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Everything posted by JesterSpirit

  1. A little late but it looks like I'll start this tonight. Don't worry about not being able to post immediately. I'm not the type to expect daily posting, though if you can great if not do atleast 2-3 a week. The last of the info and my last second update is below. School Layout: The campus is actually spread out over a mile or so of land making a sort of square. Its situated on a deep valley between a gigantic mountain and a very ancient forest. Their are no roads, paths or streets. The nearest city is Chi-Ang and its a simple hike over the near 20,000 ft high mountain or a little 100 mile walk through the forest and around the mountain. So an city contact is usually little and brief. None of the classes are held in any single place, the nature of classes prohibits this so they are instead held in several different buildings. The Nexus is a circular open area located on the eastern edge of the campus. No walls or seats or anything that would make one think its a classroom. The only way to even notice its there is the circular imprint in the ground around it. The circle is about 200 feet wide and the entire "classroom" is sealed in an anti-magick dome-like field so any spells cast inside, and any summoned beasties, will not go outside and damage anything else. All the magick classes are taught inside the Nexus. On the southern edge is the Triangle which is a large area covering over 500 square feet. In the center is a tall multi-floored glass building which is the medical wing of the school. Inside are the most well built and brillant mechanical bots that can handle any kind of injuries. If your not too big on giving yourself up to a scalpel wielding machine, there are always a few white mages around as well. Both are included since there are some things only magick can handle and some things only modern medicine can fix up. There are still no flawless instant cures though and serious injuries will still take time to recover from. On each side of the medical wing are three fields. One is simply an empty grass field. Another is full of high tech gadgets from gravity generators to holograms to fighting androids. The final field is the shooting range and is much longer than the other two and includes an odd mix of low and high tech equipment. Whether its simple archery targets or glowing spheres of light that move and dodge the field has it all. The weapons-simple, weapons-advanced, street fighting and martial arts classes are all taught in these three fields, and since these fields have the highest number of injures the medical wing was built in the middle. All the way on the other side of the campus on the western edge is the Bay. A partially underground facility much like a modern laboratory. Science and Engineering are taught here and Cage actually lives here as well. Its loaded down with all sorts of technology and of course vehicles. Giant tanks, jets, underground transports and some really weird crap Cage put together in his less medicated days. I should point out students are prohibited from using any kind of vehicles and even teachers have to have Cage or Bozels permission. The northern side is the main dormotory and recreation area. Students and some teachers live in the main building which is much like a huge apartment complex spanning 20 floors with six rooms on each floor. The 20th floor is one gigantic room and Bozels personal sweet. Students are allowed their pick of any room on any of the other floors since there is always plenty of room teachers however get first pick. Each room is a single about 15X15 feet with only very basic furnishings, bed, couch, mini-frig. Any excess things, TV's, radios and the such can be picked up from Cage if the student wishes. The entire building is held at a perfect 69 degrees and flawlessly maintained by dozens of repair and cleaning bots. It sporst its own psychotically fast elevator(beefed up by Cage of course) and simple stairs for whenever the elevator accidently flies through the ceiling or something. There are two large side rooms on the first floor one of which houses a two hundred foot long indoor swimming pool. Swimming classes are occasionally held here though the area is always open to the general public as well. The other room houses the Dragon Cuisine Cafe. The only restauraunt and source for food in the entire campus. It also houses the sole functional kitchen which is open for the public use. The kitchen is still a basic kitchen since Junko knew Cage's reputation and wouldn't let him "upgrade" it. If you were wondering, Junko is the owner and head chef of the Cafe and also teaches the new cooking class. Name: Junko. Race: Tygan-ouse Powers: Super Agility and reflexes. Age: She won't tell. Height: 5'6. Weight: 142lbs. Others control: NPC character, anyone can use her but keep it short and simple. Classes: Cooking Appearance: Looks like a slender human female, except for the orange mouse tail. She has brown eyes and orange and brown hair that goes past her waist. White top and simple jeans with a golden Tiara always on her head. She also has a golden tail ring. History: Torneko was designed as the perfect training academy for adventurers, but someone forgot we all need to eat. Regular cooks from the city refused to cook anything since we wouldn't tell them were we got the meat. So in desperation (and starvation) Bozel made a deal with a planet on another dimensional plane. He just wanted a cook, so their Queen came over to do it. She created the Dragon Cuisine Cafe, located on Torneko's recreation grounds, its a popular hang out since its the only place for food for around 100 or so miles. Junko is an excellent cook and has a sunny disposition. Please note however not to step on her tail or touch it since that is considered Sexual assault. She has a big problem getting her tail wet and thus doesn't lead or join any trips. In the perfect center of the campus is a small black dome that houses the Lost Pool. Its high tech security out classes most nuclear missile silos and the area is completely off limits to everyone except Bozel and Vivian. Any excess odds and ends I haven't addressed above you can feel free to fill in the gaps so to speak. The schools decor is an odd mix of ancient civilations, castles and the such, with occasional high tech enhancements. Basic School rules and codes: The school has no uniform preferring a come as you are concept when it comes to clothes. Fights happen and oddly enough teachers tend to get into more melees than the students, but you had better take it to the Nexus or the Triangle. There is no actual rule about respecting teachers but the campus doesn't recognize any governments laws so don't be surpised if one knocks the crap out of you for mouthing off. Everything else is pretty much free except that there is no killing, well not on purpose anyway. Other Students: There are of course many other students among the campus and the players can feel free to come up with their own npc's as they see fit. And all thats about it. I'll be starting the opening post tonight at which point just post whenever you can.
