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Everything posted by JesterSpirit
[B]Well everyone Torneko was originally a chat rp and this was my attempt to bring it into a message board. However its just not working out. Perhaps the idea just doesn't work on boards. Oh well it was a cute little run anyway and thanks to all the players for helping me out with this little experiment. This rp is now officially closed.[/B]
Jestyr jumped up in record time when he suddenly snapped awake. It was almost dawn again, he had slept most of the afternoon and all night. He started taking off down the road trying to make up some lost time. He had hoped to be in Hellios before the end of the day now he was way late. Oh well, atleast if he kept up this speed he would be there in a few more hours.
Jestyr sat down against the tree. He had been walking for hours and he needed a quick break. The countryside was pretty nice, he generally didn't get along with nature but he still thought it was nice to look at. His mind was in the clouds though, or more accurately in his deck. Card Destruction? That magic card seemed pretty useless. The only real purpose of it would be if he had no monsters and was getting attacked. Of course doing so would mean he would lose the cards he had at that time and could badly hurt him in the long run. Seems like a pointless gamble. What a dumb card, Jestyr couldn't think of a single passable reason to have it in his deck. He made up his mind to dump it for something better the moment he gets some more cards. He layed down relaxing on the side of the road and staring at the sky. His thoughts were still swirling about his deck as he silently dozed off.
There was a crack of steel as Jestyr's blade bit into the side of his opponents. The mans grip failed and the sword flew to the side rolling off the mat. The crowd surrounding the two men broke into a cheer and Jestyr held his own rapier high in victory. Walking out of the arena Jestyr rubbed the side of his head still high over his win. That had been quite a sword fighting competition and there had been several times when he was almost beaten, yet he had persevered. In all his life he had never lost a fencing competition. He loved swords and fighting both of which he excelled at. Though it was a dying sport. Gorongun was one of the only towns that still held such competitions. There was a new love in the world, involving a game he had always before looked down upon as ridiculous. Yet Jestyr knew he couldn't live without some form of dueling. If it couldn't be with swords, then it would be with whatever else was available. He pulled his small starter deck out of his coat looking at it again. Such an odd game. He had spent a considerable portion of his money to that shop owner in exchange for lessons on the game. He had all the basics down and even a few advanced moves involving his own cards though his knowledge of the game ended there. He pulled up his backpack and began walking out of the town. His pack had about of week or so of snacks in it, and about $1000 dollars. He didn't wish to begin his career as a card duelist in his home town. He would only duel here once he is truly one of the greats. His destination now was Hellios were he hoped to find some competition to kick off his new career.
((Just so you know the bird is an npc anyone can feel free to use it in their post. Just keep in mind this a GROUP adventure so don't go accomplishing the whole mission by yourself.)) The bird beast had circled several times. The small appetizers it had been picking up were starting to group together. The bird knew survival and though it reasoned it could still take them it wasn't going to take a risk. So it came upon a simple plan. Just keep circling them until the blizzard takes its toll on them, then it can swoop in and pick the rest up. Of course in the mean time it's flawless vision had spotted another lone person and the beast darted low and fast going after Avalon. Meanwhile back on campus. [COLOR=indigo]"Ok so let me get this all straight. Vivian says it will be Mischief, Junko says its going to be Avalon and I say its going to be that simple little beast playing with the dragon's.[/COLOR] Bozel wrote all this on a note pad then he turned to the monitor behind him that showed Cage in his engineering bay. [COLOR=indigo]"And what do you say Cage?"[/COLOR] He rubbed his chin. [COLOR=seagreen]"Speaking from scientific calculations. Charlie has the highest probability of being the first person to get eaten."[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Ok then thats all the bets. No changing them later like some of you tried to do when no one bet on Charlie."[/COLOR]
Seems alot of this is based on the new phantasy star online that i've never played. I only liked the original 4 so sue me if I make a mistake here and there. Name: Yumi Void Hallicion Age: 27 Class: FOmar Race: Human Weapon Class: Canes Weapon: Guardian Cane - A staff made of a type of light weight red metal. It is very durable. Techniques: Resta - Restores health. Deband - Boosts defense Ryuker - Creates an warp tunnel to desired place. Disappears after returns through it. Appearance: Shirt- Made of red silk that seems too expensive to ever actually wear. Pants- Made of a type of blue silk that once again seems out of place on an actual person. Shoes- Leather, strapped on and dyed red. Cloak- A large blue winter cloak with strange red runes on it. Skin- White, only lightly tanned. Eyes- Blue Hair- Dark brown and very long going well past his shoulders but tied back into a pony tail. Other- Has a large scar on his right cheek that resembles a strange rune. Bio: Yumi is a well known healer and guardian. He is always on duty and ready to help anyone who needs it, though he is far more likely to help you if you have alot of meseta available. Some mean people have rumored he robs those he helps but Yumi just laughs at these wild allegations. A few of Misha's friends have ask him to try and find her. He of course has agreed to this after shaking their hands and accepting the rings on their fingers as payment.
