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Magnum Apex

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Everything posted by Magnum Apex

  1. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]My favorite is [i]New Mobile Report Gundam Wing[/i]. The first Gundam I watched was [i]Mobile Fighter G. Gundam[/i], and the substance of the series motivated me to search for other Gundam shows. My best friend recommended Gundam Wing to me, so I tried it out. To my surprise, it became one of the most enjoyable anime series I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot. There's something about young kids who are smarter, more mature and skilled than stubborn adults. I also enjoyed the purity of the characters. With the exception of psychotic Zechs, everyone followed their heart consistently throughout the series. Great show. [i]Mobile Suit Gundam SEED[/i] would follow at a close second. As far as quality goes, it is superior to most Gundam shows I've watched. The relationships seem to be more outgoing, and really affect the actions of the main characters, unlike Wing. "I will kill Relena" - Heero ^ Not spam. Oh, and how can spam lead to pointless posts, if spam itself ARE pointless posts? Oish, the flawed logic hurts my brain cells.[/color][/font]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]Cyke, maybe you could help me with something. what could I get down at Disney souvenir-wise that a guy around your age would like? [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Heh, I honestly can't think of one. People stopped giving me Disney toys and stuffed animals when I reached a certain age. Hmmmm... maybe a picture of you, or of you and the guy, in a Disney frame of your choosing. I can't guarantee that he'll like it, though. I'd find that nice of someone however, especially if the girl's close to me. Asuka: Here in the South we love Wal-Mart AND Best Buy for cheap stuff. [font=verdana]^_^[/font][/color][/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Gosh, I can't count how many times I've been there. Well, after all, Orlando is only 2 hours from here. I've been to Islands of Adventure, The Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Wet n' Wild, Animal Kingdom, Universal Studios and some others I can't remember the names of. I really can't pick a favorite, because I've enjoyed them all since I was a kid. It's an easy thing to predict that you'll have a good time, if you decide to go to any of these theme parks. Well, if I had to pick one, I'd pick Busch Gardens. Nothing like roller coaster heaven. That one is in Tampa, though.[/color][/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Some of us always strive to enjoy the best of the best. We want to get the top quality on whatever it is we enjoy doing. In the case of anime, followers look for that one masterpiece that grabs our hearts and takes it for a roller coaster ride. A story so perfect and so deep that can reach even the most simple-minded, cold-hearted of individuals. A cast of characters so rich and lifelike that is capable of blending reality and fiction. An anime so complete that conveniently fits into our concept of perfection. This anime is the culmination of the story of Rurouni Kenshin, [i]Samurai X: Reflection[/i]. I'm positive that, like me, some of you have watched the complete television series of Rurouni Kenshin. There is no denying that it is one of the most drawing series in television, period. It isn't without its flaws, but the strong events that took place in the story were deep enough to leave a mark on us lucky viewers. For 80% of that strength, watch the Shishio saga, the undeniably highest point in the series. However, there's a lot more to tell about Kenshin than what has been shown on television worldwide. Enter Samurai X. Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal tell the story of the Hitrokiri Battousai, Himura Kenshin, before the start of the series. They were released as 4 OAV episodes in Japan, and ADV has released them on VHS and DVD in America. These are amazing series that no one should miss. Any Kenshin fan must watch it. They are superior to the TV series. Still, this thread focuses not on the beginning, but on the end... [I]Samurai X: Reflection[/I] was released by ADV just a few days ago. It tells, in two half-hour OAVs, the final chapter in the story of Rurouni Kenshin. Don't worry; I won't spoil anything for you. Even though I accidentally read the outcome beforehand, the whole two episodes are packed with so many strong scenes, that I just couldn't help but cry and be shocked, amazed, angered and surprised all at the same time. If anyone sees this DVD in stores, buy it. If you have yet to watch the series, I suggest that you do; then, watch the first 4 OAVs, and then watch Reflection. You will regret watching Reflection earlier. There are a few key flashbacks throughout the episodes that just hit you with a nostalgic force that one can hardly avoid. The level of emotional stress I felt far surpassed anything I've ever seen on a television or theater screen, anime or not. There are Neon Genesis Evangelions, there are Boogiepop Phantoms, Serial Experiments Lain, and then at the top, crushing them all with a swift blow... is Samurai X: Reflection. One won't get the full enjoyment of the OAVs if one hasn't gone through the ups and downs of the story the TV series tells. Regardless, you will enjoy its greatness. I guarantee it. I give you my word. Finally... I didn't want the emotional feeling to run out while typing this. See, I just watched it... my face is still red, and my eyes are quite tired.