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Everything posted by SuperMuffin
[color=red]I think people are partly uncomfortable with this on the one fact that they are lesbians. There are tons of other videos that have two people making out. I don't think it should matter what their sexuality is. They are human and humans kiss. If it was any other video with two people making out, very few people would have a problem with it. Unless you are against all making out, I don't think some of you should judge them that harshly. I'm not saying I like the band or anything, but some of your comments are projecting your lislike for lesbians. I don't think that is right.[/color]
[color=red] OMG!!! I thought I would never find someone who likes them (or has even heard of them)!!! I heard "Swing, Swing" on Edge TV and I fell in love with it!!!!!!!!:love: In fact, I'm listening to it right now and my MSN name is part of the song!!!!!!!! OMG! I'm gonna buy their CD as soon as possible!! And it helps that the lead singer is really hot too!! His eyes *sigh*!:love: He reminds me of a younger and hooter version of Tom Welling! *sigh again* Omg! I'm sorry but I really LOVE(!)the song with a passion!! Sorry I get excited! It's my new fav song!!! Thank you so much, seress, for starting this thread! It's great to know that other people like and know of them too![/color]
Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowblading.
SuperMuffin replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[color=red]Hey Rhys! That was fun eh? At the ski hills? I had a great time!!! Oh and for all you other pepl, I snowblade! I've been doing it for about 1 year and I love it! I started skiing at a young age and i think that made it a lot easier to snowblade! I'm just starting to try tricks and stuff and I can't wait to land my first grab!!! Hehehe!! Its great!!! If you have a chance, you should learn how to snowblade or ski or snowboard!! It's easy for me to say tho cuz i have a hill right in the city. It's kinda small but it works! Anywho, I love it and I think that anyone who wont try cuz they're too afraid should conquer their fear cuz its a great experience![/color] -
[color=red]My name is Annie! :toothy:I like my name and I think it suits me...... :) Well to be honest...my name is really Ann. :rolleyes: I don't mind that name either but it really doesn't suit me. One time a teacher called me Ann and a whole bunch of pepl in my class were like "your name's Ann????:eek:" and I was like "ya its the actuall name for Annie" They were all so amazed! it was quite funny actually. Only a few pepl thought it was normal like my best friend and another one of my friends. Sometimes I think pepl can be very dull. *sigh* Oh ya..I don't know what it means sorry! [/color]
[color=blue]I would do a memory one. All you have to do is hold up a picture to different people of different age groups for about 20 seconds and ask them questions on it. The results could be catagorized by age level and gender.[/color]
[color=blue]Personally, I think that if you are obsessing over an anime character and you want them to come to life and your a teenager, that you need a bit of help. No offense but I dont think its such a good idea obsessing over something that isnt real. Sure you can own every single merchandise with there face on it, thats not bad, but when you say you "love" them and you dream about them coming to life, thats a bit scary. I've had my share of "obsessions" but nothing serious. I think obsessions are a good thing (they make you happy) but only to a certain extent. Sorry if I offended anyone. bye[/color]
[color=green]Hey J.L, I doubt that I will ever ask for his number for fear he will either tell everyone or say no. And yes, I do know about him and his likes and dislikes because hes in my class and we sit beside eachother. I think its really just a fantacy in my mind that anything will ever happen between us. But I don't stand and watch from afar either. I joke around with him and we have fun, in school that is. He hangs with different people and is a lot more "popular" than me. I doesn't really bother me that I'm less "popular" I just know he doesnt like me that way. Thanks for the advice tho and I do talk to him on MSN so that helps! Byeza![/color]
[color=red]How do I see myself? I see myself as "the smart, unpopular girl" Don't get me wrong, I like my life! I am nice and smart obviously and have been involved in MANY skool activiities. Mind you, I'm only in Gr.8 and there are only about 350 kids in my skool but I do contribute in the skool in many ways, take a look: *Gr.5: -jr. v-ball team -intermeral v-ball -class rep for Student's council *Gr.6 -jr. v-ball team -intermeral v-ball -class rep for Student's council *Gr.7 -soccer team -v-ball team -b-ball team -intermeral sports in the above sports -Vice President in the Student's Council -snowblading elective -drama *Gr.8 -soccer team -v-ball team -b-ball team -intermeral sports in the above sports -President in the Student's Council -referee for jr. v-ball -Writer for the skool Newspaper -snowblading elective -drama I definetly do my share of socializing in skool and I work hard to keep up my 90% average. I'm also in Gr.6 piano and Gr.2 theory. I am in a great group of friends and my best friend and I have known each other sice Senior Kindergarten. I think I'm pretty succesful. How do others see me? Well, I don't think anyone really hates me but I could be wrong. The popular people talk to me but as i said before, there really arent that many pepl at my skool. I think the main reason the guys talk to me is because I'm nice and smart, not becuase of my looks that's for sure! And I think I fit in with most of the kids in my class. They would never ask me to go to the movies or anything, but they are always really nice. A couple of the girls on the same sports teams as me joke around and include me in inside jokes and fun stuff at skool. So ya, I am respected to a certain piont. How do I want to be seen? Well(and I know this sounds superficial) I would like to have a larger and more popular rang of friends. So I would like to be more outgoing and more fun to be around. I would also like to be skinnier and I am going to start jogging everyday when the weather is warmer. I am in basketball so that hepls plus I do a 20 minute walk everyday for delivering papers. Hope this was detailed enough lol. Wow it feels great to get that out! Thanx for starting this thread! xox[/color]
[color=red] Well I also think you should just ignore her and act as if she werent your friend. She probly just has PMS or something. lol ya never no![/color]
how am i suposed to make up my mind?
