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Magnum Apex

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Everything posted by Magnum Apex

  1. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]It's not stupid. To answer thy question, my favorite saints are Ikki of Phoenix and Shura of Capricorn, but they have yet to show up. And yes, Knights of the Zodiac came first. Here are my thoughts on the show: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30276[/url] I'm not bumping the thread since I don't want any mods PMSing at me over it.[/color][/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]"Rhythm Emotion," by TWO-MIX. It's the second opening theme song of the highly popular anime TV series, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing. The song is my favorite of the group, and it fits well with the opening sequence. Plus, my heart starts tingling whenever I hear it... makes me want to grab a Gundam and save the world while some girl shouts my name with an annoying voice.[/color][/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Wow, what a bunch of crybabies! HA! Kidding, read on... I guess it would be too general for me to say, "I cry when I'm sad," or, "I cry whenever I watch a sad movie." Instead, I'll simply name some of the stuff I've cried about, and you can make your own judgment of what I [i]can[/i] cry on. I cried after this summer vacation was over. I left Venezuela, my best friends, the girl I fell for and my family. I cried when I was finally by myself at home. You see, I live completely alone here. No friends, no nothing. Just college. I am sociable, and even attractive to attract superficial people, but no friendship/relationship seems to solidify. I cried at the end of Final Fantasy X. I cried my eyes out at the end of Dragon Ball GT and Samurai X: Reflection. REALLY. I cried when [u]I[/u] broke up with my girlfriend just a few weeks ago. Yeah, ironic, isn't it? I shed a few tears in Titanic, but I really wanted to cry. I was in a theater with a big group of friends. I was also 15 or so, so I had to hold it in. I cried like HELL when an ex-girlfriend of mine pretended that there was never anything between us, and proceeded to lie to everyone about me. That was the toughest phase of my life so far (emotionally), though thankfully the real truth came out almost all by itself, and I ended up getting my deserved apologies (Not from her, though). Well, there you have it. Yes, I [i]am[/i] very emotional, and I can rarely hide it. I used to dislike that about myself, but not anymore. I'm emotional, but I still kick anyone's *** who's doubtful about a crying guy. [img]http://www.rajahwwf.com/forum/images/smilies/cool.gif[/img][/color][/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I saw it over a year ago on cable. All I remember is that it was very gory. There were two people who dedicated themselves to killing monsters, and one of them was a monster himself... though he was good, and could control himself from transforming... at times, anyway. Nothing special about it. I've seen more shocking, disgusting anime around, but it's fun for the hour that it lasts.[/color][/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Well, the world isn't going anywhere. Acceptance of different races, beliefs and sexual preference is more apparent now than it was, say... 40 years ago. Racism stems from an uneducated community. It will always be present, as there will always be stupid, unintelligent individuals. In fact, they occupy the majority of the population. The only thing people are left to do is ignore them and not take everything seriously. I'm Latin (Though don't look it), for example, and any Latin-discriminating/derogatory comment I hear won't offend me. There are two types of stupid people: Those who dish out the idiotic, loathing comments; and those who take them to heart and/or question their own self-worth by them. Oh, and this post was meant for a closed topic, so sorry if I'm a bit in the middle here. [font=verdana]^_^[/font][/color][/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]No, the production of merchandise isn't what American companies do to screw up anime. In fact, despite how much I hate FUNimation for what they did to the DB franchise, I'm glad gaming developers are working hard to make better DBZ games. When I was a big fan of the show, America had no clue what DBZ was. Some hardcore anime fans wrote to magazines like GamePro a few years back asking if a DBZ game would be in the works, to which the editors answered with something like, "No. The anime is crap and the games that have been made on it are crap, and there won't be any new DBZ games in America ever again. Period." I'm glad they were wrong. What companies do to screw up anime is change background music, dialogue and the "style" of classic anime because they think their self-imagined "innovative" ideas of modern technological applications is what appeals to the anime-watching audience. Marketing HAS a hand in this, as companies believe if they put out an '86 product in the network today, without any editing, it will flop. Thanks to this wrongful belief, unnecessary changes have been made to great anime like Dragon Ball Z and Saint Seiya. Oh well... and let's not forget the fact that America, despite all its freedom, censors more anime than Latin American and European countries on television. But oh well, that isn't the issue here. Marketing an anime franchise is fine by me as long as they don't mess with the show/movie itself.