  2. He slowly moved his arm to the side and flipped the lever. The plate stopped falling and he stood up rubbing his head. "Well atleast i'm warmed up." He gave a quick waved to Shin and then turned suddenly his senses alive and blazing. "Someones going at it." He could feel them fighting and he started walking down to the next floor looking for the source. He finally found the area Yulaw and Arano were fighting in. He leaned against the wall and decided to take a minute and watch a bit. He wanted to have a go with one of those androids but he needed to cool down a bit first. And it was a good chance to size up that half breed who dared to look down upon him. Laird blinked at the surprising thought and spent a brief moment wondering why it had occured to him before returning his attention to the fight.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]Yes, but then what if she comes in contact with a zombie creature? Black Magick won't work against it. White Magick would, thus 'Attack Magick' is really a combonation of both, so I don't really see why she would have to change it. Healing(white) + Ice(black) = Healing Snow, thus making a combonation once again for the side of good this time. But meh, 'tis your rpg... [/B][/QUOTE] The fun part of an rp like this is trying to integrate everything so don't worry about debating something with me its gotta be worked out eventually. Fire I should point out is a staple of black magick and would be quit effective against any rotting corpse. Though white magick can occasionally be used offensively it is basically still helpful in its nature. Which is why it has its own class. All the basic classes teach you how to handle their respective spells and use them in lots of different ways just as all students in white magick classes already know that their spells are effective against undead. So having a class that teaches you to simply use magick offensively is just redundant. In the end not a bad idea just one thats already being used. How about teaching the Lost Magick class Star? I don't have it listed yet since I didn't wanna bog down Bozel. Its basically summoning and spells that can alter time to some degree (things like haste and slow and stop, see just about rpg for info on those spells). Assistant to Vivian? Well if you really wanna Joe it works for me its your characters body :) Looks ok Sith but drop one class your only allowed four to start with. I think I have enough players now to kick start things though there are always transfers going so anyone else who wants to join up can still do so. I'll get out the school layout and any other school rules late Friday afternoon and probably open the thread in the adventure arena afterwards. So be sure to check this thread out for last minute things before posting in the adventure area. If not tomorrow it will definately be done Saturday.
  4. Yeah you can make your own classes but black magick(or minus the K it doesn't matter both the same) is "attack magick" and Bozel already leads that course so you gotta choose a different class.
  5. Laird took a quick trip around the training room taking a look around. He had completely ignored everyone since his quick confrontation with Arano and now he stalked around like a bored animal. Not many of the machines interested him. There were far too many edged towards muscle building and there was none of the equipment he grew up using. "What a waste this place is starting to be. Can they pamper us anymore. Wonder were they have the salon hidden." A few ideas melted through his mind as he considered ways to actually get some results out of these things. He finally had an idea and acted on it. Moving some parts of two different machines together he quickly and easily pieced up his own little device. He laid down on the metal slab and crossed his arms over his chest. Taking a deep breath he snapped his arm out quickly knocking out a lever. A few wires pulled and an equal sized metal plate fell down on top of him. His eyes glazed over and his hair suddenly rose up as his energy spiked. His face was a mask of concentration as he held the plate hovering above him with nothing but his own energy. Sweat trickled down his face as he held it counting down the time in his mind. Just 90 more seconds, then he'll add some more weight.
  6. Laird stopped in mid pushup and started rolling across the ground stopping when he is next to the bench Blank was sitting on. "You know man you need to relax. There is like so much stuff you know. Like hackeysack, that game is cool. You kick this bag around and just chill its all good. Though I guess its bad for the bag I mean we should respect all things whether flesh or....what are those things made of anyway? Like ears or something it feels kind of like my ear. Whoa does that mean i'm really kicking the crap out of lots of different people whenever I play that game? Thats freaky i'm a violent sadist and I didn't even know. Maybe I should turn myself in." He rolled over onto his stomach and stared at a mound of dirt deep in thought. "Ears....whoa..."
