe. I have a 7-year-old scar on my knee that's more or less invisible now. On the other hand, there is the less romantic answer: Toriyama & Co. didn't want to make drawing Vegeta more complex then it had to be, so they left out the scars which they through in in seasons 1 and 2 for effect (but then realised they were Hell to draw)
I'm happy to see that this thread has lasted for so long. Actually, I'm VERY happy. This thread has lasted for almost as long as the Annual Meeting of the Board of Fanfic Villains (although it is only about 1/32nd the size) Anyway. IQ2, even as a warrior race, they could not survive without other castes to support their warrior caste. Look at how much a Saiyin eats! Planet vegeta must have been very fetile. Anyway, this has been my theory: 1) Warrior Caste: While the most powerful and dominant of castes, this, in reality, takes up only about 10% of the actual population. The King of Saiyins is from this caste is a Tyrant in the classical sense of the term: he is a people's champion. Even though he is generally the biggest and badest Saiyin around, he could not continue to rule without the support of the warriors (Assuming that Planet Vegeta has a poplation of ten billion, one billion of them are of the Warrior caste). 2) Religion caste - Early in the life cycle of the Saiyin peoples, their religion mirrored the evolution of religion on earth - Animism to Polytheism to Monotheism. Some time around Monotheism, however, when on Earth we diverged off to Deism, a Super Saiyin was created. The Super Saiyin became something of a Messiah for the Saiyin people, and being an absolute killing machine, he taught others that the strong survive and the weak are for the strong to play with. The religious caste reflects only about 3% of the total population, but arguably they have more power then the warrior caste (more influence over people). The clerics of the religious caste aren't pushover monks, either, but likely stronger then the average warrior caste. While the King is from the Warrior caste, it is arguable that a Religious caste cleric could become King of Saiyins. The religion of the Saiyins obviously has an effect on Saiyins - King Vegeta's Palace in movie 8 looks more like a church (indeed he may have actually been in a Church) 3) Peasents - This reflects about 86% of the total population. Peasents are builders, scientists, and the like. They are not nearly as strong as the average Warrior or Cleric, but still stronger then the average human due to religious influence (assuming the average human has a power level of 5 (Random guy Raditz met) to 20 (Hercule/Mr. Satan, by my estimate), an average Saiyin has a power level of 100-500. Peasents are usually not as well trained as other castes, however. Think of Goku durring Dragon Ball, afer he had rained with Roshi. That's the average Saiyin 4) Slaves - in addition, Planet Vegeta would have a servent/slave population equal to 200% of the total population EDIT: Hello? Is anybody out there?
If he has the ability to hop bodies, then there's a good bet that he has done it before. Maybe he didn't take Freiza's body for one of the following reasons: 1) Changelings can't be switched out of their bodies 2) Freiza specifically can't be switched out of his body 3) The attack takes a long time to work. Freiza could have stepped out of the way of Ginyu before he finished his attack, and then obliterated him 4) Ginyu didn't want Freiza's body, because Freiza is his best employer and if he eliminated Freiza, he eliminates his job. I'm going with numbers three or four. Or, number five: 5) Toriyama doesn't give a damn about what Ginyu did before the Namek saga, the point is that he can switch bodies and he took Goku's
The philisophical advancement of that post is mind boggling, Michelangelo.
Like I said: It would have made a great movie, but as a saga, it sucked.
The unique villains were few. The Androids were interesting to throw into the mix. They didn't have a reason to destroy everything, but that was their point. They just did things that were fun to them. If helping people were ever to become fun, then they would have done that. I mean, "Seventeen, why are we going to take a car when we could just [i]fly[/i] to Goku's house?" "Because we've never done it before," -Seventeen and Eighteen. Cell has possibly the best backstory out of every DBZ villain, and it's better then any two of them combined. Mostly because of the shere rediculousness involved in trying to sort it out, which I am STILL unable to do. But Cell was the first "I'm so powerful that I can destroy everything including you" villain. The first time we had an enemy that was a threat to everything. I mean, Freiza, Garlick? Both would have fallen eventually. We know that. But Cell was unstopable. As it turns out, that idea, "I can destroy everything, whee..." does not get better with time.
You have to remember, though, that Goku is Earthen, not Saiyin. He was brought up with the ideals of Earthens, not Saiyins, so he acts much differently then the way Saiyins would have. Also, the thought of an entire race being devoted to war is silly. Who will plant crops? Build cities? Keep the electricity running? A warrior race in reality couldn't have much more then a third of it's population as warriors, or their society would have ceased to function and they would have devolved into anarchy for a few centuries before re-building their society in a way better suited for their ideals (Probably a caste system. Worker class, warrior class, religious class)
Basically, Ki energy is a metaphor. It's another word for the untapped human potential that exists in all of us. It's like, our ability to adapt and evolve. Ki energy is the thing that makes humanity say "Yes I can" when all the evidence says "No you can't". Becuase of Ki, we built cities. Because of Ki, we built farms, wrote stories, dared to dream. Because of Ki, we got to the moon and try to make peace. Ki is simply human hopes and dreams given a name. I've always believed that humanity can do [i]anything[/i], and we can do it because of the Ki that rests within us. Hope springs eternal.
Yes, but all of these things could have been accomplished in movies. The entire Buu saga could have probably been condensed into a single movie that would have been good. Instead they streached it out for an entire season that was bad. Oh, and Mystic Saiyin is a pointless level. The rule behind an anime is this: [i]Cliff Hanger Ending[/i]. Look at some of the greatest animes of all time: Evangelion, Digimon 01 and 03, Cell Saga's ending, Blue Submarine No. 6, Princess Mononoke. None of these have definate endings where you can almost guess what happens next. No. Instead, a million possibilities are open to the viewer. DBZ? Someone could have almost guessed DBGT. Get a hundred people into a room, and they could have told you what DBGT would have been like. Cliff. ****ing. Hanger. Use Cliff Hangers, people! No one wants a happy ending, but no one wants a sad ending, either. People want endings that leave us guessing, imagining, dreaming of what might happen next, but we'll never know, 'cause the series is over.