[/color][/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Last spring's report card: A B B B Those fairly decent, college grades were obtained through heavy procrastination. I procrastinated on papers and final exams. My grades were pretty bad towards the end of the term, but thanks to cramming I managed to get more acceptable grades. I even made the Dean's list. This doesn't mean that I condone procrastination. In fact, I'm totally against it, yet I'm a common victim of its effect. Had I studied from the beginning, I would have gotten a heck of a lot more sleep and better grades. This term, I'm [i]trying[/i] to eliminate the nasty habit of leaving papers and studying until the very last minute, but it's hard. I've realized it all comes down to what motivates you from continuing your education. I [i]really[/i] have to motivate myself in order to get anything done. If I don't want to type a paper up, I usually force myself to think of the consequences: Getting an unwanted grade in the paper, which would help on my getting a lower course grade, which would decrease my GPA, which would lower the chances of my getting into a top college, which in turn diminishes my chances of getting a cool job with great pay (Respectable video game programmer/designer for me). When I think about all that can be lost when one little thing is not done on [i]my[/i] part, because of [I]my[/I] laziness, I freak out enough to work my *** off for a [u]sure[/u] "A."[/color][/font]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jim_Hawking [/i] [B][u]No not THAT one[/u], I mean what was the very first anime you ever saw, and why did that convince you to think "Hey, this is kinda cool."[/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I swear I was going to answer with, "Well, it all started when I was handcuffed..." Anyway, the first time I ever watched anime wasn't exactly the time I got into it. For example, the first anime I ever watched was Voltron, when I was no more than three years old. Obviously, I didn't know what the hell anime was at the time, so it wasn't as if I had wanted to search more of it. Then I watched other anime like Heidi, Candy Candy and other ridiculous shows, but those never had a long-lasting appeal on me. However, it all changed when I watched Caballeros del Zodiaco (Knights of the Zodiac/Saint Seiya). I fell in love with the show, and followed it along with my friends every afternoon. Even so, at the time I just thought it was an amazing cartoon. I still didn't know what anime was. Saint Seiya ended, and I went back to watching American cartoons. Things in Stupid Land wouldn't be calm for long. When Dragon Ball Z came to Venezuela it became an enormous hit. I was SO into it that I had to get more of it. During my findings I learned about anime and its cult following in all of America. I started watching Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X in Latin America), and began looking for new anime shows to get into. I found Locomotion, any anime fan's heaven network, and started watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. From then on, I've been continually interested in anime. Then I moved back to USA, and realized Americans had it horrible for them as far as TV anime went. I realized I was lucky to be raised away from it, so I was able to appreciate the excellent Mexican dubbing and uncut shows and movies.[/color][/font]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ArgoGulski [/i] [B]Well, if you ask me, it' sjust another Ronin Warroirs knockoff [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Hahahaha, are you seriously comparing a worldwide success like Saint Seiya with Ronin Warriors? Have you even watched it? Moving on... they've changed a lot of stuff... crap. The blood is obviously red, the opening, closing themes and soundtracks are different, and they added more dialogue. Great, now I have to deal with two of my favorite shows being changed horribly for American audiences. Oh well, so's life.[/color][/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]... or Saint Seiya, whatever you want to call it. I haven't seen a thread about this, which surprises me. The show begins today on Cartoon Network at 7:00 p.m. ET. As someone who has watched the whole series and loves it, I recommend it dearly. If you didn't like Dragon Ball Z, give Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac/Caballeros del Zodiaco a chance. It's a fighting anime that owns. Watch it. Hopefully, the anime will become immensely popular as I predict, and we'll get tons of Saint Seiya merchandise being forced down our throats. :)[/color][/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I like Linkin Park. Their songs, though sometimes repetitive, are quite enjoyable. Their latest hit, "Faint," is finally something different from what the band usually promotes.[/color][/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]You asked for it, so highlight below for answer: [color=white]Yes, Spike dies.[/color][/color][/font]
  13. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Hmmm... well, I've learned a lot about myself in the past 3 months, so... Vash The Stampede (Trigun): I am stupidly good in nature. Before, I used to say that without much thought, but after certain events I've realized I'm hopelessly one of the good guys. Unlike Vash however, I sometimes question if the way I am is truly in benefit of myself. Certainly, thanks to my "good heart," I've lost more than my share of opportunities to be happy with someone, yet at the same time I've made others suffer less because of it. Then I realize I can't change as far as that's concerned, so I at least accept it. I'm also first perceived as a harmless goofball, but I completely change my attitude under serious situations. Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina): I don't have as much in common with him, except for the fact that I try to find a companion that I can truly be happy with, just like him. As cheesy as it may sound, it's the truth. I'm also a little on the teen-perverted side, but from knowing a lot of people my age (20) and older, that's a common trait. I just choose not to hide it. :) Vegeta (DBZ. Not GT, as he's a ***** there): I'm VERY competitive in nature, and while I'm not as bullheaded as the Saiyajin Prince, I simply cannot stand someone being smarter, stronger or anything more than me. I can't stand it, and it always bothers me. I'm still trying to improve myself to at least half the man I want to be.