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Everything posted by future girl
[size=1]I'm in between 4'11 and 5 ft even. When I was younger I was the tallest girl in my class, I have my pictures of me as a seven year old and I look so much bigger and my legs go on forever... for a seven year old, anyway. Then I got to fifth grade and I pretty much stopped growing length wise. I like being short because it's one of those things that just automatically makes you cute so yea.[/size]
[size=1]My Spring semester ends this Wednesday with my last final, but I'm taking summer classes as well which start May 9th. I'll be done before the end of July though so I'll have all of August off at which time I plan to go to Chicago for approximately ten days. I don't really do anything at home so I figured I might as well go to school. Not to mention I get a plethora of financial aid and there are so many few occassions in life where you get free money.[/size]
[size=1]I have an age limit of about four years up and two years down. Music is very important to me and I have to be able to respect the bands you're into. Not necesserily like them, just respect. I don't date men born in a Hispanic country or raised in an entirely Hispanic family even though I am Hispanic. They tend to be ********, or become ******** once you marry them. I realize it's a huge stereotype but I have my reasons. I lean toward the blonde hair+blue eyes type of man, even though it really doesn't matter if you're nice enough. I don't date men shorter than me because I'm 4'11 and if you're shorter than me you're probably a six year old. I don't date men that weigh less than me because then I'd feel fat and that's not cool. I mean, I don't weigh that much but those wafe hipster kids are pretty anorexic looking and I don't want people to think I'm starving him or anything. I like guys that are nice to their siblings, especially younger ones. If you're really amazing I could get over most of this, but if I'm basing it all on first impressions then no.[/size]
[size=1]I don't use public restrooms. I've trained my bladder to hold it until I get home or to a friend's house who's bathroom I would consider safe. I've been known to hold it for upto 16 hours just because toilets are a scary thing. You could get all sorts of diseases from a toilet seat and that balancing act we girls do just doesn't feel safe enough to me. The only time I go into a public restroom is when I have my period and that's only to change my sanitary pad because you know, I like to be sanitary. That, thank GOD, does not require me to sit down. I usually use the handicap stall because it's pretty spacious, so yea.[/size]
[size=1]Arthur is kick ***. I still watch it. I've been watching PBS all my life. I didn't have cable when I grew up so I pretty much stuck to channel 2. I myself like the British and Irish shows. One of my favorites was called [b]Bally Kiss Angel[/b]. I was also a big fan of [b]Globe Trekker[/b]. They have some pretty spiffy documentaries, they do a really good job of importing foreign shows and movies. It's underrated, PBS has always been cool.[/size]
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] future girl mentioned attendance, which reminds me of something else at my school which makes it tougher to cut classes. If you have more than TEN unexcused absences from school (per year), they have this big thing where they call in your parents and stuff, and you either get something like academic probation, or you loose all credits for your classes (I've never had it happen to me). If you have more than 10 unexcused absences for a class, you get academic probation or something like that.[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1]My schools have always said the same thing. According to my highschool if you had more than 10 unexcused absenses you weren't allowed to graduate. I had 47 and I graduated with no real problems. Bunch of bluffers. I managed to rarely go to school and mantain a 3.5 gpa which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Take that public education system!!!!!!!!!![/size]
[size=1]When I was younger I used to spend a lot of time looking through those Baby Name Books. Now I've gotten into the habit of not giving my principle character a name if it's a short story. I find them hard to incorperate, it just flows more naturally if I can refer to them as he, she, I, etc etc. In longer stories I usually make something up because twenty chapters of he, she or I can get pretty confusing. I have a notebook with names that have stuck in my mind, a couple I've made up and so on. Ideas come to me spontaneously and usually when there's nothing to jot them down on. I pretty much have to stay there and write it all down the moment it comes to mind. It won't be as good otherwise, in my oppinion. I have no set methods, it's pretty much type as it comes. I usually fill in names after I'm done.[/size]
[size=1]I skipped school an insane amount, sometimes my mom knew, sometimes she didn't. Sometime she encouraged it. One morning she didn't want to get up to take me so she goes, "Are you sure you're not sick?" Anyway, most of the time I'd just stay home and sleep in. On the couple of occasions that I did it behind my mom's back I went to the beach or anywhere really with my friends. That's always nice. I have an attendance problem.[/size]
[size=1]How can you even compare Green Day, a band that's been around for a pretty long time, to My Chemical Romance who just hit the scene a couple of months ago. I mean people have grown up on Green Day and although they're not what they were back in the day they've had an impact on music that My Chemical Romance hasn't been around long enough to have on anything. Just because their latest isn't their greatest doesn't make everything they've done before obsolete so that they're being compared to something completely new. The music style isn't even the same. This comparison just makes no sense at all. I'm not saying My Chemical Romance sucks, I'm saying that you can't compare My Chemical Romance and Green Day.[/size]