Nice idea, I tried to start a duel monsters rp like this a while back but it seems most people on the boards prefer starting with dragon decks and millenium eyes instead of earning them. Seems really boring to me though kind of makes those rare cards worthless when everyone has a god card up their sleeve. [/end rant] Anyhoo I'd love to join this one. Name: Jestyr Tocaz Place of Birth: Gorongun (Just because I like the name.) Age: 21 Description: One of those wirey little guys standing just under 6 feet tall and coming in just over 100lbs. His hair is something of his pride and joy and he takes very good care of it even dying it to a much nicer blue color. Of course it has never been touched by any sharp object and thus is very long going down his back. His skin is slightly pale and has a few scars and scratches here and there. His posture and the way he walks seems to belong to a drunken hobo being slouched and about as ungraceful as you can get. His clothes follow the drunken hobo look nicely being cheap, old, faded and filled with holes. None the less red and black seem to be his favorite colors and he just about always wears shades since he hates his blue eyes. Weapon: Very expensive and highly out of place rapier in a blood red sheath attached to his belt. Deck: Yugi Starter Deck.
The creature dropped Mischiefs unconcious form onto the top of the mountain peak into the pile with the other two it had already caught. It wasn't really a nest but no other creatures would steal its food when its up this high which gives the bird beast time to go get some more. These things were little but if it figured got enough of them it should get a meal out of them. It flapped its wings once then took off leaving Charlie, Geist and Mischeif in its makeshift nest. Back on Torneko's campus, Bozel watched sighing. [COLOR=indigo]"Well their doing well. A third of them have already been captured, two are lost and some of the ones left are just waking up from their nap. All they gotta do is get a feather from that thing then get everyone back to the pool. At this rate i'm going to be understaffed for the rest of the year yet again."[/COLOR]
Vivian gaped at the orb with a confused look. [COLOR=royalblue]'I thought suvival training was my job. What are you just going to let them wander around aimlessly in the blizzard until they all freeze to death?"[/COLOR] Bozel wrote some more notes on his ledger.[COLOR=indigo]"Its a good opportunity to see how your future class handles itself. Besides it only comes out during the worst weather."[/COLOR] Vivian blinked. [COLOR=royalblue]"It?"[/COLOR] And Bozel smiled darkly. Back on the Tundra a gigantic beast flew through the sky. It hibernated most of its life but emerged from its den only during the most hazardous of blizzards. Storms that didn't bother it but made food much easier to catch. This beast had a spiked tail and drill like beak. It must have stood over fifteen feet and its full wingspan was atleast triple that. Its whole body was covered in dark purple feathers. It scanned the ground with its perfect vision able to spot even the smallest of animals through the viscious storm. It turned its head to the side spotting something. A small figure swimming through the water. It wasn't very big but it was all alone. Figuring it would make a nice appetizer the beast swooped down moving fast on Karina.