[/color][/font] [center][img]http://members.lycos.co.uk/lodcyke/hpbimg/Samurai%20X.jpg[/img] [i]Samurai X: Reflection[/i][/center] [size=1]*I felt this deserved its own thread, since the topic isn't about the TV series, but the ending OAVs.[/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tricool [/i] [B][color=red]I think that the Nintendo controller is easier to handle than the Playstation controller and MUCH easier than the X-Box controller. Nintendo made thier controller for comfort and it is more comforting than the other controllers where you have to stretch your thumbs almost out of their sockets to press two buttons at once.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I disagree. When playing a GameCube game, my hands ache easily after almost an hour of play. However, with the Playstation 2 controller, I get the comfort I need. Not only that, but the layout is the simplest of the three, and the most effective. For example, fighting games, especially the 2D ones, are impossible to enjoy with a GameCube controller. The Playstation 2 controller has the advantage of easy button layout and accurate d-pad. The shoulder buttons are a huge advantage in this case, as well as in games like Metal Gear Solid (Just check out the X-Box version of the game. You'll come running back holding your PS2 copy and saying to it "I'm sorry, I'm sowwy...") As for the X-Box controller, I hated the original one. Luckily, the S controller is much better. It isn't as big, and the buttons are more separately laid in the diamond. I do admit that the GameCube controller works great for specific games, like Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime, but those games are a small percentage in comparison to the rest of the titles available.[/color][/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Here are my thoughts on Wrestlemania, though a little late. Keep in mind that I posted this at another forum which is free of censoring (Rajah: best message boards ever| No link provided, so no worries.): Another Wrestlemania came, pissed all over us, and left. My short-term memory sucks, so let's start before I forget... eh... ah? [u]Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio[/u] Again, Rey Mysterio impressed us with his super cool moves, while Matt Hardy was in the unusual position of being the powerhouse in the match. Overall, Matt worked well with Rey, but the ending was crap. Most of the endings were crap. Moving on... [u]Undertaker & Nathan Jones vs. Big Show & A-Train[/u] I was all "Woo, **** yeah, motha****a!!!" at Taker's entrance with Limp Bizkit. The handicap match wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Taker did a lot of moving around in the ring, and really hasn't gotten worse for the past three years. Nathan coming to the ring was expected. Either that, or Nathan was truly injured before the event. Oh, and Taker: [size=5]11 - 0 at WM WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!![/size] [u]Victoria vs. Jazz vs. Trish Stratus[/u] Trish looked hot. I don't remember much of the fighting itself, but I wasn't really surprised at seeing Victoria's *** crack for a moment. Oh yes! I forgot... what the hell did Victoria and Jazz do to Trish? It was some kind of piledriving shoulder-breaker move that was botched beyond belief. I yelled, "OMG! they killed Trish," and then someone said "You bastards!" [u]Los Guerreros vs. Benjamin & Haas vs. Rhyno & Benoit[/u] Eddie and Benoit stole the show on this one, with Rhyno's crowd-awakening gore. Chavo also had his five seconds of intense wowness; but the ones that really bored me were Haas and Benjamin. It was a nice match overall, but again... crappy ending. [u]HBK vs. Chris Jericho[/u] WOOOOO! It started off ok, but nothing impressive. However, the match got better and better as it progressed. Great effort by both Jericho and HBK, and this was one victory I DID enjoy seeing. HBK hasn't lost it. [img]http://cp02.ionhosting.com/~vgsource/boards/images/smilies/bowser-cry.gif[/img] [u]Cat fight (?)[/u] Mmmmmmm... lovely. I liked Kitana from Mortal Komb... er, Miller Light commercial. I was laughing at how she and the other cutie were boringly hitting each other with pillows. Too bad the excitement ran off as soon as I saw Coach's boner. Dude... [u]Booker T vs. Triple H[/u] Booker T has always been a good wrestler. Whenever he's up, I expect a decent match, but I don't expect anything that will make me stand up and yell "Booka owns!" This match was no exception. It was a decent match, with some nice spots here and there, but nothing wowish about it. The leg injury was a nice touch, and the effort put by Booker T really showed. Still, Triple H winning keeps pounding Booker T as a non-main eventer. WWE: You people are mean. :( [u]Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon[/u] I don't know about this one. It wasn't bad AT