[size=1]About a week ago I finished [b]The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists[/b] by Gideon Defoe. It's a very good book. It has this very nice silly wit about it and I was literally cracking up out loud at how absurdly he worked his details in. One of the things I love most about the books is that it's littered with footnotes on things that don't really have much to do with whatever's at hand. After I finished that I began reading [b]Vamped[/b] by David Sosnowski. It's a vampire book, but it doesn't employ all the typical vampire stereotypes. As odd as it sounds, it humanizes what is it to be a vampire. It's not all sex and darkness. It's pretty funny and it has a happy ending with no double metaphors :) I'll be starting something new this week, but I haven't quite decided what yet.[/size]
[size=1]My ultimate childhood career goal was secret assasin/spy. I watched La Femme Nikita at an early age and was enthralled at the idea of shooting people for money, life on the run, risk risk risk. I eventually gave up on that dream and now I want to be a writer. What a boring progression :( [/size]
[size=1]I always thought the Boogie Monster and the Cookie Monster were brothers. It seemed like a logical conclusion in my head... Anyway, I doubt any five year old is going to put down the chocolate chip and start snacking on celery sticks just because the Veggie Monster does it. That's ridiculous, not to mention how sad it is that people are openly admitting what a huge influence tv is on their children. I'd hope that my kids eating habits [and other stuff too] were inflicted by me and not some blue haired maniac.[/size]
[size=1]I think, quite honestly, that most girls make themselves out to be some ancient enigma that nobody ever gets right. There's too much hype revolving around the female psyche. My advice is keep your dick in your pants and everything else is forgivable. There's that basic concept of respect that applies to all humans. Most women are very easily satisfied, you only think they're not because you make them out to be a thousand times more complicated than they are. And just in case, I am a girl and a pretty one at that.[/size]
[size=1]I'm not sure if I believe in ghosts. In my family there have been lots of sightings and things that are extremely hard to explain. I could never tell if the people relaying the stories were suffering momentary bouts of insanity or what though. Whatever the case I can't rule out the possibility, too many strange things happen to too many different people for me to be able to say definately no. On a related issue, I read this really interesting article on ectoplasm which is "the visible substance believed to emanate from the body of a spiritualistic medium during communication with the dead" or "an immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost." It can be found [URL=http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/12/warner.php]here[/URL]. [/size]
[size=1]I'm of the belief that I learned proper punctuation and grammar only to properly abuse it later on in life. I like to think that 's how a style is born, poetic liberties. I'm absent minded and I tend to do a very sloppy job of proof reading my writing. I have to come back to it several times to get it just right. With that said there are several times where proper grammar just doesn't fit the piece. I suppose what I mean is that it depends on the piece, the motivations behind it and your target reader.[/size]
[size=1]I always thought the idea of "I'm going to kill myself to make you pay," to be pretty odd. I figure there are better ways to make people suffer in real time. Anyway, like it's been said you can't really say every suicide is selfish, just like you can't say every suicide had a real cause. I don't think suicide is a justifiable act. To me there always seems to be a better option. I'd be a liar if I said it's never crossed my mind, I've hit what feels like rock bottom several times but when faced with the option to just give up or crawl my way out of there, I go for the latter. I suppose not everyone realizes there are options out there, though. I don't think anyone who really means to kill themself does it for attention or selfish reasons. I think once you've gotten to the point where your life seems expendable it's only because you don't see the second option.[/size]
[size=1]They say all people have a time in their lives where they question their sexuality, but I never have. I've always known I like boys, there's something so perfect in my eyes about a man and a woman. It's just beautiful and arousing, the combination of the hard and the soft, the masculine and the feminine. Almost like ying and yang and all that good stuff. As far as awkward moments go the one that comes to mind the most is after having a wonderfully dirty conversation on aim with my then boyfriend I forgot to close the window and fell asleep. My sister went to use the computer and read the conversation. She didn't talk to me for days and when she finally did I got the biggest sermon in my life because she's basically like my mother. So yea, she knows what I'm into which is just really weird...[/size]
[size=1]I started a myOtaku account because I figured why the hell not? I have a livejournal account that is friends only, I primarily use it to keep in touch with my friends from highschool and to plan things. Kind of like, meet me at this time and at this place. Funnily enough, if it weren't for livejournal we really wouldn't see each other as much as we do. Otherwise I don't really use it though. At least not as much as before, it's tedious for whatever reason and I can talk to my friends so I don't really see the point in telling them about my day and/or feelings. On myO I do write a lot more frequently because it keeps me informed on other people that I have no other method of speaking to and it's enjoyable because of that. Most of my post tend to be about the things in my life and how they make me feel. I do try to add a little bit of culture by mentioning bands I like or books that I'm reading, but it's really nothing special. I treat it like I would a regular journal, that and I really do enjoy the communal aspect of it. I change my layout a lot, in homage to things I'm currently obsessed with. At the moments Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is being honored.[/size]