  7. ((X-men rps just seemed to be cursed for some reason, but i'll give this a go. I'm not playing a girl so i'll just take her powers.)) Name: Yuri Fulcrum Age: 18 Gender: Male Nationality: Russian Powers: Shadowcat Weapons: None History: Yuri grew up on the desperate streets of russia. His parents survived till he was six atleast and somewhat able to take care of himself. He was mostly a thief most of his life but as he grew really quickly and eventually become a full on bandit. Forget stealth he just beat the crap out of people and took everything they had. He got viscous to say the least but he was also smart. The police made several tries to grab him but he knew how to get away. By the time he was 14 he was already about to be leader of a small youth gang that ran the back streets of Smolensk. First things first though he had to make street paste out of the current leader. Though Yuri was now coming up on six feet the 20 year old leader was well over that and had atleast 50 pounds on him. Long story short he was beating Yuri into the ground. As he tried another punch though his hand suddenly went right through Yuri! He was stunned to say the least but Yuri had no clue what had happened and made a quick move on the surprised leader knocking him out. For two years Yuri ran the gang without any sign from his powers again. It flourished under his brilliant and daring plans. He made deals with all sorts of groups and had very close contact with the black market. In doing so he learned several other languages including English. Eventually though Yuri was getting too well known for his own good. The Kremlin itself had heard of Yuri and how his gang had been badly disrupting trade in the city. Sick of it all they sent a strike team into Smolensk to take out the whole gang and bring in Yuri dead or alive it didn't matter. The attack was quick and brutal and Yuri's gang of mostly unarmed street punks were slaughtered. The young leader was trapped in warehouse surrounding by soldiers. He had been shot in the leg and was limping badly. After a minute of prep they stormed the place wildly firing in all directions. Bullets missed him by inches as he limped across the back of the warehouse. Finally one of the soldiers spotted him and emptied nearly a whole round in his direction. In a moment of despair he dropped back and fell right through the wall. Something finally clicked in his mind and his flight from the strike team was a nice crash course for his new found talent. He eventually managed to escape moving through fences and whole buildings. The team had no clue how he was getting away but refused to give up and eventually put small units all over the city looking for him. Yuri spent a few weeks hiding out in a small street hospital where he had a few friends left. After his leg had mostly recovered he decided it was just about time he left Russia. He went to the airport and used his power to quietly steal a ticket and then sneaked his way onto the plane destined for the US. He spent the next year or so on the streets and took care of himself quite well. He was an expert thief before he had powers. With them it was scary how effective he was. He also spent alot of time street fighting. Something his six and a half foot frame and over 170lb body took to quite well. He was good enough that he usually didn't have to but when he was sure he could get away with it he cheated with his powers. Until that voice started bugging him. For weeks on end it was in his mind. He was almost certain he was losing it until the voice finally told him an address. He darted over their using his power not caring at all who saw him. He was sick of this and fully intended to turn whoever was responsible into the lord of the wheel chairs. Oddly enough when he finally found the guy he already was in a wheel chair. Damn. Xavier layed everything out for the young man. Mutants, powers, his institute. Yuri was highly skeptical but it did dawn on him that baldy here could just make him come along with those mind powers. And yet he wanted him to make the choice himself, dumb@#!. Oh well it was free room and board. Better than squatting in unused hotel rooms. Description: Big and tough russian you could say. He keeps his black hair long though (not like he has to worry about someone grabbing it while he's fighting) and mostly wears sweaters and jeans he hates anything that looks formal or upper class. He also has a small black widow spider tatooed on his right cheek that clashes well with his green eyes. Personality: He has a nice mixture of boredom and being pissed. He'll snap at most anything that bothers him even in the slightest way and won't back down from anyone. Well except Xavier, he is the one person one the planet Yuri knows can easily take him in a fight. Cheap @#! mind powers.
  8. Cracking his neck as he snaps out of his "sleep". Laird moves his feet out of the rings and drops down quickly somewhat spinning as the chains unwrap from around him. With a quick move he kicks the side of Shin's bed and then does a quick lap around the room. "Come on gotta get up gotta go oh yeah its a good day feel the energy booyah!" Charges out the door and runs outside at mach 4 diving to the ground where Tonberrie and the others are and begins doing pushups. "Hello! Ready to train cuz I am lets do it one two one two one two one two."
  9. That was fast, wasn't expecting to get teachers so quickly but that works. Everything looks good so far. And just put your characters name Deedlit. Also my character Cage is already teaching Weapons-Advanced Joe. I've done some editing to show the classes that now have teachers.