SuperMuffin replied to chibi_kunoichi's topic in General Discussion
[color=red]Hey! It's me! The one with almost the same problem....well not really... I have never gone out with someone either and I like this guy who is in a different group than me too! But I would have to say, go with Cal. He seems cool and you may even forget about Matt for a while since he'll be away for so long. And if Cal keeps staring at you dispite the things your bro has said, I think you have a REALLY good chance! Maybe make an effort to talk to him more often. Who knows what could happen! You'll never know until you try!![/color] -
[color=orange]Wow! Those last two posts were great!!! Thanx so much! You're right tho! I am becoming more outgoing and I've been on a lot of sports teams so I have made some new "friends". I like my personality now but I think I could make it better by not being so afraid of taking risks. I think I'll definetly get further in life if I'm more secure and outgoing!xox [/color]
[color=orange]Ya thats true about the automatic judging thing. I don't think I do that too much, or I dont mean to anyways, but ya... Thanx so much for everything and I am just going to have to accept that he won't ask me out! Thanx again![/color]
[color=orange]Wow thanx guys! It's really great to have a place to discuss your problems without anyone judging you! Ya I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me....oh well. And yes he is popular but as I said before, he's really nice and funny and friendly! I know it sounds stupid but I really would like to go out with him. Yeah I know...dream on! I can always hope *sigh*. Ah well Thanx for your advice...and Rhys Mayiessen, (you know me the best) Thanx for your support![/color]
[color=orange] Well I would just like to defend myself by saying that I can't really help that I like him sooooooo much. Don't worry I'm not crazy or anything I just can't seem to EVER not like him. He's so cute and funny and stupid in a good way and outgoing! I know I should like someone more like me but I can't! Thanx anyway![/color]
[color=orange]Hey thanx but the guy I do like is popular but he's also really nice in a funny and stupid way! He sits beside me so we talk a lot (our teacher is clueless). Hes very nice to me and tells me how his weekend was and stuff. I also saw him at the movies on Friday. He actually said hi in front of all his friends and wen me and my friend saw him at the snack place. He's really quite nice to me and he doesnt know I like him or anything but I know he won't ask me out. And yes I am always a "wat you see is wat you get" kinda girl....At least i think I am![/color]
[color=orange]I would just like to say that if you ever need a comeback when someone says something to you but you ignore them and they go "hey we're talking to you". Just say "I'm sorry i dont speak dumb *** but apparently you do so maybe you could translate for me!" hehehe its off of the show everwood.[/color]
[color=orange]Hey Peoples! I was just wondering how many of you are insecure and wonder if you'll ever be asked out. I know its a bit stupid but sometimes I wonder if people look at your personality or your looks. I'm not the thinnest or prettiest girl and I know it but I really hope that guys look at more than just looks. I know I seem paranoid but sometimes I feel that some people are only nice to me because I get good marks. Some people I know are nice to me because I am never fake or someone I'm not like my closest friends and my team mates. I just can't seem to figure out why some people would never consider me as a friend. I've made all the sport teams I've tried out for so I don't think that's an issue but is it something i do? Is it something I wear? Or is it just because of my looks and my reputation as the "smart girl". Why is it so difficult for me to find a guy who likes me back. Maybe its because I'm not too outgoing and the guy I like hangs out with different people than me. I am working on being less shy and more outgoing though. Omg so sorry to bore you with my problems but are there any people out there that feel the same? I know I'm nice and all but.... Oh well. Thanx for listening![/color]
[color=orange]COOL!!! Wish I could come!!! Awww well, I'll get my chance![/color]
[color=orange]Well I'm glad someone agrees with me!!! Thanx!!! Ya I think they're cool too!![/color]
[color=orange]Well! Very interesting!! I cant believe Transtic Nerve thought that they were actually The Sums!!! Did you ever wonder why they wereon the countdown if it were an older song? Anywho.....my favourite song is Over My Head(Better Off Dead). If your a fan, listen to it!!! And yes, their new CD is quite different. It has a better sound and a new edge to it. Another thing I cant believe is how quick some of you are to judge them! Geez, give them a chance!!! Anywho thanx to those of you who were open minded and respectful to Sum 41 fans!!![/color]
[color=orange]Wow! I didnt think I would get as many responses as I did! And really great ones too! Thanx for your input! You guys mentioned things I had never thought of! I'm really glad you guys feel pretty much the same way as I do. And I agree: "geek" is a term used differently by everyone! Thanx again! xox[/color]
[color=orange]Everyone has their own idea of what a "geek" is. Many people believe that a geek is someone who has huge glasses, is smart and has few friends. Others think "geeks" are the kids who are less "popular" than them. I'm starting to realize that no one is a "geek" and that everyone is different. Most people that make fun of people and who call people names are just as bad as someone who is shy and isolates themselves. Why did people start putting other people into "personality slates" ,if you will, before getting to know them? Will anyone ever figure this out? What are your ideas of what a "geek" is or how people see others in your schools?[/color]
I liked Minority Report! It was original and suspensful and unexpected! I liked the high tech stuff!!
Sorry to tell you but Anylize That wasn't all too good. It had some funny parts but it kinda dragged on a bit. It was ok. Bottom line: don't waist your money!!!
Well thanx for your input but i do think that you cant judge them bye only the stuff ou hear on TV. I mean, my fav songs are the songs that dont have videos and that sound original. Most pepl say that a band or and artist's songs sound a lot alike, even me, until they've really listened to all the songs. I dont mean you should love them but dont diss them!!!! Thanx a lot anyhow! xox