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  1. Gomen: Hey uh Kinomon? Kinomon: Yes Gomen? Gomen: You digivolved right? Kinomon: yep Gochan: What was that big beetle thingy bob? Hikarumon: It was a Betallimon, his beetle blaster attack is very very strong! Gomen: I never saw one of those on TV before! Hikarumon: They only cover a little of all the digimon out there in the digital world!! Gochan: Really? wow and thats alot of digimon already!!
  2. Gomen:What....where... WHERE AM I!!! Shadow: You are in the digital world...... Gomen: The digi... wait who are you? Shadow:I am DemiKinomon, your FRIEND!!! Gomen: Wierd... DemiKinomon: You are one of the digidestined! Gomen: A digidestined....ME? wow.... DemiKinomon: come on lets walk i will tell you everything i know...
  3. k.... i guess i will start.... The bell rings and school is out.... Gomen: YAY! It's a weekend with no homework to do!!!!! Gomen gets home takes off his shoes and runs upstairs... Gomen:Hi mom< while runnng up> Gomen's mom: Hi Gomen, ho was school?? Gomen:Great can't talk now got to go check my email! Shuts door to room...Gets on computer and checks e-mail... Suddenly a d-arc digivice pops out....... Gomen:What the dilly? Woah!!!!!
  4. Thx Gochan....... ok lets get some more people:) :) :)
  5. ill join Name: Gomen Digimon Name: Kinomon D-arc:Red Sex: male Skin: Red Eyes: Black sex:male other forms: fresh: panimon In-Training: Demikinomon rookie: Kinomon Champion: Chefmon Ultimate: MegaChefmon Mega: MetalChefmon
  6. [B]You know what i figure??? I think you should not care what other people believe is wrong or stupid....take pride in anime!!!!!!![/B]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]i think that 18 is the hottest by far......[/COLOR]
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