  10. Ahh the good old days of highschool where you hung out with friends, played games, fought dragons, learned magick, built mechagolems, saved the world from evil deities and the what not. Torneko isn't your average school and things occasionally get a little strange. INFO and HAPPENINGS : Despite being a Japanese school, the dominate language is english, and Torneko High is located in a slightly deserted part of central china. Enrollment is free, finding the place is enough of a challenge. What does one do at Torneko? Study mainly, it is a school afterall. Of course the adventures to other dimensions are fun too. SCHOOL SPIRIT: This isn't painting your face weird colors and wildly screaming the school name. Torneko high is named after an old well known japanese legend of a man named Torneko. He was a traveling merchant who roamed the world looking for great treasure and adventure. And that is the spirit of Torneko high, exploration and adventure. The school constantly sponsors trips to far off and mysterious places. A bunch of hand picked students led by one teacher will take the trip (though it could be a much bigger group depending on where their going). How long you've been enrolled at Torneko and what classes you are in/have passed will determine what type of trips you will get picked for. THE LOST POOL: Nicely located behind the main campus is this rather large seemingly innocent pool of water. The headmaster and his colleagues built the whole school because of this pool. It has undefined magical properties and works like a kind of portal allowing anyone inside to go just about anywhere. Different dimensions, different planet, anywhere. This is the 20th century you know, there are not a whole lot of dragons wandering around earth so you just have to go find them elsewhere now don't you. The headmaster has somehow figured out how to control it, to a certain degree anyway only one out of five sponsored field trips end up somewhere they were not supposed to go. On the student side, The lost pool is off-limits unless under strict teacher supervision of course students still wander over there all the time getting lost and drowned and the what not. Thus swimming classes are always available. CHARACTER CREATION: Now if your still with me heres what you have to do to join up. First things first you have to choose whether you are playing a teacher or a student. I prefer that you only have one character but PM if you wish to play more than one and I may allow it. STUDENTS: This school is based on strange things in a world tapping into just about every anime ever made so i'm leaving it very open. Students can be just about anything but its important to remember that they are students. Ancient demi-gods are not going to attend classes at Torneko. Student characters can have any power you wish them too but they must not be skilled in it or maybe not even know they have it. All students must attend swimming classes, your going to have a problem going through the lost pool if you don't, but you must also choose three other classes from the list at the bottom of this post. What classes you are in will determine your growth. If your taking white magick classes don't portray your character learning to throw ki blast or building lasers. Copy, fill out then post the form below for a student character. Name: ((Your real name and whatever nicknames if you have them.)) Race: ((Just what its called, save the explanation for later.)) Powers: ((Same as above.)) Age: ((No requirements here Torneko accepts all age groups.)) Height: Weight: Others control: ((This is a very important section and you might want to think about it. Now to help speed things up a bit I will be allowing players to control other peoples characters in their post HOWEVER this section is where you decide whether or not you will allow that. If you don't want anyone else portraying your character just put No. If you don't care Yes. If you want them to ask your permission first or whatever put that too.)) Appearance: ((picture, description whatever works for you)) History: ((Here is where you explain your race, powers, how you found the school, why you are attending etc. It doesn't have to be a nine page essay just summarize.)) TEACHERS: Unlike students, Teachers quite literally can be anything. Though of course they need some kind of reason to be here teaching a bunch of greens how to use their powers. Teachers have generally mastered their own abilities but they may have a few hidden ones. All teachers must teach atleast one class though you can teach more than one if you wish. I will point out right now that if your not good at telling stories or GM'ing DO NOT BE A TEACHER. As a teacher you will eventually have to take students on a sponsored trip and it will be up to the teacher to GM the whole trip. What happens is entirely up to you. ((I may jump in on occasion but usually I wont.)) Copy, fill out and post the form below for a teacher character. Name: ((Name, nick name if you have one, or two or a hundred.)) Race: ((Just what its called, explain it later.)) Powers: ((Same as above.)) Age: ((Adults only, and thats in your races years too, so if you have to be 200 to be considered an adult than thats what you will have to be before the headmaster would even consider letting you teach.)) Height: Weight: Others control: ((This is a very important section and you might want to think about it and its especially important for teachers to consider this. Now to help speed things up a bit I will be allowing players to control other peoples characters in their post HOWEVER this section is where you decide whether or not you will allow that. If you don't want anyone else portraying your character just put No. If you don't care Yes. If you want them to ask your permission first or whatever put that too.)) Classes: ((What classes you teach, either choose one or more from the list below, no more than three, or come up with your own class. Be sure to explain it in the history section of your character though.)) Appearance: ((Once again picture, description whatever.)) History: ((Here is where you explain your race, powers, how you found the school, how you became a