[size=1]I'm not a big fan of covers. I find that more often than not they sound all too similar to the original. I think if a band is going to try and sing a song that isn't theirs they should really try to make it their own. I think the best cover is the cover that sounds nothing like the original, so you ask yourself have I've heard this before solely because of the lyrics. I think A Perfect Circle did a good job of Imagine originally by John Lennon. In fact, A Perfect Circle also did a good job of People are People originally by Depeche Mode. I have a bad habit of remembering what I dislike more often that what I like so that's all I have to contribute lol. [/size]
[SIZE=1]The first movie I remember watching at a theater was The Lion King. I'm pretty sure that wasn't my first movie theater experience, but it's the earliest I can remember at the moment... I cried, a lot, and thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie. My family was never a very movie going type of people. We generally waited for it to come out on video so I could own it and memorize the lines in the comfort of my own home heh. [/SIZE]
[size=1]I manage to respond to a lot of the things that piss me off with just apathy. It takes me a while to really get mad enough to act out in fury. Usually I just walk away and listen to something loud. My mom has a way of really working my nerves though and she does it because she enjoys it which is even more enfuriating. But I've never gotten to the point where I break my own stuff, yea right. I love my stuff too much. The closest I've gotten to losing it is when I started to slam my arm into this desk. My mom wouldn't let me finish my homework because she wanted me to wash the dishes. I damaged my arm pretty badly, heh. Outside of my mother there's nothing that's really ever driven me to that point where I'm so blind with rage that I don't even feel the skin peeling off my arm. I love my mom but she's insane. I'm patient enough for children and boyfriends and everything else. It's just my mom.[/size]
[size=1]A relationship is as important as the importance you give to it. Just because you're not married to me doesn't mean nobody knows that you're my boyfriend and that it's monogomous and that if you cheat on me all hell's gonna break loose. If you're calling yourself my boyfriend it's because that's it, you're mine and I'm yours and you've agreed to be with me and no one else. If you need a piece of paper to actually stick to what you're saying than I don't want to be with you, much less be legally bound. I really do understand why people get married and when people are doing it for the right reasons it's beautiful. I'm not opposed to getting married, I just don't need it to validate my relationship. If I get married it'll probably be because I'm pregnant and if I'm pregnant it's probably because I'm having sex and if I'm having sex than this person probably means the universe to me. Most people think that when I say I don't want to get married I mean I wanna **** anything with a penis, but that's not the case. While the chances of this happening are rare, I would love to have sex with just one person for the rest of my life. I don't need the papers, I don't need the community around me to know because a relationship is between two people. You're always gonna have outside forces trying to break you apart and other forces rooting for you. Relationships don't happen, there's no such thing as "meant to be together." You make things work if you want them to work and marriage for the most part doesn't make or break it. But that's just the way I see it ::shrugs::[/size]
[size=1]I like to think that if you consider yourself "spiritually married" than it doesn't matter if it's legal or not. If you're binding your soul to someone else's soul that should be enough. Outside of the chance to wear an expensive dress I've never really thought that legal marriage means anything. If you can't stay faithful someone because you haven't signed a paper nothing will change after you do sign that paper. I guess it depends for people and their own personal beliefs. I'm not religious and I think that getting the law involved into your relationship kind of puts a damper on the romantism of it all. I don't need someone to buy me a ring, I need someone to keep their penis in their pants when not with me. That's enough. [/size]
[size=1]You know, for the most part, I think my self esteem is pretty good. I mean, taking into consideration how bad it was at one point it's pretty ******* good now. Everyone has their doubts. Am I pretty enough, smart enough, will I amount to anything, will this person remember me in a couple of days, do I mean anything at all to anyone at all. Everyone should have their doubts, it's human. While I'm constantly second guessing my choices and I'm constantly wondering if I'm worthy of the person I feel is more than worthy of me, I know on some weird level that I'm worth something. I'd give myself a seven, although most of the time it seems like an eleven :p[/size]
[size=1]I think tattoos are pretty cool, but like elpifrate says, it always depends on the person, the placement and the art. I've gotten a couple of ideas for some, but I've yet to decide if I'm willing to deal with a myself as a 50 year old women with a one-up mushroom on her hip. I'm leaning toward yes right now for what it's worth though. With that said, I love intact ears. I don't even have piercings in mine. Actually, I tried upon my mother's request but took them off after freaking out over a small infection. I have a couple of friends that are increasing the gauge in their ear and I admit it can look cool, but I don't like the feeling of it so yea ::shrugs::[/size]