I think that the Buu saga...was not as good as it could have been. In fact, it wasn't at all, based purely on the fact that it existed. Think about it. Saiyins: V. powerful. But the Saiyins had been cowed by Freiza. In fact, Freiza was so powerful that one of his minions shot a member of his own race, stating "There are no more races - there are merely those who serve Freiza, or those who die". Or something to that effect. So, we gather, Freiza is [i]very, very[/i] bad news. Androids: The androids kick around the Z warriors for most of the season where they actually fight. They are nothing to them. Then, on top of that, Cell arrives. He's already the badest thing on the block by the time he reaches Imperfect Cell 2. When he reaches his perfect form, nothing can touch him, and his dark power is felt as far away as Namek. Cell decimated entire cities, entire ISLANDS, for simple goals. Tidal waves and earthquakes accompanied his ascension to perfection. In short, nothing was more destructive then Cell. Nothing ever had been, and nothing ever would be. That was the point you were gathering from Toriyama. And, at the very end of the Cell games, [i]everyone[/i] participates in the destruction of Cell. Gohan may have been the one to actually blast him to ashes, but he couldn't have done it without Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, or Krillen's help. Then Buu comes along. And, watching the series, you get the feeling that Cell was supposed to be the end-all of DBZ, but they tossed in Buu simply for the sake of going on. As a fighter, he was horrible. He could barely block and got hit all the time, and without his regenerative powers he would of died several dozen times over. Vegeta could have kicked Kid Buu's *** if Buu couldn't have regenerated. Fat Buu was a joke. There was no point to his existance. None whatsoever. You look at Cell, or Freiza, Vegeta, or even Piccolo in his day, and they were serious, serious baddies that meant buisness and would kill all of us. Buu? Grab some chocolate and give him some. Ta-da! No more destruction. The Fusion dance is one of the worst things I've ever seen, even by the standards which I usually set low for Japan. This is not racism, this is fact: The Japanese will watch [i]Anything[/i] The fusion earings was better. They should have skipped the dance entirely. All in all, I say this: Cell was supposed to be the last, and there were supposed to be no more. Then someone offered Toriyama some money.
Just wondering. As far as I know, we only ever see the military aspects of Saiyins. What do you think other aspects - political, religious, everyday life - were like? Surely not every Saiyin is a warrior, or can even channel KI energy to as great an extend as Vegeta or even Bardock could. So how did they act?
Anime Couldn't DragonBall Z's animation be better ?
REVENGE2 replied to Pagan's topic in Otaku Central
The earliest Gundum series, Sailor Moon, Transformers, and GI Joe were all from the 80's, not the 90s, but in many places their animation is better. The animation in the Transformers: the Movie is better in some places then modern animation, and according to my movie poster, this was released in 1986. DBZ had a low budget. Animes, in general, have a low budget, but DBZ, with a bad storyline (even as compared to most other animes - I mean, character developement may be Japan's specialty, but they're just plain BAD at stories - except in some of the animes target for adults, such as Evangelion), had a lower then Japanese-normal budget. -
The idea of Goku driving Brolly mad due to crying is very, very...um, sad?...to me, but as it's Japan, I'll ignore that Everything else is okay. need to see his movies
Anime Couldn't DragonBall Z's animation be better ?
REVENGE2 replied to Pagan's topic in Otaku Central
The pinncacle of DBZ animation was durring the Cell and Cell Games saga. Nothing else compares But, this is DBZ. Why do you think it's so massively long? They had to bribe TV producers to keep it on the air, and this detracted from their arts budget. Or, that's my theory, anyway -
As near as I can tell, Goku NEVER uses new moves in his Sayin forms, just upgraded moves of his normal form. And I don't even count half of these as sagas. I'm much more simple in my listing: Saiyin, Freiza, Garlick, Androids, Cell, Baba-di, Buu. I put down the Freiza saga, based purepy on the fact that Freiza is pretty much the end all of villains in DBZ. Everything that was actually meant to be part of the completed series relates back to him: The Saiyins worked for him, they compar the Androids to Freiza's power, and Cell is made up from cells taken from Freiza Between you and me, I think Toriyama made the Buu and Baba-di sagas simply for the money and were not supposed to be part of the origional. plus, Freiza came within inches of killing Goku when their power levels were 3,000,000 apart [In the last battle, Goku's power level was 15,000,000, and Freiza's was 12,000,000] And why hasn't this been deleted? Last time I came here, the [i]Fuerher[/i] of this board said that these kinds of posts weren't allowed. Can it be that TheOtaku has become more liberal? CAN IT BE THAT THEY WILL NOW ALLOW PROGRESS?
No, his species is one of would-be conquerors. And successful conquerors. And they naturally evolved, I think. Actually in a fic I was working on, I made them a race of explorers. They had sailed across thier entire world before they had discovered how to write, they had invented trains before inventing guns, reached thier 1st moon before they had computers (learned how to master KI energy), so forth and so on. I had great fun comming up with thier language, too. I based it somewhat off of Aztec and Mayan, with a little of my own stuff thrown in. "Ga'bak, an' go-sai no'ka no'kai 'ijh algat kan'd" [Gah-bahk/ahn/go-sie/no-kah/no-kie/ijh/al-gaht/kahnd] "I see, you would rather die then?" Apostraphes represent a pronounced pause between words.