teacher, why you are teaching the classes you are heading up etc. It doesn't have to be a nine page essay just summarize.)) The STAFF! (These are the characters I will be running. I know i've got three instead of one get over it I need a basic staff.) Name: Bozel. Race: Human maybe? Powers: Magick and lots of it. Age: Who knows. Height: 6'0. Weight: 140lbs. Others control: Yes but only for the most simple of action and replies. Classes: Black magick, combo magick. Appearance: Always in his black robes with a purple lining. If he has hair no one knows what it looks like, he never takes down his hood though a few people with incredible nerves got close enough to notice his eyes are green. His skin is definately very pale and he robes are not that full so he can't be very muscular. History: Bozel is one the schools founders and has been the headmaster since it was built nearly 50 years ago, the fact that he hasn't aged a day in all that time does occasionally cause debate, but no one really has the guts to try and force it out of him. Did I mention he is the unquestioned lord of magick? Thats why he is the headmaster, he has incredible mastery over all magick but offensive spells are his favorite. He isn't just in charge, he teaches a few classes too. He is the strictest teacher in the school with no patience for lackluster students or arrogant punks. Students are smart enough to know to keep their mouth shut around Bozel. Name: Vivian. Race: Ummmm, Chimera? Golem maybe? Test tube baby? Powers: Enhanced strength, speed, venomous fangs, retractable claws, can fly, spit spider like trap webbing. Age: 51 Height: 6'2. Weight: 162lbs. Others control: Absolutely not. Classes: Survival. Appearance: Blue skin, green hair, red eyes, a pair of skeletal wings that let her fly for some reason, very sharp claws and large fangs. What better teacher for a school like Torneko. History: Torneko's resident....thing. She has been at Torneko since it was built. Vivian was created by Bozel and Cage's father as a kind of guardian. A task she handle's well, but she has also begun teaching survival class. Its a foolish student who tries to break into an area their not supposed to be in, especially since Vivian has been known to drink of the blood of rule breaking miscreants. Name: Cage. Race: Human Powers: Supreme Genius, what more does one need? Age: 27 Height: 5'8. Weight: 147lbs. Others control: Yes but only for the most simple of action and replies. Classes: Science, Engineering, Weapons-Advanced. Appearance: Long green hair that goes past his shoulders. Purple eyes and of course he is one scrawny scientist. He is always wearing his black and red lab coat. History: A brilliant scientist and engineer, his father designed and built Torneko High before he left on his own business. Cage stayed behind learning here by himself and now teaches a couple of classes. He is certainly able to handle it, most of the high tech improvements in Torneko high are his inventions. The students tend to agree he has something of a personality quirk, some say he is a little strange, though most say he's completely insane. He plays the mad scientist to the hilt with wild inventions that should never have even been dreamed up much less built. On the plus side he is a very relaxed teacher and most of the students do seem to like him. AVAILABLE CLASSES: Martial Arts: Not going to get very far in adventuring if you can't defend yourself. This is the basic way to do it. All kinds of martial arts are taught here whether the basics from earth or some weirder stuff from other planets. Teacher needed. Weapons-Simple: Hand to hand combat can be handled with your fist or with whatever else you can get. Students learn how to use the basics, everything from brass knuckles to katanas. This class is now head up by Charlie. Swimming: Though it seems out of place in the face of the other classes, with the Lost spring around, and everyones annoying tendency to drown in them, this class has become mandatory. Teacher needed. Survival: There is alot of walking, hiking, climbing and running for your life while adventuring and this class is designed to show you how and to keep you in shape. Without this one you'll be huffing and puffing on the next school trip. This class mainly consist of the students being dropped in the center of nowhere all by themselves with Vivian. If they get back to the school before the symester ends then they pass. Otherwise they are declared legally dead and the staff divides up their stuff. Science: Where would we be without Science. Chemistry, biology, physics and the such are taught here by resident mad scientist Cage. Engineering: Toaster always breaking, tired of borrowing your friends automatic hair comber or just simply annoyed by your rich cousin's latest letter talking about how his new 100 foot mechanical robot that daddy bought him can fire both missiles AND lasers. Take a few courses under Cage's guidance and these problems are no more. White Magick: Protection, healing and encouragement are all in this one. Though Bozel knows white magick he refuses to teach it. This class now headed up by Valen. Shaman Magick: Witches boiling herbs in pots is what this class is about. The concepts of nature and karma are taught here. Purely potions made by combining the right ingrediants this is called magick mainly because of its spiritual nature and the fact that the potions can do some pretty impressive things. This class now headed up by Valen. Black Magick: Ohhhh yeah, nothing better when a dragon is bugging you than to just blast it with a 40 foot wide fireball. Black magick is purely destructive and Bozel knows every last secret about it. Street Fighting: Yes there is a big difference between martial arts and street fighting. The main being street fighting doesn't have rules or honor. You just kick the crap out of eachother until someone stops moving. If you can't take getting hurt, and spending alot of time in the medical wing of the school, stay away from this class. Class now headed up by Charlie. Weapons-Advanced: When a knife just isn't enough, its time to bring out a rifle, or a plasma cannon whatever works. With Cage heading this one