Bozel gazed at the orb on his desk. [COLOR=indigo]"Well that didn't go quite the way I envisioned but close enough. Atleast the teachers are learning to look after the students."[/COLOR] He snapped his fingers and back on Mandorga the purple stone floated back down from the sky emitting an incredibly bright light. It shone all over the Tundra temporarily blinding everyone and when it cleared all the beast had vanished with it. Bozel leaned back in his chair smiling to himself. [COLOR=indigo]"I suppose I could let them rest a bit but that would be babying them now wouldn't it. Besides I wanna hurry this Orientation along."[/COLOR] Vivian still sat on his desk and she eyed him with a smile. [COLOR=royalblue]"Now what are you going to do to them?"[/COLOR] The headmaster laughed aloud. [COLOR=indigo]"I already pushed their fighting skills. Time to test their survival and abilitity to keep a clear head."[/COLOR] The purple stone shone a dark color and a Bozels voice ran out from it once again. [COLOR=indigo]"Pop Quiz #2"[/COLOR] The snow storms that showered Mandorga night and day suddenly increased to an apocalyptic intensity. The wind's blew with tree ripping strength throwing snow, ice and large chunks of hail in a massive blizzard. Before anyone could react there was a deafening sound of breaking glass and the icy ground of Mandorga shattered for miles around dropping the students and teachers into its freezing waters which immediately turned into giant waves.
Bozel sat the desk in his room writing quietly onto a small ledger. Every now and then he would look up taking a glance at an orb floating just an inch off the desk. Images of students and teachers fighting strange beast in a Tundra flashed on it. There was a ring of a door bell and Vivian struted in taking a seat on his desk. [COLOR=royalblue]"Well now just how many of those things did you sick on those people?"[/COLOR] Bozel wrote something else down without looking up. [COLOR=indigo]"4,309 give or take a dozen or so."[/COLOR] Vivian blinked and shot him an odd look. [COLOR=royalblue]"Isn't that a bit much for a bunch of greens? You never sent anything that dangerous during any other Orientation."[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"It was a necessity because of their objective. I won't risk them hurting that creature when they try to take one of its feathers so their just going to have to learn a quick lesson in winning without killing."[/COLOR] Vivan laughed and shook her head. [COLOR=royalblue]"And you actually think their going to come up with something before they get eaten?"[/COLOR] He stopped writing and put his pen down looking at the orb. [COLOR=indigo]"They seem to be doing well so far, i'm sure one of them will have a thought. I'm betting on that new teacher Karina she seems resourceful."[/COLOR] Vivian pulled out a small broach and slapped it on the desk. [COLOR=royalblue]"I'll take that bet, I say that little kid who use his stone already, thats untapped potential right there."[/COLOR] Cage's face suddenly popped up on a wall panel. [COLOR=seagreen]"Hey I want in! I say the girl with the computer us scientist always come up with the plans.[/COLOR] Junko pushed Cage out of the way. [COLOR=orange]"Your just saying that because she's the only new student who showed interest in your boring classes. I say the elf girl they are really good at survival when they have to."[/COLOR]
With the whole group here the stone took a quick floating lap around the pool then a purple beam shrouded it. There was a cracking sound and then it closed, frozen over by the ice. Apparently the group had to complete their objective before it would open again. Then the stone shined a very dark purple and Bozels voice whispered out for a brief moment. [COLOR=indigo]"Pop Quiz #1."[/COLOR] The stone flew up very high into the sky and stayed there. The ground suddenly began shaking and an odd creature popped its head over a nearby mountain. It was about half as tall as an average human and lightly resembled a rhinocerous. However this thing had a fox tail, no horn, a very big set of nice sharp teeth and its skin was slightly wet. It let out an odd roar when it noticed the group and about four or five dozen others exactly like it showed up. They suddenly began charging down the mountain and towards the group at a blinding pace. One could think they were trying to say hello, though they were licking their lips and seemed quite hungry...
Among the shimmering lights under the water one very bright purple one always stood out. It moved through the water with a wavering pattern and then finally zipped upward guiding the others. With a splash it finally left the water and hovered over the pool waiting for everyone to arrive. This pool however was much smaller than the one at Torneko. Small pieces of ice floated around in it and the surrounding contryside was most certainly not the campus. An endless frozen tundra surrouded the pool. The snow was falling freely covering the frozen ground and the few mountains that were around. The air was chilling to the bone and there was no signs of life or heat in any direction.