ALL, but, like... I just feel like I've seen too many street fights, and this one was no different. How sad that such a beating feels already standard in my view. Still, Piper's appearance was a cool surprise, though... could he be MORE obvious about hitting Hogan? I think everyone saw it coming from a mile away. Since Hogan won the match, I don't see Piper coming back on RAW. [u]Rock vs. Stone Cold[/u] I expected excellent entertainment, and by JR's lazy eye I got it! One can argue that Rock won only because he got the upper hand after the low blow, but I'm not so sure about that. In my eyes, he won fair and square... and probably even cubed (lame!) 1 People's Elbow and 3 Rock Bottoms!! That's a lot of food on the menu, but it ensures that Stone Cold remains in the Superman status, while granting Rock the deserving victory he so much desired. I'm not really sure how Rock left, though. I'm not sure if he's a heel, or a face... or if he'll leave, period. After all, he has "done it all." What else is there on the WWE for him, especially when he has so many other options open for him to explore? Or what about Stone Cold? He lost. His big comeback was for nothing. The only hope I see is for him to have a feud with Goldberg. That would so kick ***, and wrestling fans have been dreaming for a match like this forever. [u]Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle[/u] Main event, indeed. The match was perfect, and it definitely left me wanting more. We already know that Angel is amazing, and anyone who disagrees needs a punch in the face, and some heavy-duty glasses. What about Brock, though? Besides his immense power and [i]growing[/i] technical prowess, what makes Brock great is his ability to look beaten up. You'd imagine that a guy that looked that ugly and that big would fail in making you believe that he can get his *** kicked. WRONG. When Angle was pounding him, Brock looked like a little (well big) beaten *****. When you see a monster like that showing true pain, you get entertainment. Oh, but wait a sec... what the **** was Brock thinking when he [b]attempted[/b] the Shooting Star Press? When I saw how he landed, I thought he had literally broken his neck. If he hadn't moved after the miss, I would have sworn that was the case. Lucky bastard somehow managed to land on his arms. [img]http://www.rajahwwf.com/forum/images/smilies/yes.gif[/img][img]http://www.rajahwwf.com/forum/images/smilies/yes.gif[/img] A very sweet ending closed the show. Excellent Wrestlemania. The importance of getting in "the main event" has been lost due to two top championship titles, but at least the matches themselves have gotten better. *ahem* As for Raw, I enjoyed the very last moment of the show. I expected Goldberg to get it on with Stone Cold, but I suppose the direction the storylines are taking seems more convenient.[/color][/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I believe Nintendo has just lost its top spot as far as the system wars is concerned. The Nintendo 64 and GameCube don't have as much variety in quality games as the Playstation 2. As of late, Nintendo is afloat thanks to its excellent first-party games; its franchises are what keep Nintendo above the X-Box. The GameCube system MAY have been created with children as the main target audience (just look at the freakin' controller), but that doesn't mean that its games exclude the mature gamer. In fact, games like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is a title that perfectly blends the fun factor for all audiences. A 10-year-old boy will enjoy it as much as a 25-year-old woman. Consequently, there are also games that are made for mature audiences only, like Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness.[/color][/font]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Anime has been being dubbed in Spanish, French, Portugeese, and several other languages long before it was in English.[/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Thank you for stating that. I said the same thing in another thread this member made. It isn't in Brazil only, but in several Latin American and European countries. Mark my words. The next big thing in the United States since DBZ will be Saint Seiya... a 1986 anime. :)[/color][/font]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Well, FUNimation is really the lousy licensing whores I've always made them out to be. They released the very old, very terrible Ultimate Battle 22 from Bandai for the Playstation. That game sucked even when it was new. I remember playing it back in 1999, and I was displeased to the core. It is as terrible as Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout, but with more horrendous graphics. Despite all that, I got it. :D I knew what I was expecting, and it was at least a game based on Japanese DBZ. So, in a sick way, I DO thank Infogrames for wanting to make a quick buck with the DBZ license. They could have at least released Dragon Ball Z: Legends, though. Oh, and GameSpot's score: [url="http://www.gamespot.com/ps/action/dragonballzultimateb22/index.html"]1.2[/url] Ouch[/color][/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I was looking for anime pages in general. I found theOtaku.com, and I had visited the main site for several months before ever joining the boards. Oh, and I still wonder why it says that Ninja Scroll was released in 1986. -.