up you can imagine the firing range can get a little dangerous. Especialy since students are encouraged to build and try their own weapons. Combo Magick: Did you know combining a fireball with a shield spell makes a fire shield? Or a redweed potion with a poison breath spell makes acidic ice? Bozel will show students how to combine certain spells to make new incredible ones. Lost Magick: Summoning spells and magick that alters time itself are a lost art. Bozel knows these spells but isn't too big on taking the time to teach them since they are much more difficult than usual spells. Luckily new staff member Karina came along and voluntered and now heads this one up. Cooking: With access to an infinite number of worlds there is a constant inflex of unusual vegetables and meat. The problem is unquestioned lords of magick, super genius scientist and vampiric test tube guardians don't cook very well. So in an attempt to keep an edible food supply this class was put together. Headed up by sole cook Junko it teaches the joys of Cooking the really exotic stuff, ever seen an oglop?. However some types of food are a bit more difficult to get. Obtaining Dragon or Demon meat isn't an enjoyable experience or very healthy either. Only on very dangerous school sponsored trips can students find the ingrediants and since Junko refuses to go into the Lost Pool, these trips usually end up without a teacher leaving just the students and a list of foods they must find in a certain amount of time. Or else Junko will stop cooking for them altogether. Thats it for now of course as I said new classes are always opening up. Post all your characters and pm me with any other questions. Before we actually begin I will post the basic layout and the school rules. I would like to also point out that I will not be accepting any actual anime characters. You have to make up your own.
  11. ((OOC - oops just one single room then. oh well just means I'm going to really annoy the crap out of Shin since I'm making it my business to create the most freaked out character I possibly can.)) Suddenly deciding to be nice he is mindlessly chatting to Shin while busy with his renovations. "You know some people laugh at my nickname considering it odd. Though really Giga is a reference to the powerful inner energy my clan says everyone has and that energy is generally in charge of us all." All the while he has pushed his bed vertically up against the wall and nailed a pair of hooks and another pair of small circular metal rings to the ceiling. Then he attached a pair of ten foot chains to each hook. He takes a small rolled up carpet out of his duffle bag and unrolls it on the floor directly under the two chains revealing a red carpet covered in hundreds of miniature needles. Shin opened his mouth to say something and was immediately cut off by a never ending Laird. "Of course its the goal of my clan to overcome our natural tendencies and take control of this energy so if I ever accomplish that I would have to change my name to GigaMaster." He attaches two metal cufflings to his wrist and locks the chains to them. Holding onto to each chain with one hand he yanks himself up with a grunt planting his feet on the ceiling. Holding himself there for a moment he keeps right on going in a nice casual tone. "Of course no one has ever done that so GigaSlave has always remained the nickname of my father and his father and his father. Each of them failed to become a master and just passed the Slave name onto their son as a kind of blemish of failure I guess you could say." Quite literally spinning around slowly on the ceiling he wraps the chains around tightly around his chest then moves down a bit sliding his legs into the rings. He finally lets out a sigh and stretches a little bit in his make shift aerial bed. "So I guess if I make it I would have to pass on the name GigaMaster to my son but he wouldn't be born a master and would have to learn to control his energy just like I did so I would have to call him GigaSlave anyway so my son is just doomed to be born with a mark of failure no matter what. Poor guy, or girl. Oh well thats his or her problem, i'm going to sleep now night." He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again suddenly looking at Shin. "Your one big guy you know that? Anyway good night." Once again going back to sleep.
  12. Laird watched the others start coupling up but made no attempt to join in. He simply took off going down the left corridor and quickly coming to dorm A. Stepping inside he had to stop himself from gagging. "What kind of room is this for training? Why doesn't he just give us diapers and some powder for our butts." He gave the room a look over sighing to himself. "Well atleast he never said we can't alter it to our liking." He moved over to the two doors on the side of the main room and entered the left one letting out another sick choking sound. "This is going to take alot of work before its fit for me." He dropped his duffle bag on the ground and closed the door behind him deciding to hurry up and start his own renovations.
  13. Jestyr walked out of the meeting deep in thought. Cactuar island? Those little green things if I remember right....wait just a minute! Don't they shoot lots of needles at anything that comes near them! I don't wanna go there. "Squall I object!" Suddenly stopping and looking around. Apparently he had walked farther then he had thought and he was in a side tunnel far away from the meeting room and everyone else. Several students had stopped and were looking at him funny. "Ummmmmmm, I really like balamb hehe." Running away with a nervous he darted to his room to pick up some things. "Well if i'm going to a desert full of living cacti I have just the inventions I need." He threw a bunch of odd looking things in a duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder then charged out of the door heading for the main gate. He stopped about halfway there and suddenly turned around running back to his room. Slipping out of his clothes and into his seed uniform. "Ok now i'm ready." He walked out of the door now taking his time since enough students were staring at him strangely as it was.
