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Magnum Apex

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Everything posted by Magnum Apex

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]I really hated Keitaro's sister.......do not like her at all, lol.[/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I would hate her, too... if she existed. o_O The movie wasn't sad. It just had to have heart-crushing events to work its way up to a happy ending. [/color][/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I've watched 9 episodes of [I]Gundam SEED[/I]. I like how the ending theme starts playing before the episode ends. I like Kira Yamato, since he is a nice change from the darker heroes of the other Alternate-Universe series. I've heard that the series started as a copy to the original [I]Mobile Suit Gundam[/I], but I wouldn't know, since I haven't watched the original series much.[/color][/font]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]You Get the Burning from Nadesico's opening theme and also my newest favorite is See-Saw which is the closing theme from Gundam Seed. [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Um... See-Saw is the name of the [u]artist[/u] that plays "Anna ni issho datta no ni," the closing theme of [i]Gundam SEED[/i]. Yes, it is a very good song. I have tons of favorite music songs from anime, but I'll just name a few of my top ones: "Rhythm Emotion" by TWO-MIX, from [i]New Mobile Report Gundam Wing[/i]. This is one of my two favorite songs. It is the second opening theme of [I]Gundam Wing[/I], shown in the last ten episodes. Honestly, anything TWO-MIX provided for the GW anime and soundtrack is topnotch. My other favorite is one of the closing themes from [i]Rurouni Kenshin[/i], titled "1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou," played by Siam Shade. It used to be my sole favorite, until "Rhythm Emotion" came long. The soundtrack of [I]Rurouni Kenshin[/I] is great overall. Others: The opening theme "Logos Naki World" from [i]Hellsing[/i]. The closing theme "Shine" by Mr. Big from [i]Hellsing[/i]. The opening theme "eX Dream" performed by Myuji from the [i]X[/i] series. The opening theme "Zankoku na Tenshi no TE-ZE" performed by Takahashi Youko from [i]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/i]. I also like the ending songs from [I]Dragon Ball GT[/I], the Mexican songs from [i]Dragon Ball Z[/i] and several others, like "Tank!" from [i]Cowboy Bebop[/i], or "Hiru no Tsuki" from [i]Outlaw Star[/i]. I don't give reasons of why I like these songs because it is pointless. Saying that you like romantic songs isn't a reason, since you don't like ALL romantics songs. Each song has elements that draw me in and make me want to hear it again, and that's it. [/color][/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I have come to this site for months now, mostly for information on [i]New Mobile Report Gundam Wing[/i]. Recently though, I decided to check the [I]Ninja Scroll[/I] page, and found something appalling.[/color][/font] [quote]Release Date: Surprisingly this film was first released in 1986![/quote] [color=darkblue][font=trebuchet ms]1986?! I've grown to trust theOtaku.com, since it is noticeable the effort that was put into creating such a good, clean site. However, I was confused about that specific piece of information. How was [I]Ninja Scroll[/I] released in 1986? Before I read that, I always thought it was released in the early to mid 90s. If [I]Ninja Scroll[/I] was released in Japan in 1986, then I thought it would be the best anime ever. It would be way ahead of its time, mostly in terms of artwork and animation. Nevertheless, I was still skeptical, so I asked in another message boards I go to for information on the matter. This was the reply I got:[/color][/font] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zero Astral [/i] [B]cyke, come on. remember the 80's? speed racer? a-ko? cutey honey? it would kick *** if ninja scroll [i]was[/i] that far ahead of it's time, but my sources report that it's an early 90's release. [url]www.rightstuf.com[/url] has it at 1993, with the u.s. release coming in 1995. oh yeah, and they've got a spanish dub [url=https://secure.sputnik7.com/palm_e_order/item.jsp?FROMLOCATION=true]here[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]That seemed more believable. Then it hit me. I had the DVD of Ninja Scroll, so I checked the date myself, and here's what it says:[/color][/font] 1993/1995 Yoshiaki Kawajiri/Mad House/JVC/Toho Co. Ltd./Movic Inc. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]So, did Otaku.com make a mistake, or was the movie released in 1986 on some secret format? I think it's more believable that the movie was released in 1993, considering that no anime movie or series of the 80s looks remotely as good as [i]Ninja Scroll[/i].[/color][/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]The anime is called [i]Senkaiden Houshin Engi[/i], while the manga is just [i]Houshin Engi[/i]. If people don't know what we're talking about, it's [i]Soul Hunter[/i]. I watched [i]Soul Hunter[/i] in Locomotion a couple of years ago. The Mexican dubbing was excellent, and it quickly became one of my favorite anime. I was disappointed that ADV did not include that version on their DVDs. My favorite character is Bunchuu/Wenzon.[/color][/font]
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