Bozel reached out with his hand grasping the last stone firmly in his grasp. His eyes flared up and a burst of energy stung out from his closed fist for a brief moment. He opened his hand and stepped back. The stone now glowed a deep purple. [COLOR=indigo]"Your new guide, as I said I would be there to advise you and slightly keep an eye on you. Though that is all I will be able to do. Now I am done here, good luck to all of you I will see you again upon your return."[/COLOR] The purple stone fluttered for a moment then flew over to the pool. It circled it for a second then dove deep into the center with a tiny splash. Though the pool seemed to have no bottom, no matter how deep the stone went its shining light was always in sight. The group stood around for a moment watching it before Bozels slightly impatient voice snapped at the. [COLOR=indigo]"What are you afraid of getting your hair wet! Jump in and follow the stone it will take you where you need to go. All you new teachers in too don't think your getting any special treatment I want all these students back alive and safe now move!"[/COLOR]
After destroying yet another patch of dirt Laird sat down for a moment. Those nearly microscopic burst of energy didn't take almost anything out of him but he had been throwing quite literally thousands of them over the past hour and he was becoming somewhat exausted. He leaned back staring at the sky and a slight beeping sound from his wrist grabbed his attention. He looked down and noticed the numbers on it for the first time and the fact that they had been updated. Strength: 8 Defense: 10 >> 13 Speed: 19 >> 22 Ki: 63 >> 73 He pondered briefly over the significance. It seemed like such a vice to know exactly how little or how much he had advanced but he blinked such thoughts away and laid down on the dirt. Maybe he would sleep under the stars tonight, he missed doing that. ((OOC- I kept my stat growth low, he hasn't done much today.))
Bozel watched silently as the stones were slowly claimed. His mind was deep in thought. The stones were acting most unusual and making very odd choices. Over the years he had learned to tell which holder the stones would choose for themselves but this time none of his guesses were correct. Most unusual indeed, what could this mean? The implications were... His thoughts were cut off by mischiefs question. He turned to stare at him and answered in a shady tone. [COLOR=indigo]"Power? That truly depends on what you would view as power. In a simple answer though I can say these stones were made from the same thing that created the Pool that sits behind us. Their potential is both uncharted, unknown and and in some ways very much alive. Thus I cannot entirely answer your question. However the stones are yours now and whatever power is held inside they will show to you when they choose to."[/COLOR]
Orientation has begun now and the first symester is closed.
Yuri rolled over in his bed half asleep and looked at the clock. Noting the time but not caring he gathered the covers over him and decided to just keep right on sleeping. Not like anything was going on today anyway and if Xavier wanted him up let him buzz him awake with his bald little mind. He chuckled lightly while he closed his eyes and dozed back off.
((OOC - No problem I purposely dragged things out waiting for everyone and it looks like everyones here so lets do Orientation.)) Bozel walked into the area around the Pool with his usual stride. This was only one of the maybe 2-3 days a semester when the security dome around the pool was actually down. Students and teachers parted letting him pass and all eyes were on him. The area was somewhat crowded, though only new recruits were required to attend orientation the non-freshmen always came by to take a look around. A small metallic platform rose out of the ground in front of the pool and Bozel stepped up on it bringing a silence among everyone. His eyes blazed for a moment a spell parted his lips and when he spoke his voice boomed all over campus. [COLOR=indigo]"I've already said my welcomes and for those of you who don't know I am the headmaster Bozel. Now I won't play around. Behind me is the reson for this schools existense. A pool who has the power to send people to places you never knew existed. Its limitations seem non-existant and though i'm sure some of you new people may not believe, you will soon enough. For in the next hour you will step into this pool and go to a whole new world."[/COLOR] Some of the new faces in the crowd looked at eachother dubiously and others smiled having heard this speech before. Bozel quieted everyone with a single look. [COLOR=indigo]"Adventure is everything to our lives and you will soon learn why. I will be sending all new students and faculty on this trip. I will attend in a sort of way but it mostly be left up to all of you to take care of yourselves."