  14. "Ahh I see, the red and blue wires and crossed wrong, so If I just move..AHHHH" Another jolt of electricty hits him as the doors slide open again. "Trying this again, all I gotta do is cut this casing off AHHHH!" His hand jerked when Squall shot off his blade causing him to touch himself with the wire. "No jobjem, elecmicity jood for brain." Goes back to fixing the panel almost figuring it out.
  15. Name: Laird Tyranus Nicknames: Gigaslave Age: 21 Race: Human Height: 5'11" Description: Green eyes and long hair down past his shoulders. His hair is tri colored, the left black, the middle red and the right blue. Rough skin covered in long healed scars from burns and gashes mar his complexion. He's rather skinny and doesn't weigh much either. He usually wears light weight clothes favoring the color grey. Personality: Erratic to the say the least. He can, and constantly does, jump from hyper to walking corpse in four seconds flat. Whether its intentional or just a way to throw people off is anyones guess. History: His clan, whos name has never been given to outsiders, have long believed the stories about great warriors. They are certain though that the way to this path is not through the body. Harnessing ones energy is the key to great power and its that belief that spurs them on. Their training involves walking on burning coals or quite literally torturing yourself to force control of your own body. Control is everything for when someone can finally tap into their spirit, the power they will harness will far exceed anything a mere muscle can bring. Despite all their training and extreme methods they have yet to cross the threshold. In an attempt to do so they have sent their greatest student to Tonberry. Laird has always shined and has been specially trained since birth for this moment. He has a level of control over his body that would stun a normal man. Able to ignore pain and throw punches with an incredible force even with his lack of muscle. Laird was bred to do what none of his clan has ever done. He will cross that threshold and learn to tap into his energy at will. Strength: 8 Defense: 10 Speed: 19 Ki: 63
  16. Jestyr had still been working on the com system when Cid and Squall made their announcement, and he almost got fried in the process. When Cid called him to the office Jestyr was certain he was going to get yelled at. Though he wasn't so certain anymore now that there were other people here. He still couldn't believe he was part of this special seed unit. His rank hadn't even reached double digits yet. Though I guess everyone needs a good engineer. Jestyr was just wearing a pair of red jeans and a grey sweater. He was so worried about being yelled at he had forgotten to get into uniform. Jestyr had welcome the new comers and was trying to just wait for the meeting to start, but the doors were opening a little sluggishly. He gazed at the door control panel and started sweating a bit. Mumbling to himself. "Don't look at it, nothing wrong. I'm here for a meeting and nothing else...........Ahhh I can fix it." He moved over to the control panel and pulled some tools off of his belt and began playing with the electrics while a few other people came in.
  17. ((Its always fun to be brutally butchered by a couple of unstoppable revenaunts)) Real Name: Hein Tocaz Nickname: Jestyr Posistion in the group: Cleaner (Got a crime scene that needs to have a little less DNA evidence floating around, that would be my job.) Weapon: Acid, explosives the occasional flame thrower. Personality: "Look around, the world doesn't deserve to be taken seriously." Everything is a joke to him, murder, explosions, severe torture, he doesn't really care, its just funny when someone starts crying like a little girl. Description: He is just short of six feet tall and weighs a mere 126lbs. He has short dyed blue hair and green eyes. A slightly pointed nose and several(hundred or so) scars all over his body from his work leave him in the not so attractive category. Blue and white are his favorite colors for some reason. Sweaters, t-shirts and the occasional pair of army paints (spraypainted to a more preferable color of course) make up his wardrobe.