- That's one BIG mistake.[/color][/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I disagree. There is really no type of attraction between Seras and Alucard after the first episode. Remember that there are times when Seras calls for Alucard, but Alucard ignores her because she's with Integra. Also, Alucard and Integra's relationship is more deep, and we see it in the episode where Integra's in surgery.[/color][/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I've played it, but I have to disagree with most of you and say that the graphics are nothing more than plain. Locations are too alike, and the level of detail is quite disappointing in the environments. At least the characters look great. If you want a good-looking PS2 game, play [b]Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner[/b]. Now THOSE visuals are jaw dropping. As for the gameplay, it's likeable. I haven't gotten much into it, yet. I was busy playing Metroid Prime, and now I'm busy playing Wind Waker.[/color][/font]
  13. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Give ADV more credit, disbelievers. Excel Saga is 26 episodes long, isn't it? Well, 21 episodes have already been released. I checked the ADV website, and the last DVD will be at "Running Time: Approx. 125 Mins." This usually means 5 episodes, since the 4-episode DVDs are Approx. 100 Mins. long. So, don't lose faith, people. :)[/color][/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Heh, I was just going to make a thread about this. 12:00 a.m. ET on Cartoon Network. I haven't gotten the box set, because it's too expensive. I'm glad Cartoon Network will show [I]Trigun[/I], despite the predictable and mandatory editing it will receive.[/color][/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I've read that Anno was already mentally unstable when he made EVA. Evangelion, from what I've read, is the expression of his instability as a human being. The characters of Evangelion represent different personalities of himself and of those close to him. Or some other ****. :)[/color][/font]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Watinabe [/i] [B]It's all about the battle between Pedro and Gomez LOL ^_^ but any of you think the hentei episode will be released in America* [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]A hentai episode? O_O Well, if that's the case, the DVDs are already rated +17, so maybe it was rated that way in the first place because of said episode. Plus, it's on DVD, not TV. Hopefully ADV won't take anything out.[/color][/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Yup, and that's not only in Brazil, but most of Latin America, too. I watched GT long ago in Venezuela, as well as Rurouni Kenshin. Cartoon Network and Fox Kids are better networks in Spanish. Oh, and almost unedited, thank you. :) We don't tolerate FCC-like crap. Oh, but Locomotion is 20 times better than any anime channel ever.[/color][/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I have the 5 released DVDs, and I'm in the 3rd episode of the 4th DVD. [I]Excel Saga[/I] has some VERY funny episodes (the baseball one made me cry in laughter all night ? my favorite), some decent ones, and then some downright boring ones. So, it's an overall funny anime, but [I]Golden Boy[/I] takes the cake as the true funniest anime around, with the [I]Ping Pong Club[/I] not too far behind.[/color][/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue][b]1) What do you collect?[/b] I used to collect baseball cards, but I stopped at 2001. Now, I collect video games and anime DVDs. [b]2) How much of the item(s) do you have?[/b] I have a big Nike shoe box full of baseball cards. As for DVDs and video games, my limited collection is in my signature. :) [b]3) What is your favorite out of all the items?[/b] Anime DVDs and video games. I'd have to say that the gold versions of The Legend of Zelda and The Adventures of Link for the NES are my most cherished possessions, as far as their collection value goes. As for my baseball cards, rookie Ken Griffey Jr. card. [b]4) How long have you been collecting it/them?[/b] I had been collecting baseball cards since the mid 1990's, and I did obtain very old cards in the process. I've been collecting anime DVDs for the past year and a half, and video games by 2001 (I had a lot before that, but the actual act of collecting them never crossed my mind until then.)[/color][/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue][b]Are you male or female?[/b] Male [b]How long has your longest relationship lasted?[/b] A year [b]What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in?[/b] She told me she never truly loved me, and that we were never really a couple. That she was just pretending to be happy. It completely broke my heart, and I'm not still 100% completely over it. I'm sometimes afraid I never will... [b]What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate?[/b] Honest love and desire for me. [b]What is your pet peeve about the people you date?