[/COLOR] He raised his hand and an image projected above him. It was an image of a gigantic beast that lightly resembled a bird. It had a spiked tail and and drill like beak. It must have stood over fifteen feet and its full wingspan was atleast triple that. Its whole body was covered in dark purple feathers. The image was life size and it towered over the crowd causing more than one gasp. [COLOR=indigo]"This is your objective so I hope you commit this image to your mind. We have discovered but two of these creatures in all of our travels. They are incredibly strong and very violent. To pass Orientation the whole group must work together to claim a single feather from its body. "[/COLOR] Bozel got an angry look on his face and he spoke his next words in such a dark voice that even some returning students shook. [COLOR=indigo]"I warn you only once, this beast is very rare and if any undue harm comes to it no matter the circumstances you will ALL fail Orientation and I will personally see to your punishment."[/COLOR] He lowered his hand and the image vanished. [COLOR=indigo]"The land I am sending you to is called Mandorga and it is strife with peril. I tell you now to be on your guard at all times. And I tell the new teachers going on this trip that they are responsible for the lives of every single student with them. If any do not come back you had better not either." [/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Now I ask all old students to leave. I want only the new recruits here."[/COLOR] Many students left with waves and shouts of good luck. Until finally there were but 10 people left. The fire in his eyes vanished and now he spoke is a soft voice for only the ones before him. [COLOR=indigo]"Life here at Torneko is dangerous and far too often short. I wish you all luck in your future endeavers. If any of you do not feel up to the task at hand, now is the time to leave. Walk off this campus and never return. If you believe you can handle this, then come forward."[/COLOR] He pulled something out of his robes and held and uttered a quick spell. Eleven small green stones floated from his hand and formed a circle in the air. [COLOR=indigo]"Those who wish to stay step forward and take a stone. The circle will move when you get close and present you a stone that is perfect for you. Then move over and stand by the pool. If you have any questions or doubts ask now. For once you have received a stone, you are forever one of us and there is no leaving."[/COLOR]
Laird stepped out of the chamber rubbing his head. The droid still sat their completely untouched and no fight had happened. He briefly wondered why he was here and what had gotten him so worked up before finally deciding it didn't matter. He left the sub area and went back upstairs. A couple of people were crowded around one of those G-chambers watching something. He shrugged it off though and left the training area and then went outside. The night sky was a welcome change from the metallic rooms he had left. He had his own training to do and he couldn't do it his way in there. He took an odd little stance and kicked some dirt into the air. His mind went to work as they flew across the sky and he reached deep into himself. He pointed his hand at the spray as it began to fall and small sparks of energy cracked out from his finger tips and flew outward. The energy was impossibly small but his aim was flawless. The sparks snapped destroyed individual grains of sand. Of the thousands he had kicked into the air only less than a hundred actually landed. He drew a deep breath and kicked another patch of dirt into the air continuing this pattern for some time.
Bozel paced across the campus eyeing the damaged ground with an annoyed look. Students easily parted out of his way and none had the guts to try and talk to him. Cage followed him typing away on his little wordpad. He moved a bit quicker and walked up next to him. [COLOR=seagreen]"Well the damage isn't so bad, my mechs will fix this in no time. So moving on to a more important subject, what nightmarish world of death are we sending the new recruits to for Orientation this year?"[/COLOR] Bozel stopped pushing a clump of dirt back into the hole with his foot. [COLOR=indigo]"I was wondering that myself. We're getting a large influx of magick users this year. So I have a nice little place in mind. I doubt any of them have really pushed their abilities but soon their going to get a real chance to flex their magical muscle so to speak."[/COLOR] Cage smiled rubbing his chin. [COLOR=seagreen]"Ohhhhh, your sending them to Mandorga. Thats pretty viscious for Orientation though isn't it? I doubt even a quarter of these people have ever been in a real life and death situation before."[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Perhaps, but we'll never know until we push them now will we. Besides I don't like the way the Lost Pool has been acting lately. Something is up and I need these recruits at a somewhat more skilled level as quickly as possible. And if I have to put them through a crash course to get them there then so be it."[/COLOR] The two continued walking along and examining the damaged grounds while chatting amongst themselves.
Still time so your in. New players have until after Orientation begins to sign up. After that the semester is closed.