  18. ((Been a few years but I think I remember enough to give this a go.)) Name: Jestyr Turin Age: 20 Gfs:Siren Bio: Born in Timber, his father was a mechanic on the railroad. He grew up working with machines and got incredibly good at. At the age of 12 he moved to Balamb and his talent was immediately recognized. Over the years he has repaired and created all types of machines and is one of their most respected engineers. Unfortunetly he spends almost of his time working on equipment so his seed rank has grown very slowly. SeeD level: 9 Weapon: Dual Orbs (An identical pair of red plated pistols he designed himself. They can fire anytype of ammo except pulse and explosive both of which are too powerful for their small barrels.) Limit Break: Devastation Array (He spends alot of time working with explosives but he never uses them, though in the right state of mind he will start flinging them around like a pyromaniac on crack, better take cover.) Garden: Balamb
  19. If this gets going it will be my fifth Yugi campaign. First off this is a full on rpg, its going to be a long one like all my campaigns. Players will take on the roles of new duelist with only basic decks and will have to earn better cards through actual rp. If your wondering yes there will be a lot of dueling however forget the honor system. It doesn't work so I made my own system for online duels. Duel Mechanics: I will be a referee for every duel. As the ref I will run the duels. The duelist will PM their whole deck to me and I will decide what cards they draw at the beginning of every round. Everything else is up to the players. This does make duels a bit longer but it also prevents any kind of cheating. Actual rules for the duels are decided before every duel (Sacrifice on or off, lifepoints etc). There isn't a whole lot of randomness in damage so its easy to track your lifepoints. Its a little odd at first but the system does work and you get used to it after a few duels. I won't actually be dueling in the same sense of the players. All my characters will be the npcs in various tournaments. I will make each of their decks myself. When a player faces off against me things will be a bit different. I could cheat as much as I wanted to but that kind of kills the purpose of running an rpg now doesn't it. When dueling me just be on your toes, I will generally never throw anything at you that you cannot currently defeat with what cards are in your hand, though there are some duels you just can't win (like trying to beat one of the main npcs in your first duel). Also if someone you wish to duel, or are currently dueling, happens to online and I am as well, feel free to invite us all to a chatroom where we will hold the duel in real time. Afterwards I will post the results. Character Creation: Everything is pretty much up in the air, but this is the same basic world Yugi is in so I don't wanna see any vampires or weird crap. Just stick to humans. I may accept some magic or other things but don't be surprised if I don't. Deck Creation: Now the tough part. You must PM me with a completed deck before you can post. This is your deck that you begin with and it can change only through rp. You can choose 45 cards as your starter deck. Remember that everyone starts as a new duelist. You might have some experience but your deck is still weak. 40 common and 5 rare (uncommon, rare, super rare, ultra rare, are all just considered rare in this rp). New Cards: In an attempt to keep things interesting I will allow brand new cards that the players created themselves. This is mainly to add some originality to your deck and you can expect my npcs to each have atleast a few of their own cards. When it comes to making your own cards, as with decks I have to approve each one before you can use it so don't expect to use that 4000 4000 level 4 monster you dreamed up anytime soon. New cards all count as rare, so you can start with a maximum of five. After character creation, just like with regular cards, you get the chance to make new cards only through rp. - A guideline for new creature cards. Do not exceed a combined attack and defense of 4250 or I can almost guarantee I won't accept it no matter what level it is. Deck Evolution: Players can always trade amongst themselves. However you can only get new cards from me. So no posting that your uncle just sent you his blue eyes white dragon. You get new cards by duels that use ante rules, winning tournaments, and the occasional side story. Plot: This game starts at the end of Pegasus' tournament, Yugi beat him just like the series. About a month afterwards he vanished. Not just Yugi though, Kaiba, Keith, Mako, Weavel, Joey, Mai, Tristan. Just about every major or even mildly experienced dueler suddenly dissapeared. No one could find them or even the slightest clue as to what happened. Duel Monsters almost ended right there, but some people never give up. New duelist have risen in just about every country all over the world. New leagues are sprouting up everywhere and things are moving again. Just about all these new duelist are rookies though sporting nothing more than basic cards, though rare ones are still showing up here and there. The oddest thing of all are the three duelist that are reviving the game all across the world. They are a trio of duelist calling themselves Dark Seeds. They have incredible decks and have completely dominated the usual leagues. Many people have said they believe those Dark Seeds got their great decks by taking them from the missing Duelers though no one has any real proof. In any case the Dark Seeds have become incredibly popular. They hold tournaments here and there offering incredibly powerful and rare cards as prizes to the winners. They rarely take part in their own tournaments though preferring to crush the competition by competing only in other peoples leagues. Jestyr, one of the three Dark Seeds, has announced he is holding a tournament in the town of Puyallup. Registration is free and all are welcome. The winnner will recieve two rare cards. Post any characters and PM me with your deck as soon as its finished. We will start as soon as we have a few completed characters. Below is a description of one of my npcs, just follow that design for your characters. Name: Jestyr Orinas Name meaning(optional): The Dark Clown Age: 26 Appearance: Jestyr is just under six feet tall and is rather skinny at around 130 lbs. He has pale white skin and he wears very flashy clothes to go with his bright red hair and blue eyes. Of course he sports a Jesters cap at all times. General Deck theme: Nightmare History: The youngest of the three Dark Seeds. Like the other two very little is known about him. Though he is the most recognized of the three and hosts the largest number of tournaments. His nightmare deck is centered around the Summoned Skull and has thrashed every opponent he has faced.
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