[/b] I don't "date." I would only date my girlfriend. A hypothetical pet peeve would be someone who doesn't like public displays of affection. Someone who would turn away the cheek when I tried to kiss her just because we're in public would definitely turn me off. [b]Have you ever used a pick up line?[/b] No. I feel it's stupid and unnecessary to use lines. [b]Have you ever had a pick up line used on you?[/b] Not that I know of... well... I'm not sure. Ok, yes... but from girl friends that were just messing around. It didn't have to work, since it was a joke. [b]What do you think women want?[/b] Not one woman will like the same thing as the next one. The group of characteristics they want differ every single time from every single woman. From experience, women just want a confident guy, non-arrogant, carrying, loving, and who can appreciate her, respect her, and be romantic out of the blue. Of course, not all women want the same thing. This is just from experience. [b]In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women?[/b] They are indirect, as far as their feelings go. They are rarely straight with you if they like you or not. If you want to get and understand women, you need to be an expert at reading between the lines. [/color][/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Episode 17 was completely off the hook (and I never use that phrase.) Gundam Wing was the first Gundam series that tried to add a sense of teenage drama to the series, but it was still very rough around the edges. However, SEED completely improves upon that formula with heavy interactions and love triangles between the characters. Oh yeah, and the fights... yeah... I forgot about the actual war and all. ^_^;[/color][/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Hehehe, Naru actually IS scary. That's why Keitaro is the main character, however. He's the only one capable of surviving all the punishment. Oh, and I have to make a correction. There's actually 9 volumes (or even more?), yet they aren't in the States.[/color][/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I just watched episode 10. I laughed SO hard at the second half of it. Miyazawa finally draws the line and goes after the little brat like an awoken EVA. The ending of the episode, on the other hand, was heartwarming and somewhat thoughtful in an educational-sort-of way. It shows that things usually end up ok if you're true to yourself and others. *Gets all mushy*[/color][/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue][b]1) Who do you think is your Alter-Ego?[/b] Either [b]Deadpool[/b] or [b]Spider-Man[/b] from MARVEL comic book fame. [b]2) What points in your Alter-Ego's personality match yours?[/b] My sense of humor matches both characters. I use sarcasm as a humor tool, and I can often make jokes about the most disturbing things. As a result, I have a perfect sense of humor. A joke's a joke, no matter what subject it touches. In that sense, I'm slightly more like Deadpool, since even Spidey draws the line (Hmm... or does he?) I also have the wits to take on any argument, and can also use these for jokes as well. I tend to make others feel stupid, as a result. You are starting to hate me, aren't you? [img]http://www.rajahwwf.com/forum/images/smilies/ashamed.gif[/img] However, I hate killing. I may not be so much against violence, but killing itself is just wrong. None of us... absolutely NONE of us here on Earth have the moral right to sentence someone to death, or to kill someone, whether directly or indirectly. In that sense, I'm more like Spidey. Also, killing those who have killed is not the solution. We don't use fire to turn off a fire now, do we? I also sometimes feel that I'm not good enough to help the ones I care about. I need to be able to help everyone that is in need, but I sometimes feel like it's impossible, and I get depressed at my failure. Oh yeah, and if I had superpowers and a colorful spandex suit, I'd definitely be patrolling the streets and showing off how great my butt looks in tights. Yup, living the dream... [b]3) Do you look like your Alter-Ego?[/b] Well, I HOPE I don't look like Deadpool. If someone tells me I look like an unmasked version of him, I'll die of shame. Then I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you for your meanness. I don't look like Spider-Man either, well... when I'm not wearing the suit, that is (as if I own one!) I have dark blonde hair and brown eyes, and Peter Parker has brown hair and hazel eyes. We're about the same height, and he's definitely more athletic than I am (HELLO, he's a super hero.)[/color][/font]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]It does not make sense that Veggie was revived by the Earth's dragonballs because he specifically was revived by them back on Namek (which brought Guru back so they could wish everyone off Namek but Furiza and Goku). Am I right, people![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]*Is too lazy to put the Mexican tapes on* Well, remember that Dende recreated the dragon balls, so maybe every rule started from zero. Also, I'm not sure if they used the dragon balls from New Namek, rather than the Earth ones. Plus, if you count how many times Krillin has been revived, you'd see that the 'rules' sometimes change. :)[/color][/font]
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