((OOC - Just setting the mood, this isn't supposed to be the most serious of rp's so just relax and let it flow or something.)) In the Dragon Cuisine Cafe Junko was giving another burger to Vivian who was sitting at the counter. As the the miniature explosions tore up the ground many students screamed and scattered. Junko didn't even stop cooking and steadied a shaky pot with her tail before it fell off a counter. Vivian didn't even open her eyes and took another bite of her burger with a sigh. [COLOR=royalblue]"Some things never change, I swear Cage gets dumber every year."[/COLOR] Junko flipped another burger and hummed a tune to herself. [COLOR=orange]"I noticed, I had to bite him to get him to stay away from my kitchen. He kept trying to put some of those robots of his in here to help me out. The last thing I need is a couple of killbots firing missiles at flies while i'm trying to cook"[/COLOR] Vivian laughed aloud. [COLOR=royalblue]"Good job, Cage seems to balance out his IQ by dropping his common sense. Been looking around the campus too. Alot of these students don't seem to know what their getting themselves into. I think some of these new teachers don't even have a clue."[/COLOR] Placing the finished burger on a plate she sat down next to Vivian and smiled. [COLOR=orange]"I remember when I came here two years ago. This place was definately weird but its not so bad once you get used to it. Hey that reminds me shouldn't we be going to the dome now? "[/COLOR] Vivian swallowed the rest of her burger and stretched out a bit. [COLOR=royalblue]"Nah, we still got almost four hours, theres no rush. I'm going to take another sweep around the campus. Maybe i'll have some fun scaring some of the new kids too while i'm at it."[/COLOR] The two laughed and Vivian ran out the door jumping into the air and taking flight. Junko watched her leave then went back to the kitchen and started cooking up some breakfast. With all the new students arriving she was sure there were going to be alot of orders soon.
Laird was gazing around eyeing the damage the training area had taken in his slight absense. He had heard the noise while he was below but he didn't know it was Shin who caused it. He hadn't changed his mind about facing off against one of those androids but his mind was busy eating itself alive. During Arano and Yulaws fight another thought popped into his head. A simple shot of his needle and it that would have been the end of that monkey. Everyone busy upstairs from Shin's escapades and those two were so busy with their fight neither would have noticed until it was too late. Laird could have dissapeared into one of the android fighting pits and let Yulaw take the blame for the accidental death of his sparring partner. The thought had vanished as quickly as it appeared but it still bothered him a bit. He had never even so much as attacked someone in a violent rage much less tried to kill anyone. It was an odd feeling and Laird needed something to get his mind off of everything. He entered droid chamber 4 with a burning in the back of his eyes. This poor little machine was about to become an animate punching bag.
A flute like melody chimed across the campus as the new students and faculty studied their surroundings. Bozels deep voice echoed into every building. [COLOR=indigo]"Greetings and salutations to all of you out there. This is headmaster Bozel speaking and it pleases me to welcome all of you to another Semester here at Torneko high. Some of you students are old faces and some are new but i'm sure we will all get along more or less. Of course I would also like to extend my greetings to our new staff of teachers. I'm sure you will do an excellent job of filling in for the old staff who unfortunetly perished with most of last years graduating class during the graduation trip that accidently ran into that cluster of flesh eating lava worms."[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"On a more positive note some of you might notice that the campus has greatly moved in to the twenty first century and beyond thanks to the efforts of our local engineer Cage."[/COLOR] A lighter and slightly squeaky voice pops up. [COLOR=seagreen]"Thanks Bozel, hello there for those of you who don't know me I'm the surpreme genius Cage who designed most of what you are seeing including this brilliant com system that we are speaking through even now. I would like to add I have finally finished adding bathrooms to the recreation area. The new toilets are self cleaning, made of stainless steel and even have a built in plasma cannon to deal with unwanted intruders."[/COLOR] There is a moment of silence and the sound of moving levers in the background. [COLOR=indigo]"Cage, why are these new and flawless toilets not flushing?"[/COLOR] After another moment of silence. [COLOR=seagreen]"Do you have any idea how much power it takes to run a plasma cannon?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Oh just shut up. Now after you all take a moment to get settled in maybe meet a few of your classmates. Classes will not begin for two more days. Today though is Orientation which will begin in exactly four hours and I would like all new students and faculty to gather in front of the Lost Pool's Dome before that time. That is all."[/COLOR] There is a small clicking noise just before Cage's voice suddenly yells out. [COLOR=seagreen]"NO!! Don't press that button!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Why not its the same button I used to turn it on, it should turn it off."[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]"This system has an on button and an off button, if you press the on button twice it activates the self destruct mechanism!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Why the hell is there a self-destruct mechanism in the com system!!! You stupid piddling braindea....."[/COLOR] The voice is cut off by a minature explosion tearing up the underground com systems and leaving a few gaping holes in the ground here and there.