[/color][/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Well, if you're talking about a remake, I'd like one of Bushido Blade 2. The game had an original idea, but it didn't flourish as much as it could have in the PS. With current technology, that might be a different story. Also, the game I've always wanted remade because it's the best game ever is already coming to the 'Cube. :) (Snake!) If you're talking about making a game again because the original sucked, I'd have to go with the .hack series. I will still play through the entire story, but... couldn't they have learned better gameplay mechanics from already great RPGs out there? Geez... too bad Bandai is the one with rights to make games out of virtually every anime out there. They should allow other developers to er... develop games for them more often.[/color][/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Hehehehe, I got a PM from someone telling me to revive this thread. I haven't been here in a while with partying an all. That's over now though, I'm back to school and in geek-mode. Wow, I've won 4 times. Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... [img]http://members.lycos.co.uk/lodcyke/hpbimg/Animal%2002.jpg[/img][/color][/font]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaola Su [/i] [B]Well....what is it called?[/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]*Looks at title* Um... I own every Love Hina DVD released in the States, and I'll check out Love Hina Again for sure. However, I think those who've read the whole manga can pretty much predict how the anime will end. Either way, this is a question I have up in the air. When I left the States on vacation (Still am) I left the manga at volume 9. Have more volumes been released? I've read there's a total of 13 volumes.[/color][/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue][size=5]WHAT IS THE SUM OF THE COSINE OF 45 AND 67 PLUS THE SQUARE ROOT OF THE SQUARE THEOREM OF THE CHEMICAL REACTION OF LAUNDRY SOUP?! ANSWER, NOW![/SIZE][/color][/font] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=430432[/img]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Dragon Ball GT has actually been over almost EVERYWHERE except in English-speaking countries. I saw GT from Spain and from Mexico, a few years ago. I know how you feel, vicky. I cried like a little girl when I saw the ending. The credits actually force you to realize that it is ALL over. Then again, after it's over, you realize there is more anime, other TV shows, and then like... life and stuff.[/color][/font]
  19. [img]http://www.stanford.edu/~bmr/catdog.jpg[/img] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]OMG!!! It's a black couch!!![/color][/font]
  20. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=406764[/img] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]"Oish, the baby should know by now that [i]her[/i] bowl is the BLUE one!"[/color][/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue][img]http://www.rajahwwf.com/forum/images/smilies/lol.gif[/img] at Juuthena's caption. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=405689[/img] Guy Falling: "There is no spoon. There is no spoon. There is no spoon. There is no spoon..."[/color][/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Congratulations. :)[/color][/font]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Where are you people getting this information? Any links?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I can bet they are all rumors. I don't think Fox or FUNimation have released any information on the matter. What FUNimation has done is make a poll about which actors fans would like to see play the characters. Jet Li got the votes for Goku, while Vin Diesel got the votes for Piccoro. If we look at FUNimation's history with the franchise, we should expect the complete opposite of what the fans want. -.- As far as the movie goes, I can't see how it will happen. I can't even imagine a quality film with the right crew, cast, and high budget. This is a movie based on an anime, not a comic book. Spider-Man, X-Men and all the others are special characters brought in a supposedly "real" word. Dragon Ball, on the other hand, is already a different world in itself. There is no way the anime hair will look "ok" in a live action film, or that it won't be anything more than ridiculous. The film crew will have to recreate fight scenes in the air, and include a great amount of special effects, as far as ki attacks and transformations go. Also, all enemies, and most of the Earth's habitants aren't human... far from it, actually. Honestly, I don't see this project as anything more than laughable. If they try to be as true to the anime as possible, as far as the physics and the cosmetics of the show are concerned, the movie will end up being the laughing stock of the season. If they eliminate things that are key to the anime, or edit things to fit the directors's own view of the show, we'll end up with a product that's totally different from Dragon Ball. I'm usually optimistic, but more than optimistic I'm realistic, and this movie has as much of a chance of being a good film as I have a chance of starring in the role of Bra. Yes, BRA, as in the Japanese name of the character. I will see the movie, though... and then laugh my *** off.[/color][/font]
  24. [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/drunk[/img] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Up here is the reason why piss looks like beer. Yes, God is a comedian.[/color][/font]
  25. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=402882[/IMG] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Aragorn: UNHAND THE SWORD, OH FAUL ONE! Legolas: BUT YOU'RE TRYING TO STAB ME, YOU FREAK![/color][/font]
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