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Everything posted by BunnyBunny05

  1. Come to think of it, the ending theme of YYH gives me the creeps, sometimes, b/c after it goes off, my sister's standing right there leaning on my door! *Bunny gets scared and runs off....* Do you think it's the music YYH? :wigout: :rolleyes: :confused: :eek:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]*Gives Bunny a high five* I LOVE Yusuke!!!!!! You are now automatically my best friend! [/B][/QUOTE] I'm in MAD LOVE w/Yusuke and Inuysha, too. :love: I can't wait for Saturday when they both come one! EEEH! :p :D
  3. All of them are great to me, but I like Majora's Mask, b/c it has good graphics, and it gives me one heck of a challenge (Bunny must face her fears....{Skulltulas, The man who lost the mask, THE MOON! AAAAAH!}). It's also fun seeing what the different masks can do (especially the dancing one).
  4. I did that a lot of times, and here's what I usually do. I would be at the edge of the town, and carry a chicken w/me. Then I would kill the chicken. THEN all of the other chickens come back for revenge, and I just run out of the town. It'sso funny. I only do that to see what my dad has to say, and he would just laugh. :D :p
  5. Wow. I'm trying to do the same thing (beat my stepbrother's game again just for the fun of it), and I need help getting through the spirit temple. that's one of the hardest I've faced....TWICE! :bawl:
  6. Wow. I never heard of such things. The more I get into anime, the more I learn....one question. Why did they make separate ones (ones for boys and ones for girls)? :p :D :)
  7. My favorite card is the Dark Magician (DARK MAGIC ATTACK!) My favorite magic card is Polymerization (so hard 2 spell...lol) I just happen to love most of the cards, anyway. Most hateful card: The TORMENTOR! :eek: :( :whoops: :o :bawl:
  8. Joey: Hey! The fairy turned Mokuba into a girl! Mokuba: Great.....can she make you smart? Ki Master knows what I like! That's my favorite one, 2! When I first heard it, I laughed so hard, b/c that's how Joey mostly acts when it comes to these type of things. I even cried. :laugh: lol :p :D :) HA! Seriously, though (lol), I like every single quote I seen put on here so far! (Bunny rolls over and laughs the hardest she's ever laughed in her life) I LOVE JOEY! He acts so silly, and eats WAY MORE than I will ever eat in one week! (I wonder how he keeps the weight off...) Then there was that other quote I REALLY LOVE or something like that: Joey: Alright then, let's eat the fish, and ask questions later. :) :p :love: :tasty:
  9. Everyone likes the idea of the Millenium Sword...AND SO DO I! I'd like to make Millenium: Earrings Bracelet Glasses (I wear glasses! lol) Gauntlet (i like that, 2) Did they make a ring? lol
  10. You know what? That makes me mad. :devil: :mad: People like that don't really know what they are looking at these days, and needs to get their eyes checked. If only the cards came to life....{DARK MAGIC ATTACK!}
  11. HHMMM.....can I? Probably.....not. Yugi's more experienced than me, but then again, I have been playing this game for about 6 months... :laugh:
  12. Well, the only one I seen byfar was the tormentor, which had me shaking in my shorts. I was scared, but now since I seen the sky dragon, I feel WORSE. AAAAAH!:eek: :bawl: :worried: :glasses: :help: :raspberry :faint: :twitch: :crying:
  13. Every single one makes me so mad! I hate Bandit Keith, I have positive/negative feelings for Pegasus, and I can't STAND Seto Kaiba's atitude! These three make me SO SICK! Mai somehow makes me sick, too, but only when it came to the duel w/Joey (Joey is so cute, yet so weird...). Man, if I was up in a duel against any one of them, then I would have to duel w/honor. :flaming: :mad: :therock: [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I think Domon was actually referring to hating real-life duellists. I know this sort of fits in, but make sure you know exactly what the thread is about before posting in it, please. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. I would rather see a DB movie, just for kicks. DBZ is a lil too violent (not for me), but I'm really into laughter, especially when Mastor Roshi goes crazy over girls (lol)
  15. Come to think of it, Tenchi has had mostly 26-28 episodes, and so has Outlaw Star. You know, that has really made me mad. Why can't we have more? WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! lol. :tasty: :demon: :ball:
  16. Actually, I think the ending was pretty interesting. I hope they make a new series of that. Melfina is so pretty, and Jean is so HOT! ( I'm burning up...) :) :luv: ;) :love: :toothy: :angel: :whoops:
  17. (Hopefully I spell his name right...) Villian: Lord Sesshoumaru Anime: Inuyasha Info: This guy was born full demon, and is the older brother to Inuyasha. Somehow, someway, he wants to kill his brother. One of these reasons I think it's so b/c of the sword (hopefully, I spell this right, 2), Tetsusaiga. He wasn't chosen to use this sword. My guess is his father doesn't like his way of living. Why?: MAN, this guy is ruthless! I don't think he would even care if Inuyasha was his husband! He has a grudge against his brother, JUST BECAUSE INUYASHA'S A HALF-DEMON? COME ON, NOW! His father was the one who went with a human! So does he happen to hate his father, too? :?
  18. You know what? The line up ALWAYS CHANGES. There's no telling what's in store for us next. They could be bringing SAILOR STARS to America for all I know!!!! :p
  19. Well, I have to say that my fav opening theme is cut short w/Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, YYH, and Tenchi..(how I miss Lord Tenchi and his sweet face). If this was to be ending theme favs, then I would've chosen Inuyasha's "My Will" (there's two of them), and Cowboy Bebop's "The Real Folk Blues". :p :) :luv: :wave:
  20. How did I start loving anime is a pretty.....loving story. I just happen to be flipping channels because I usually do that before I head off to school. Then something caught my eye. It happened to be Pokemon! lol. But then, that's when Sailor Moon came on, which led me to CardCaptor Sakura, DragonBall Z, and a WHOLE WORLD OF ANIME! I'm pretty happy to be part of this anime world :) ;)
  21. AND HOW CAN I FORGET YUSKE! He's the sexiest of them ALL!!!!! :luv: :) :p
  22. Woa, wait a minute. I'm about to faint with all of these boys I'm in MAD LOVE w/! There's Grown ^ Trunks (ooh), Vegeta (something about him makes me pass out whenever I see him...is it love?), then there's Inuyasha (have any of u girls seen him on a full moon? :luv::), and Tenchi.....let me stop now. There are so many that I might pass out from exaustion of boys! :luv: My brother's in love w/Faye from Cowboy Bebop. I have to admit....she is a beauty, but my role model happens to be Bulma (lol).
  23. Has ne one happen to see the movie Princess Mononoke? If you did, I heard that they were going to make a show out of it (YAY!)
  24. Well, I think Vegeta had a lil' too much pride swelled ^ in him, that it knocked the boots off of me. I'm not really that fond of Vegeta, but......for once....I actually thought that he was....an alright guy, ya know. I guess that Vegeta is a good guy after all....
  25. Oh my goodness, it's so hard to choose JUST ONE! I love them all, especially Jupiter Jazz Blues AND The Real Folk Blues! :luv: I even know the song from beginning to end; to english from japanese.... Too much time has passed by to,lament that we were deeply in love. The wind keeps blowing, while my heart,cannot heal all the tears in it.....
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